Abstract:For the existing near-field multiuser communications based on hybrid beamforming (HBF) architectures, high-quality effective channel estimation is required to obtain the channel state information (CSI) for the design of the digital beamformer. To simplify the system reconfiguration and eliminate the pilot overhead required by the effective channel estimation, we considered an analog-only beamforming (AoBF) architecture in this study. The AoBF is designed with the aim of maximizing the sum rate, which is then transformed into a problem, maximizing the power transmitted to the target user equipment (UE) and meanwhile minimizing the power leaked to the other UEs. To solve this problem, we used beam focusing and beam nulling and proposed two AoBF schemes based on the majorization-minimization (MM) algorithm. First, the AoBF scheme based on perfect CSI is proposed, with the focus on the beamforming performance and regardless of the CSI acquisition. Then, the AoBF scheme based on imperfect CSI is proposed, where the low-dimensional imperfect CSI is obtained by beam sweeping based on a near-field codebook. Simulation results demonstrate that the two AoBF schemes can approach the sum rate of the HBF schemes but outperform HBF schemes in terms of energy efficiency (EE).
Abstract:We investigate hybrid beamforming design for covert millimeter wave multiple-input multiple-output systems with finite-resolution digital-to-analog converters (DACs), which impose practical hardware constraints not yet considered by the existing works and have negative impact on the covertness. Based on the additive quantization noise model, we derive the detection error probability of the warden considering finite-resolution DACs. Aiming at maximizing the sum covert rate (SCR) between the transmitter and legitimate users, we design hybrid beamformers subject to power and covertness constraints. To solve this nonconvex joint optimization problem, we propose an alternating optimization (AO) scheme based on fractional programming, quadratic transformation, and inner majorization-minimization methods to iteratively optimize the analog and digital beamformers. To reduce the computational complexity of the AO scheme, we propose a vector-space based heuristic (VSH) scheme to design the hybrid beamformer. We prove that as the number of antennas grows to be infinity, the SCR in the VSH scheme can approach the channel mutual information. Simulation results show that the AO and VSH schemes outperform the existing schemes and the VSH scheme can be used to obtain an initialization for the AO scheme to speed up its convergence.
Abstract:For high-speed train (HST) millimeter wave (mmWave) communications, the use of narrow beams with small beam coverage needs frequent beam switching, while wider beams with small beam gain leads to weaker mmWave signal strength. In this paper, we consider beam switching based beam design, which is formulated as an optimization problem aiming to minimize the number of switched beams within a predetermined railway range subject to that the receiving signal-to-noise ratio (RSNR) at the HST is no lower than a predetermined threshold. To solve this problem, we propose two sequential beam design schemes, both including two alternately-performed stages. In the first stage, given an updated beam coverage according to the railway range, we transform the problem into a feasibility problem and further convert it into a min-max optimization problem by relaxing the RSNR constraints into a penalty of the objective function. In the second stage, we evaluate the feasibility of the beamformer obtained from solving the min-max problem and determine the beam coverage accordingly. Simulation results show that compared to the first scheme, the second scheme can achieve 96.20\% reduction in computational complexity at the cost of only 0.0657\% performance degradation.
Abstract:Extremely large-scale multiple-input multiple-output (XL-MIMO) is regarded as one of the key techniques to enhance the performance of future wireless communications. Different from regular MIMO, the XL-MIMO shifts part of the communication region from the far field to the near field, where the spherical-wave channel model cannot be accurately approximated by the commonly-adopted planar-wave channel model. As a result, the well-explored far-field beamspace is unsuitable for near-field communications, thereby requiring the exploration of specialized near-field beamspace. In this article, we investigate the near-field communications for XL-MIMO from the perspective of beamspace. Given the spherical wavefront characteristics of the near-field channels, we first map the antenna space to the near-field beamspace with the fractional Fourier transform. Then, we divide the near-field beamspace into three parts, including high mainlobe, low mainlobe, and sidelobe, and provide a comprehensive analysis of these components. Based on the analysis, we demonstrate the advantages of the near-field beamspace over the existing methods. Finally, we point out several applications of the near-field beamspace and highlight some potential directions for future study in the near-field beamspace.
Abstract:Since hybrid beamforming (HBF) can approach the performance of fully-digital beamforming (FDBF) with much lower hardware complexity, we investigate the HBF design for beam-hopping (BH) low earth orbit (LEO) satellite communications (SatComs). Aiming at maximizing the sum-rate of totally illuminated beam positions during the whole BH period, we consider joint beamforming and illumination pattern design subject to the HBF constraints and sum-rate requirements. To address the non-convexity of the HBF constraints, we temporarily replace the HBF constraints with the FDBF constraints. Then we propose an FDBF and illumination pattern random search (FDBF-IPRS) scheme to optimize illumination patterns and fully-digital beamformers using constrained random search and fractional programming methods. To further reduce the computational complexity, we propose an FDBF and illumination pattern alternating optimization (FDBF-IPAO) scheme, where we relax the integer illumination pattern to continuous variables and after finishing all the iterations we quantize the continuous variables into integer ones. Based on the fully-digital beamformers designed by the FDBF-IPRS or FDBF-IPAO scheme, we propose an HBF alternating minimization algorithm to design the hybrid beamformers. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes can achieve satisfactory sum-rate performance for BH LEO SatComs.
