Abstract:The advent of next-generation video generation models like \textit{Sora} poses challenges for AI-generated content (AIGC) video quality assessment (VQA). These models substantially mitigate flickering artifacts prevalent in prior models, enable longer and complex text prompts and generate longer videos with intricate, diverse motion patterns. Conventional VQA methods designed for simple text and basic motion patterns struggle to evaluate these content-rich videos. To this end, we propose \textbf{CRAVE} (\underline{C}ontent-\underline{R}ich \underline{A}IGC \underline{V}ideo \underline{E}valuator), specifically for the evaluation of Sora-era AIGC videos. CRAVE proposes the multi-granularity text-temporal fusion that aligns long-form complex textual semantics with video dynamics. Additionally, CRAVE leverages the hybrid motion-fidelity modeling to assess temporal artifacts. Furthermore, given the straightforward prompts and content in current AIGC VQA datasets, we introduce \textbf{CRAVE-DB}, a benchmark featuring content-rich videos from next-generation models paired with elaborate prompts. Extensive experiments have shown that the proposed CRAVE achieves excellent results on multiple AIGC VQA benchmarks, demonstrating a high degree of alignment with human perception. All data and code will be publicly available at https://github.com/littlespray/CRAVE.
Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have achieved notable success in multimodal tasks but face practical limitations due to the quadratic complexity of decoder attention mechanisms and autoregressive generation. Existing methods like FASTV and VTW have achieved notable results in reducing redundant visual tokens, but these approaches focus on pruning tokens in a single forward pass without systematically analyzing the redundancy of visual tokens throughout the entire generation process. In this paper, we introduce a dynamic pruning strategy tailored for VLMs, namedDynamic Rate (DyRate), which progressively adjusts the compression rate during generation. Our analysis of the distribution of attention reveals that the importance of visual tokens decreases throughout the generation process, inspiring us to adopt a more aggressive compression rate. By integrating a lightweight predictor based on attention distribution, our approach enables flexible adjustment of pruning rates based on the attention distribution. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method not only reduces computational demands but also maintains the quality of responses.
Abstract:Landmark-guided character animation generation is an important field. Generating character animations with facial features consistent with a reference image remains a significant challenge in conditional video generation, especially involving complex motions like dancing. Existing methods often fail to maintain facial feature consistency due to mismatches between the facial landmarks extracted from source videos and the target facial features in the reference image. To address this problem, we propose a facial landmark transformation method based on the 3D Morphable Model (3DMM). We obtain transformed landmarks that align with the target facial features by reconstructing 3D faces from the source landmarks and adjusting the 3DMM parameters to match the reference image. Our method improves the facial consistency between the generated videos and the reference images, effectively improving the facial feature mismatch problem.
Abstract:The success of large language models (LLMs) facilitate many parties to fine-tune LLMs on their own private data. However, this practice raises privacy concerns due to the memorization of LLMs. Existing solutions, such as utilizing synthetic data for substitution, struggle to simultaneously improve performance and preserve privacy. They either rely on a local model for generation, resulting in a performance decline, or take advantage of APIs, directly exposing the data to API servers. To address this issue, we propose KnowledgeSG, a novel client-server framework which enhances synthetic data quality and improves model performance while ensuring privacy. We achieve this by learning local knowledge from the private data with differential privacy (DP) and distilling professional knowledge from the server. Additionally, inspired by federated learning, we transmit models rather than data between the client and server to prevent privacy leakage. Extensive experiments in medical and financial domains demonstrate the effectiveness of KnowledgeSG. Our code is now publicly available at https://github.com/wwh0411/KnowledgeSG.
Abstract:Text-driven video editing has recently experienced rapid development. Despite this, evaluating edited videos remains a considerable challenge. Current metrics tend to fail to align with human perceptions, and effective quantitative metrics for video editing are still notably absent. To address this, we introduce E-Bench, a benchmark suite tailored to the assessment of text-driven video editing. This suite includes E-Bench DB, a video quality assessment (VQA) database for video editing. E-Bench DB encompasses a diverse set of source videos featuring various motions and subjects, along with multiple distinct editing prompts, editing results from 8 different models, and the corresponding Mean Opinion Scores (MOS) from 24 human annotators. Based on E-Bench DB, we further propose E-Bench QA, a quantitative human-aligned measurement for the text-driven video editing task. In addition to the aesthetic, distortion, and other visual quality indicators that traditional VQA methods emphasize, E-Bench QA focuses on the text-video alignment and the relevance modeling between source and edited videos. It proposes a new assessment network for video editing that attains superior performance in alignment with human preferences. To the best of our knowledge, E-Bench introduces the first quality assessment dataset for video editing and an effective subjective-aligned quantitative metric for this domain. All data and code will be publicly available at https://github.com/littlespray/E-Bench.
