Abstract:Autoregressive sequence models, such as Transformer-based vision-language action (VLA) policies, can be tremendously effective for capturing complex and generalizable robotic behaviors. However, such models require us to choose a tokenization of our continuous action signals, which determines how the discrete symbols predicted by the model map to continuous robot actions. We find that current approaches for robot action tokenization, based on simple per-dimension, per-timestep binning schemes, typically perform poorly when learning dexterous skills from high-frequency robot data. To address this challenge, we propose a new compression-based tokenization scheme for robot actions, based on the discrete cosine transform. Our tokenization approach, Frequency-space Action Sequence Tokenization (FAST), enables us to train autoregressive VLAs for highly dexterous and high-frequency tasks where standard discretization methods fail completely. Based on FAST, we release FAST+, a universal robot action tokenizer, trained on 1M real robot action trajectories. It can be used as a black-box tokenizer for a wide range of robot action sequences, with diverse action spaces and control frequencies. Finally, we show that, when combined with the pi0 VLA, our method can scale to training on 10k hours of robot data and match the performance of diffusion VLAs, while reducing training time by up to 5x.
Abstract:Interacting with the world is a multi-sensory experience: achieving effective general-purpose interaction requires making use of all available modalities -- including vision, touch, and audio -- to fill in gaps from partial observation. For example, when vision is occluded reaching into a bag, a robot should rely on its senses of touch and sound. However, state-of-the-art generalist robot policies are typically trained on large datasets to predict robot actions solely from visual and proprioceptive observations. In this work, we propose FuSe, a novel approach that enables finetuning visuomotor generalist policies on heterogeneous sensor modalities for which large datasets are not readily available by leveraging natural language as a common cross-modal grounding. We combine a multimodal contrastive loss with a sensory-grounded language generation loss to encode high-level semantics. In the context of robot manipulation, we show that FuSe enables performing challenging tasks that require reasoning jointly over modalities such as vision, touch, and sound in a zero-shot setting, such as multimodal prompting, compositional cross-modal prompting, and descriptions of objects it interacts with. We show that the same recipe is applicable to widely different generalist policies, including both diffusion-based generalist policies and large vision-language-action (VLA) models. Extensive experiments in the real world show that FuSeis able to increase success rates by over 20% compared to all considered baselines.
Abstract:The enhanced mobility brought by legged locomotion empowers quadrupedal robots to navigate through complex and unstructured environments. However, optimizing agile locomotion while accounting for the varying energy costs of traversing different terrains remains an open challenge. Most previous work focuses on planning trajectories with traversability cost estimation based on human-labeled environmental features. However, this human-centric approach is insufficient because it does not account for the varying capabilities of the robot locomotion controllers over challenging terrains. To address this, we develop a novel traversability estimator in a robot-centric manner, based on the value function of the robot's locomotion controller. This estimator is integrated into a new learning-based RGBD navigation framework. The framework develops a planner that guides the robot in avoiding obstacles and hard-to-traverse terrains while reaching its goals. The training of the navigation planner is directly performed in the real world using a sample efficient reinforcement learning method. Through extensive benchmarking, we demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves the best performance in accurate traversability cost estimation and efficient learning from multi-modal data (the robot's color and depth vision, and proprioceptive feedback) for real-world training. Using the proposed method, a quadrupedal robot learns to perform traversability-aware navigation through trial and error in various real-world environments with challenging terrains that are difficult to classify using depth vision alone.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning provides an appealing framework for robotic control due to its ability to learn expressive policies purely through real-world interaction. However, this requires addressing real-world constraints and avoiding catastrophic failures during training, which might severely impede both learning progress and the performance of the final policy. In many robotics settings, this amounts to avoiding certain "unsafe" states. The high-speed off-road driving task represents a particularly challenging instantiation of this problem: a high-return policy should drive as aggressively and as quickly as possible, which often requires getting close to the edge of the set of "safe" states, and therefore places a particular burden on the method to avoid frequent failures. To both learn highly performant policies and avoid excessive failures, we propose a reinforcement learning framework that combines risk-sensitive control with an adaptive action space curriculum. Furthermore, we show that our risk-sensitive objective automatically avoids out-of-distribution states when equipped with an estimator for epistemic uncertainty. We implement our algorithm on a small-scale rally car and show that it is capable of learning high-speed policies for a real-world off-road driving task. We show that our method greatly reduces the number of safety violations during the training process, and actually leads to higher-performance policies in both driving and non-driving simulation environments with similar challenges.
Abstract:Autonomous self-improving robots that interact and improve with experience are key to the real-world deployment of robotic systems. In this paper, we propose an online learning method, SELFI, that leverages online robot experience to rapidly fine-tune pre-trained control policies efficiently. SELFI applies online model-free reinforcement learning on top of offline model-based learning to bring out the best parts of both learning paradigms. Specifically, SELFI stabilizes the online learning process by incorporating the same model-based learning objective from offline pre-training into the Q-values learned with online model-free reinforcement learning. We evaluate SELFI in multiple real-world environments and report improvements in terms of collision avoidance, as well as more socially compliant behavior, measured by a human user study. SELFI enables us to quickly learn useful robotic behaviors with less human interventions such as pre-emptive behavior for the pedestrians, collision avoidance for small and transparent objects, and avoiding travel on uneven floor surfaces. We provide supplementary videos to demonstrate the performance of our fine-tuned policy on our project page.
