Abstract:The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a fundamental NP-hard optimization problem. This work presents UNiCS, a novel unified neural-guided cascaded solver for solving large-scale TSP instances. UNiCS comprises a local search (LS) phase and a population-based search (PBS) phase, both guided by a learning component called unified neural guidance (UNG). Specifically, UNG guides solution generation across both phases and determines appropriate phase transition timing to effectively combine the complementary strengths of LS and PBS. While trained only on simple distributions with relatively small-scale TSP instances, UNiCS generalizes effectively to challenging TSP benchmarks containing much larger instances (10,000-71,009 nodes) with diverse node distributions entirely unseen during training. Experimental results on the large-scale TSP instances demonstrate that UNiCS consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods, with its advantage remaining consistent across various runtime budgets.
Abstract:Generalization is the core objective when training optimizers from data. However, limited training instances often constrain the generalization capability of the trained optimizers. Co-evolutionary approaches address this challenge by simultaneously evolving a parallel algorithm portfolio (PAP) and an instance population to eventually obtain PAPs with good generalization. Yet, when applied to a specific problem class, these approaches have a major limitation. They require practitioners to provide instance generators specially tailored to the problem class, which is often non-trivial to design. This work proposes a general-purpose, off-the-shelf PAP construction approach, named domain-agnostic co-evolution of parameterized search (DACE), for binary optimization problems where decision variables take values of 0 or 1. The key innovation of DACE lies in its neural network-based domain-agnostic instance representation and generation mechanism that delimitates the need for domain-specific instance generators. The strong generality of DACE is validated across three real-world binary optimization problems: the complementary influence maximization problem (CIMP), the compiler arguments optimization problem (CAOP), and the contamination control problem (CCP). Given only a small set of training instances from these classes, DACE, without requiring any domain knowledge, constructs PAPs with better generalization performance than existing approaches on all three classes, despite their use of domain-specific instance generators.
Abstract:With growing environmental concerns, electric vehicles for logistics have gained significant attention within the computational intelligence community in recent years. This work addresses an emerging and significant extension of the electric vehicle routing problem (EVRP), namely EVRP with time windows, simultaneous pickup-delivery, and partial recharges (EVRP-TW-SPD), which has wide real-world applications. We propose a hybrid memetic algorithm (HMA) for solving EVRP-TW-SPD. HMA incorporates two novel components: a parallel-sequential station insertion procedure for handling partial recharges that can better avoid local optima compared to purely sequential insertion, and a cross-domain neighborhood search that explores solution spaces of both electric and non-electric problem domains simultaneously. These components can also be easily applied to various EVRP variants. To bridge the gap between existing benchmarks and real-world scenarios, we introduce a new, large-scale EVRP-TW-SPD benchmark set derived from real-world applications, containing instances with many more customers and charging stations than existing benchmark instances. Extensive experiments demonstrate the significant performance advantages of HMA over existing algorithms across a wide range of problem instances. Both the benchmark set and HMA will be open-sourced to facilitate further research in this area.
Abstract:Real-world applications involve various discrete optimization problems. Designing a specialized optimizer for each of these problems is challenging, typically requiring significant domain knowledge and human efforts. Hence, developing general-purpose optimizers as an off-the-shelf tool for a wide range of problems has been a long-standing research target. This article introduces MEGO, a novel general-purpose neural optimizer trained through a fully data-driven learning-to-optimize (L2O) approach. MEGO consists of a mixture-of-experts trained on experiences from solving training problems and can be viewed as a foundation model for optimization problems with binary decision variables. When presented with a problem to solve, MEGO actively selects relevant expert models to generate high-quality solutions. MEGO can be used as a standalone sample-efficient optimizer or in conjunction with existing search methods as an initial solution generator. The generality of MEGO is validated across six problem classes, including three classic problem classes and three problem classes arising from real-world applications in compilers, network analysis, and 3D reconstruction. Trained solely on classic problem classes, MEGO performs very well on all six problem classes, significantly surpassing widely used general-purpose optimizers in both solution quality and efficiency. In some cases, MEGO even surpasses specialized state-of-the-art optimizers. Additionally, MEGO provides a similarity measure between problems, yielding a new perspective for problem classification. In the pursuit of general-purpose optimizers through L2O, MEGO represents an initial yet significant step forward.
Abstract:Multi-objective combinatorial optimization (MOCO) problems are prevalent in various real-world applications. Most existing neural methods for MOCO problems rely solely on decomposition and utilize precise hypervolume to enhance diversity. However, these methods often approximate only limited regions of the Pareto front and spend excessive time on diversity enhancement because of ambiguous decomposition and time-consuming hypervolume calculation. To address these limitations, we design a Geometry-Aware Pareto set Learning algorithm named GAPL, which provides a novel geometric perspective for neural MOCO via a Pareto attention model based on hypervolume expectation maximization. In addition, we propose a hypervolume residual update strategy to enable the Pareto attention model to capture both local and non-local information of the Pareto set/front. We also design a novel inference approach to further improve quality of the solution set and speed up hypervolume calculation and local subset selection. Experimental results on three classic MOCO problems demonstrate that our GAPL outperforms state-of-the-art neural baselines via superior decomposition and efficient diversity enhancement.
