Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarland Informatics Campus
Abstract:Separable 3D reconstruction of multiple objects from multi-view RGB images -- resulting in two different 3D shapes for the two objects with a clear separation between them -- remains a sparsely researched problem. It is challenging due to severe mutual occlusions and ambiguities along the objects' interaction boundaries. This paper investigates the setting and introduces a new neuro-implicit method that can reconstruct the geometry and appearance of two objects undergoing close interactions while disjoining both in 3D, avoiding surface inter-penetrations and enabling novel-view synthesis of the observed scene. The framework is end-to-end trainable and supervised using a novel alpha-blending regularisation that ensures that the two geometries are well separated even under extreme occlusions. Our reconstruction method is markerless and can be applied to rigid as well as articulated objects. We introduce a new dataset consisting of close interactions between a human and an object and also evaluate on two scenes of humans performing martial arts. The experiments confirm the effectiveness of our framework and substantial improvements using 3D and novel view synthesis metrics compared to several existing approaches applicable in our setting.
Abstract:Monocular egocentric 3D human motion capture remains a significant challenge, particularly under conditions of low lighting and fast movements, which are common in head-mounted device applications. Existing methods that rely on RGB cameras often fail under these conditions. To address these limitations, we introduce EventEgo3D++, the first approach that leverages a monocular event camera with a fisheye lens for 3D human motion capture. Event cameras excel in high-speed scenarios and varying illumination due to their high temporal resolution, providing reliable cues for accurate 3D human motion capture. EventEgo3D++ leverages the LNES representation of event streams to enable precise 3D reconstructions. We have also developed a mobile head-mounted device (HMD) prototype equipped with an event camera, capturing a comprehensive dataset that includes real event observations from both controlled studio environments and in-the-wild settings, in addition to a synthetic dataset. Additionally, to provide a more holistic dataset, we include allocentric RGB streams that offer different perspectives of the HMD wearer, along with their corresponding SMPL body model. Our experiments demonstrate that EventEgo3D++ achieves superior 3D accuracy and robustness compared to existing solutions, even in challenging conditions. Moreover, our method supports real-time 3D pose updates at a rate of 140Hz. This work is an extension of the EventEgo3D approach (CVPR 2024) and further advances the state of the art in egocentric 3D human motion capture. For more details, visit the project page at
Abstract:Real-time free-view human rendering from sparse-view RGB inputs is a challenging task due to the sensor scarcity and the tight time budget. To ensure efficiency, recent methods leverage 2D CNNs operating in texture space to learn rendering primitives. However, they either jointly learn geometry and appearance, or completely ignore sparse image information for geometry estimation, significantly harming visual quality and robustness to unseen body poses. To address these issues, we present Double Unprojected Textures, which at the core disentangles coarse geometric deformation estimation from appearance synthesis, enabling robust and photorealistic 4K rendering in real-time. Specifically, we first introduce a novel image-conditioned template deformation network, which estimates the coarse deformation of the human template from a first unprojected texture. This updated geometry is then used to apply a second and more accurate texture unprojection. The resulting texture map has fewer artifacts and better alignment with input views, which benefits our learning of finer-level geometry and appearance represented by Gaussian splats. We validate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed method in quantitative and qualitative experiments, which significantly surpasses other state-of-the-art methods.
Abstract:Volumetric reconstruction of dynamic scenes is an important problem in computer vision. It is especially challenging in poor lighting and with fast motion. It is partly due to the limitations of RGB cameras: To capture fast motion without much blur, the framerate must be increased, which in turn requires more lighting. In contrast, event cameras, which record changes in pixel brightness asynchronously, are much less dependent on lighting, making them more suitable for recording fast motion. We hence propose the first method to spatiotemporally reconstruct a scene from sparse multi-view event streams and sparse RGB frames. We train a sequence of cross-faded time-conditioned NeRF models, one per short recording segment. The individual segments are supervised with a set of event- and RGB-based losses and sparse-view regularisation. We assemble a real-world multi-view camera rig with six static event cameras around the object and record a benchmark multi-view event stream dataset of challenging motions. Our work outperforms RGB-based baselines, producing state-of-the-art results, and opens up the topic of multi-view event-based reconstruction as a new path for fast scene capture beyond RGB cameras. The code and the data will be released soon at
Abstract:Non-verbal communication often comprises of semantically rich gestures that help convey the meaning of an utterance. Producing such semantic co-speech gestures has been a major challenge for the existing neural systems that can generate rhythmic beat gestures, but struggle to produce semantically meaningful gestures. Therefore, we present RAG-Gesture, a diffusion-based gesture generation approach that leverages Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to produce natural-looking and semantically rich gestures. Our neuro-explicit gesture generation approach is designed to produce semantic gestures grounded in interpretable linguistic knowledge. We achieve this by using explicit domain knowledge to retrieve exemplar motions from a database of co-speech gestures. Once retrieved, we then inject these semantic exemplar gestures into our diffusion-based gesture generation pipeline using DDIM inversion and retrieval guidance at the inference time without any need of training. Further, we propose a control paradigm for guidance, that allows the users to modulate the amount of influence each retrieval insertion has over the generated sequence. Our comparative evaluations demonstrate the validity of our approach against recent gesture generation approaches. The reader is urged to explore the results on our project page.
