Abstract:In this paper, we present a speaker-independent dysarthric speech recognition system, with a focus on evaluating the recently released Speech Accessibility Project (SAP-1005) dataset, which includes speech data from individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD). Despite the growing body of research in dysarthric speech recognition, many existing systems are speaker-dependent and adaptive, limiting their generalizability across different speakers and etiologies. Our primary objective is to develop a robust speaker-independent model capable of accurately recognizing dysarthric speech, irrespective of the speaker. Additionally, as a secondary objective, we aim to test the cross-etiology performance of our model by evaluating it on the TORGO dataset, which contains speech samples from individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). By leveraging the Whisper model, our speaker-independent system achieved a CER of 6.99% and a WER of 10.71% on the SAP-1005 dataset. Further, in cross-etiology settings, we achieved a CER of 25.08% and a WER of 39.56% on the TORGO dataset. These results highlight the potential of our approach to generalize across unseen speakers and different etiologies of dysarthria.
Abstract:The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for low-cost, scalable approaches to measuring contactless vital signs, either during initial triage at a healthcare facility or virtual telemedicine visits. Remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) can accurately estimate heart rate (HR) when applied to close-up videos of healthy volunteers in well-lit laboratory settings. However, results from such highly optimized laboratory studies may not be readily translated to healthcare settings. One significant barrier to the practical application of rPPG in health care is the accurate localization of the region of interest (ROI). Clinical or telemedicine visits may involve sub-optimal lighting, movement artifacts, variable camera angle, and subject distance. This paper presents an rPPG ROI selection method based on 3D facial landmarks and patient head yaw angle. We then demonstrate the robustness of this ROI selection method when coupled to the Plane-Orthogonal-to-Skin (POS) rPPG method when applied to videos of patients presenting to an Emergency Department for respiratory complaints. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach in improving the accuracy and robustness of rPPG in a challenging clinical environment.
Abstract:This paper enhances dysarthric and dysphonic speech recognition by fine-tuning pretrained automatic speech recognition (ASR) models on the 2023-10-05 data package of the Speech Accessibility Project (SAP), which contains the speech of 253 people with Parkinson's disease. Experiments tested methods that have been effective for Cerebral Palsy, including the use of speaker clustering and severity-dependent models, weighted fine-tuning, and multi-task learning. Best results were obtained using a multi-task learning model, in which the ASR is trained to produce an estimate of the speaker's impairment severity as an auxiliary output. The resulting word error rates are considerably improved relative to a baseline model fine-tuned using only Librispeech data, with word error rate improvements of 37.62\% and 26.97\% compared to fine-tuning on 100h and 960h of LibriSpeech data, respectively.
Abstract:In recent years, we have observed a rapid advancement in speech language models (SpeechLLMs), catching up with humans' listening and reasoning abilities. Remarkably, SpeechLLMs have demonstrated impressive spoken dialogue question-answering (SQA) performance in benchmarks like Gaokao, the English listening test of the college entrance exam in China, which seemingly requires understanding both the spoken content and voice characteristics of speakers in a conversation. However, after carefully examining Gaokao's questions, we find the correct answers to many questions can be inferred from the conversation context alone without identifying the speaker asked in the question. Our evaluation of state-of-the-art models Qwen-Audio and WavLLM in both Gaokao and our proposed "What Do You Like?" dataset shows a significantly higher accuracy in these context-based questions than in identity-critical questions, which can only be answered correctly with correct speaker identification. Our results and analysis suggest that when solving SQA, the current SpeechLLMs exhibit limited speaker awareness from the audio and behave similarly to an LLM reasoning from the conversation transcription without sound. We propose that our definitions and automated classification of context-based and identity-critical questions could offer a more accurate evaluation framework of SpeechLLMs in SQA tasks.
Abstract:Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) has emerged as a crucial solution to the domain shift challenge, wherein the target environment diverges from the original training environment. A prime exemplification is TTA for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), which enhances model performance by leveraging output prediction entropy minimization as a self-supervision signal. However, a key limitation of this self-supervision lies in its primary focus on acoustic features, with minimal attention to the linguistic properties of the input. To address this gap, we propose Language Informed Test-Time Adaptation (LI-TTA), which incorporates linguistic insights during TTA for ASR. LI-TTA integrates corrections from an external language model to merge linguistic with acoustic information by minimizing the CTC loss from the correction alongside the standard TTA loss. With extensive experiments, we show that LI-TTA effectively improves the performance of TTA for ASR in various distribution shift situations.
