Abstract:Autonomous drone racing has risen as a challenging robotic benchmark for testing the limits of learning, perception, planning, and control. Expert human pilots are able to agilely fly a drone through a race track by mapping the real-time feed from a single onboard camera directly to control commands. Recent works in autonomous drone racing attempting direct pixel-to-commands control policies (without explicit state estimation) have relied on either intermediate representations that simplify the observation space or performed extensive bootstrapping using Imitation Learning (IL). This paper introduces an approach that learns policies from scratch, allowing a quadrotor to autonomously navigate a race track by directly mapping raw onboard camera pixels to control commands, just as human pilots do. By leveraging model-based reinforcement learning~(RL) - specifically DreamerV3 - we train visuomotor policies capable of agile flight through a race track using only raw pixel observations. While model-free RL methods such as PPO struggle to learn under these conditions, DreamerV3 efficiently acquires complex visuomotor behaviors. Moreover, because our policies learn directly from pixel inputs, the perception-aware reward term employed in previous RL approaches to guide the training process is no longer needed. Our experiments demonstrate in both simulation and real-world flight how the proposed approach can be deployed on agile quadrotors. This approach advances the frontier of vision-based autonomous flight and shows that model-based RL is a promising direction for real-world robotics.
Abstract:Reinforcement learning (RL) has shown great effectiveness in quadrotor control, enabling specialized policies to develop even human-champion-level performance in single-task scenarios. However, these specialized policies often struggle with novel tasks, requiring a complete retraining of the policy from scratch. To address this limitation, this paper presents a novel multi-task reinforcement learning (MTRL) framework tailored for quadrotor control, leveraging the shared physical dynamics of the platform to enhance sample efficiency and task performance. By employing a multi-critic architecture and shared task encoders, our framework facilitates knowledge transfer across tasks, enabling a single policy to execute diverse maneuvers, including high-speed stabilization, velocity tracking, and autonomous racing. Our experimental results, validated both in simulation and real-world scenarios, demonstrate that our framework outperforms baseline approaches in terms of sample efficiency and overall task performance.
Abstract:We present GEM, a Generalizable Ego-vision Multimodal world model that predicts future frames using a reference frame, sparse features, human poses, and ego-trajectories. Hence, our model has precise control over object dynamics, ego-agent motion and human poses. GEM generates paired RGB and depth outputs for richer spatial understanding. We introduce autoregressive noise schedules to enable stable long-horizon generations. Our dataset is comprised of 4000+ hours of multimodal data across domains like autonomous driving, egocentric human activities, and drone flights. Pseudo-labels are used to get depth maps, ego-trajectories, and human poses. We use a comprehensive evaluation framework, including a new Control of Object Manipulation (COM) metric, to assess controllability. Experiments show GEM excels at generating diverse, controllable scenarios and temporal consistency over long generations. Code, models, and datasets are fully open-sourced.
Abstract:Imitation learning with a privileged teacher has proven effective for learning complex control behaviors from high-dimensional inputs, such as images. In this framework, a teacher is trained with privileged task information, while a student tries to predict the actions of the teacher with more limited observations, e.g., in a robot navigation task, the teacher might have access to distances to nearby obstacles, while the student only receives visual observations of the scene. However, privileged imitation learning faces a key challenge: the student might be unable to imitate the teacher's behavior due to partial observability. This problem arises because the teacher is trained without considering if the student is capable of imitating the learned behavior. To address this teacher-student asymmetry, we propose a framework for joint training of the teacher and student policies, encouraging the teacher to learn behaviors that can be imitated by the student despite the latters' limited access to information and its partial observability. Based on the performance bound in imitation learning, we add (i) the approximated action difference between teacher and student as a penalty term to the reward function of the teacher, and (ii) a supervised teacher-student alignment step. We motivate our method with a maze navigation task and demonstrate its effectiveness on complex vision-based quadrotor flight and manipulation tasks.