Abstract:Pointer Network (PtrNet) is a specific neural network for solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems (COPs). While PtrNets offer real-time feed-forward inference for complex COPs instances, its quality of the results tends to be less satisfactory. One possible reason is that such issue suffers from the lack of global search ability of the gradient descent, which is frequently employed in traditional PtrNet training methods including both supervised learning and reinforcement learning. To improve the performance of PtrNet, this paper delves deeply into the advantages of training PtrNet with Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), which have been widely acknowledged for not easily getting trapped by local optima. Extensive empirical studies based on the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) have been conducted. Results demonstrate that PtrNet trained with EA can consistently perform much better inference results than eight state-of-the-art methods on various problem scales. Compared with gradient descent based PtrNet training methods, EA achieves up to 30.21\% improvement in quality of the solution with the same computational time. With this advantage, this paper is able to at the first time report the results of solving 1000-dimensional TSPs by training a PtrNet on the same dimensionality, which strongly suggests that scaling up the training instances is in need to improve the performance of PtrNet on solving higher-dimensional COPs.
Abstract:Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have achieved remarkable success in tackling complex combinatorial optimization problems. However, EAs often demand carefully-designed operators with the aid of domain expertise to achieve satisfactory performance. In this work, we present the first study on large language models (LLMs) as evolutionary combinatorial optimizers. The main advantage is that it requires minimal domain knowledge and human efforts, as well as no additional training of the model. This approach is referred to as LLM-driven EA (LMEA). Specifically, in each generation of the evolutionary search, LMEA instructs the LLM to select parent solutions from current population, and perform crossover and mutation to generate offspring solutions. Then, LMEA evaluates these new solutions and include them into the population for the next generation. LMEA is equipped with a self-adaptation mechanism that controls the temperature of the LLM. This enables it to balance between exploration and exploitation and prevents the search from getting stuck in local optima. We investigate the power of LMEA on the classical traveling salesman problems (TSPs) widely used in combinatorial optimization research. Notably, the results show that LMEA performs competitively to traditional heuristics in finding high-quality solutions on TSP instances with up to 20 nodes. Additionally, we also study the effectiveness of LLM-driven crossover/mutation and the self-adaptation mechanism in evolutionary search. In summary, our results reveal the great potentials of LLMs as evolutionary optimizers for solving combinatorial problems. We hope our research shall inspire future explorations on LLM-driven EAs for complex optimization challenges.
Abstract:Modern techniques in Content-based Recommendation (CBR) leverage item content information to provide personalized services to users, but suffer from resource-intensive training on large datasets. To address this issue, we explore the dataset condensation for textual CBR in this paper. The goal of dataset condensation is to synthesize a small yet informative dataset, upon which models can achieve performance comparable to those trained on large datasets. While existing condensation approaches are tailored to classification tasks for continuous data like images or embeddings, direct application of them to CBR has limitations. To bridge this gap, we investigate efficient dataset condensation for content-based recommendation. Inspired by the remarkable abilities of large language models (LLMs) in text comprehension and generation, we leverage LLMs to empower the generation of textual content during condensation. To handle the interaction data involving both users and items, we devise a dual-level condensation method: content-level and user-level. At content-level, we utilize LLMs to condense all contents of an item into a new informative title. At user-level, we design a clustering-based synthesis module, where we first utilize LLMs to extract user interests. Then, the user interests and user embeddings are incorporated to condense users and generate interactions for condensed users. Notably, the condensation paradigm of this method is forward and free from iterative optimization on the synthesized dataset. Extensive empirical findings from our study, conducted on three authentic datasets, substantiate the efficacy of the proposed method. Particularly, we are able to approximate up to 97% of the original performance while reducing the dataset size by 95% (i.e., on dataset MIND).
Abstract:Training recommendation models on large datasets often requires significant time and computational resources. Consequently, an emergent imperative has arisen to construct informative, smaller-scale datasets for efficiently training. Dataset compression techniques explored in other domains show potential possibility to address this problem, via sampling a subset or synthesizing a small dataset. However, applying existing approaches to condense recommendation datasets is impractical due to following challenges: (i) sampling-based methods are inadequate in addressing the long-tailed distribution problem; (ii) synthesizing-based methods are not applicable due to discreteness of interactions and large size of recommendation datasets; (iii) neither of them fail to address the specific issue in recommendation of false negative items, where items with potential user interest are incorrectly sampled as negatives owing to insufficient exposure. To bridge this gap, we investigate dataset condensation for recommendation, where discrete interactions are continualized with probabilistic re-parameterization. To avoid catastrophically expensive computations, we adopt a one-step update strategy for inner model training and introducing policy gradient estimation for outer dataset synthesis. To mitigate amplification of long-tailed problem, we compensate long-tailed users in the condensed dataset. Furthermore, we propose to utilize a proxy model to identify false negative items. Theoretical analysis regarding the convergence property is provided. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate the efficacy of our method. In particular, we reduce the dataset size by 75% while approximating over 98% of the original performance on Dianping and over 90% on other datasets.
Abstract:Graph-based collaborative filtering has emerged as a powerful paradigm for delivering personalized recommendations. Despite their demonstrated effectiveness, these methods often neglect the underlying intents of users, which constitute a pivotal facet of comprehensive user interests. Consequently, a series of approaches have arisen to tackle this limitation by introducing independent intent representations. However, these approaches fail to capture the intricate relationships between intents of different users and the compatibility between user intents and item properties. To remedy the above issues, we propose a novel method, named uniformly co-clustered intent modeling. Specifically, we devise a uniformly contrastive intent modeling module to bring together the embeddings of users with similar intents and items with similar properties. This module aims to model the nuanced relations between intents of different users and properties of different items, especially those unreachable to each other on the user-item graph. To model the compatibility between user intents and item properties, we design the user-item co-clustering module, maximizing the mutual information of co-clusters of users and items. This approach is substantiated through theoretical validation, establishing its efficacy in modeling compatibility to enhance the mutual information between user and item representations. Comprehensive experiments on various real-world datasets verify the effectiveness of the proposed framework.