Abstract:Next-generation wireless networks are conceived to provide reliable and high-data-rate communication services for diverse scenarios, such as vehicle-to-vehicle, unmanned aerial vehicles, and satellite networks. The severe Doppler spreads in the underlying time-varying channels induce destructive inter-carrier interference (ICI) in the extensively adopted orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) waveform, leading to severe performance degradation. This calls for a new air interface design that can accommodate the severe delay-Doppler spreads in highly dynamic channels while possessing sufficient flexibility to cater to various applications. This article provides a comprehensive overview of a promising chirp-based waveform named affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM). It is featured with two tunable parameters and achieves optimal diversity order in doubly dispersive channels (DDC). We study the fundamental principle of AFDM, illustrating its intrinsic suitability for DDC. Based on that, several potential applications of AFDM are explored. Furthermore, the major challenges and the corresponding solutions of AFDM are presented, followed by several future research directions. Finally, we draw some instructive conclusions about AFDM, hoping to provide useful inspiration for its development.
Abstract:In this work, we investigate low-complexity remote system state estimation over wireless multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) channels without requiring prior knowledge of channel state information (CSI). We start by reviewing the conventional Kalman filtering-based state estimation algorithm, which typically relies on perfect CSI and incurs considerable computational complexity. To overcome the need for CSI, we introduce a novel semantic aggregation method, in which sensors transmit semantic measurement discrepancies to the remote state estimator through analog aggregation. To further reduce computational complexity, we introduce a constant-gain-based filtering algorithm that can be optimized offline using the constrained stochastic successive convex approximation (CSSCA) method. We derive a closed-form sufficient condition for the estimation stability of our proposed scheme via Lyapunov drift analysis. Numerical results showcase significant performance gains using the proposed scheme compared to several widely used methods.
Abstract:In this work, we study the problem of aggregation in the context of Bayesian Federated Learning (BFL). Using an information geometric perspective, we interpret the BFL aggregation step as finding the barycenter of the trained posteriors for a pre-specified divergence metric. We study the barycenter problem for the parametric family of $\alpha$-divergences and, focusing on the standard case of independent and Gaussian distributed parameters, we recover the closed-form solution of the reverse Kullback-Leibler barycenter and develop the analytical form of the squared Wasserstein-2 barycenter. Considering a non-IID setup, where clients possess heterogeneous data, we analyze the performance of the developed algorithms against state-of-the-art (SOTA) Bayesian aggregation methods in terms of accuracy, uncertainty quantification (UQ), model calibration (MC), and fairness. Finally, we extend our analysis to the framework of Hybrid Bayesian Deep Learning (HBDL), where we study how the number of Bayesian layers in the architecture impacts the considered performance metrics. Our experimental results show that the proposed methodology presents comparable performance with the SOTA while offering a geometric interpretation of the aggregation phase.
Abstract:We study the computation of the rate-distortion-perception function (RDPF) for discrete memoryless sources subject to a single-letter average distortion constraint and a perception constraint that belongs to the family of $f$-divergences. In this setting, the RDPF forms a convex programming problem for which we characterize the optimal parametric solutions. We employ the developed solutions in an alternating minimization scheme, namely Optimal Alternating Minimization (OAM), for which we provide convergence guarantees. Nevertheless, the OAM scheme does not lead to a direct implementation of a generalized Blahut-Arimoto (BA) type of algorithm due to the presence of implicit equations in the structure of the iteration. To overcome this difficulty, we propose two alternative minimization approaches whose applicability depends on the smoothness of the used perception metric: a Newton-based Alternating Minimization (NAM) scheme, relying on Newton's root-finding method for the approximation of the optimal iteration solution, and a Relaxed Alternating Minimization (RAM) scheme, based on a relaxation of the OAM iterates. Both schemes are shown, via the derivation of necessary and sufficient conditions, to guarantee convergence to a globally optimal solution. We also provide sufficient conditions on the distortion and the perception constraints which guarantee that the proposed algorithms converge exponentially fast in the number of iteration steps. We corroborate our theoretical results with numerical simulations and draw connections with existing results.
Abstract:This paper studies decision-making for goal-oriented effective communication. We consider an end-to-end status update system where a sensing agent (SA) observes a source, generates and transmits updates to an actuation agent (AA), while the AA takes actions to accomplish a goal at the endpoint. We integrate the push- and pull-based update communication models to obtain a push-and-pull model, which allows the transmission controller at the SA to decide to push an update to the AA and the query controller at the AA to pull updates by raising queries at specific time instances. To gauge effectiveness, we utilize a grade of effectiveness (GoE) metric incorporating updates' freshness, usefulness, and timeliness of actions as qualitative attributes. We then derive effect-aware policies to maximize the expected discounted sum of updates' effectiveness subject to induced costs. The effect-aware policy at the SA considers the potential effectiveness of communicated updates at the endpoint, while at the AA, it accounts for the probabilistic evolution of the source and importance of generated updates. Our results show the proposed push-and-pull model outperforms models solely based on push- or pull-based updates both in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Additionally, using effect-aware policies at both agents enhances effectiveness compared to periodic and/or probabilistic effect-agnostic policies at either or both agents.
