University of North Texas
Abstract:Egocentric visual query localization (EgoVQL) focuses on localizing the target of interest in space and time from first-person videos, given a visual query. Despite recent progressive, existing methods often struggle to handle severe object appearance changes and cluttering background in the video due to lacking sufficient target cues, leading to degradation. Addressing this, we introduce PRVQL, a novel Progressive knowledge-guided Refinement framework for EgoVQL. The core is to continuously exploit target-relevant knowledge directly from videos and utilize it as guidance to refine both query and video features for improving target localization. Our PRVQL contains multiple processing stages. The target knowledge from one stage, comprising appearance and spatial knowledge extracted via two specially designed knowledge learning modules, are utilized as guidance to refine the query and videos features for the next stage, which are used to generate more accurate knowledge for further feature refinement. With such a progressive process, target knowledge in PRVQL can be gradually improved, which, in turn, leads to better refined query and video features for localization in the final stage. Compared to previous methods, our PRVQL, besides the given object cues, enjoys additional crucial target information from a video as guidance to refine features, and hence enhances EgoVQL in complicated scenes. In our experiments on challenging Ego4D, PRVQL achieves state-of-the-art result and largely surpasses other methods, showing its efficacy. Our code, model and results will be released at
Abstract:Emojis have become ubiquitous in online communication, serving as a universal medium to convey emotions and decorative elements. Their widespread use transcends language and cultural barriers, enhancing understanding and fostering more inclusive interactions. While existing work gained valuable insight into emojis understanding, exploring emojis' capability to serve as a universal sentiment indicator leveraging large language models (LLMs) has not been thoroughly examined. Our study aims to investigate the capacity of emojis to serve as reliable sentiment markers through LLMs across languages and cultures. We leveraged the multimodal capabilities of ChatGPT to explore the sentiments of various representations of emojis and evaluated how well emoji-conveyed sentiment aligned with text sentiment on a multi-lingual dataset collected from 32 countries. Our analysis reveals that the accuracy of LLM-based emoji-conveyed sentiment is 81.43%, underscoring emojis' significant potential to serve as a universal sentiment marker. We also found a consistent trend that the accuracy of sentiment conveyed by emojis increased as the number of emojis grew in text. The results reinforce the potential of emojis to serve as global sentiment indicators, offering insight into fields such as cross-lingual and cross-cultural sentiment analysis on social media platforms. Code:
Abstract:In this paper, we present a novel benchmark, GSOT3D, that aims at facilitating development of generic 3D single object tracking (SOT) in the wild. Specifically, GSOT3D offers 620 sequences with 123K frames, and covers a wide selection of 54 object categories. Each sequence is offered with multiple modalities, including the point cloud (PC), RGB image, and depth. This allows GSOT3D to support various 3D tracking tasks, such as single-modal 3D SOT on PC and multi-modal 3D SOT on RGB-PC or RGB-D, and thus greatly broadens research directions for 3D object tracking. To provide highquality per-frame 3D annotations, all sequences are labeled manually with multiple rounds of meticulous inspection and refinement. To our best knowledge, GSOT3D is the largest benchmark dedicated to various generic 3D object tracking tasks. To understand how existing 3D trackers perform and to provide comparisons for future research on GSOT3D, we assess eight representative point cloud-based tracking models. Our evaluation results exhibit that these models heavily degrade on GSOT3D, and more efforts are required for robust and generic 3D object tracking. Besides, to encourage future research, we present a simple yet effective generic 3D tracker, named PROT3D, that localizes the target object via a progressive spatial-temporal network and outperforms all current solutions by a large margin. By releasing GSOT3D, we expect to advance further 3D tracking in future research and applications. Our benchmark and model as well as the evaluation results will be publicly released at our webpage
Abstract:We propose a unified object-aware temporal learning framework for multi-view 3D detection and tracking tasks. Having observed that the efficacy of the temporal fusion strategy in recent multi-view perception methods may be weakened by distractors and background clutters in historical frames, we propose a cyclic learning mechanism to improve the robustness of multi-view representation learning. The essence is constructing a backward bridge to propagate information from model predictions (e.g., object locations and sizes) to image and BEV features, which forms a circle with regular inference. After backward refinement, the responses of target-irrelevant regions in historical frames would be suppressed, decreasing the risk of polluting future frames and improving the object awareness ability of temporal fusion. We further tailor an object-aware association strategy for tracking based on the cyclic learning model. The cyclic learning model not only provides refined features, but also delivers finer clues (e.g., scale level) for tracklet association. The proposed cycle learning method and association module together contribute a novel and unified multi-task framework. Experiments on nuScenes show that the proposed model achieves consistent performance gains over baselines of different designs (i.e., dense query-based BEVFormer, sparse query-based SparseBEV and LSS-based BEVDet4D) on both detection and tracking evaluation.
