Abstract:Semantic future prediction is important for autonomous systems navigating dynamic environments. This paper introduces FUTURIST, a method for multimodal future semantic prediction that uses a unified and efficient visual sequence transformer architecture. Our approach incorporates a multimodal masked visual modeling objective and a novel masking mechanism designed for multimodal training. This allows the model to effectively integrate visible information from various modalities, improving prediction accuracy. Additionally, we propose a VAE-free hierarchical tokenization process, which reduces computational complexity, streamlines the training pipeline, and enables end-to-end training with high-resolution, multimodal inputs. We validate FUTURIST on the Cityscapes dataset, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance in future semantic segmentation for both short- and mid-term forecasting. We provide the implementation code at https://github.com/Sta8is/FUTURIST .
Abstract:Predicting future dynamics is crucial for applications like autonomous driving and robotics, where understanding the environment is key. Existing pixel-level methods are computationally expensive and often focus on irrelevant details. To address these challenges, we introduce $\texttt{DINO-Foresight}$, a novel framework that operates in the semantic feature space of pretrained Vision Foundation Models (VFMs). Our approach trains a masked feature transformer in a self-supervised manner to predict the evolution of VFM features over time. By forecasting these features, we can apply off-the-shelf, task-specific heads for various scene understanding tasks. In this framework, VFM features are treated as a latent space, to which different heads attach to perform specific tasks for future-frame analysis. Extensive experiments show that our framework outperforms existing methods, demonstrating its robustness and scalability. Additionally, we highlight how intermediate transformer representations in $\texttt{DINO-Foresight}$ improve downstream task performance, offering a promising path for the self-supervised enhancement of VFM features. We provide the implementation code at https://github.com/Sta8is/DINO-Foresight .
Abstract:Annotating lots of 3D medical images for training segmentation models is time-consuming. The goal of weakly supervised semantic segmentation is to train segmentation models without using any ground truth segmentation masks. Our work addresses the case where only image-level categorical labels, indicating the presence or absence of a particular region of interest (such as tumours or lesions), are available. Most existing methods rely on class activation mapping (CAM). We propose a novel approach, ToNNO, which is based on the Tomographic reconstruction of a Neural Network's Output. Our technique extracts stacks of slices with different angles from the input 3D volume, feeds these slices to a 2D encoder, and applies the inverse Radon transform in order to reconstruct a 3D heatmap of the encoder's predictions. This generic method allows to perform dense prediction tasks on 3D volumes using any 2D image encoder. We apply it to weakly supervised medical image segmentation by training the 2D encoder to output high values for slices containing the regions of interest. We test it on four large scale medical image datasets and outperform 2D CAM methods. We then extend ToNNO by combining tomographic reconstruction with CAM methods, proposing Averaged CAM and Tomographic CAM, which obtain even better results.
Abstract:Unsupervised object-centric learning aims to decompose scenes into interpretable object entities, termed slots. Slot-based auto-encoders stand out as a prominent method for this task. Within them, crucial aspects include guiding the encoder to generate object-specific slots and ensuring the decoder utilizes them during reconstruction. This work introduces two novel techniques, (i) an attention-based self-training approach, which distills superior slot-based attention masks from the decoder to the encoder, enhancing object segmentation, and (ii) an innovative patch-order permutation strategy for autoregressive transformers that strengthens the role of slot vectors in reconstruction. The effectiveness of these strategies is showcased experimentally. The combined approach significantly surpasses prior slot-based autoencoder methods in unsupervised object segmentation, especially with complex real-world images. We provide the implementation code at https://github.com/gkakogeorgiou/spot .
Abstract:Self-supervised learning can be used for mitigating the greedy needs of Vision Transformer networks for very large fully-annotated datasets. Different classes of self-supervised learning offer representations with either good contextual reasoning properties, e.g., using masked image modeling strategies, or invariance to image perturbations, e.g., with contrastive methods. In this work, we propose a single-stage and standalone method, MOCA, which unifies both desired properties using novel mask-and-predict objectives defined with high-level features (instead of pixel-level details). Moreover, we show how to effectively employ both learning paradigms in a synergistic and computation-efficient way. Doing so, we achieve new state-of-the-art results on low-shot settings and strong experimental results in various evaluation protocols with a training that is at least 3 times faster than prior methods.
Abstract:Transformers and masked language modeling are quickly being adopted and explored in computer vision as vision transformers and masked image modeling (MIM). In this work, we argue that image token masking is fundamentally different from token masking in text, due to the amount and correlation of tokens in an image. In particular, to generate a challenging pretext task for MIM, we advocate a shift from random masking to informed masking. We develop and exhibit this idea in the context of distillation-based MIM, where a teacher transformer encoder generates an attention map, which we use to guide masking for the student encoder. We thus introduce a novel masking strategy, called attention-guided masking (AttMask), and we demonstrate its effectiveness over random masking for dense distillation-based MIM as well as plain distillation-based self-supervised learning on classification tokens. We confirm that AttMask accelerates the learning process and improves the performance on a variety of downstream tasks.
