Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have recently demonstrated remarkable success in mathematical reasoning. Despite progress in methods like chain-of-thought prompting and self-consistency sampling, these advances often focus on final correctness without ensuring that the underlying reasoning process is coherent and reliable. This paper introduces Step-KTO, a training framework that combines process-level and outcome-level binary feedback to guide LLMs toward more trustworthy reasoning trajectories. By providing binary evaluations for both the intermediate reasoning steps and the final answer, Step-KTO encourages the model to adhere to logical progressions rather than relying on superficial shortcuts. Our experiments on challenging mathematical benchmarks show that Step-KTO significantly improves both final answer accuracy and the quality of intermediate reasoning steps. For example, on the MATH-500 dataset, Step-KTO achieves a notable improvement in Pass@1 accuracy over strong baselines. These results highlight the promise of integrating stepwise process feedback into LLM training, paving the way toward more interpretable and dependable reasoning capabilities.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in various tasks, including instruction following, which is crucial for aligning model outputs with user expectations. However, evaluating LLMs' ability to follow instructions remains challenging due to the complexity and subjectivity of human language. Current benchmarks primarily focus on single-turn, monolingual instructions, which do not adequately reflect the complexities of real-world applications that require handling multi-turn and multilingual interactions. To address this gap, we introduce Multi-IF, a new benchmark designed to assess LLMs' proficiency in following multi-turn and multilingual instructions. Multi-IF, which utilizes a hybrid framework combining LLM and human annotators, expands upon the IFEval by incorporating multi-turn sequences and translating the English prompts into another 7 languages, resulting in a dataset of 4,501 multilingual conversations, where each has three turns. Our evaluation of 14 state-of-the-art LLMs on Multi-IF reveals that it presents a significantly more challenging task than existing benchmarks. All the models tested showed a higher rate of failure in executing instructions correctly with each additional turn. For example, o1-preview drops from 0.877 at the first turn to 0.707 at the third turn in terms of average accuracy over all languages. Moreover, languages with non-Latin scripts (Hindi, Russian, and Chinese) generally exhibit higher error rates, suggesting potential limitations in the models' multilingual capabilities. We release Multi-IF prompts and the evaluation code base to encourage further research in this critical area.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has become the leading approach for fine-tuning large language models (LLM). However, RLHF has limitations in multi-task learning (MTL) due to challenges of reward hacking and extreme multi-objective optimization (i.e., trade-off of multiple and/or sometimes conflicting objectives). Applying RLHF for MTL currently requires careful tuning of the weights for reward model and data combinations. This is often done via human intuition and does not generalize. In this work, we introduce a novel post-training paradigm which we called Constrained Generative Policy Optimization (CGPO). The core of CGPO is Mixture of Judges (MoJ) with cost-efficient constrained policy optimization with stratification, which can identify the perfect blend in RLHF in a principled manner. It shows strong empirical results with theoretical guarantees, does not require extensive hyper-parameter tuning, and is plug-and-play in common post-training pipelines. Together, this can detect and mitigate reward hacking behaviors while reaching a pareto-optimal point across an extremely large number of objectives. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate that CGPO significantly outperforms standard RLHF algorithms like PPO and DPO across various tasks including general chat, STEM questions, instruction following, and coding. Specifically, CGPO shows improvements of 7.4% in AlpacaEval-2 (general chat), 12.5% in Arena-Hard (STEM & reasoning), and consistent gains in other domains like math and coding. Notably, PPO, while commonly used, is prone to severe reward hacking in popular coding benchmarks, which CGPO successfully addresses. This breakthrough in RLHF not only tackles reward hacking and extreme multi-objective optimization challenges but also advances the state-of-the-art in aligning general-purpose LLMs for diverse applications.
