Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University
Abstract:As Large Language Models (LLMs) become increasingly computationally complex, developing efficient deployment strategies, such as quantization, becomes crucial. State-of-the-art Post-training Quantization (PTQ) techniques often rely on calibration processes to maintain the accuracy of these models. However, while these calibration techniques can enhance performance in certain domains, they may not be as effective in others. This paper aims to draw attention to robust statistical approaches that can mitigate such issues. We propose a weight-adaptive PTQ method that can be considered a precursor to calibration-based PTQ methods, guiding the quantization process to preserve the distribution of weights by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the quantized weights and the originally trained weights. This minimization ensures that the quantized model retains the Shannon information content of the original model to a great extent, guaranteeing robust and efficient deployment across many tasks. As such, our proposed approach can perform on par with most common calibration-based PTQ methods, establishing a new pre-calibration step for further adjusting the quantized weights with calibration. We show that our pre-calibration results achieve the same accuracy as some existing calibration-based PTQ methods on various LLMs.
Abstract:In this paper, we introduce fastHDMI, a Python package designed for efficient variable screening in high-dimensional datasets, particularly neuroimaging data. This work pioneers the application of three mutual information estimation methods for neuroimaging variable selection, a novel approach implemented via fastHDMI. These advancements enhance our ability to analyze the complex structures of neuroimaging datasets, providing improved tools for variable selection in high-dimensional spaces. Using the preprocessed ABIDE dataset, we evaluate the performance of these methods through extensive simulations. The tests cover a range of conditions, including linear and nonlinear associations, as well as continuous and binary outcomes. Our results highlight the superiority of the FFTKDE-based mutual information estimation for feature screening in continuous nonlinear outcomes, while binning-based methods outperform others for binary outcomes with nonlinear probability preimages. For linear simulations, both Pearson correlation and FFTKDE-based methods show comparable performance for continuous outcomes, while Pearson excels in binary outcomes with linear probability preimages. A comprehensive case study using the ABIDE dataset further demonstrates fastHDMI's practical utility, showcasing the predictive power of models built from variables selected using our screening techniques. This research affirms the computational efficiency and methodological strength of fastHDMI, significantly enriching the toolkit available for neuroimaging analysis.
Abstract:Deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) has major computational costs, due to their rapidly expanding size. Compression of LLMs reduces the memory footprint, latency, and energy required for their inference. Post-training Quantization (PTQ) techniques have been developed to compress LLMs while avoiding expensive re-training. Most PTQ approaches formulate the quantization error based on a layer-wise $\ell_2$ loss, ignoring the model output. Then, each layer is calibrated using its layer-wise Hessian to update the weights towards minimizing the $\ell_2$ quantization error. The Hessian is also used for detecting the most salient weights to quantization. Such PTQ approaches are prone to accuracy drop in low-precision quantization. We propose Output-adaptive Calibration (OAC) to incorporate the model output in the calibration process. We formulate the quantization error based on the distortion of the output cross-entropy loss. OAC approximates the output-adaptive Hessian for each layer under reasonable assumptions to reduce the computational complexity. The output-adaptive Hessians are used to update the weight matrices and detect the salient weights towards maintaining the model output. Our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines such as SpQR and BiLLM, especially, at extreme low-precision (2-bit and binary) quantization.
Abstract:The ever-growing computational complexity of Large Language Models (LLMs) necessitates efficient deployment strategies. The current state-of-the-art approaches for Post-training Quantization (PTQ) often require calibration to achieve the desired accuracy. This paper presents AdpQ, a novel zero-shot adaptive PTQ method for LLMs that achieves the state-of-the-art performance in low-precision quantization (e.g. 3-bit) without requiring any calibration data. Inspired by Adaptive LASSO regression model, our proposed approach tackles the challenge of outlier activations by separating salient weights using an adaptive soft-thresholding method. Guided by Adaptive LASSO, this method ensures that the quantized weights distribution closely follows the originally trained weights and eliminates the need for calibration data entirely, setting our method apart from popular approaches such as SpQR and AWQ. Furthermore, our method offers an additional benefit in terms of privacy preservation by eliminating any calibration or training data. We also delve deeper into the information-theoretic underpinnings of the proposed method. We demonstrate that it leverages the Adaptive LASSO to minimize the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the quantized weights and the originally trained weights. This minimization ensures the quantized model retains the Shannon information content of the original model to a great extent, guaranteeing efficient deployment without sacrificing accuracy or information. Our results achieve the same accuracy as the existing methods on various LLM benchmarks while the quantization time is reduced by at least 10x, solidifying our contribution to efficient and privacy-preserving LLM deployment.