Abstract:Vision-Language MOT is a crucial tracking problem and has drawn increasing attention recently. It aims to track objects based on human language commands, replacing the traditional use of templates or pre-set information from training sets in conventional tracking tasks. Despite various efforts, a key challenge lies in the lack of a clear understanding of why language is used for tracking, which hinders further development in this field. In this paper, we address this challenge by introducing Language-Guided MOT, a unified task framework, along with a corresponding large-scale benchmark, termed LaMOT, which encompasses diverse scenarios and language descriptions. Specially, LaMOT comprises 1,660 sequences from 4 different datasets and aims to unify various Vision-Language MOT tasks while providing a standardized evaluation platform. To ensure high-quality annotations, we manually assign appropriate descriptive texts to each target in every video and conduct careful inspection and correction. To the best of our knowledge, LaMOT is the first benchmark dedicated to Language-Guided MOT. Additionally, we propose a simple yet effective tracker, termed LaMOTer. By establishing a unified task framework, providing challenging benchmarks, and offering insights for future algorithm design and evaluation, we expect to contribute to the advancement of research in Vision-Language MOT. We will release the data at
Abstract:In this work, we introduce ProMotion, a unified prototypical framework engineered to model fundamental motion tasks. ProMotion offers a range of compelling attributes that set it apart from current task-specific paradigms. We adopt a prototypical perspective, establishing a unified paradigm that harmonizes disparate motion learning approaches. This novel paradigm streamlines the architectural design, enabling the simultaneous assimilation of diverse motion information. We capitalize on a dual mechanism involving the feature denoiser and the prototypical learner to decipher the intricacies of motion. This approach effectively circumvents the pitfalls of ambiguity in pixel-wise feature matching, significantly bolstering the robustness of motion representation. We demonstrate a profound degree of transferability across distinct motion patterns. This inherent versatility reverberates robustly across a comprehensive spectrum of both 2D and 3D downstream tasks. Empirical results demonstrate that ProMotion outperforms various well-known specialized architectures, achieving 0.54 and 0.054 Abs Rel error on the Sintel and KITTI depth datasets, 1.04 and 2.01 average endpoint error on the clean and final pass of Sintel flow benchmark, and 4.30 F1-all error on the KITTI flow benchmark. For its efficacy, we hope our work can catalyze a paradigm shift in universal models in computer vision.
Abstract:High-performance Transformer trackers have shown excellent results, yet they often bear a heavy computational load. Observing that a smaller input can immediately and conveniently reduce computations without changing the model, an easy solution is to adopt the low-resolution input for efficient Transformer tracking. Albeit faster, this hurts tracking accuracy much due to information loss in low resolution tracking. In this paper, we aim to mitigate such information loss to boost the performance of the low-resolution Transformer tracking via dual knowledge distillation from a frozen high-resolution (but not a larger) Transformer tracker. The core lies in two simple yet effective distillation modules, comprising query-key-value knowledge distillation (QKV-KD) and discrimination knowledge distillation (Disc-KD), across resolutions. The former, from the global view, allows the low-resolution tracker to inherit the features and interactions from the high-resolution tracker, while the later, from the target-aware view, enhances the target-background distinguishing capacity via imitating discriminative regions from its high-resolution counterpart. With the dual knowledge distillation, our Low-Resolution Transformer Tracker (LoReTrack) enjoys not only high efficiency owing to reduced computation but also enhanced accuracy by distilling knowledge from the high-resolution tracker. In extensive experiments, LoReTrack with a 256x256 resolution consistently improves baseline with the same resolution, and shows competitive or even better results compared to 384x384 high-resolution Transformer tracker, while running 52% faster and saving 56% MACs. Moreover, LoReTrack is resolution-scalable. With a 128x128 resolution, it runs 25 fps on a CPU with 64.9%/46.4% SUC scores on LaSOT/LaSOText, surpassing all other CPU real-time trackers. Code will be released.
