Abstract:Node Anomaly Detection (NAD) has gained significant attention in the deep learning community due to its diverse applications in real-world scenarios. Existing NAD methods primarily embed graphs within a single Euclidean space, while overlooking the potential of non-Euclidean spaces. Besides, to address the prevalent issue of limited supervision in real NAD tasks, previous methods tend to leverage synthetic data to collect auxiliary information, which is not an effective solution as shown in our experiments. To overcome these challenges, we introduce a novel SpaceGNN model designed for NAD tasks with extremely limited labels. Specifically, we provide deeper insights into a task-relevant framework by empirically analyzing the benefits of different spaces for node representations, based on which, we design a Learnable Space Projection function that effectively encodes nodes into suitable spaces. Besides, we introduce the concept of weighted homogeneity, which we empirically and theoretically validate as an effective coefficient during information propagation. This concept inspires the design of the Distance Aware Propagation module. Furthermore, we propose the Multiple Space Ensemble module, which extracts comprehensive information for NAD under conditions of extremely limited supervision. Our findings indicate that this module is more beneficial than data augmentation techniques for NAD. Extensive experiments conducted on 9 real datasets confirm the superiority of SpaceGNN, which outperforms the best rival by an average of 8.55% in AUC and 4.31% in F1 scores. Our code is available at https://github.com/xydong127/SpaceGNN.
Abstract:We aim to redefine robust ego-motion estimation and photorealistic 3D reconstruction by addressing a critical limitation: the reliance on noise-free data in existing models. While such sanitized conditions simplify evaluation, they fail to capture the unpredictable, noisy complexities of real-world environments. Dynamic motion, sensor imperfections, and synchronization perturbations lead to sharp performance declines when these models are deployed in practice, revealing an urgent need for frameworks that embrace and excel under real-world noise. To bridge this gap, we tackle three core challenges: scalable data generation, comprehensive benchmarking, and model robustness enhancement. First, we introduce a scalable noisy data synthesis pipeline that generates diverse datasets simulating complex motion, sensor imperfections, and synchronization errors. Second, we leverage this pipeline to create Robust-Ego3D, a benchmark rigorously designed to expose noise-induced performance degradation, highlighting the limitations of current learning-based methods in ego-motion accuracy and 3D reconstruction quality. Third, we propose Correspondence-guided Gaussian Splatting (CorrGS), a novel test-time adaptation method that progressively refines an internal clean 3D representation by aligning noisy observations with rendered RGB-D frames from clean 3D map, enhancing geometric alignment and appearance restoration through visual correspondence. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world data demonstrate that CorrGS consistently outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods, particularly in scenarios involving rapid motion and dynamic illumination.
Abstract:Embodied agents require robust navigation systems to operate in unstructured environments, making the robustness of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) models critical to embodied agent autonomy. While real-world datasets are invaluable, simulation-based benchmarks offer a scalable approach for robustness evaluations. However, the creation of a challenging and controllable noisy world with diverse perturbations remains under-explored. To this end, we propose a novel, customizable pipeline for noisy data synthesis, aimed at assessing the resilience of multi-modal SLAM models against various perturbations. The pipeline comprises a comprehensive taxonomy of sensor and motion perturbations for embodied multi-modal (specifically RGB-D) sensing, categorized by their sources and propagation order, allowing for procedural composition. We also provide a toolbox for synthesizing these perturbations, enabling the transformation of clean environments into challenging noisy simulations. Utilizing the pipeline, we instantiate the large-scale Noisy-Replica benchmark, which includes diverse perturbation types, to evaluate the risk tolerance of existing advanced RGB-D SLAM models. Our extensive analysis uncovers the susceptibilities of both neural (NeRF and Gaussian Splatting -based) and non-neural SLAM models to disturbances, despite their demonstrated accuracy in standard benchmarks. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/Xiaohao-Xu/SLAM-under-Perturbation.