Abstract:Certain environmental noises have been associated with negative developmental outcomes for infants and young children. Though classifying or tagging sound events in a domestic environment is an active research area, previous studies focused on data collected from a non-stationary microphone placed in the environment or from the perspective of adults. Further, many of these works ignore infants or young children in the environment or have data collected from only a single family where noise from the fixed sound source can be moderate at the infant's position or vice versa. Thus, despite the recent success of large pre-trained models for noise event detection, the performance of these models on infant-centric noise soundscapes in the home is yet to be explored. To bridge this gap, we have collected and labeled noises in home soundscapes from 22 families in an unobtrusive manner, where the data are collected through an infant-worn recording device. In this paper, we explore the performance of a large pre-trained model (Audio Spectrogram Transformer [AST]) on our noise-conditioned infant-centric environmental data as well as publicly available home environmental datasets. Utilizing different training strategies such as resampling, utilizing public datasets, mixing public and infant-centric training sets, and data augmentation using noise and masking, we evaluate the performance of a large pre-trained model on sparse and imbalanced infant-centric data. Our results show that fine-tuning the large pre-trained model by combining our collected dataset with public datasets increases the F1-score from 0.11 (public datasets) and 0.76 (collected datasets) to 0.84 (combined datasets) and Cohen's Kappa from 0.013 (public datasets) and 0.77 (collected datasets) to 0.83 (combined datasets) compared to only training with public or collected datasets, respectively.
Abstract:Recent advancements in supervised automatic speech recognition (ASR) have achieved remarkable performance, largely due to the growing availability of large transcribed speech corpora. However, most languages lack sufficient paired speech and text data to effectively train these systems. In this article, we tackle the challenge of developing ASR systems without paired speech and text corpora by proposing the removal of reliance on a phoneme lexicon. We explore a new research direction: word-level unsupervised ASR. Using a curated speech corpus containing only high-frequency English words, our system achieves a word error rate of nearly 20% without parallel transcripts or oracle word boundaries. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrate that an unsupervised speech recognizer can emerge from joint speech-to-speech and text-to-text masked token-infilling. This innovative model surpasses the performance of previous unsupervised ASR models trained with direct distribution matching.
Abstract:In deep learning, test-time adaptation has gained attention as a method for model fine-tuning without the need for labeled data. A prime exemplification is the recently proposed test-time prompt tuning for large-scale vision-language models such as CLIP. Unfortunately, these prompts have been mainly developed to improve accuracy, overlooking the importance of calibration, which is a crucial aspect for quantifying prediction uncertainty. However, traditional calibration methods rely on substantial amounts of labeled data, making them impractical for test-time scenarios. To this end, this paper explores calibration during test-time prompt tuning by leveraging the inherent properties of CLIP. Through a series of observations, we find that the prompt choice significantly affects the calibration in CLIP, where the prompts leading to higher text feature dispersion result in better-calibrated predictions. Introducing the Average Text Feature Dispersion (ATFD), we establish its relationship with calibration error and present a novel method, Calibrated Test-time Prompt Tuning (C-TPT), for optimizing prompts during test-time with enhanced calibration. Through extensive experiments on different CLIP architectures and datasets, we show that C-TPT can effectively improve the calibration of test-time prompt tuning without needing labeled data. The code is publicly accessible at https://github.com/hee-suk-yoon/C-TPT.
Abstract:In Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems, a recurring obstacle is the generation of narrowly focused output distributions. This phenomenon emerges as a side effect of Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC), a robust sequence learning tool that utilizes dynamic programming for sequence mapping. While earlier efforts have tried to combine the CTC loss with an entropy maximization regularization term to mitigate this issue, they employed a constant weighting term on the regularization during the training, which we find may not be optimal. In this work, we introduce Adaptive Maximum Entropy Regularization (AdaMER), a technique that can modulate the impact of entropy regularization throughout the training process. This approach not only refines ASR model training but ensures that as training proceeds, predictions display the desired model confidence.
Abstract:To understand why self-supervised learning (SSL) models have empirically achieved strong performances on several speech-processing downstream tasks, numerous studies have focused on analyzing the encoded information of the SSL layer representations in adult speech. Limited work has investigated how pre-training and fine-tuning affect SSL models encoding children's speech and vocalizations. In this study, we aim to bridge this gap by probing SSL models on two relevant downstream tasks: (1) phoneme recognition (PR) on the speech of adults, older children (8-10 years old), and younger children (1-4 years old), and (2) vocalization classification (VC) distinguishing cry, fuss, and babble for infants under 14 months old. For younger children's PR, the superiority of fine-tuned SSL models is largely due to their ability to learn features that represent older children's speech and then adapt those features to the speech of younger children. For infant VC, SSL models pre-trained on large-scale home recordings learn to leverage phonetic representations at middle layers, and thereby enhance the performance of this task.