Abstract:The robustness of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tracking is crucial in many tasks like surveillance and robotics. Despite its importance, little attention is paid to the performance of UAV trackers under common corruptions due to lack of a dedicated platform. Addressing this, we propose UAV-C, a large-scale benchmark for assessing robustness of UAV trackers under common corruptions. Specifically, UAV-C is built upon two popular UAV datasets by introducing 18 common corruptions from 4 representative categories including adversarial, sensor, blur, and composite corruptions in different levels. Finally, UAV-C contains more than 10K sequences. To understand the robustness of existing UAV trackers against corruptions, we extensively evaluate 12 representative algorithms on UAV-C. Our study reveals several key findings: 1) Current trackers are vulnerable to corruptions, indicating more attention needed in enhancing the robustness of UAV trackers; 2) When accompanying together, composite corruptions result in more severe degradation to trackers; and 3) While each tracker has its unique performance profile, some trackers may be more sensitive to specific corruptions. By releasing UAV-C, we hope it, along with comprehensive analysis, serves as a valuable resource for advancing the robustness of UAV tracking against corruption. Our UAV-C will be available at
Abstract:The understanding of large-scale scientific software poses significant challenges due to its diverse codebase, extensive code length, and target computing architectures. The emergence of generative AI, specifically large language models (LLMs), provides novel pathways for understanding such complex scientific codes. This paper presents S3LLM, an LLM-based framework designed to enable the examination of source code, code metadata, and summarized information in conjunction with textual technical reports in an interactive, conversational manner through a user-friendly interface. S3LLM leverages open-source LLaMA-2 models to enhance code analysis through the automatic transformation of natural language queries into domain-specific language (DSL) queries. Specifically, it translates these queries into Feature Query Language (FQL), enabling efficient scanning and parsing of entire code repositories. In addition, S3LLM is equipped to handle diverse metadata types, including DOT, SQL, and customized formats. Furthermore, S3LLM incorporates retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and LangChain technologies to directly query extensive documents. S3LLM demonstrates the potential of using locally deployed open-source LLMs for the rapid understanding of large-scale scientific computing software, eliminating the need for extensive coding expertise, and thereby making the process more efficient and effective. S3LLM is available at
Abstract:Current multi-object tracking (MOT) aims to predict trajectories of targets (i.e.,"where") in videos. Yet, knowing merely "where" is insufficient in many crucial applications. In comparison, semantic understanding such as fine-grained behaviors, interactions, and overall summarized captions (i.e., "what") from videos, associated with "where", is highly-desired for comprehensive video analysis. Thus motivated, we introduce Semantic Multi-Object Tracking (SMOT), that aims to estimate object trajectories and meanwhile understand semantic details of associated trajectories including instance captions, instance interactions, and overall video captions, integrating "where" and "what" for tracking. In order to foster the exploration of SMOT, we propose BenSMOT, a large-scale Benchmark for Semantic MOT. Specifically, BenSMOT comprises 3,292 videos with 151K frames, covering various scenarios for semantic tracking of humans. BenSMOT provides annotations for the trajectories of targets, along with associated instance captions in natural language, instance interactions, and overall caption for each video sequence. To our best knowledge, BenSMOT is the first publicly available benchmark for SMOT. Besides, to encourage future research, we present a novel tracker named SMOTer, which is specially designed and end-to-end trained for SMOT, showing promising performance. By releasing BenSMOT, we expect to go beyond conventional MOT by predicting "where" and "what" for SMOT, opening up a new direction in tracking for video understanding. Our BenSMOT and SMOTer will be released.