Abstract:Bayesian and frequentist inference are two fundamental paradigms in statistical estimation. Bayesian methods treat hypotheses as random variables, incorporating priors and updating beliefs via Bayes' theorem, whereas frequentist methods assume fixed but unknown hypotheses, relying on estimators like maximum likelihood. While extensive research has compared these approaches, the frequentist paradigm of obtaining point estimates has become predominant in deep learning, as Bayesian inference is challenging due to the computational complexity and the approximation gap of posterior estimation methods. However, a good understanding of trade-offs between the two approaches is lacking in the regime of amortized estimators, where in-context learners are trained to estimate either point values via maximum likelihood or maximum a posteriori estimation, or full posteriors using normalizing flows, score-based diffusion samplers, or diagonal Gaussian approximations, conditioned on observations. To help resolve this, we conduct a rigorous comparative analysis spanning diverse problem settings, from linear models to shallow neural networks, with a robust evaluation framework assessing both in-distribution and out-of-distribution generalization on tractable tasks. Our experiments indicate that amortized point estimators generally outperform posterior inference, though the latter remain competitive in some low-dimensional problems, and we further discuss why this might be the case.
Abstract:Bayesian inference provides a natural way of incorporating prior beliefs and assigning a probability measure to the space of hypotheses. Current solutions rely on iterative routines like Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling and Variational Inference (VI), which need to be re-run whenever new observations are available. Amortization, through conditional estimation, is a viable strategy to alleviate such difficulties and has been the guiding principle behind simulation-based inference, neural processes and in-context methods using pre-trained models. In this work, we conduct a thorough comparative analysis of amortized in-context Bayesian posterior estimation methods from the lens of different optimization objectives and architectural choices. Such methods train an amortized estimator to perform posterior parameter inference by conditioning on a set of data examples passed as context to a sequence model such as a transformer. In contrast to language models, we leverage permutation invariant architectures as the true posterior is invariant to the ordering of context examples. Our empirical study includes generalization to out-of-distribution tasks, cases where the assumed underlying model is misspecified, and transfer from simulated to real problems. Subsequently, it highlights the superiority of the reverse KL estimator for predictive problems, especially when combined with the transformer architecture and normalizing flows.
Abstract:Self-interested individuals often fail to cooperate, posing a fundamental challenge for multi-agent learning. How can we achieve cooperation among self-interested, independent learning agents? Promising recent work has shown that in certain tasks cooperation can be established between learning-aware agents who model the learning dynamics of each other. Here, we present the first unbiased, higher-derivative-free policy gradient algorithm for learning-aware reinforcement learning, which takes into account that other agents are themselves learning through trial and error based on multiple noisy trials. We then leverage efficient sequence models to condition behavior on long observation histories that contain traces of the learning dynamics of other agents. Training long-context policies with our algorithm leads to cooperative behavior and high returns on standard social dilemmas, including a challenging environment where temporally-extended action coordination is required. Finally, we derive from the iterated prisoner's dilemma a novel explanation for how and when cooperation arises among self-interested learning-aware agents.
Abstract:Compositionality is believed to be fundamental to intelligence. In humans, it underlies the structure of thought, language, and higher-level reasoning. In AI, compositional representations can enable a powerful form of out-of-distribution generalization, in which a model systematically adapts to novel combinations of known concepts. However, while we have strong intuitions about what compositionality is, there currently exists no formal definition for it that is measurable and mathematical. Here, we propose such a definition, which we call representational compositionality, that accounts for and extends our intuitions about compositionality. The definition is conceptually simple, quantitative, grounded in algorithmic information theory, and applicable to any representation. Intuitively, representational compositionality states that a compositional representation satisfies three properties. First, it must be expressive. Second, it must be possible to re-describe the representation as a function of discrete symbolic sequences with re-combinable parts, analogous to sentences in natural language. Third, the function that relates these symbolic sequences to the representation, analogous to semantics in natural language, must be simple. Through experiments on both synthetic and real world data, we validate our definition of compositionality and show how it unifies disparate intuitions from across the literature in both AI and cognitive science. We also show that representational compositionality, while theoretically intractable, can be readily estimated using standard deep learning tools. Our definition has the potential to inspire the design of novel, theoretically-driven models that better capture the mechanisms of compositional thought.
Abstract:The goal of machine learning is generalization. While the No Free Lunch Theorem states that we cannot obtain theoretical guarantees for generalization without further assumptions, in practice we observe that simple models which explain the training data generalize best: a principle called Occam's razor. Despite the need for simple models, most current approaches in machine learning only minimize the training error, and at best indirectly promote simplicity through regularization or architecture design. Here, we draw a connection between Occam's razor and in-context learning: an emergent ability of certain sequence models like Transformers to learn at inference time from past observations in a sequence. In particular, we show that the next-token prediction loss used to train in-context learners is directly equivalent to a data compression technique called prequential coding, and that minimizing this loss amounts to jointly minimizing both the training error and the complexity of the model that was implicitly learned from context. Our theory and the empirical experiments we use to support it not only provide a normative account of in-context learning, but also elucidate the shortcomings of current in-context learning methods, suggesting ways in which they can be improved. We make our code available at https://github.com/3rdCore/PrequentialCode.