Abstract:We present BimArt, a novel generative approach for synthesizing 3D bimanual hand interactions with articulated objects. Unlike prior works, we do not rely on a reference grasp, a coarse hand trajectory, or separate modes for grasping and articulating. To achieve this, we first generate distance-based contact maps conditioned on the object trajectory with an articulation-aware feature representation, revealing rich bimanual patterns for manipulation. The learned contact prior is then used to guide our hand motion generator, producing diverse and realistic bimanual motions for object movement and articulation. Our work offers key insights into feature representation and contact prior for articulated objects, demonstrating their effectiveness in taming the complex, high-dimensional space of bimanual hand-object interactions. Through comprehensive quantitative experiments, we demonstrate a clear step towards simplified and high-quality hand-object animations that excel over the state-of-the-art in motion quality and diversity.
Abstract:Our work aims to reconstruct hand-object interactions from a single-view image, which is a fundamental but ill-posed task. Unlike methods that reconstruct from videos, multi-view images, or predefined 3D templates, single-view reconstruction faces significant challenges due to inherent ambiguities and occlusions. These challenges are further amplified by the diverse nature of hand poses and the vast variety of object shapes and sizes. Our key insight is that current foundational models for segmentation, inpainting, and 3D reconstruction robustly generalize to in-the-wild images, which could provide strong visual and geometric priors for reconstructing hand-object interactions. Specifically, given a single image, we first design a novel pipeline to estimate the underlying hand pose and object shape using off-the-shelf large models. Furthermore, with the initial reconstruction, we employ a prior-guided optimization scheme, which optimizes hand pose to comply with 3D physical constraints and the 2D input image content. We perform experiments across several datasets and show that our method consistently outperforms baselines and faithfully reconstructs a diverse set of hand-object interactions. Here is the link of our project page:
Abstract:Modeling a human avatar that can plausibly deform to articulations is an active area of research. We present PocoLoco -- the first template-free, point-based, pose-conditioned generative model for 3D humans in loose clothing. We motivate our work by noting that most methods require a parametric model of the human body to ground pose-dependent deformations. Consequently, they are restricted to modeling clothing that is topologically similar to the naked body and do not extend well to loose clothing. The few methods that attempt to model loose clothing typically require either canonicalization or a UV-parameterization and need to address the challenging problem of explicitly estimating correspondences for the deforming clothes. In this work, we formulate avatar clothing deformation as a conditional point-cloud generation task within the denoising diffusion framework. Crucially, our framework operates directly on unordered point clouds, eliminating the need for a parametric model or a clothing template. This also enables a variety of practical applications, such as point-cloud completion and pose-based editing -- important features for virtual human animation. As current datasets for human avatars in loose clothing are far too small for training diffusion models, we release a dataset of two subjects performing various poses in loose clothing with a total of 75K point clouds. By contributing towards tackling the challenging task of effectively modeling loose clothing and expanding the available data for training these models, we aim to set the stage for further innovation in digital humans. The source code is available at .
Abstract:Real-time rendering of human head avatars is a cornerstone of many computer graphics applications, such as augmented reality, video games, and films, to name a few. Recent approaches address this challenge with computationally efficient geometry primitives in a carefully calibrated multi-view setup. Albeit producing photorealistic head renderings, it often fails to represent complex motion changes such as the mouth interior and strongly varying head poses. We propose a new method to generate highly dynamic and deformable human head avatars from multi-view imagery in real-time. At the core of our method is a hierarchical representation of head models that allows to capture the complex dynamics of facial expressions and head movements. First, with rich facial features extracted from raw input frames, we learn to deform the coarse facial geometry of the template mesh. We then initialize 3D Gaussians on the deformed surface and refine their positions in a fine step. We train this coarse-to-fine facial avatar model along with the head pose as a learnable parameter in an end-to-end framework. This enables not only controllable facial animation via video inputs, but also high-fidelity novel view synthesis of challenging facial expressions, such as tongue deformations and fine-grained teeth structure under large motion changes. Moreover, it encourages the learned head avatar to generalize towards new facial expressions and head poses at inference time. We demonstrate the performance of our method with comparisons against the related methods on different datasets, spanning challenging facial expression sequences across multiple identities. We also show the potential application of our approach by demonstrating a cross-identity facial performance transfer application.
Abstract:Implicit neural representations map a shape-specific latent code and a 3D coordinate to its corresponding signed distance (SDF) value. However, this approach only offers a single level of detail. Emulating low levels of detail can be achieved with shallow networks, but the generated shapes are typically not smooth. Alternatively, some network designs offer multiple levels of detail, but are limited to overfitting a single object. To address this, we propose a new shape modeling approach, which enables multiple levels of detail and guarantees a smooth surface at each level. At the core, we introduce a novel latent conditioning for a multiscale and bandwith-limited neural architecture. This results in a deep parameterization of multiple shapes, where early layers quickly output approximated SDF values. This allows to balance speed and accuracy within a single network and enhance the efficiency of implicit scene rendering. We demonstrate that by limiting the bandwidth of the network, we can maintain smooth surfaces across all levels of detail. At finer levels, reconstruction quality is on par with the state of the art models, which are limited to a single level of detail.