Abstract:Next-generation wireless networks are conceived to provide reliable and high-data-rate communication services for diverse scenarios, such as vehicle-to-vehicle, unmanned aerial vehicles, and satellite networks. The severe Doppler spreads in the underlying time-varying channels induce destructive inter-carrier interference (ICI) in the extensively adopted orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform, leading to severe performance degradation. This calls for a new air interface design that can accommodate the severe delay-Doppler spreads in highly dynamic channels while possessing sufficient flexibility to cater to various applications. This article provides a comprehensive overview of a promising chirp-based waveform named affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM). It is featured with two tunable parameters and achieves optimal diversity order in doubly dispersive channels (DDC). We study the fundamental principle of AFDM, illustrating its intrinsic suitability for DDC. Based on that, several potential applications of AFDM are explored. Furthermore, the major challenges and the corresponding solutions of AFDM are presented, followed by several future research directions. Finally, we draw some instructive conclusions about AFDM, hoping to provide useful inspiration for its development.
Abstract:With the increasing demand for multi-carrier communication in high-mobility scenarios, it is urgent to design new multi-carrier communication waveforms that can resist large delay-Doppler spreads. Various multi-carrier waveforms in the transform domain were proposed for the fast time-varying channels, including orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS), orthogonal chirp division multiplexing (OCDM), and affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM). Among these, the AFDM is a strong candidate for its low implementation complexity and ability to achieve optimal diversity. This paper unifies the waveforms based on the discrete affine Fourier transform (DAFT) by using the chirp slope factor "k" in the time-frequency representation to construct a unified design framework for high-mobility communications. The design framework is employed to verify that the bit error rate performance of the DAFT-based waveform can be enhanced when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is sufficiently high by adjusting the chirp slope factor "k".
Abstract:This paper explores a novel integrated localization and communication (ILAC) system using the affine Fourier transform multicarrier (AFT-MC) waveform. Specifically, we consider a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) AFT-MC system with ILAC and derive a continuous delay and Doppler shift channel matrix model. Based on the derived signal model, we develop a two-step algorithm with low complexity for estimating channel parameters. Furthermore, we derive the Cram\'er-Rao lower bound (CRLB) of location estimation as the fundamental limit of localization. Finally, we provide some insights about the AFT-MC parameters by explaining the impact of the parameters on localization performance. Simulation results demonstrate that the AFT-MC waveform is able to provide significant localization performance improvement compared to orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) while achieving the CRLB of location estimation.
Abstract:This letter presents a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) approach for transmission design to optimize the energy efficiency in vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication links. Considering the dynamic environment of vehicular communications, the optimization problem is non-convex and mathematically difficult to solve. Hence, we propose scenario identification-based double and Dueling deep Q-Network (SI-D3QN), a DRL algorithm integrating both double deep Q-Network and Dueling deep Q-Network, for the joint design of modulation and coding scheme (MCS) selection and power control. To be more specific, we employ SI techique to enhance link performance and assit the D3QN agent in refining its decision-making processes. The experiment results demonstrate that, across various optimization tasks, our proposed SI-D3QN agent outperforms the benchmark algorithms in terms of the valid actions and link performance metrics. Particularly, while ensuring significant improvement in energy efficiency, the agent facilitates a 29.6% enhancement in the link throughput under the same energy consumption.
Abstract:The recently developed affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM) can achieve full diversity in doubly selective channels, providing a comprehensive sparse representation of the delay-Doppler domain channel. Thus, accurate channel estimation is feasible by using just one pilot symbol. However, traditional AFDM channel estimation schemes necessitate the use of guard intervals (GI) to mitigate data-pilot interference, leading to spectral efficiency degradation. In this paper, we propose a GI-free pilot-aided channel estimation algorithm for AFDM systems, which improves spectral efficiency significantly. To mitigate the interference between the pilot and data symbols caused by the absence of GI, we perform joint interference cancellation, channel estimation, and signal detection iterately. Simulation results show that the bit error rate (BER) performance of the proposed method can approach the ideal case with perfect channel estimation.