Abstract:The emergence of Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) marks significant strides towards achieving general artificial intelligence. However, these advancements are tempered by the outputs that often reflect biases, a concern not yet extensively investigated. Existing benchmarks are not sufficiently comprehensive in evaluating biases due to their limited data scale, single questioning format and narrow sources of bias. To address this problem, we introduce VLBiasBench, a benchmark aimed at evaluating biases in LVLMs comprehensively. In VLBiasBench, we construct a dataset encompassing nine distinct categories of social biases, including age, disability status, gender, nationality, physical appearance, race, religion, profession, social economic status and two intersectional bias categories (race x gender, and race x social economic status). To create a large-scale dataset, we use Stable Diffusion XL model to generate 46,848 high-quality images, which are combined with different questions to form 128,342 samples. These questions are categorized into open and close ended types, fully considering the sources of bias and comprehensively evaluating the biases of LVLM from multiple perspectives. We subsequently conduct extensive evaluations on 15 open-source models as well as one advanced closed-source model, providing some new insights into the biases revealing from these models. Our benchmark is available at https://github.com/Xiangkui-Cao/VLBiasBench.
Abstract:Node embedding learns low-dimensional vectors for nodes in the graph. Recent state-of-the-art embedding approaches take Personalized PageRank (PPR) as the proximity measure and factorize the PPR matrix or its adaptation to generate embeddings. However, little previous work analyzes what information is encoded by these approaches, and how the information correlates with their superb performance in downstream tasks. In this work, we first show that state-of-the-art embedding approaches that factorize a PPR-related matrix can be unified into a closed-form framework. Then, we study whether the embeddings generated by this strategy can be inverted to better recover the graph topology information than random-walk based embeddings. To achieve this, we propose two methods for recovering graph topology via PPR-based embeddings, including the analytical method and the optimization method. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the embeddings generated by factorizing a PPR-related matrix maintain more topological information, such as common edges and community structures, than that generated by random walks, paving a new way to systematically comprehend why PPR-based node embedding approaches outperform random walk-based alternatives in various downstream tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that focuses on the interpretability of PPR-based node embedding approaches.
Abstract:The smoothing issue leads to indistinguishable node representations, which poses a significant challenge in the field of graph learning. However, this issue also presents an opportunity to reveal underlying properties behind different types of nodes, which have been overlooked in previous studies. Through empirical and theoretical analysis of real-world node anomaly detection (NAD) datasets, we observe that anomalous and normal nodes show different patterns in the smoothing process, which can be leveraged to enhance NAD tasks. Motivated by these findings, in this paper, we propose a novel unsupervised NAD framework. Specifically, according to our theoretical analysis, we design a Smoothing Learning Component. Subsequently, we introduce a Smoothing-aware Spectral Graph Neural Network, which establishes the connection between the spectral space of graphs and the smoothing process. Additionally, we demonstrate that the Dirichlet Energy, which reflects the smoothness of a graph, can serve as coefficients for node representations across different dimensions of the spectral space. Building upon these observations and analyses, we devise a novel anomaly measure for the NAD task. Extensive experiments on 9 real-world datasets show that SmoothGNN outperforms the best rival by an average of 14.66% in AUC and 7.28% in Precision, with 75x running time speed-up, which validates the effectiveness and efficiency of our framework.
Abstract:The proliferation of rumors on social media platforms during significant events, such as the US elections and the COVID-19 pandemic, has a profound impact on social stability and public health. Existing approaches for rumor detection primarily rely on propagation graphs to enhance model effectiveness. However, the presence of noisy and irrelevant structures during the propagation process limits the efficacy of these approaches. To tackle this issue, techniques such as weight adjustment and data augmentation have been proposed. However, these techniques heavily depend on rich original propagation structures, thus hindering performance when dealing with rumors that lack sufficient propagation information in the early propagation stages. In this paper, we propose Key Propagation Graph Generator (KPG), a novel reinforcement learning-based rumor detection framework that generates contextually coherent and informative propagation patterns for events with insufficient topology information, while also identifies indicative substructures for events with redundant and noisy propagation structures. KPG consists of two key components: the Candidate Response Generator (CRG) and the Ending Node Selector (ENS). CRG learns the latent distribution from refined propagation patterns, filtering out noise and generating new candidates for ENS. Simultaneously, ENS identifies the most influential substructures within propagation graphs and generates training data for CRG. Moreover, we introduce an end-to-end framework that utilizes rewards to guide the entire training process via a pre-trained graph neural network. Extensive experiments conducted on four datasets demonstrate the superiority of our KPG compared to the state-of-the-art approaches.