Abstract:The remarkable success of reinforcement learning (RL) heavily relies on observing the reward of every visited state-action pair. In many real world applications, however, an agent can observe only a score that represents the quality of the whole trajectory, which is referred to as the {\em trajectory-wise reward}. In such a situation, it is difficult for standard RL methods to well utilize trajectory-wise reward, and large bias and variance errors can be incurred in policy evaluation. In this work, we propose a novel offline RL algorithm, called Pessimistic vAlue iteRaTion with rEward Decomposition (PARTED), which decomposes the trajectory return into per-step proxy rewards via least-squares-based reward redistribution, and then performs pessimistic value iteration based on the learned proxy reward. To ensure the value functions constructed by PARTED are always pessimistic with respect to the optimal ones, we design a new penalty term to offset the uncertainty of the proxy reward. For general episodic MDPs with large state space, we show that PARTED with overparameterized neural network function approximation achieves an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(D_{\text{eff}}H^2/\sqrt{N})$ suboptimality, where $H$ is the length of episode, $N$ is the total number of samples, and $D_{\text{eff}}$ is the effective dimension of the neural tangent kernel matrix. To further illustrate the result, we show that PARTED achieves an $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(dH^3/\sqrt{N})$ suboptimality with linear MDPs, where $d$ is the feature dimension, which matches with that with neural network function approximation, when $D_{\text{eff}}=dH$. To the best of our knowledge, PARTED is the first offline RL algorithm that is provably efficient in general MDP with trajectory-wise reward.
Abstract:Existing offline reinforcement learning (RL) methods face a few major challenges, particularly the distributional shift between the learned policy and the behavior policy. Offline Meta-RL is emerging as a promising approach to address these challenges, aiming to learn an informative meta-policy from a collection of tasks. Nevertheless, as shown in our empirical studies, offline Meta-RL could be outperformed by offline single-task RL methods on tasks with good quality of datasets, indicating that a right balance has to be delicately calibrated between "exploring" the out-of-distribution state-actions by following the meta-policy and "exploiting" the offline dataset by staying close to the behavior policy. Motivated by such empirical analysis, we explore model-based offline Meta-RL with regularized Policy Optimization (MerPO), which learns a meta-model for efficient task structure inference and an informative meta-policy for safe exploration of out-of-distribution state-actions. In particular, we devise a new meta-Regularized model-based Actor-Critic (RAC) method for within-task policy optimization, as a key building block of MerPO, using conservative policy evaluation and regularized policy improvement; and the intrinsic tradeoff therein is achieved via striking the right balance between two regularizers, one based on the behavior policy and the other on the meta-policy. We theoretically show that the learnt policy offers guaranteed improvement over both the behavior policy and the meta-policy, thus ensuring the performance improvement on new tasks via offline Meta-RL. Experiments corroborate the superior performance of MerPO over existing offline Meta-RL methods.
Abstract:The problem of constrained Markov decision process (CMDP) is investigated, where an agent aims to maximize the expected accumulated discounted reward subject to multiple constraints on its utilities/costs. A new primal-dual approach is proposed with a novel integration of three ingredients: entropy regularized policy optimizer, dual variable regularizer, and Nesterov's accelerated gradient descent dual optimizer, all of which are critical to achieve a faster convergence. The finite-time error bound of the proposed approach is characterized. Despite the challenge of the nonconcave objective subject to nonconcave constraints, the proposed approach is shown to converge to the global optimum with a complexity of $\tilde{\mathcal O}(1/\epsilon)$ in terms of the optimality gap and the constraint violation, which improves the complexity of the existing primal-dual approach by a factor of $\mathcal O(1/\epsilon)$ \citep{ding2020natural,paternain2019constrained}. This is the first demonstration that nonconcave CMDP problems can attain the complexity lower bound of $\mathcal O(1/\epsilon)$ for convex optimization subject to convex constraints. Our primal-dual approach and non-asymptotic analysis are agnostic to the RL optimizer used, and thus are more flexible for practical applications. More generally, our approach also serves as the first algorithm that provably accelerates constrained nonconvex optimization with zero duality gap by exploiting the geometries such as the gradient dominance condition, for which the existing acceleration methods for constrained convex optimization are not applicable.
