Abstract:Autonomous cyber-physical systems (CPSs) leverage AI for perception, planning, and control but face trust and safety certification challenges due to inherent uncertainties. The neurosymbolic paradigm replaces stochastic layers with interpretable symbolic AI, enabling determinism. While promising, challenges like multisensor fusion, adaptability, and verification remain. This paper introduces NeuroStrata, a neurosymbolic framework to enhance the testing and verification of autonomous CPS. We outline its key components, present early results, and detail future plans.
Abstract:Deep learning models are increasingly employed for perception, prediction, and control in complex systems. Embedding physical knowledge into these models is crucial for achieving realistic and consistent outputs, a challenge often addressed by physics-informed machine learning. However, integrating physical knowledge with representation learning becomes difficult when dealing with high-dimensional observation data, such as images, particularly under conditions of incomplete or imprecise state information. To address this, we propose Physically Interpretable World Models, a novel architecture that aligns learned latent representations with real-world physical quantities. Our method combines a variational autoencoder with a dynamical model that incorporates unknown system parameters, enabling the discovery of physically meaningful representations. By employing weak supervision with interval-based constraints, our approach eliminates the reliance on ground-truth physical annotations. Experimental results demonstrate that our method improves the quality of learned representations while achieving accurate predictions of future states, advancing the field of representation learning in dynamic systems.
Abstract:Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is essential in autonomous driving, to determine when learning-based components encounter unexpected inputs. Traditional detectors typically use encoder models with fixed settings, thus lacking effective human interaction capabilities. With the rise of large foundation models, multimodal inputs offer the possibility of taking human language as a latent representation, thus enabling language-defined OOD detection. In this paper, we use the cosine similarity of image and text representations encoded by the multimodal model CLIP as a new representation to improve the transparency and controllability of latent encodings used for visual anomaly detection. We compare our approach with existing pre-trained encoders that can only produce latent representations that are meaningless from the user's standpoint. Our experiments on realistic driving data show that the language-based latent representation performs better than the traditional representation of the vision encoder and helps improve the detection performance when combined with standard representations.
Abstract:A world model creates a surrogate world to train a controller and predict safety violations by learning the internal dynamic model of systems. However, the existing world models rely solely on statistical learning of how observations change in response to actions, lacking precise quantification of how accurate the surrogate dynamics are, which poses a significant challenge in safety-critical systems. To address this challenge, we propose foundation world models that embed observations into meaningful and causally latent representations. This enables the surrogate dynamics to directly predict causal future states by leveraging a training-free large language model. In two common benchmarks, this novel model outperforms standard world models in the safety prediction task and has a performance comparable to supervised learning despite not using any data. We evaluate its performance with a more specialized and system-relevant metric by comparing estimated states instead of aggregating observation-wide error.
Abstract:Autonomous systems are increasingly implemented using end-end-end trained controllers. Such controllers make decisions that are executed on the real system with images as one of the primary sensing modalities. Deep neural networks form a fundamental building block of such controllers. Unfortunately, the existing neural-network verification tools do not scale to inputs with thousands of dimensions. Especially when the individual inputs (such as pixels) are devoid of clear physical meaning. This paper takes a step towards connecting exhaustive closed-loop verification with high-dimensional controllers. Our key insight is that the behavior of a high-dimensional controller can be approximated with several low-dimensional controllers in different regions of the state space. To balance approximation and verifiability, we leverage the latest verification-aware knowledge distillation. Then, if low-dimensional reachability results are inflated with statistical approximation errors, they yield a high-confidence reachability guarantee for the high-dimensional controller. We investigate two inflation techniques -- based on trajectories and actions -- both of which show convincing performance in two OpenAI gym benchmarks.