Abstract:Robustness is a crucial factor for the successful deployment of robots in unstructured environments, particularly in the domain of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). Simulation-based benchmarks have emerged as a highly scalable approach for robustness evaluation compared to real-world data collection. However, crafting a challenging and controllable noisy world with diverse perturbations remains relatively under-explored. To this end, we propose a novel, customizable pipeline for noisy data synthesis, aimed at assessing the resilience of multi-modal SLAM models against various perturbations. This pipeline incorporates customizable hardware setups, software components, and perturbed environments. In particular, we introduce comprehensive perturbation taxonomy along with a perturbation composition toolbox, allowing the transformation of clean simulations into challenging noisy environments. Utilizing the pipeline, we instantiate the Robust-SLAM benchmark, which includes diverse perturbation types, to evaluate the risk tolerance of existing advanced multi-modal SLAM models. Our extensive analysis uncovers the susceptibilities of existing SLAM models to real-world disturbance, despite their demonstrated accuracy in standard benchmarks. Our perturbation synthesis toolbox, SLAM robustness evaluation pipeline, and Robust-SLAM benchmark will be made publicly available at https://github.com/Xiaohao-Xu/SLAM-under-Perturbation/.
Abstract:Large-scale pre-trained vision-language models like CLIP have demonstrated impressive performance across various tasks, and exhibit remarkable zero-shot generalization capability, while they are also vulnerable to imperceptible adversarial examples. Existing works typically employ adversarial training (fine-tuning) as a defense method against adversarial examples. However, direct application to the CLIP model may result in overfitting, compromising the model's capacity for generalization. In this paper, we propose Pre-trained Model Guided Adversarial Fine-Tuning (PMG-AFT) method, which leverages supervision from the original pre-trained model by carefully designing an auxiliary branch, to enhance the model's zero-shot adversarial robustness. Specifically, PMG-AFT minimizes the distance between the features of adversarial examples in the target model and those in the pre-trained model, aiming to preserve the generalization features already captured by the pre-trained model. Extensive Experiments on 15 zero-shot datasets demonstrate that PMG-AFT significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art method, improving the top-1 robust accuracy by an average of 4.99%. Furthermore, our approach consistently improves clean accuracy by an average of 8.72%.
Abstract:Graph-level anomaly detection has gained significant attention as it finds many applications in various domains, such as cancer diagnosis and enzyme prediction. However, existing methods fail to capture the underlying properties of graph anomalies, resulting in unexplainable framework design and unsatisfying performance. In this paper, we take a step back and re-investigate the spectral differences between anomalous and normal graphs. Our main observation shows a significant disparity in the accumulated spectral energy between these two classes. Moreover, we prove that the accumulated spectral energy of the graph signal can be represented by its Rayleigh Quotient, indicating that the Rayleigh Quotient is a driving factor behind the anomalous properties of graphs. Motivated by this, we propose Rayleigh Quotient Graph Neural Network (RQGNN), the first spectral GNN for graph-level anomaly detection, providing a new perspective on exploring the inherent spectral features of anomalous graphs. Specifically, we introduce a novel framework that consists of two components: the Rayleigh Quotient learning component (RQL) and Chebyshev Wavelet GNN with RQ-pooling (CWGNN-RQ). RQL explicitly captures the Rayleigh Quotient of graphs and CWGNN-RQ implicitly explores the spectral space of graphs. Extensive experiments on 10 real-world datasets show that RQGNN outperforms the best rival by 6.74% in Macro-F1 score and 1.44% in AUC, demonstrating the effectiveness of our framework.