Abstract:Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) is expected to play a pivotal role in future 6G networks. To maximize time-frequency resource utilization, 6G ISAC systems must exploit data payload signals, that are inherently random, for both communication and sensing tasks. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the sensing performance of such communication-centric ISAC signals, with a focus on modulation and pulse shaping design to reshape the statistical properties of their auto-correlation functions (ACFs), thereby improving the target ranging performance. We derive a closed-form expression for the expectation of the squared ACF of random ISAC signals, considering arbitrary modulation bases and constellation mappings within the Nyquist pulse shaping framework. The structure is metaphorically described as an ``iceberg hidden in the sea", where the ``iceberg'' represents the squared mean of the ACF of random ISAC signals, that is determined by the pulse shaping filter, and the ``sea level'' characterizes the corresponding variance, caused by the randomness of the data payload. Our analysis shows that, for QAM/PSK constellations with Nyquist pulse shaping, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) achieves the lowest ranging sidelobe level across all lags. Building on these insights, we propose a novel Nyquist pulse shaping design to enhance the sensing performance of random ISAC signals. Numerical results validate our theoretical findings, showing that the proposed pulse shaping significantly reduces ranging sidelobes compared to conventional root-raised cosine (RRC) pulse shaping, thereby improving the ranging performance.
Abstract:This work considers a spatial non-stationary channel tracking problem in broadband extremely large-scale multiple-input-multiple-output (XL-MIMO) systems. In the case of spatial non-stationary, each scatterer has a certain visibility region (VR) over antennas and power change may occur among visible antennas. Concentrating on the temporal correlation of XL-MIMO channels, we design a three-layer Markov prior model and hierarchical two-dimensional (2D) Markov model to exploit the dynamic sparsity of sparse channel vectors and VRs, respectively. Then, we formulate the channel tracking problem as a bilinear measurement process, and a novel dynamic alternating maximum a posteriori (DA-MAP) framework is developed to solve the problem. The DA-MAP contains four basic modules: channel estimation module, VR detection module, grid update module, and temporal correlated module. Specifically, the first module is an inverse-free variational Bayesian inference (IF-VBI) estimator that avoids computational intensive matrix inverse each iteration; the second module is a turbo compressive sensing (Turbo-CS) algorithm that only needs small-scale matrix operations in a parallel fashion; the third module refines the polar-delay domain grid; and the fourth module can process the temporal prior information to ensure high-efficiency channel tracking. Simulations show that the proposed method can achieve a significant channel tracking performance while achieving low computational overhead.
Abstract:Devices in a device-to-device (D2D) network operating in sub-THz frequencies require knowledge of the spatial channel that connects them to their peers. Acquiring such high dimensional channel state information entails large overhead, which drastically increases with the number of network devices. In this paper, we propose an accelerated method to achieve network-wide beam alignment in an efficient way. To this aim, we consider compressed sensing estimation enabled by a novel design of pilot sequences. Our designed pilots have constant envelope to alleviate hardware requirements at the transmitters, while they exhibit a "comb-like"' spectrum that flexibly allocates energy only on certain frequencies. This design enables multiple devices to transmit thier pilots concurrently while remaining orthogonal in frequency, achieving simultaneous alignment of multiple devices. Furthermore, we present a sequential partitioning strategy into transmitters and receivers that results in logarithmic scaling of the overhead with the number of devices, as opposed to the conventional linear scaling. Finally, we show via accurate modeling of the indoor propagation environment and ray tracing simulations that the resulting sub-THz channels after successful beamforming are approximately frequency flat, therefore suitable for efficient single carrier transmission without equalization. We compare our results against an "802.11ad inspired" baseline and show that our method is capable to greatly reduce the number of pilots required to achieve network-wide alignment.
Abstract:Evaluating datasets in data marketplaces, where the buyer aim to purchase valuable data, is a critical challenge. In this paper, we introduce an innovative task-agnostic data valuation method called PriArTa which is an approach for computing the distance between the distribution of the buyer's existing dataset and the seller's dataset, allowing the buyer to determine how effectively the new data can enhance its dataset. PriArTa is communication-efficient, enabling the buyer to evaluate datasets without needing access to the entire dataset from each seller. Instead, the buyer requests that sellers perform specific preprocessing on their data and then send back the results. Using this information and a scoring metric, the buyer can evaluate the dataset. The preprocessing is designed to allow the buyer to compute the score while preserving the privacy of each seller's dataset, mitigating the risk of information leakage before the purchase. A key feature of PriArTa is its robustness to common data transformations, ensuring consistent value assessment and reducing the risk of purchasing redundant data. The effectiveness of PriArTa is demonstrated through experiments on real-world image datasets, showing its ability to perform privacy-preserving, augmentation-robust data valuation in data marketplaces.
Abstract:In this work, we consider the target detection problem in a multistatic integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) scenario characterized by the cell-free MIMO communication network deployment, where multiple radio units (RUs) in the network cooperate with each other for the sensing task. By exploiting the angle resolution from multiple arrays deployed in the network and the delay resolution from the communication signals, i.e., orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) signals, we formulate a cooperative sensing problem with coherent data fusion of multiple RUs' observations and propose a sparse Bayesian learning (SBL)-based method, where the global coordinates of target locations are directly detected. Intensive numerical results indicate promising target detection performance of the proposed SBL-based method. Additionally, a theoretical analysis of the considered cooperative multistatic sensing task is provided using the pairwise error probability (PEP) analysis, which can be used to provide design insights, e.g., illumination and beam patterns, for the considered problem.