Abstract:CLIP has achieved impressive zero-shot performance after pre-training on a large-scale dataset consisting of paired image-text data. Previous works have utilized CLIP by incorporating manually designed visual prompts like colored circles and blur masks into the images to guide the model's attention, showing enhanced zero-shot performance in downstream tasks. Although these methods have achieved promising results, they inevitably alter the original information of the images, which can lead to failure in specific tasks. We propose a train-free method Foveal-Attention CLIP (FALIP), which adjusts the CLIP's attention by inserting foveal attention masks into the multi-head self-attention module. We demonstrate FALIP effectively boosts CLIP zero-shot performance in tasks such as referring expressions comprehension, image classification, and 3D point cloud recognition. Experimental results further show that FALIP outperforms existing methods on most metrics and can augment current methods to enhance their performance.
Abstract:Whole-arm tactile feedback is crucial for robots to ensure safe physical interaction with their surroundings. This paper introduces CushSense, a fabric-based soft and stretchable tactile-sensing skin designed for physical human-robot interaction (pHRI) tasks such as robotic caregiving. Using stretchable fabric and hyper-elastic polymer, CushSense identifies contacts by monitoring capacitive changes due to skin deformation. CushSense is cost-effective ($\sim$US\$7 per taxel) and easy to fabricate. We detail the sensor design and fabrication process and perform characterization, highlighting its high sensing accuracy (relative error of 0.58%) and durability (0.054% accuracy drop after 1000 interactions). We also present a user study underscoring its perceived safety and comfort for the assistive task of limb manipulation. We open source all sensor-related resources on https://emprise.cs.cornell.edu/cushsense.
Abstract:The recent advancements in Text-to-Video Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) have been remarkable. Compared with traditional videos, the assessment of AIGC videos encounters various challenges: visual inconsistency that defy common sense, discrepancies between content and the textual prompt, and distribution gap between various generative models, etc. Target at these challenges, in this work, we categorize the assessment of AIGC video quality into three dimensions: visual harmony, video-text consistency, and domain distribution gap. For each dimension, we design specific modules to provide a comprehensive quality assessment of AIGC videos. Furthermore, our research identifies significant variations in visual quality, fluidity, and style among videos generated by different text-to-video models. Predicting the source generative model can make the AIGC video features more discriminative, which enhances the quality assessment performance. The proposed method was used in the third-place winner of the NTIRE 2024 Quality Assessment for AI-Generated Content - Track 2 Video, demonstrating its effectiveness. Code will be available at https://github.com/Coobiw/TriVQA.
Abstract:Enhancing the domain generalization performance of Face Anti-Spoofing (FAS) techniques has emerged as a research focus. Existing methods are dedicated to extracting domain-invariant features from various training domains. Despite the promising performance, the extracted features inevitably contain residual style feature bias (e.g., illumination, capture device), resulting in inferior generalization performance. In this paper, we propose an alternative and effective solution, the Textually Guided Domain Generalization (TeG-DG) framework, which can effectively leverage text information for cross-domain alignment. Our core insight is that text, as a more abstract and universal form of expression, can capture the commonalities and essential characteristics across various attacks, bridging the gap between different image domains. Contrary to existing vision-language models, the proposed framework is elaborately designed to enhance the domain generalization ability of the FAS task. Concretely, we first design a Hierarchical Attention Fusion (HAF) module to enable adaptive aggregation of visual features at different levels; Then, a Textual-Enhanced Visual Discriminator (TEVD) is proposed for not only better alignment between the two modalities but also to regularize the classifier with unbiased text features. TeG-DG significantly outperforms previous approaches, especially in situations with extremely limited source domain data (~14% and ~12% improvements on HTER and AUC respectively), showcasing impressive few-shot performance.
Abstract:Adversarial training, as one of the most effective defense methods against adversarial attacks, tends to learn an inclusive decision boundary to increase the robustness of deep learning models. However, due to the large and unnecessary increase in the margin along adversarial directions, adversarial training causes heavy cross-over between natural examples and adversarial examples, which is not conducive to balancing the trade-off between robustness and natural accuracy. In this paper, we propose a novel adversarial training scheme to achieve a better trade-off between robustness and natural accuracy. It aims to learn a moderate-inclusive decision boundary, which means that the margins of natural examples under the decision boundary are moderate. We call this scheme Moderate-Margin Adversarial Training (MMAT), which generates finer-grained adversarial examples to mitigate the cross-over problem. We also take advantage of logits from a teacher model that has been well-trained to guide the learning of our model. Finally, MMAT achieves high natural accuracy and robustness under both black-box and white-box attacks. On SVHN, for example, state-of-the-art robustness and natural accuracy are achieved.