Abstract:Query-driven learned estimators are accurate, flexible, and lightweight alternatives to traditional estimators in query optimization. However, existing query-driven approaches struggle with the Out-of-distribution (OOD) problem, where the test workload distribution differs from the training workload, leading to performancedegradation. In this paper, we present CardOOD, a general learning framework designed to construct robust query-driven cardinality estimators that are resilient against the OOD problem. Our framework focuses on offline training algorithms that develop one-off models from a static workload, suitable for model initialization and periodic retraining. In CardOOD, we extend classical transfer/robust learning techniques to train query-driven cardinalityestimators, and the algorithms fall into three categories: representation learning, data manipulation, and new learning strategies. As these learning techniques are originally evaluated in computervision tasks, we also propose a new learning algorithm that exploits the property of cardinality estimation. This algorithm, lying in the category of new learning strategy, models the partial order constraint of cardinalities by a self-supervised learning task. Comprehensive experimental studies demonstrate the efficacy of the algorithms of CardOOD in mitigating the OOD problem to varying extents. We further integrate CardOOD into PostgreSQL, showcasing its practical utility in query optimization.
Abstract:Cold-start rating prediction is a fundamental problem in recommender systems that has been extensively studied. Many methods have been proposed that exploit explicit relations among existing data, such as collaborative filtering, social recommendations and heterogeneous information network, to alleviate the data insufficiency issue for cold-start users and items. However, the explicit relations constructed based on data between different roles may be unreliable and irrelevant, which limits the performance ceiling of the specific recommendation task. Motivated by this, in this paper, we propose a flexible framework dubbed heterogeneous interaction rating network (HIRE). HIRE dose not solely rely on the pre-defined interaction pattern or the manually constructed heterogeneous information network. Instead, we devise a Heterogeneous Interaction Module (HIM) to jointly model the heterogeneous interactions and directly infer the important interactions via the observed data. In the experiments, we evaluate our model under three cold-start settings on three real-world datasets. The experimental results show that HIRE outperforms other baselines by a large margin. Furthermore, we visualize the inferred interactions of HIRE to confirm the contribution of our model.
Abstract:Entity alignment is the task of identifying corresponding entities across different knowledge graphs (KGs). Although recent embedding-based entity alignment methods have shown significant advancements, they still struggle to fully utilize KG structural information. In this paper, we introduce FGWEA, an unsupervised entity alignment framework that leverages the Fused Gromov-Wasserstein (FGW) distance, allowing for a comprehensive comparison of entity semantics and KG structures within a joint optimization framework. To address the computational challenges associated with optimizing FGW, we devise a three-stage progressive optimization algorithm. It starts with a basic semantic embedding matching, proceeds to approximate cross-KG structural and relational similarity matching based on iterative updates of high-confidence entity links, and ultimately culminates in a global structural comparison between KGs. We perform extensive experiments on four entity alignment datasets covering 14 distinct KGs across five languages. Without any supervision or hyper-parameter tuning, FGWEA surpasses 21 competitive baselines, including cutting-edge supervised entity alignment methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/squareRoot3/FusedGW-Entity-Alignment.
Abstract:Graph alignment, which aims at identifying corresponding entities across multiple networks, has been widely applied in various domains. As the graphs to be aligned are usually constructed from different sources, the inconsistency issues of structures and features between two graphs are ubiquitous in real-world applications. Most existing methods follow the ``embed-then-cross-compare'' paradigm, which computes node embeddings in each graph and then processes node correspondences based on cross-graph embedding comparison. However, we find these methods are unstable and sub-optimal when structure or feature inconsistency appears. To this end, we propose SLOTAlign, an unsupervised graph alignment framework that jointly performs Structure Learning and Optimal Transport Alignment. We convert graph alignment to an optimal transport problem between two intra-graph matrices without the requirement of cross-graph comparison. We further incorporate multi-view structure learning to enhance graph representation power and reduce the effect of structure and feature inconsistency inherited across graphs. Moreover, an alternating scheme based algorithm has been developed to address the joint optimization problem in SLOTAlign, and the provable convergence result is also established. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on six unsupervised graph alignment datasets and the DBP15K knowledge graph (KG) alignment benchmark dataset. The proposed SLOTAlign shows superior performance and strongest robustness over seven unsupervised graph alignment methods and five specialized KG alignment methods.
Abstract:Binding affinity prediction of three-dimensional (3D) protein ligand complexes is critical for drug repositioning and virtual drug screening. Existing approaches transform a 3D protein-ligand complex to a two-dimensional (2D) graph, and then use graph neural networks (GNNs) to predict its binding affinity. However, the node and edge features of the 2D graph are extracted based on invariant local coordinate systems of the 3D complex. As a result, the method can not fully learn the global information of the complex, such as, the physical symmetry and the topological information of bonds. To address these issues, we propose a novel Equivariant Line Graph Network (ELGN) for affinity prediction of 3D protein ligand complexes. The proposed ELGN firstly adds a super node to the 3D complex, and then builds a line graph based on the 3D complex. After that, ELGN uses a new E(3)-equivariant network layer to pass the messages between nodes and edges based on the global coordinate system of the 3D complex. Experimental results on two real datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of ELGN over several state-of-the-art baselines.