Abstract:Neuroscience employs diverse neuroimaging techniques, each offering distinct insights into brain activity, from electrophysiological recordings such as EEG, which have high temporal resolution, to hemodynamic modalities such as fMRI, which have increased spatial precision. However, integrating these heterogeneous data sources remains a challenge, which limits a comprehensive understanding of brain function. We present the Spatiotemporal Alignment of Multimodal Brain Activity (SAMBA) framework, which bridges the spatial and temporal resolution gaps across modalities by learning a unified latent space free of modality-specific biases. SAMBA introduces a novel attention-based wavelet decomposition for spectral filtering of electrophysiological recordings, graph attention networks to model functional connectivity between functional brain units, and recurrent layers to capture temporal autocorrelations in brain signal. We show that the training of SAMBA, aside from achieving translation, also learns a rich representation of brain information processing. We showcase this classify external stimuli driving brain activity from the representation learned in hidden layers of SAMBA, paving the way for broad downstream applications in neuroscience research and clinical contexts.
Abstract:Neural network training can be accelerated when a learnable update rule is used in lieu of classic adaptive optimizers (e.g. Adam). However, learnable update rules can be costly and unstable to train and use. A simpler recently proposed approach to accelerate training is to use Adam for most of the optimization steps and periodically, only every few steps, nowcast (predict future) parameters. We improve this approach by Neuron interaction and Nowcasting (NiNo) networks. NiNo leverages neuron connectivity and graph neural networks to more accurately nowcast parameters by learning in a supervised way from a set of training trajectories over multiple tasks. We show that in some networks, such as Transformers, neuron connectivity is non-trivial. By accurately modeling neuron connectivity, we allow NiNo to accelerate Adam training by up to 50\% in vision and language tasks.
Abstract:Many tasks can be composed from a few independent components. This gives rise to a combinatorial explosion of possible tasks, only some of which might be encountered during training. Under what circumstances can transformers compositionally generalize from a subset of tasks to all possible combinations of tasks that share similar components? Here we study a modular multitask setting that allows us to precisely control compositional structure in the data generation process. We present evidence that transformers learning in-context struggle to generalize compositionally on this task despite being in principle expressive enough to do so. Compositional generalization becomes possible only when introducing a bottleneck that enforces an explicit separation between task inference and task execution.
Abstract:Landmark universal function approximation results for neural networks with trained weights and biases provided impetus for the ubiquitous use of neural networks as learning models in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and neuroscience. Recent work has pushed the bounds of universal approximation by showing that arbitrary functions can similarly be learned by tuning smaller subsets of parameters, for example the output weights, within randomly initialized networks. Motivated by the fact that biases can be interpreted as biologically plausible mechanisms for adjusting unit outputs in neural networks, such as tonic inputs or activation thresholds, we investigate the expressivity of neural networks with random weights where only biases are optimized. We provide theoretical and numerical evidence demonstrating that feedforward neural networks with fixed random weights can be trained to perform multiple tasks by learning biases only. We further show that an equivalent result holds for recurrent neural networks predicting dynamical system trajectories. Our results are relevant to neuroscience, where they demonstrate the potential for behaviourally relevant changes in dynamics without modifying synaptic weights, as well as for AI, where they shed light on multi-task methods such as bias fine-tuning and unit masking.
Abstract:Large autoregressive models like Transformers can solve tasks through in-context learning (ICL) without learning new weights, suggesting avenues for efficiently solving new tasks. For many tasks, e.g., linear regression, the data factorizes: examples are independent given a task latent that generates the data, e.g., linear coefficients. While an optimal predictor leverages this factorization by inferring task latents, it is unclear if Transformers implicitly do so or if they instead exploit heuristics and statistical shortcuts enabled by attention layers. Both scenarios have inspired active ongoing work. In this paper, we systematically investigate the effect of explicitly inferring task latents. We minimally modify the Transformer architecture with a bottleneck designed to prevent shortcuts in favor of more structured solutions, and then compare performance against standard Transformers across various ICL tasks. Contrary to intuition and some recent works, we find little discernible difference between the two; biasing towards task-relevant latent variables does not lead to better out-of-distribution performance, in general. Curiously, we find that while the bottleneck effectively learns to extract latent task variables from context, downstream processing struggles to utilize them for robust prediction. Our study highlights the intrinsic limitations of Transformers in achieving structured ICL solutions that generalize, and shows that while inferring the right latents aids interpretability, it is not sufficient to alleviate this problem.