Abstract:Emphatic temporal difference (ETD) learning (Sutton et al., 2016) is a successful method to conduct the off-policy value function evaluation with function approximation. Although ETD has been shown to converge asymptotically to a desirable value function, it is well-known that ETD often encounters a large variance so that its sample complexity can increase exponentially fast with the number of iterations. In this work, we propose a new ETD method, called PER-ETD (i.e., PEriodically Restarted-ETD), which restarts and updates the follow-on trace only for a finite period for each iteration of the evaluation parameter. Further, PER-ETD features a design of the logarithmical increase of the restart period with the number of iterations, which guarantees the best trade-off between the variance and bias and keeps both vanishing sublinearly. We show that PER-ETD converges to the same desirable fixed point as ETD, but improves the exponential sample complexity of ETD to be polynomials. Our experiments validate the superior performance of PER-ETD and its advantage over ETD.
Abstract:General Value Function (GVF) is a powerful tool to represent both the {\em predictive} and {\em retrospective} knowledge in reinforcement learning (RL). In practice, often multiple interrelated GVFs need to be evaluated jointly with pre-collected off-policy samples. In the literature, the gradient temporal difference (GTD) learning method has been adopted to evaluate GVFs in the off-policy setting, but such an approach may suffer from a large estimation error even if the function approximation class is sufficiently expressive. Moreover, none of the previous work have formally established the convergence guarantee to the ground truth GVFs under the function approximation settings. In this paper, we address both issues through the lens of a class of GVFs with causal filtering, which cover a wide range of RL applications such as reward variance, value gradient, cost in anomaly detection, stationary distribution gradient, etc. We propose a new algorithm called GenTD for off-policy GVFs evaluation and show that GenTD learns multiple interrelated multi-dimensional GVFs as efficiently as a single canonical scalar value function. We further show that unlike GTD, the learned GVFs by GenTD are guaranteed to converge to the ground truth GVFs as long as the function approximation power is sufficiently large. To our best knowledge, GenTD is the first off-policy GVF evaluation algorithm that has global optimality guarantee.
Abstract:Designing off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms is typically a very challenging task, because a desirable iteration update often involves an expectation over an on-policy distribution. Prior off-policy actor-critic (AC) algorithms have introduced a new critic that uses the density ratio for adjusting the distribution mismatch in order to stabilize the convergence, but at the cost of potentially introducing high biases due to the estimation errors of both the density ratio and value function. In this paper, we develop a doubly robust off-policy AC (DR-Off-PAC) for discounted MDP, which can take advantage of learned nuisance functions to reduce estimation errors. Moreover, DR-Off-PAC adopts a single timescale structure, in which both actor and critics are updated simultaneously with constant stepsize, and is thus more sample efficient than prior algorithms that adopt either two timescale or nested-loop structure. We study the finite-time convergence rate and characterize the sample complexity for DR-Off-PAC to attain an $\epsilon$-accurate optimal policy. We also show that the overall convergence of DR-Off-PAC is doubly robust to the approximation errors that depend only on the expressive power of approximation functions. To the best of our knowledge, our study establishes the first overall sample complexity analysis for a single time-scale off-policy AC algorithm.
Abstract:The gradient descent-ascent (GDA) algorithm has been widely applied to solve minimax optimization problems. In order to achieve convergent policy parameters for minimax optimization, it is important that GDA generates convergent variable sequences rather than convergent sequences of function values or gradient norms. However, the variable convergence of GDA has been proved only under convexity geometries, and there lacks understanding for general nonconvex minimax optimization. This paper fills such a gap by studying the convergence of a more general proximal-GDA for regularized nonconvex-strongly-concave minimax optimization. Specifically, we show that proximal-GDA admits a novel Lyapunov function, which monotonically decreases in the minimax optimization process and drives the variable sequence to a critical point. By leveraging this Lyapunov function and the K{\L} geometry that parameterizes the local geometries of general nonconvex functions, we formally establish the variable convergence of proximal-GDA to a critical point $x^*$, i.e., $x_t\to x^*, y_t\to y^*(x^*)$. Furthermore, over the full spectrum of the K{\L}-parameterized geometry, we show that proximal-GDA achieves different types of convergence rates ranging from sublinear convergence up to finite-step convergence, depending on the geometry associated with the K{\L} parameter. This is the first theoretical result on the variable convergence for nonconvex minimax optimization.