Abstract:General-purpose pre-trained models ("foundation models") have enabled practitioners to produce generalizable solutions for individual machine learning problems with datasets that are significantly smaller than those required for learning from scratch. Such models are typically trained on large and diverse datasets with weak supervision, consuming much more training data than is available for any individual downstream application. In this paper, we describe the Visual Navigation Transformer (ViNT), a foundation model that aims to bring the success of general-purpose pre-trained models to vision-based robotic navigation. ViNT is trained with a general goal-reaching objective that can be used with any navigation dataset, and employs a flexible Transformer-based architecture to learn navigational affordances and enable efficient adaptation to a variety of downstream navigational tasks. ViNT is trained on a number of existing navigation datasets, comprising hundreds of hours of robotic navigation from a variety of different robotic platforms, and exhibits positive transfer, outperforming specialist models trained on singular datasets. ViNT can be augmented with diffusion-based subgoal proposals to explore novel environments, and can solve kilometer-scale navigation problems when equipped with long-range heuristics. ViNT can also be adapted to novel task specifications with a technique inspired by prompt-tuning, where the goal encoder is replaced by an encoding of another task modality (e.g., GPS waypoints or routing commands) embedded into the same space of goal tokens. This flexibility and ability to accommodate a variety of downstream problem domains establishes ViNT as an effective foundation model for mobile robotics. For videos, code, and model checkpoints, see our project page at https://visualnav-transformer.github.io.
Abstract:We present a system that enables an autonomous small-scale RC car to drive aggressively from visual observations using reinforcement learning (RL). Our system, FastRLAP (faster lap), trains autonomously in the real world, without human interventions, and without requiring any simulation or expert demonstrations. Our system integrates a number of important components to make this possible: we initialize the representations for the RL policy and value function from a large prior dataset of other robots navigating in other environments (at low speed), which provides a navigation-relevant representation. From here, a sample-efficient online RL method uses a single low-speed user-provided demonstration to determine the desired driving course, extracts a set of navigational checkpoints, and autonomously practices driving through these checkpoints, resetting automatically on collision or failure. Perhaps surprisingly, we find that with appropriate initialization and choice of algorithm, our system can learn to drive over a variety of racing courses with less than 20 minutes of online training. The resulting policies exhibit emergent aggressive driving skills, such as timing braking and acceleration around turns and avoiding areas which impede the robot's motion, approaching the performance of a human driver using a similar first-person interface over the course of training.
Abstract:Environments with multi-agent interactions often result a rich set of modalities of behavior between agents due to the inherent suboptimality of decision making processes when agents settle for satisfactory decisions. However, existing algorithms for solving these dynamic games are strictly unimodal and fail to capture the intricate multimodal behaviors of the agents. In this paper, we propose MMELQGames (Multimodal Maximum-Entropy Linear Quadratic Games), a novel constrained multimodal maximum entropy formulation of the Differential Dynamic Programming algorithm for solving generalized Nash equilibria. By formulating the problem as a certain dynamic game with incomplete and asymmetric information where agents are uncertain about the cost and dynamics of the game itself, the proposed method is able to reason about multiple local generalized Nash equilibria, enforce constraints with the Augmented Lagrangian framework and also perform Bayesian inference on the latent mode from past observations. We assess the efficacy of the proposed algorithm on two illustrative examples: multi-agent collision avoidance and autonomous racing. In particular, we show that only MMELQGames is able to effectively block a rear vehicle when given a speed disadvantage and the rear vehicle can overtake from multiple positions.
Abstract:We present an algorithm, based on the Differential Dynamic Programming framework, to handle trajectory optimization problems in which the horizon is determined online rather than fixed a priori. This algorithm exhibits exact one-step convergence for linear, quadratic, time-invariant problems and is fast enough for real-time nonlinear model-predictive control. We show derivations for the nonlinear algorithm in the discrete-time case, and apply this algorithm to a variety of nonlinear problems. Finally, we show the efficacy of the optimal-horizon model-predictive control scheme compared to a standard MPC controller, on an obstacle-avoidance problem with planar robots.
Abstract:Certified safe control is a growing challenge in robotics, especially when performance and safety objectives are desired to be concurrently achieved. In this work, we extend the barrier state (BaS) concept, recently proposed for stabilization of continuous time systems, to enforce safety for discrete time systems by creating a discrete barrier state (DBaS). The constructed DBaS is embedded into the discrete model of the safety-critical system in order to integrate safety objectives into performance objectives. We subsequently use the proposed technique to implement a safety embedded stabilizing control for nonlinear discrete systems. Furthermore, we employ the DBaS method to develop a safety embedded differential dynamic programming (DDP) technique to plan and execute safe optimal trajectories. The proposed algorithm is leveraged on a differential wheeled robot and on a quadrotor to safely perform several tasks including reaching, tracking and safe multi-quadrotor movement. The DBaS-based DDP (DBaS-DDP) is compared to the penalty method used in constrained DDP problems where it is shown that the DBaS-DDP consistently outperforms the penalty method.