Abstract:Most recent successes in robot reinforcement learning involve learning a specialized single-task agent. However, robots capable of performing multiple tasks can be much more valuable in real-world applications. Multi-task reinforcement learning can be very challenging due to the increased sample complexity and the potentially conflicting task objectives. Previous work on this topic is dominated by model-free approaches. The latter can be very sample inefficient even when learning specialized single-task agents. In this work, we focus on model-based multi-task reinforcement learning. We propose a method for learning multi-task visual world models, leveraging pre-trained language models to extract semantically meaningful task representations. These representations are used by the world model and policy to reason about task similarity in dynamics and behavior. Our results highlight the benefits of using language-driven task representations for world models and a clear advantage of model-based multi-task learning over the more common model-free paradigm.
Abstract:Robotic manipulation requires accurate motion and physical interaction control. However, current robot learning approaches focus on motion-centric action spaces that do not explicitly give the policy control over the interaction. In this paper, we discuss the repercussions of this choice and argue for more interaction-explicit action spaces in robot learning.
Abstract:We address motion generation for high-DoF robot arms in complex settings with obstacles, via points, etc. A significant advancement in this domain is achieved by integrating Learning from Demonstration (LfD) into the motion generation process. This integration facilitates rapid adaptation to new tasks and optimizes the utilization of accumulated expertise by allowing robots to learn and generalize from demonstrated trajectories. We train a transformer architecture on a large dataset of simulated trajectories. This architecture, based on a conditional variational autoencoder transformer, learns essential motion generation skills and adapts these to meet auxiliary tasks and constraints. Our auto-regressive approach enables real-time integration of feedback from the physical system, enhancing the adaptability and efficiency of motion generation. We show that our model can generate motion from initial and target points, but also that it can adapt trajectories in navigating complex tasks, including obstacle avoidance, via points, and meeting velocity and acceleration constraints, across platforms.
Abstract:We study the choice of action space in robot manipulation learning and sim-to-real transfer. We define metrics that assess the performance, and examine the emerging properties in the different action spaces. We train over 250 reinforcement learning~(RL) agents in simulated reaching and pushing tasks, using 13 different control spaces. The choice of action spaces spans popular choices in the literature as well as novel combinations of common design characteristics. We evaluate the training performance in simulation and the transfer to a real-world environment. We identify good and bad characteristics of robotic action spaces and make recommendations for future designs. Our findings have important implications for the design of RL algorithms for robot manipulation tasks, and highlight the need for careful consideration of action spaces when training and transferring RL agents for real-world robotics.
Abstract:Multi-robot manipulation tasks involve various control entities that can be separated into dynamically independent parts. A typical example of such real-world tasks is dual-arm manipulation. Learning to naively solve such tasks with reinforcement learning is often unfeasible due to the sample complexity and exploration requirements growing with the dimensionality of the action and state spaces. Instead, we would like to handle such environments as multi-agent systems and have several agents control parts of the whole. However, decentralizing the generation of actions requires coordination across agents through a channel limited to information central to the task. This paper proposes an approach to coordinating multi-robot manipulation through learned latent action spaces that are shared across different agents. We validate our method in simulated multi-robot manipulation tasks and demonstrate improvement over previous baselines in terms of sample efficiency and learning performance.
Abstract:Intelligent agents must be able to think fast and slow to perform elaborate manipulation tasks. Reinforcement Learning (RL) has led to many promising results on a range of challenging decision-making tasks. However, in real-world robotics, these methods still struggle, as they require large amounts of expensive interactions and have slow feedback loops. On the other hand, fast human-like adaptive control methods can optimize complex robotic interactions, yet fail to integrate multimodal feedback needed for unstructured tasks. In this work, we propose to factor the learning problem in a hierarchical learning and adaption architecture to get the best of both worlds. The framework consists of two components, a slow reinforcement learning policy optimizing the task strategy given multimodal observations, and a fast, real-time adaptive control policy continuously optimizing the motion, stability, and effort of the manipulator. We combine these components through a bio-inspired action space that we call AFORCE. We demonstrate the new action space on a contact-rich manipulation task on real hardware and evaluate its performance on three simulated manipulation tasks. Our experiments show that AFORCE drastically improves sample efficiency while reducing energy consumption and improving safety.