Abstract:Graph anomaly detection (GAD) aims to identify abnormal nodes that differ from the majority of the nodes in a graph, which has been attracting significant attention in recent years. Existing generalist graph models have achieved remarkable success in different graph tasks but struggle to generalize to the GAD task. This limitation arises from their difficulty in learning generalized knowledge for capturing the inherently infrequent, irregular and heterogeneous abnormality patterns in graphs from different domains. To address this challenge, we propose AnomalyGFM, a GAD-oriented graph foundation model that supports zero-shot inference and few-shot prompt tuning for GAD in diverse graph datasets. One key insight is that graph-agnostic representations for normal and abnormal classes are required to support effective zero/few-shot GAD across different graphs. Motivated by this, AnomalyGFM is pre-trained to align data-independent, learnable normal and abnormal class prototypes with node representation residuals (i.e., representation deviation of a node from its neighbors). The residual features essentially project the node information into a unified feature space where we can effectively measure the abnormality of nodes from different graphs in a consistent way. This provides a driving force for the learning of graph-agnostic, discriminative prototypes for the normal and abnormal classes, which can be used to enable zero-shot GAD on new graphs, including very large-scale graphs. If there are few-shot labeled normal nodes available in the new graphs, AnomalyGFM can further support prompt tuning to leverage these nodes for better adaptation. Comprehensive experiments on 11 widely-used GAD datasets with real anomalies, demonstrate that AnomalyGFM significantly outperforms state-of-the-art competing methods under both zero- and few-shot GAD settings.
Abstract:In anomaly detection, methods based on large language models (LLMs) can incorporate expert knowledge, while task-specific smaller models excel at extracting normal patterns and detecting value fluctuations. Inspired by the human nervous system, where the brain stores expert knowledge and the peripheral nervous system and spinal cord handle specific tasks like withdrawal and knee-jerk reflexes, we propose CoLLaTe, a framework designed to facilitate collaboration between LLMs and task-specific models, leveraging the strengths of both. In this work, we first formulate the collaboration process and identify two key challenges in the collaboration between LLMs and task-specific models: (1) the misalignment between the expression domains of LLMs and smaller models, and (2) error accumulation arising from the predictions of both models. To address these challenges, we introduce two key components in CoLLaTe: the alignment module and the collaborative loss function. Through theoretical analysis and experimental validation, we demonstrate that these components effectively mitigate the identified challenges and achieve better performance than LLM based methods and task-specific smaller model.
Abstract:Graph Transformers (GTs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in incorporating various graph structure information, e.g., long-range structural dependency, into graph representation learning. However, self-attention -- the core module of GTs -- preserves only low-frequency signals on graph features, retaining only homophilic patterns that capture similar features among the connected nodes. Consequently, it has insufficient capacity in modeling complex node label patterns, such as the opposite of homophilic patterns -- heterophilic patterns. Some improved GTs deal with the problem by learning polynomial filters or performing self-attention over the first-order graph spectrum. However, these GTs either ignore rich information contained in the whole spectrum or neglect higher-order spectrum information, resulting in limited flexibility and frequency response in their spectral filters. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel GT network, namely Graph Fourier Kolmogorov-Arnold Transformers (GrokFormer), to go beyond the self-attention in GTs. GrokFormer leverages learnable activation functions in order-$K$ graph spectrum through Fourier series modeling to i) learn eigenvalue-targeted filter functions producing learnable base that can capture a broad range of frequency signals flexibly, and ii) extract first- and higher-order graph spectral information adaptively. In doing so, GrokFormer can effectively capture intricate patterns hidden across different orders and levels of frequency signals, learning expressive, order-and-frequency-adaptive graph representations. Comprehensive experiments conducted on 10 node classification datasets across various domains, scales, and levels of graph heterophily, as well as 5 graph classification datasets, demonstrate that GrokFormer outperforms state-of-the-art GTs and other advanced graph neural networks.
Abstract:Visual anomaly detection targets to detect images that notably differ from normal pattern, and it has found extensive application in identifying defective parts within the manufacturing industry. These anomaly detection paradigms predominantly focus on training detection models using only clean, unlabeled normal samples, assuming an absence of contamination; a condition often unmet in real-world scenarios. The performance of these methods significantly depends on the quality of the data and usually decreases when exposed to noise. We introduce a systematic adaptive method that employs deviation learning to compute anomaly scores end-to-end while addressing data contamination by assigning relative importance to the weights of individual instances. In this approach, the anomaly scores for normal instances are designed to approximate scalar scores obtained from the known prior distribution. Meanwhile, anomaly scores for anomaly examples are adjusted to exhibit statistically significant deviations from these reference scores. Our approach incorporates a constrained optimization problem within the deviation learning framework to update instance weights, resolving this problem for each mini-batch. Comprehensive experiments on the MVTec and VisA benchmark datasets indicate that our proposed method surpasses competing techniques and exhibits both stability and robustness in the presence of data contamination.