Abstract:Learning image representations without human supervision is an important and active research field. Several recent approaches have successfully leveraged the idea of making such a representation invariant under different types of perturbations, especially via contrastive-based instance discrimination training. Although effective visual representations should indeed exhibit such invariances, there are other important characteristics, such as encoding contextual reasoning skills, for which alternative reconstruction-based approaches might be better suited. With this in mind, we propose a teacher-student scheme to learn representations by training a convnet to reconstruct a bag-of-visual-words (BoW) representation of an image, given as input a perturbed version of that same image. Our strategy performs an online training of both the teacher network (whose role is to generate the BoW targets) and the student network (whose role is to learn representations), along with an online update of the visual-words vocabulary (used for the BoW targets). This idea effectively enables fully online BoW-guided unsupervised learning. Extensive experiments demonstrate the interest of our BoW-based strategy which surpasses previous state-of-the-art methods (including contrastive-based ones) in several applications. For instance, in downstream tasks such Pascal object detection, Pascal classification and Places205 classification, our method improves over all prior unsupervised approaches, thus establishing new state-of-the-art results that are also significantly better even than those of supervised pre-training. We provide the implementation code at https://github.com/valeoai/obow.
Abstract:Self-supervised representation learning targets to learn convnet-based image representations from unlabeled data. Inspired by the success of NLP methods in this area, in this work we propose a self-supervised approach based on spatially dense image descriptions that encode discrete visual concepts, here called visual words. To build such discrete representations, we quantize the feature maps of a first pre-trained self-supervised convnet, over a k-means based vocabulary. Then, as a self-supervised task, we train another convnet to predict the histogram of visual words of an image (i.e., its Bag-of-Words representation) given as input a perturbed version of that image. The proposed task forces the convnet to learn perturbation-invariant and context-aware image features, useful for downstream image understanding tasks. We extensively evaluate our method and demonstrate very strong empirical results, e.g., our pre-trained self-supervised representations transfer better on detection task and similarly on classification over classes "unseen" during pre-training, when compared to the supervised case. This also shows that the process of image discretization into visual words can provide the basis for very powerful self-supervised approaches in the image domain, thus allowing further connections to be made to related methods from the NLP domain that have been extremely successful so far.
Abstract:Knowledge distillation refers to the process of training a compact student network to achieve better accuracy by learning from a high capacity teacher network. Most of the existing knowledge distillation methods direct the student to follow the teacher by matching the teacher's output, feature maps or their distribution. In this work, we propose a novel way to achieve this goal: by distilling the knowledge through a quantized space. According to our method, the teacher's feature maps are quantized to represent the main visual concepts encompassed in the feature maps. The student is then asked to predict the quantized representation, which thus forms the task that the student uses to learn from the teacher. Despite its simplicity, we show that our approach is able to yield results that improve the state of the art on knowledge distillation. To that end, we provide an extensive evaluation across several network architectures and most commonly used benchmark datasets.
Abstract:A computationally fast tone mapping operator (TMO) that can quickly adapt to a wide spectrum of high dynamic range (HDR) content is quintessential for visualization on varied low dynamic range (LDR) output devices such as movie screens or standard displays. Existing TMOs can successfully tone-map only a limited number of HDR content and require an extensive parameter tuning to yield the best subjective-quality tone-mapped output. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a fast, parameter-free and scene-adaptable deep tone mapping operator (DeepTMO) that yields a high-resolution and high-subjective quality tone mapped output. Based on conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN), DeepTMO not only learns to adapt to vast scenic-content (e.g., outdoor, indoor, human, structures, etc.) but also tackles the HDR related scene-specific challenges such as contrast and brightness, while preserving the fine-grained details. We explore 4 possible combinations of Generator-Discriminator architectural designs to specifically address some prominent issues in HDR related deep-learning frameworks like blurring, tiling patterns and saturation artifacts. By exploring different influences of scales, loss-functions and normalization layers under a cGAN setting, we conclude with adopting a multi-scale model for our task. To further leverage on the large-scale availability of unlabeled HDR data, we train our network by generating targets using an objective HDR quality metric, namely Tone Mapping Image Quality Index (TMQI). We demonstrate results both quantitatively and qualitatively, and showcase that our DeepTMO generates high-resolution, high-quality output images over a large spectrum of real-world scenes. Finally, we evaluate the perceived quality of our results by conducting a pair-wise subjective study which confirms the versatility of our method.