Abstract:Affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM) is a recently proposed communication waveform for time-varying channel scenarios. As a chirp-based multicarrier modulation technique it can not only satisfy the needs of multiple scenarios in future mobile communication networks but also achieve good performance in radar sensing by adjusting the built-in parameters, making it a promising air interface waveform in integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) applications. In this paper, we investigate an AFDM-based radar system and analyze the radar ambiguity function of AFDM with different built-in parameters, based on which we find an AFDM waveform with the specific parameter c2 owns the near-optimal time-domain ambiguity function. Then a low-complexity algorithm based on matched filtering for high-resolution target range estimation is proposed for this specific AFDM waveform. Through simulation and analysis, the specific AFDM waveform has near-optimal range estimation performance with the proposed low-complexity algorithm while having the same bit error rate (BER) performance as orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) using simple linear minimum mean square error (LMMSE) equalizer.
Abstract:In simultaneous transmit and receive (STAR) wireless communications, digital self-interference (SI) cancellation is required before estimating the remote transmission (RT) channel. Considering the inherent connection between SI channel reconstruction and RT channel estimation, we propose a multi-layered M-estimate total least mean squares (m-MTLS) joint estimator to estimate both channels. In each layer, our proposed m-MTLS estimator first employs an M-estimate total least mean squares (MTLS) algorithm to eliminate residual SI from the received signal and give a new estimation of the RT channel. Then, it gives the final RT channel estimation based on the weighted sum of the estimation values obtained from each layer. Compared to traditional minimum mean square error (MMSE) estimator and single-layered MTLS estimator, it demonstrates that the m-MTLS estimator has better performance of normalized mean squared difference (NMSD). Besides, the simulation results also show the robustness of m-MTLS estimator even in scenarios where the local reference signal is contaminated with noise, and the received signal is impacted by strong impulse noise.
Abstract:Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) is a significant application scenario in future wireless communication networks, and sensing is always evaluated by the ambiguity function. To enhance the sensing performance of the orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) waveform, we propose a novel time-domain interleaved cyclic-shifted P4-coded OTFS (TICP4-OTFS) with improved ambiguity function. TICP4-OTFS can achieve superior autocorrelation features in both the time and frequency domains by exploiting the multicarrier-like form of OTFS after interleaved and the favorable autocorrelation attributes of the P4 code. Furthermore, we present the vectorized formulation of TICP4-OTFS modulation as well as its signal structure in each domain. Numerical simulations show that our proposed TICP4-OTFS waveform outperforms OTFS with a narrower mainlobe as well as lower and more distant sidelobes in terms of delay and Doppler-dimensional ambiguity functions, and an instance of range estimation using pulse compression is illustrated to exhibit the proposed waveform\u2019s greater resolution. Besides, TICP4-OTFS achieves better performance of bit error rate for communication in low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) scenarios.
Abstract:Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) is considered as a promising solution for improving spectrum efficiency and relieving wireless spectrum congestion. This paper systematically introduces the evolutionary path of ISAC technologies, then sorts out and summarizes the current research status of ISAC resource allocation. From the perspective of different integrated levels of ISAC, we introduce and elaborate the research progress of resource allocation in different stages, namely, resource separated, orthogonal, converged, and collaborative stages. In addition, we give in-depth consideration to propose a new resource allocation framework from a multi-granularity perspective. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed framework with a case of full-duplex ISAC system.
Abstract:In the high-mobility scenarios of next-generation wireless communication systems (beyond 5G/6G), the performance of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) deteriorates drastically due to the loss of orthogonality between the subcarriers caused by large Doppler frequency shifts. Various emerging waveforms have been proposed for fast time-varying channels with excellent results. In this paper, we classify these waveforms from the perspective of their modulation domain and establish a unified framework to provide a comprehensive system structure comparison. Then we analyze bit error rate (BER) performance of each waveform in doubly selective channels. Through the discussions on their complexity and compatibility with OFDM systems, we finally give the candidate waveform suggestions.