Abstract:Optimizing network utility in device-to-device networks is typically formulated as a non-convex optimization problem. This paper addresses the scenario where the optimization variables are from a bounded but continuous set, allowing each device to perform power control. The power at each link is optimized to maximize a desired network utility. Specifically, we consider the weighted-sum-rate. The state of the art benchmark for this problem is fractional programming with quadratic transform, known as FPLinQ. We propose a scalarization approach to transform the weighted-sum-rate, developing an iterative algorithm that depends on step sizes, a reference, and a direction vector. By employing the deep unfolding approach, we optimize these parameters by presenting the iterative algorithm as a finite sequence of steps, enabling it to be trained as a deep neural network. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the unfolded algorithm performs comparably to the benchmark in most cases while exhibiting lower complexity. Furthermore, the unfolded algorithm shows strong generalizability in terms of varying the number of users, the signal-to-noise ratio and arbitrary weights. The weighted-sum-rate maximizer can be integrated into a low-complexity fairness scheduler, updating priority weights via virtual queues and Lyapunov Drift Plus Penalty. This is demonstrated through experiments using proportional and max-min fairness.
Abstract:We consider an integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system with a single communication user and multiple targets. For the communication functionality, the achievable rate is employed as the performance metric, while for sensing, we focus on minimizing the mean squared error (MSE) between the designed beampattern and a desired one for tracking the targets. Towards this, and by assuming that there are fewer radiofrequency (RF) chains than antenna elements at the transmitter (Tx), we focus on the joint antenna selection (AS) and covariance matrix (CM) optimization at the Tx. This is a mixed-integer optimization problem, yet we demonstrate that it can be efficiently solved, in polynomial time, by combining convex optimization tools with dynamic programming (DP). By introducing an adjustable trade-off parameter, we formulate a joint objective function that captures both the communication and sensing metric. In this way, different ISAC solutions can be obtained, considering the trade-off among the two functionalities. It is shown that selecting the active antennas with our proposed method is superior than assuming a uniform Tx array with fixed antenna positions. Notably, by individually considering the optimization of either the sensing or the communication system alone, our proposed algorithm outperforms the literature proposals, by incurring only a small increase in complexity.
Abstract:In this paper, we investigate the performance of the cross-domain iterative detection (CDID) framework with orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation, where two distinct CDID algorithms are presented. The proposed schemes estimate/detect the information symbols iteratively across the frequency domain and the delay-Doppler (DD) domain via passing either the a posteriori or extrinsic information. Building upon this framework, we investigate the error performance by considering the bias evolution and state evolution. Furthermore, we discuss their error performance in convergence and the DD domain error state lower bounds in each iteration. Specifically, we demonstrate that in convergence, the ultimate error performance of the CDID passing the a posteriori information can be characterized by two potential convergence points. In contrast, the ultimate error performance of the CDID passing the extrinsic information has only one convergence point, which, interestingly, aligns with the matched filter bound. Our numerical results confirm our analytical findings and unveil the promising error performance achieved by the proposed designs.
Abstract:This paper aims to answer a fundamental question in the area of Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC): What is the optimal communication-centric ISAC waveform for ranging? Towards that end, we first established a generic framework to analyze the sensing performance of communication-centric ISAC waveforms built upon orthonormal signaling bases and random data symbols. Then, we evaluated their ranging performance by adopting both the periodic and aperiodic auto-correlation functions (P-ACF and A-ACF), and defined the expectation of the integrated sidelobe level (EISL) as a sensing performance metric. On top of that, we proved that among all communication waveforms with cyclic prefix (CP), the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation is the only globally optimal waveform that achieves the lowest ranging sidelobe for quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) and phase shift keying (PSK) constellations, in terms of both the EISL and the sidelobe level at each individual lag of the P-ACF. As a step forward, we proved that among all communication waveforms without CP, OFDM is a locally optimal waveform for QAM/PSK in the sense that it achieves a local minimum of the EISL of the A-ACF. Finally, we demonstrated by numerical results that under QAM/PSK constellations, there is no other orthogonal communication-centric waveform that achieves a lower ranging sidelobe level than that of the OFDM, in terms of both P-ACF and A-ACF cases.
Abstract:Multiple access is the cornerstone technology for each generation of wireless cellular networks and resource allocation design plays a crucial role in multiple access. In this paper, we present a comprehensive tutorial overview for junior researchers in this field, aiming to offer a foundational guide for resource allocation design in the context of next-generation multiple access (NGMA). Initially, we identify three types of channels in future wireless cellular networks over which NGMA will be implemented, namely: natural channels, reconfigurable channels, and functional channels. Natural channels are traditional uplink and downlink communication channels; reconfigurable channels are defined as channels that can be proactively reshaped via emerging platforms or techniques, such as intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and movable/fluid antenna (M/FA); and functional channels support not only communication but also other functionalities simultaneously, with typical examples including integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) and joint computing and communication (JCAC) channels. Then, we introduce NGMA models applicable to these three types of channels that cover most of the practical communication scenarios of future wireless communications. Subsequently, we articulate the key optimization technical challenges inherent in the resource allocation design for NGMA, categorizing them into rate-oriented, power-oriented, and reliability-oriented resource allocation designs. The corresponding optimization approaches for solving the formulated resource allocation design problems are then presented. Finally, simulation results are presented and discussed to elucidate the practical implications and insights derived from resource allocation designs in NGMA.