With the increasing demand for multi-carrier communication in high-mobility scenarios, it is urgent to design new multi-carrier communication waveforms that can resist large delay-Doppler spreads. Various multi-carrier waveforms in the transform domain were proposed for the fast time-varying channels, including orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS), orthogonal chirp division multiplexing (OCDM), and affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM). Among these, the AFDM is a strong candidate for its low implementation complexity and ability to achieve optimal diversity. This paper unifies the waveforms based on the discrete affine Fourier transform (DAFT) by using the chirp slope factor "k" in the time-frequency representation to construct a unified design framework for high-mobility communications. The design framework is employed to verify that the bit error rate performance of the DAFT-based waveform can be enhanced when the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is sufficiently high by adjusting the chirp slope factor "k".