Abstract:Continual learning (CL) is the sub-field of machine learning concerned with accumulating knowledge in dynamic environments. So far, CL research has mainly focused on incremental classification tasks, where models learn to classify new categories while retaining knowledge of previously learned ones. Here, we argue that maintaining such a focus limits both theoretical development and practical applicability of CL methods. Through a detailed analysis of concrete examples - including multi-target classification, robotics with constrained output spaces, learning in continuous task domains, and higher-level concept memorization - we demonstrate how current CL approaches often fail when applied beyond standard classification. We identify three fundamental challenges: (C1) the nature of continuity in learning problems, (C2) the choice of appropriate spaces and metrics for measuring similarity, and (C3) the role of learning objectives beyond classification. For each challenge, we provide specific recommendations to help move the field forward, including formalizing temporal dynamics through distribution processes, developing principled approaches for continuous task spaces, and incorporating density estimation and generative objectives. In so doing, this position paper aims to broaden the scope of CL research while strengthening its theoretical foundations, making it more applicable to real-world problems.
Abstract:Exploration is a crucial and distinctive aspect of reinforcement learning (RL) that remains a fundamental open problem. Several methods have been proposed to tackle this challenge. Commonly used methods inject random noise directly into the actions, indirectly via entropy maximization, or add intrinsic rewards that encourage the agent to steer to novel regions of the state space. Another previously seen idea is to use the Bellman error as a separate optimization objective for exploration. In this paper, we introduce three modifications to stabilize the latter and arrive at a deterministic exploration policy. Our separate exploration agent is informed about the state of the exploitation, thus enabling it to account for previous experiences. Further components are introduced to make the exploration objective agnostic toward the episode length and to mitigate instability introduced by far-off-policy learning. Our experimental results show that our approach can outperform $\varepsilon$-greedy in dense and sparse reward settings.
Abstract:This survey examines the broad suite of methods and models for combining machine learning with physics knowledge for prediction and forecast, with a focus on partial differential equations. These methods have attracted significant interest due to their potential impact on advancing scientific research and industrial practices by improving predictive models with small- or large-scale datasets and expressive predictive models with useful inductive biases. The survey has two parts. The first considers incorporating physics knowledge on an architectural level through objective functions, structured predictive models, and data augmentation. The second considers data as physics knowledge, which motivates looking at multi-task, meta, and contextual learning as an alternative approach to incorporating physics knowledge in a data-driven fashion. Finally, we also provide an industrial perspective on the application of these methods and a survey of the open-source ecosystem for physics-informed machine learning.
Abstract:Deterministic policies are often preferred over stochastic ones when implemented on physical systems. They can prevent erratic and harmful behaviors while being easier to implement and interpret. However, in practice, exploration is largely performed by stochastic policies. First-order Bayesian Optimization (BO) methods offer a principled way of performing exploration using deterministic policies. This is done through a learned probabilistic model of the objective function and its gradient. Nonetheless, such approaches treat policy search as a black-box problem, and thus, neglect the reinforcement learning nature of the problem. In this work, we leverage the performance difference lemma to introduce a novel mean function for the probabilistic model. This results in augmenting BO methods with the action-value function. Hence, we call our method Augmented Bayesian Search~(ABS). Interestingly, this new mean function enhances the posterior gradient with the deterministic policy gradient, effectively bridging the gap between BO and policy gradient methods. The resulting algorithm combines the convenience of the direct policy search with the scalability of reinforcement learning. We validate ABS on high-dimensional locomotion problems and demonstrate competitive performance compared to existing direct policy search schemes.
Abstract:Deep Reinforcement Learning (RL) is well known for being highly sensitive to hyperparameters, requiring practitioners substantial efforts to optimize them for the problem at hand. In recent years, the field of automated Reinforcement Learning (AutoRL) has grown in popularity by trying to address this issue. However, these approaches typically hinge on additional samples to select well-performing hyperparameters, hindering sample-efficiency and practicality in RL. Furthermore, most AutoRL methods are heavily based on already existing AutoML methods, which were originally developed neglecting the additional challenges inherent to RL due to its non-stationarities. In this work, we propose a new approach for AutoRL, called Adaptive $Q$-Network (AdaQN), that is tailored to RL to take into account the non-stationarity of the optimization procedure without requiring additional samples. AdaQN learns several $Q$-functions, each one trained with different hyperparameters, which are updated online using the $Q$-function with the smallest approximation error as a shared target. Our selection scheme simultaneously handles different hyperparameters while coping with the non-stationarity induced by the RL optimization procedure and being orthogonal to any critic-based RL algorithm. We demonstrate that AdaQN is theoretically sound and empirically validate it in MuJoCo control problems, showing benefits in sample-efficiency, overall performance, training stability, and robustness to stochasticity.
