Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) offers a general approach for modeling and training AI agents, including human-AI interaction scenarios. In this paper, we propose SHARPIE (Shared Human-AI Reinforcement Learning Platform for Interactive Experiments) to address the need for a generic framework to support experiments with RL agents and humans. Its modular design consists of a versatile wrapper for RL environments and algorithm libraries, a participant-facing web interface, logging utilities, deployment on popular cloud and participant recruitment platforms. It empowers researchers to study a wide variety of research questions related to the interaction between humans and RL agents, including those related to interactive reward specification and learning, learning from human feedback, action delegation, preference elicitation, user-modeling, and human-AI teaming. The platform is based on a generic interface for human-RL interactions that aims to standardize the field of study on RL in human contexts.
Abstract:In offline reinforcement learning, deriving an effective policy from a pre-collected set of experiences is challenging due to the distribution mismatch between the target policy and the behavioral policy used to collect the data, as well as the limited sample size. Model-based reinforcement learning improves sample efficiency by generating simulated experiences using a learned dynamic model of the environment. However, these synthetic experiences often suffer from the same distribution mismatch. To address these challenges, we introduce SimuDICE, a framework that iteratively refines the initial policy derived from offline data using synthetically generated experiences from the world model. SimuDICE enhances the quality of these simulated experiences by adjusting the sampling probabilities of state-action pairs based on stationary DIstribution Correction Estimation (DICE) and the estimated confidence in the model's predictions. This approach guides policy improvement by balancing experiences similar to those frequently encountered with ones that have a distribution mismatch. Our experiments show that SimuDICE achieves performance comparable to existing algorithms while requiring fewer pre-collected experiences and planning steps, and it remains robust across varying data collection policies.
Abstract:Multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL) is used to solve problems involving multiple objectives. An MORL agent must make decisions based on the diverse signals provided by distinct reward functions. Training an MORL agent yields a set of solutions (policies), each presenting distinct trade-offs among the objectives (expected returns). MORL enhances explainability by enabling fine-grained comparisons of policies in the solution set based on their trade-offs as opposed to having a single policy. However, the solution set is typically large and multi-dimensional, where each policy (e.g., a neural network) is represented by its objective values. We propose an approach for clustering the solution set generated by MORL. By considering both policy behavior and objective values, our clustering method can reveal the relationship between policy behaviors and regions in the objective space. This approach can enable decision makers (DMs) to identify overarching trends and insights in the solution set rather than examining each policy individually. We tested our method in four multi-objective environments and found it outperformed traditional k-medoids clustering. Additionally, we include a case study that demonstrates its real-world application.
Abstract:This paper explores the impact of variable pragmatic competence on communicative success through simulating language learning and conversing between speakers and listeners with different levels of reasoning abilities. Through studying this interaction, we hypothesize that matching levels of reasoning between communication partners would create a more beneficial environment for communicative success and language learning. Our research findings indicate that learning from more explicit, literal language is advantageous, irrespective of the learner's level of pragmatic competence. Furthermore, we find that integrating pragmatic reasoning during language learning, not just during evaluation, significantly enhances overall communication performance. This paper provides key insights into the importance of aligning reasoning levels and incorporating pragmatic reasoning in optimizing communicative interactions.
Abstract:In key real-world problems, full state information is sometimes available but only at a high cost, like activating precise yet energy-intensive sensors or consulting humans, thereby compelling the agent to operate under partial observability. For this scenario, we propose AEMS-SR (Anytime Error Minimization Search with State Requests), a principled online planning algorithm tailored for POMDPs with state requests. By representing the search space as a graph instead of a tree, AEMS-SR avoids the exponential growth of the search space originating from state requests. Theoretical analysis demonstrates AEMS-SR's $\varepsilon$-optimality, ensuring solution quality, while empirical evaluations illustrate its effectiveness compared with AEMS and POMCP, two SOTA online planning algorithms. AEMS-SR enables efficient planning in domains characterized by partial observability and costly state requests offering practical benefits across various applications.
Abstract:We consider inverse reinforcement learning problems with concave utilities. Concave Utility Reinforcement Learning (CURL) is a generalisation of the standard RL objective, which employs a concave function of the state occupancy measure, rather than a linear function. CURL has garnered recent attention for its ability to represent instances of many important applications including the standard RL such as imitation learning, pure exploration, constrained MDPs, offline RL, human-regularized RL, and others. Inverse reinforcement learning is a powerful paradigm that focuses on recovering an unknown reward function that can rationalize the observed behaviour of an agent. There has been recent theoretical advances in inverse RL where the problem is formulated as identifying the set of feasible reward functions. However, inverse RL for CURL problems has not been considered previously. In this paper we show that most of the standard IRL results do not apply to CURL in general, since CURL invalidates the classical Bellman equations. This calls for a new theoretical framework for the inverse CURL problem. Using a recent equivalence result between CURL and Mean-field Games, we propose a new definition for the feasible rewards for I-CURL by proving that this problem is equivalent to an inverse game theory problem in a subclass of mean-field games. We present initial query and sample complexity results for the I-CURL problem under assumptions such as Lipschitz-continuity. Finally, we outline future directions and applications in human--AI collaboration enabled by our results.
Abstract:In game theory, a game refers to a model of interaction among rational decision-makers or players, making choices with the goal of achieving their individual objectives. Understanding their behavior in games is often referred to as game reasoning. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of a fast-developing game-reasoning framework for large games, known as Policy Space Response Oracles (PSRO). We first motivate PSRO, provide historical context, and position PSRO within game-reasoning approaches. We then focus on the strategy exploration issue for PSRO, the challenge of assembling an effective strategy portfolio for modeling the underlying game with minimum computational cost. We also survey current research directions for enhancing the efficiency of PSRO, and explore the applications of PSRO across various domains. We conclude by discussing open questions and future research.
Abstract:Policy gradient methods are widely adopted reinforcement learning algorithms for tasks with continuous action spaces. These methods succeeded in many application domains, however, because of their notorious sample inefficiency their use remains limited to problems where fast and accurate simulations are available. A common way to improve sample efficiency is to modify their objective function to be computable from off-policy samples without importance sampling. A well-established off-policy objective is the excursion objective. This work studies the difference between the excursion objective and the traditional on-policy objective, which we refer to as the on-off gap. We provide the first theoretical analysis showing conditions to reduce the on-off gap while establishing empirical evidence of shortfalls arising when these conditions are not met.
Abstract:We present a review that unifies decision-support methods for exploring the solutions produced by multi-objective optimization (MOO) algorithms. As MOO is applied to solve diverse problems, approaches for analyzing the trade-offs offered by MOO algorithms are scattered across fields. We provide an overview of the advances on this topic, including methods for visualization, mining the solution set, and uncertainty exploration as well as emerging research directions, including interactivity, explainability, and ethics. We synthesize these methods drawing from different fields of research to build a unified approach, independent of the application. Our goals are to reduce the entry barrier for researchers and practitioners on using MOO algorithms and to provide novel research directions.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning agents may sometimes develop habits that are effective only when specific policies are followed. After an initial exploration phase in which agents try out different actions, they eventually converge toward a particular policy. When this occurs, the distribution of state-action trajectories becomes narrower, and agents start experiencing the same transitions again and again. At this point, spurious correlations may arise. Agents may then pick up on these correlations and learn state representations that do not generalize beyond the agent's trajectory distribution. In this paper, we provide a mathematical characterization of this phenomenon, which we refer to as policy confounding, and show, through a series of examples, when and how it occurs in practice.