Abstract:One key challenge in Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection is the absence of ground-truth OOD samples during training. One principled approach to address this issue is to use samples from external datasets as outliers (i.e., pseudo OOD samples) to train OOD detectors. However, we find empirically that the outlier samples often present a distribution shift compared to the true OOD samples, especially in Long-Tailed Recognition (LTR) scenarios, where ID classes are heavily imbalanced, \ie, the true OOD samples exhibit very different probability distribution to the head and tailed ID classes from the outliers. In this work, we propose a novel approach, namely normalized outlier distribution adaptation (AdaptOD), to tackle this distribution shift problem. One of its key components is dynamic outlier distribution adaptation that effectively adapts a vanilla outlier distribution based on the outlier samples to the true OOD distribution by utilizing the OOD knowledge in the predicted OOD samples during inference. Further, to obtain a more reliable set of predicted OOD samples on long-tailed ID data, a novel dual-normalized energy loss is introduced in AdaptOD, which leverages class- and sample-wise normalized energy to enforce a more balanced prediction energy on imbalanced ID samples. This helps avoid bias toward the head samples and learn a substantially better vanilla outlier distribution than existing energy losses during training. It also eliminates the need of manually tuning the sensitive margin hyperparameters in energy losses. Empirical results on three popular benchmarks for OOD detection in LTR show the superior performance of AdaptOD over state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/mala-lab/AdaptOD}.
Abstract:Graph anomaly detection (GAD), which aims to identify nodes in a graph that significantly deviate from normal patterns, plays a crucial role in broad application domains. Existing GAD methods, whether supervised or unsupervised, are one-model-for-one-dataset approaches, i.e., training a separate model for each graph dataset. This limits their applicability in real-world scenarios where training on the target graph data is not possible due to issues like data privacy. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel zero-shot generalist GAD approach UNPrompt that trains a one-for-all detection model, requiring the training of one GAD model on a single graph dataset and then effectively generalizing to detect anomalies in other graph datasets without any retraining or fine-tuning. The key insight in UNPrompt is that i) the predictability of latent node attributes can serve as a generalized anomaly measure and ii) highly generalized normal and abnormal graph patterns can be learned via latent node attribute prediction in a properly normalized node attribute space. UNPrompt achieves generalist GAD through two main modules: one module aligns the dimensionality and semantics of node attributes across different graphs via coordinate-wise normalization in a projected space, while another module learns generalized neighborhood prompts that support the use of latent node attribute predictability as an anomaly score across different datasets. Extensive experiments on real-world GAD datasets show that UNPrompt significantly outperforms diverse competing methods under the generalist GAD setting, and it also has strong superiority under the one-model-for-one-dataset setting.
Abstract:Identifying anomalies from time series data plays an important role in various fields such as infrastructure security, intelligent operation and maintenance, and space exploration. Current research focuses on detecting the anomalies after they occur, which can lead to significant financial/reputation loss or infrastructure damage. In this work we instead study a more practical yet very challenging problem, time series anomaly prediction, aiming at providing early warnings for abnormal events before their occurrence. To tackle this problem, we introduce a novel principled approach, namely future context modeling (FCM). Its key insight is that the future abnormal events in a target window can be accurately predicted if their preceding observation window exhibits any subtle difference to normal data. To effectively capture such differences, FCM first leverages long-term forecasting models to generate a discriminative future context based on the observation data, aiming to amplify those subtle but unusual difference. It then models a normality correlation of the observation data with the forecasting future context to complement the normality modeling of the observation data in foreseeing possible abnormality in the target window. A joint variate-time attention learning is also introduced in FCM to leverage both temporal signals and features of the time series data for more discriminative normality modeling in the aforementioned two views. Comprehensive experiments on five datasets demonstrate that FCM gains good recall rate (70\%+) on multiple datasets and significantly outperforms all baselines in F1 score. Code is available at https://github.com/mala-lab/FCM.