Abstract:Recent developments and emerging use cases, such as smart Internet of Things (IoT) and Edge AI, have sparked considerable interest in the training of neural networks over fully decentralized (serverless) networks. One of the major challenges of decentralized learning is to ensure stable convergence without resorting to strong assumptions applied for each agent regarding data distributions or updating policies. To address these issues, we propose DRACO, a novel method for decentralized asynchronous Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) over row-stochastic gossip wireless networks by leveraging continuous communication. Our approach enables edge devices within decentralized networks to perform local training and model exchanging along a continuous timeline, thereby eliminating the necessity for synchronized timing. The algorithm also features a specific technique of decoupling communication and computation schedules, which empowers complete autonomy for all users and manageable instructions for stragglers. Through a comprehensive convergence analysis, we highlight the advantages of asynchronous and autonomous participation in decentralized optimization. Our numerical experiments corroborate the efficacy of the proposed technique.
Abstract:Integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) is regarded as a key technology in next-generation (6G) mobile communication systems. Affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM) is a recently proposed waveform that achieves optimal diversity gain in high mobility scenarios and has appealing properties in high-frequency communication. In this letter, we present an AFDM-based ISAC system. We first show that in order to identify all delay and Doppler components associated with the propagation medium, either the full AFDM signal or only its pilot part consisting of one discrete affine Fourier transform (DAFT) domain symbol and its guard interval can be used. Our results show that using one pilot symbol achieves almost the same sensing performance as using the entire AFDM frame. Furthermore, due to the chirp nature of AFDM, sensing with one pilot provides a unique feature allowing for simple self-interference cancellation, thus avoiding the need for expensive full duplex methods.
Abstract:Recent advances in AI technologies have notably expanded device intelligence, fostering federation and cooperation among distributed AI agents. These advancements impose new requirements on future 6G mobile network architectures. To meet these demands, it is essential to transcend classical boundaries and integrate communication, computation, control, and intelligence. This paper presents the 6G-GOALS approach to goal-oriented and semantic communications for AI-Native 6G Networks. The proposed approach incorporates semantic, pragmatic, and goal-oriented communication into AI-native technologies, aiming to facilitate information exchange between intelligent agents in a more relevant, effective, and timely manner, thereby optimizing bandwidth, latency, energy, and electromagnetic field (EMF) radiation. The focus is on distilling data to its most relevant form and terse representation, aligning with the source's intent or the destination's objectives and context, or serving a specific goal. 6G-GOALS builds on three fundamental pillars: i) AI-enhanced semantic data representation, sensing, compression, and communication, ii) foundational AI reasoning and causal semantic data representation, contextual relevance, and value for goal-oriented effectiveness, and iii) sustainability enabled by more efficient wireless services. Finally, we illustrate two proof-of-concepts implementing semantic, goal-oriented, and pragmatic communication principles in near-future use cases. Our study covers the project's vision, methodologies, and potential impact.
Abstract:This study presents a new approach for estimating confidence in machine learning model predictions, specifically in regression tasks utilizing Earth Observation (EO) data, with a particular focus on mosquito abundance (MA) estimation. We take advantage of a Variational AutoEncoder architecture, to derive a confidence metric by the latent space representations of EO datasets. This methodology is pivotal in establishing a correlation between the Euclidean distance in latent representations and the Absolute Error (AE) in individual MA predictions. Our research focuses on EO datasets from the Veneto region in Italy and the Upper Rhine Valley in Germany, targeting areas significantly affected by mosquito populations. A key finding is a notable correlation of 0.46 between the AE of MA predictions and the proposed confidence metric. This correlation signifies a robust, new metric for quantifying the reliability and enhancing the trustworthiness of the AI model's predictions in the context of both EO data analysis and mosquito abundance studies.
Abstract:Federated learning (FL) has attracted vivid attention as a privacy-preserving distributed learning framework. In this work, we focus on cross-silo FL, where clients become the model owners after training and are only concerned about the model's generalization performance on their local data. Due to the data heterogeneity issue, asking all the clients to join a single FL training process may result in model performance degradation. To investigate the effectiveness of collaboration, we first derive a generalization bound for each client when collaborating with others or when training independently. We show that the generalization performance of a client can be improved only by collaborating with other clients that have more training data and similar data distribution. Our analysis allows us to formulate a client utility maximization problem by partitioning clients into multiple collaborating groups. A hierarchical clustering-based collaborative training (HCCT) scheme is then proposed, which does not need to fix in advance the number of groups. We further analyze the convergence of HCCT for general non-convex loss functions which unveils the effect of data similarity among clients. Extensive simulations show that HCCT achieves better generalization performance than baseline schemes, whereas it degenerates to independent training and conventional FL in specific scenarios.