Abstract:This paper considers near-field multiuser communications based on sparse arrays (SAs). First, for the uniform SAs (USAs), we analyze the beam gains of channel steering vectors, which shows that increasing the antenna spacings can effectively improve the spatial resolution of the antenna arrays to enhance the sum rate of multiuser communications. Then, we investigate nonuniform SAs (NSAs) to mitigate the high multiuser interference from the grating lobes of the USAs. To maximize the sum rate of near-field multiuser communications, we optimize the antenna positions of the NSAs, where a successive convex approximation-based antenna position optimization algorithm is proposed. Moreover, we find that the channels of both the USAs and the NSAs show uniform sparsity in the defined surrogate distance-angle (SD-A) domain. Based on the channel sparsity, an on-grid SD-A-domain orthogonal matching pursuit (SDA-OMP) algorithm is developed to estimate multiuser channels. To further improve the resolution of the SDA-OMP, we also design an off-grid SD-A-domain iterative super-resolution channel estimation algorithm. Simulation results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed methods.
Abstract:This paper investigates beam training for extremely large-scale multiple-input multiple-output systems. By considering both the near field and far field, a triple-refined hybrid-field beam training scheme is proposed, where high-accuracy estimates of channel parameters are obtained through three steps of progressive beam refinement. First, the hybrid-field beam gain (HFBG)-based first refinement method is developed. Based on the analysis of the HFBG, the first-refinement codebook is designed and the beam training is performed accordingly to narrow down the potential region of the channel path. Then, the maximum likelihood (ML)-based and principle of stationary phase (PSP)-based second refinement methods are developed. By exploiting the measurements of the beam training, the ML is used to estimate the channel parameters. To avoid the high computational complexity of ML, closed-form estimates of the channel parameters are derived according to the PSP. Moreover, the Gaussian approximation (GA)-based third refinement method is developed. The hybrid-field neighboring search is first performed to identify the potential region of the main lobe of the channel steering vector. Afterwards, by applying the GA, a least-squares estimator is developed to obtain the high-accuracy channel parameter estimation. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Abstract:This paper investigates an integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) system with reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS). Our simultaneous beam training and target sensing (SBTTS) scheme enables the base station to perform beam training with the user terminals (UTs) and the RIS, and simultaneously to sense the targets. Based on our findings, the energy of the echoes from the RIS is accumulated in the angle-delay domain while that from the targets is accumulated in the Doppler-delay domain. The SBTTS scheme can distinguish the RIS from the targets with the mixed echoes from the RIS and the targets. Then we propose a positioning and array orientation estimation (PAOE) scheme for both the line-of-sight channels and the non-line-of-sight channels based on the beam training results of SBTTS by developing a low-complexity two-dimensional fast search algorithm. Based on the SBTTS and PAOE schemes, we further compute the angle-of-arrival and angle-of-departure for the channels between the RIS and the UTs by exploiting the geometry relationship to accomplish the beam alignment of the ISAC system. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.
Abstract:Non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) have become appealing resolutions for seamless coverage in the next-generation wireless transmission, where a large number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices diversely distributed can be efficiently served. The explosively growing number of IoT devices brings a new challenge for massive connection. The long-distance wireless signal propagation in NTNs leads to severe path loss and large latency, where the accurate acquisition of channel state information (CSI) is another challenge, especially for fast-moving non-terrestrial base stations (NTBSs). Moreover, the scarcity of on-board resources of NTBSs is also a challenge for resource allocation. To this end, we investigate three key issues, where the existing schemes and emerging resolutions for these three key issues have been comprehensively presented. The first issue is to enable the massive connection by designing random access to establish the wireless link and multiple access to transmit data streams. The second issue is to accurately acquire CSI in various channel conditions by channel estimation and beam training, where orthogonal time frequency space modulation and dynamic codebooks are on focus. The third issue is to efficiently allocate the wireless resources, including power allocation, spectrum sharing, beam hopping, and beamforming. At the end of this article, some future research topics are identified.
Abstract:In this paper, beam training and beam tracking are investigated for extremely large-scale multiple-input-multiple-output communication systems with partially-connected hybrid combining structures. Firstly, we propose a two-stage hybrid-field beam training scheme for both the near field and the far field. In the first stage, each subarray independently uses multiple far-field channel steering vectors to approximate near-field ones for analog combining. To find the codeword best fitting for the channel, digital combiners in the second stage are designed to combine the outputs of the analog combiners from the first stage. Then, based on the principle of stationary phase and the time-frequency duality, the expressions of subarray signals after analog combining are analytically derived and a beam refinement based on phase shifts of subarrays~(BRPSS) scheme with closed-form solutions is proposed for high-resolution channel parameter estimation. Moreover, a low-complexity near-field beam tracking scheme is developed, where the kinematic model is adopted to characterize the channel variations and the extended Kalman filter is exploited for beam tracking. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed schemes.