Abstract:Recently, Transformer model, which has achieved great success in many artificial intelligence fields, has demonstrated its great potential in modeling graph-structured data. Till now, a great variety of Transformers has been proposed to adapt to the graph-structured data. However, a comprehensive literature review and systematical evaluation of these Transformer variants for graphs are still unavailable. It's imperative to sort out the existing Transformer models for graphs and systematically investigate their effectiveness on various graph tasks. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of various Graph Transformer models from the architectural design perspective. We first disassemble the existing models and conclude three typical ways to incorporate the graph information into the vanilla Transformer: 1) GNNs as Auxiliary Modules, 2) Improved Positional Embedding from Graphs, and 3) Improved Attention Matrix from Graphs. Furthermore, we implement the representative components in three groups and conduct a comprehensive comparison on various kinds of famous graph data benchmarks to investigate the real performance gain of each component. Our experiments confirm the benefits of current graph-specific modules on Transformer and reveal their advantages on different kinds of graph tasks.
Abstract:Recently, attributed community search, a related but different problem to community detection and graph clustering, has been widely studied in the literature. Compared with the community detection that finds all existing static communities from a graph, the attributed community search (ACS) is more challenging since it aims to find dynamic communities with both cohesive structures and homogeneous node attributes given arbitrary queries. To solve the ACS problem, the most popular paradigm is to simplify the problem as two sub-problems, that is, structural matching and attribute filtering and deal with them separately. However, in real-world graphs, the community structure and the node attributes are actually correlated to each other. In this vein, current studies cannot capture these correlations which are vital for the ACS problem. In this paper, we propose Query-Driven Graph Convolutional Networks (QD-GCN), an end-to-end framework that unifies the community structure as well as node attribute to solve the ACS problem. In particular, QD-GCN leverages the Graph Convolutional Networks, which is a powerful tool to encode the graph topology and node attributes concurrently, as the backbones to extract the query-dependent community information from the original graph. By utilizing this query-dependent community information, QD-GCN is able to predict the target community given any queries. Experiments on real-world graphs with ground-truth communities demonstrate that QD-GCN outperforms existing attributed community search algorithms in terms of both efficiency and effectiveness.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) have been widely used in modeling and generating graphs with latent factors. However, there is no clear explanation of what these latent factors are and why they perform well. In this work, we present Dirichlet Graph Variational Autoencoder (DGVAE) with graph cluster memberships as latent factors. Our study connects VAEs based graph generation and balanced graph cut, and provides a new way to understand and improve the internal mechanism of VAEs based graph generation. Specifically, we first interpret the reconstruction term of DGVAE as balanced graph cut in a principled way. Furthermore, motivated by the low pass characteristics in balanced graph cut, we propose a new variant of GNN named Heatts to encode the input graph into cluster memberships. Heatts utilizes the Taylor series for fast computation of heat kernels and has better low pass characteristics than Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN). Through experiments on graph generation and graph clustering, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.
Abstract:The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classical NP-hard problem and has broad applications in many disciplines and industries. In a large scale location-based services system, users issue TSP queries concurrently, where a TSP query is a TSP instance with $n$ points. In the literature, many advanced TSP solvers are developed to find high-quality solutions. Such solvers can solve some TSP instances efficiently but may take an extremely long time for some other instances. Due to the diversity of TSP instances, it is well-known that there exists no universal best solver dominating all other solvers on all possible TSP instances. To solve TSP efficiently, in addition to developing new TSP solvers, it needs to find a per-instance solver for each TSP instance, which is known as the TSP solver selection problem. In this paper, for the first time, we propose a deep learning framework, \CTAS, for TSP solver selection in an end-to-end manner. Specifically, \CTAS exploits deep convolutional neural networks to extract informative features from TSP instances and involves data argumentation strategies to handle the scarcity of labeled TSP instances. Moreover, to support large scale TSP solver selection, we construct a challenging TSP benchmark dataset with 6,000 instances, which is known as the largest TSP benchmark. Our \CTAS achieves over 2$\times$ speedup of the average running time, comparing the single best solver, and outperforms the state-of-the-art statistical models.
Abstract:Graph representation learning has achieved a remarkable success in many graph-based applications, such as node classification, link prediction, and community detection. These models are usually designed to preserve the vertex information at different granularity and reduce the problems in discrete space to some machine learning tasks in continuous space. However, regardless of the fruitful progress, for some kind of graph applications, such as graph compression and edge partition, it is very hard to reduce them to some graph representation learning tasks. Moreover, these problems are closely related to reformulating a global layout for a specific graph, which is an important NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem: graph ordering. In this paper, we propose to attack the graph ordering problem behind such applications by a novel learning approach. Distinguished from greedy algorithms based on predefined heuristics, we propose a neural network model: Deep Order Network (DON) to capture the hidden locality structure from partial vertex order sets. Supervised by sampled partial order, DON has the ability to infer unseen combinations. Furthermore, to alleviate the combinatorial explosion in the training space of DON and make the efficient partial vertex order sampling , we employ a reinforcement learning model: the Policy Network, to adjust the partial order sampling probabilities during the training phase of DON automatically. To this end, the Policy Network can improve the training efficiency and guide DON to evolve towards a more effective model automatically. Comprehensive experiments on both synthetic and real data validate that DON-RL outperforms the current state-of-the-art heuristic algorithm consistently. Two case studies on graph compression and edge partitioning demonstrate the potential power of DON-RL in real applications.