Abstract:Low-precision fine-tuning of language models has gained prominence as a cost-effective and energy-efficient approach to deploying large-scale models in various applications. However, this approach is susceptible to the existence of outlier values in activation. The outlier values in the activation can negatively affect the performance of fine-tuning language models in the low-precision regime since they affect the scaling factor and thus make representing smaller values harder. This paper investigates techniques for mitigating outlier activation in low-precision integer fine-tuning of the language models. Our proposed novel approach enables us to represent the outlier activation values in 8-bit integers instead of floating-point (FP16) values. The benefit of using integers for outlier values is that it enables us to use operator tiling to avoid performing 16-bit integer matrix multiplication to address this problem effectively. We provide theoretical analysis and supporting experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in improving the robustness and performance of low-precision fine-tuned language models.
Abstract:With the rising complexity of numerous novel applications that serve our modern society comes the strong need to design efficient computing platforms. Designing efficient hardware is, however, a complex multi-objective problem that deals with multiple parameters and their interactions. Given that there are a large number of parameters and objectives involved in hardware design, synthesizing all possible combinations is not a feasible method to find the optimal solution. One promising approach to tackle this problem is statistical modeling of a desired hardware performance. Here, we propose a model-based active learning approach to solve this problem. Our proposed method uses Bayesian models to characterize various aspects of hardware performance. We also use transfer learning and Gaussian regression bootstrapping techniques in conjunction with active learning to create more accurate models. Our proposed statistical modeling method provides hardware models that are sufficiently accurate to perform design space exploration as well as performance prediction simultaneously. We use our proposed method to perform design space exploration and performance prediction for various hardware setups, such as micro-architecture design and OpenCL kernels for FPGA targets. Our experiments show that the number of samples required to create performance models significantly reduces while maintaining the predictive power of our proposed statistical models. For instance, in our performance prediction setting, the proposed method needs 65% fewer samples to create the model, and in the design space exploration setting, our proposed method can find the best parameter settings by exploring less than 50 samples.
Abstract:Deep models are dominating the artificial intelligence (AI) industry since the ImageNet challenge in 2012. The size of deep models is increasing ever since, which brings new challenges to this field with applications in cell phones, personal computers, autonomous cars, and wireless base stations. Here we list a set of problems, ranging from training, inference, generalization bound, and optimization with some formalism to communicate these challenges with mathematicians, statisticians, and theoretical computer scientists. This is a subjective view of the research questions in deep learning that benefits the tech industry in long run.
Abstract:Deep learning models are dominating almost all artificial intelligence tasks such as vision, text, and speech processing. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is the main tool for training such models, where the computations are usually performed in single-precision floating-point number format. The convergence of single-precision SGD is normally aligned with the theoretical results of real numbers since they exhibit negligible error. However, the numerical error increases when the computations are performed in low-precision number formats. This provides compelling reasons to study the SGD convergence adapted for low-precision computations. We present both deterministic and stochastic analysis of the SGD algorithm, obtaining bounds that show the effect of number format. Such bounds can provide guidelines as to how SGD convergence is affected when constraints render the possibility of performing high-precision computations remote.
Abstract:With the advent of deep learning application on edge devices, researchers actively try to optimize their deployments on low-power and restricted memory devices. There are established compression method such as quantization, pruning, and architecture search that leverage commodity hardware. Apart from conventional compression algorithms, one may redesign the operations of deep learning models that lead to more efficient implementation. To this end, we propose EuclidNet, a compression method, designed to be implemented on hardware which replaces multiplication, $xw$, with Euclidean distance $(x-w)^2$. We show that EuclidNet is aligned with matrix multiplication and it can be used as a measure of similarity in case of convolutional layers. Furthermore, we show that under various transformations and noise scenarios, EuclidNet exhibits the same performance compared to the deep learning models designed with multiplication operations.
Abstract:Recurrent neural networks (RNN) are the backbone of many text and speech applications. These architectures are typically made up of several computationally complex components such as; non-linear activation functions, normalization, bi-directional dependence and attention. In order to maintain good accuracy, these components are frequently run using full-precision floating-point computation, making them slow, inefficient and difficult to deploy on edge devices. In addition, the complex nature of these operations makes them challenging to quantize using standard quantization methods without a significant performance drop. We present a quantization-aware training method for obtaining a highly accurate integer-only recurrent neural network (iRNN). Our approach supports layer normalization, attention, and an adaptive piecewise linear (PWL) approximation of activation functions, to serve a wide range of state-of-the-art RNNs. The proposed method enables RNN-based language models to run on edge devices with $2\times$ improvement in runtime, and $4\times$ reduction in model size while maintaining similar accuracy as its full-precision counterpart.