Abstract:Current zero-shot anomaly detection (ZSAD) methods show remarkable success in prompting large pre-trained vision-language models to detect anomalies in a target dataset without using any dataset-specific training or demonstration. However, these methods are often focused on crafting/learning prompts that capture only coarse-grained semantics of abnormality, e.g., high-level semantics like "damaged", "imperfect", or "defective" on carpet. They therefore have limited capability in recognizing diverse abnormality details with distinctive visual appearance, e.g., specific defect types like color stains, cuts, holes, and threads on carpet. To address this limitation, we propose FAPrompt, a novel framework designed to learn Fine-grained Abnormality Prompts for more accurate ZSAD. To this end, we introduce a novel compound abnormality prompting module in FAPrompt to learn a set of complementary, decomposed abnormality prompts, where each abnormality prompt is formed by a compound of shared normal tokens and a few learnable abnormal tokens. On the other hand, the fine-grained abnormality patterns can be very different from one dataset to another. To enhance their cross-dataset generalization, we further introduce a data-dependent abnormality prior module that learns to derive abnormality features from each query/test image as a sample-wise abnormality prior to ground the abnormality prompts in a given target dataset. Comprehensive experiments conducted across 19 real-world datasets, covering both industrial defects and medical anomalies, demonstrate that FAPrompt substantially outperforms state-of-the-art methods by at least 3%-5% AUC/AP in both image- and pixel-level ZSAD tasks. Code is available at https://github.com/mala-lab/FAPrompt.
Abstract:Class-incremental learning (CIL) aims to continually learn a sequence of tasks, with each task consisting of a set of unique classes. Graph CIL (GCIL) follows the same setting but needs to deal with graph tasks (e.g., node classification in a graph). The key characteristic of CIL lies in the absence of task identifiers (IDs) during inference, which causes a significant challenge in separating classes from different tasks (i.e., inter-task class separation). Being able to accurately predict the task IDs can help address this issue, but it is a challenging problem. In this paper, we show theoretically that accurate task ID prediction on graph data can be achieved by a Laplacian smoothing-based graph task profiling approach, in which each graph task is modeled by a task prototype based on Laplacian smoothing over the graph. It guarantees that the task prototypes of the same graph task are nearly the same with a large smoothing step, while those of different tasks are distinct due to differences in graph structure and node attributes. Further, to avoid the catastrophic forgetting of the knowledge learned in previous graph tasks, we propose a novel graph prompting approach for GCIL which learns a small discriminative graph prompt for each task, essentially resulting in a separate classification model for each task. The prompt learning requires the training of a single graph neural network (GNN) only once on the first task, and no data replay is required thereafter, thereby obtaining a GCIL model being both replay-free and forget-free. Extensive experiments on four GCIL benchmarks show that i) our task prototype-based method can achieve 100% task ID prediction accuracy on all four datasets, ii) our GCIL model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art competing methods by at least 18% in average CIL accuracy, and iii) our model is fully free of forgetting on the four datasets.
Abstract:Graph anomaly detection (GAD), which aims to identify unusual graph instances (nodes, edges, subgraphs, or graphs), has attracted increasing attention in recent years due to its significance in a wide range of applications. Deep learning approaches, graph neural networks (GNNs) in particular, have been emerging as a promising paradigm for GAD, owing to its strong capability in capturing complex structure and/or node attributes in graph data. Considering the large number of methods proposed for GNN-based GAD, it is of paramount importance to summarize the methodologies and findings in the existing GAD studies, so that we can pinpoint effective model designs for tackling open GAD problems. To this end, in this work we aim to present a comprehensive review of deep learning approaches for GAD. Existing GAD surveys are focused on task-specific discussions, making it difficult to understand the technical insights of existing methods and their limitations in addressing some unique challenges in GAD. To fill this gap, we first discuss the problem complexities and their resulting challenges in GAD, and then provide a systematic review of current deep GAD methods from three novel perspectives of methodology, including GNN backbone design, proxy task design for GAD, and graph anomaly measures. To deepen the discussions, we further propose a taxonomy of 13 fine-grained method categories under these three perspectives to provide more in-depth insights into the model designs and their capabilities. To facilitate the experiments and validation, we also summarize a collection of widely-used GAD datasets and empirical comparison. We further discuss multiple open problems to inspire more future high-quality research. A continuously updated repository for datasets, links to the codes of algorithms, and empirical comparison is available at https://github.com/mala-lab/Awesome-Deep-Graph-Anomaly-Detection.