Abstract:Deep learning models have shown promising predictive accuracy for time-series healthcare applications. However, ensuring the robustness of these models is vital for building trustworthy AI systems. Existing research predominantly focuses on robustness to synthetic adversarial examples, crafted by adding imperceptible perturbations to clean input data. However, these synthetic adversarial examples do not accurately reflect the most challenging real-world scenarios, especially in the context of healthcare data. Consequently, robustness to synthetic adversarial examples may not necessarily translate to robustness against naturally occurring adversarial examples, which is highly desirable for trustworthy AI. We propose a method to curate datasets comprised of natural adversarial examples to evaluate model robustness. The method relies on probabilistic labels obtained from automated weakly-supervised labeling that combines noisy and cheap-to-obtain labeling heuristics. Based on these labels, our method adversarially orders the input data and uses this ordering to construct a sequence of increasingly adversarial datasets. Our evaluation on six medical case studies and three non-medical case studies demonstrates the efficacy and statistical validity of our approach to generating naturally adversarial datasets
Abstract:A particularly challenging problem in AI safety is providing guarantees on the behavior of high-dimensional autonomous systems. Verification approaches centered around reachability analysis fail to scale, and purely statistical approaches are constrained by the distributional assumptions about the sampling process. Instead, we pose a distributionally robust version of the statistical verification problem for black-box systems, where our performance guarantees hold over a large family of distributions. This paper proposes a novel approach based on a combination of active learning, uncertainty quantification, and neural network verification. A central piece of our approach is an ensemble technique called Imprecise Neural Networks, which provides the uncertainty to guide active learning. The active learning uses an exhaustive neural-network verification tool Sherlock to collect samples. An evaluation on multiple physical simulators in the openAI gym Mujoco environments with reinforcement-learned controllers demonstrates that our approach can provide useful and scalable guarantees for high-dimensional systems.
Abstract:End-to-end learning has emerged as a major paradigm for developing autonomous systems. Unfortunately, with its performance and convenience comes an even greater challenge of safety assurance. A key factor of this challenge is the absence of the notion of a low-dimensional and interpretable dynamical state, around which traditional assurance methods revolve. Focusing on the online safety prediction problem, this paper proposes a configurable family of learning pipelines based on generative world models, which do not require low-dimensional states. To implement these pipelines, we overcome the challenges of learning safety-informed latent representations and missing safety labels under prediction-induced distribution shift. These pipelines come with statistical calibration guarantees on their safety chance predictions based on conformal prediction. We perform an extensive evaluation of the proposed learning pipelines on two case studies of image-controlled systems: a racing car and a cartpole.
Abstract:Models of actual causality leverage domain knowledge to generate convincing diagnoses of events that caused an outcome. It is promising to apply these models to diagnose and repair run-time property violations in cyber-physical systems (CPS) with learning-enabled components (LEC). However, given the high diversity and complexity of LECs, it is challenging to encode domain knowledge (e.g., the CPS dynamics) in a scalable actual causality model that could generate useful repair suggestions. In this paper, we focus causal diagnosis on the input/output behaviors of LECs. Specifically, we aim to identify which subset of I/O behaviors of the LEC is an actual cause for a property violation. An important by-product is a counterfactual version of the LEC that repairs the run-time property by fixing the identified problematic behaviors. Based on this insights, we design a two-step diagnostic pipeline: (1) construct and Halpern-Pearl causality model that reflects the dependency of property outcome on the component's I/O behaviors, and (2) perform a search for an actual cause and corresponding repair on the model. We prove that our pipeline has the following guarantee: if an actual cause is found, the system is guaranteed to be repaired; otherwise, we have high probabilistic confidence that the LEC under analysis did not cause the property violation. We demonstrate that our approach successfully repairs learned controllers on a standard OpenAI Gym benchmark.
Abstract:Closed-loop verification of cyber-physical systems with neural network controllers offers strong safety guarantees under certain assumptions. It is, however, difficult to determine whether these guarantees apply at run time because verification assumptions may be violated. To predict safety violations in a verified system, we propose a three-step framework for monitoring the confidence in verification assumptions. First, we represent the sufficient condition for verified safety with a propositional logical formula over assumptions. Second, we build calibrated confidence monitors that evaluate the probability that each assumption holds. Third, we obtain the confidence in the verification guarantees by composing the assumption monitors using a composition function suitable for the logical formula. Our framework provides theoretical bounds on the calibration and conservatism of compositional monitors. In two case studies, we demonstrate that the composed monitors improve over their constituents and successfully predict safety violations.