Abstract:This work introduces ILIAS, a new test dataset for Instance-Level Image retrieval At Scale. It is designed to evaluate the ability of current and future foundation models and retrieval techniques to recognize particular objects. The key benefits over existing datasets include large scale, domain diversity, accurate ground truth, and a performance that is far from saturated. ILIAS includes query and positive images for 1,000 object instances, manually collected to capture challenging conditions and diverse domains. Large-scale retrieval is conducted against 100 million distractor images from YFCC100M. To avoid false negatives without extra annotation effort, we include only query objects confirmed to have emerged after 2014, i.e. the compilation date of YFCC100M. An extensive benchmarking is performed with the following observations: i) models fine-tuned on specific domains, such as landmarks or products, excel in that domain but fail on ILIAS ii) learning a linear adaptation layer using multi-domain class supervision results in performance improvements, especially for vision-language models iii) local descriptors in retrieval re-ranking are still a key ingredient, especially in the presence of severe background clutter iv) the text-to-image performance of the vision-language foundation models is surprisingly close to the corresponding image-to-image case. website:
Abstract:This paper addresses supervised deep metric learning for open-set image retrieval, focusing on three key aspects: the loss function, mixup regularization, and model initialization. In deep metric learning, optimizing the retrieval evaluation metric, recall@k, via gradient descent is desirable but challenging due to its non-differentiable nature. To overcome this, we propose a differentiable surrogate loss that is computed on large batches, nearly equivalent to the entire training set. This computationally intensive process is made feasible through an implementation that bypasses the GPU memory limitations. Additionally, we introduce an efficient mixup regularization technique that operates on pairwise scalar similarities, effectively increasing the batch size even further. The training process is further enhanced by initializing the vision encoder using foundational models, which are pre-trained on large-scale datasets. Through a systematic study of these components, we demonstrate that their synergy enables large models to nearly solve popular benchmarks.
Abstract:This work addresses composed image retrieval in the context of domain conversion, where the content of a query image is retrieved in the domain specified by the query text. We show that a strong vision-language model provides sufficient descriptive power without additional training. The query image is mapped to the text input space using textual inversion. Unlike common practice that invert in the continuous space of text tokens, we use the discrete word space via a nearest-neighbor search in a text vocabulary. With this inversion, the image is softly mapped across the vocabulary and is made more robust using retrieval-based augmentation. Database images are retrieved by a weighted ensemble of text queries combining mapped words with the domain text. Our method outperforms prior art by a large margin on standard and newly introduced benchmarks. Code:
Abstract:Single-source domain generalization attempts to learn a model on a source domain and deploy it to unseen target domains. Limiting access only to source domain data imposes two key challenges - how to train a model that can generalize and how to verify that it does. The standard practice of validation on the training distribution does not accurately reflect the model's generalization ability, while validation on the test distribution is a malpractice to avoid. In this work, we construct an independent validation set by transforming source domain images with a comprehensive list of augmentations, covering a broad spectrum of potential distribution shifts in target domains. We demonstrate a high correlation between validation and test performance for multiple methods and across various datasets. The proposed validation achieves a relative accuracy improvement over the standard validation equal to 15.4% or 1.6% when used for method selection or learning rate tuning, respectively. Furthermore, we introduce a novel family of methods that increase the shape bias through enhanced edge maps. To benefit from the augmentations during training and preserve the independence of the validation set, a k-fold validation process is designed to separate the augmentation types used in training and validation. The method that achieves the best performance on the augmented validation is selected from the proposed family. It achieves state-of-the-art performance on various standard benchmarks. Code at:
Abstract:This work investigates the problem of instance-level image retrieval re-ranking with the constraint of memory efficiency, ultimately aiming to limit memory usage to 1KB per image. Departing from the prevalent focus on performance enhancements, this work prioritizes the crucial trade-off between performance and memory requirements. The proposed model uses a transformer-based architecture designed to estimate image-to-image similarity by capturing interactions within and across images based on their local descriptors. A distinctive property of the model is the capability for asymmetric similarity estimation. Database images are represented with a smaller number of descriptors compared to query images, enabling performance improvements without increasing memory consumption. To ensure adaptability across different applications, a universal model is introduced that adjusts to a varying number of local descriptors during the testing phase. Results on standard benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our approach over both hand-crafted and learned models. In particular, compared with current state-of-the-art methods that overlook their memory footprint, our approach not only attains superior performance but does so with a significantly reduced memory footprint. The code and pretrained models are publicly available at:
Abstract:This work introduces composed image retrieval to remote sensing. It allows to query a large image archive by image examples alternated by a textual description, enriching the descriptive power over unimodal queries, either visual or textual. Various attributes can be modified by the textual part, such as shape, color, or context. A novel method fusing image-to-image and text-to-image similarity is introduced. We demonstrate that a vision-language model possesses sufficient descriptive power and no further learning step or training data are necessary. We present a new evaluation benchmark focused on color, context, density, existence, quantity, and shape modifications. Our work not only sets the state-of-the-art for this task, but also serves as a foundational step in addressing a gap in the field of remote sensing image retrieval. Code at:
Abstract:Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance on zero-shot classification, i.e. classification when provided merely with a list of class names. In this paper, we tackle the case of zero-shot classification in the presence of unlabeled data. We leverage the graph structure of the unlabeled data and introduce ZLaP, a method based on label propagation (LP) that utilizes geodesic distances for classification. We tailor LP to graphs containing both text and image features and further propose an efficient method for performing inductive inference based on a dual solution and a sparsification step. We perform extensive experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of our method on 14 common datasets and show that ZLaP outperforms the latest related works. Code:
Abstract:Deep active learning in the presence of outlier examples poses a realistic yet challenging scenario. Acquiring unlabeled data for annotation requires a delicate balance between avoiding outliers to conserve the annotation budget and prioritizing useful inlier examples for effective training. In this work, we present an approach that leverages three highly synergistic components, which are identified as key ingredients: joint classifier training with inliers and outliers, semi-supervised learning through pseudo-labeling, and model ensembling. Our work demonstrates that ensembling significantly enhances the accuracy of pseudo-labeling and improves the quality of data acquisition. By enabling semi-supervision through the joint training process, where outliers are properly handled, we observe a substantial boost in classifier accuracy through the use of all available unlabeled examples. Notably, we reveal that the integration of joint training renders explicit outlier detection unnecessary; a conventional component for acquisition in prior work. The three key components align seamlessly with numerous existing approaches. Through empirical evaluations, we showcase that their combined use leads to a performance increase. Remarkably, despite its simplicity, our proposed approach outperforms all other methods in terms of performance. Code:
Abstract:This work introduces a dataset, benchmark, and challenge for the problem of video copy detection and localization. The problem comprises two distinct but related tasks: determining whether a query video shares content with a reference video ("detection"), and additionally temporally localizing the shared content within each video ("localization"). The benchmark is designed to evaluate methods on these two tasks, and simulates a realistic needle-in-haystack setting, where the majority of both query and reference videos are "distractors" containing no copied content. We propose a metric that reflects both detection and localization accuracy. The associated challenge consists of two corresponding tracks, each with restrictions that reflect real-world settings. We provide implementation code for evaluation and baselines. We also analyze the results and methods of the top submissions to the challenge. The dataset, baseline methods and evaluation code is publicly available and will be discussed at a dedicated CVPR'23 workshop.
Abstract:Visual localization is critical to many applications in computer vision and robotics. To address single-image RGB localization, state-of-the-art feature-based methods match local descriptors between a query image and a pre-built 3D model. Recently, deep neural networks have been exploited to regress the mapping between raw pixels and 3D coordinates in the scene, and thus the matching is implicitly performed by the forward pass through the network. However, in a large and ambiguous environment, learning such a regression task directly can be difficult for a single network. In this work, we present a new hierarchical scene coordinate network to predict pixel scene coordinates in a coarse-to-fine manner from a single RGB image. The proposed method, which is an extension of HSCNet, allows us to train compact models which scale robustly to large environments. It sets a new state-of-the-art for single-image localization on the 7-Scenes, 12 Scenes, Cambridge Landmarks datasets, and the combined indoor scenes.