Abstract:Value-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods rely on the application of the Bellman operator, which needs to be approximated from samples. Most approaches consist of an iterative scheme alternating the application of the Bellman operator and a subsequent projection step onto a considered function space. However, we observe that these algorithms can be improved by considering multiple iterations of the Bellman operator at once. Thus, we introduce iterated $Q$-Networks (iQN), a novel approach that learns a sequence of $Q$-function approximations where each $Q$-function serves as the target for the next one in a chain of consecutive Bellman iterations. We demonstrate that iQN is theoretically sound and show how it can be seamlessly used in value-based and actor-critic methods. We empirically demonstrate its advantages on Atari $2600$ games and in continuous-control MuJoCo environments.
Abstract:We study the benefit of sharing representations among tasks to enable the effective use of deep neural networks in Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning. We leverage the assumption that learning from different tasks, sharing common properties, is helpful to generalize the knowledge of them resulting in a more effective feature extraction compared to learning a single task. Intuitively, the resulting set of features offers performance benefits when used by Reinforcement Learning algorithms. We prove this by providing theoretical guarantees that highlight the conditions for which is convenient to share representations among tasks, extending the well-known finite-time bounds of Approximate Value-Iteration to the multi-task setting. In addition, we complement our analysis by proposing multi-task extensions of three Reinforcement Learning algorithms that we empirically evaluate on widely used Reinforcement Learning benchmarks showing significant improvements over the single-task counterparts in terms of sample efficiency and performance.
Abstract:Approximate value iteration~(AVI) is a family of algorithms for reinforcement learning~(RL) that aims to obtain an approximation of the optimal value function. Generally, AVI algorithms implement an iterated procedure where each step consists of (i) an application of the Bellman operator and (ii) a projection step into a considered function space. Notoriously, the Bellman operator leverages transition samples, which strongly determine its behavior, as uninformative samples can result in negligible updates or long detours, whose detrimental effects are further exacerbated by the computationally intensive projection step. To address these issues, we propose a novel alternative approach based on learning an approximate version of the Bellman operator rather than estimating it through samples as in AVI approaches. This way, we are able to (i) generalize across transition samples and (ii) avoid the computationally intensive projection step. For this reason, we call our novel operator projected Bellman operator (PBO). We formulate an optimization problem to learn PBO for generic sequential decision-making problems, and we theoretically analyze its properties in two representative classes of RL problems. Furthermore, we theoretically study our approach under the lens of AVI and devise algorithmic implementations to learn PBO in offline and online settings by leveraging neural network parameterizations. Finally, we empirically showcase the benefits of PBO w.r.t. the regular Bellman operator on several RL problems.
Abstract:Multi-goal robot manipulation tasks with sparse rewards are difficult for reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms due to the inefficiency in collecting successful experiences. Recent algorithms such as Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) expedite learning by taking advantage of failed trajectories and replacing the desired goal with one of the achieved states so that any failed trajectory can be utilized as a contribution to learning. However, HER uniformly chooses failed trajectories, without taking into account which ones might be the most valuable for learning. In this paper, we address this problem and propose a novel approach Contact Energy Based Prioritization~(CEBP) to select the samples from the replay buffer based on rich information due to contact, leveraging the touch sensors in the gripper of the robot and object displacement. Our prioritization scheme favors sampling of contact-rich experiences, which are arguably the ones providing the largest amount of information. We evaluate our proposed approach on various sparse reward robotic tasks and compare them with the state-of-the-art methods. We show that our method surpasses or performs on par with those methods on robot manipulation tasks. Finally, we deploy the trained policy from our method to a real Franka robot for a pick-and-place task. We observe that the robot can solve the task successfully. The videos and code are publicly available at: https://erdiphd.github.io/HER_force
Abstract:Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning (MTRL) tackles the long-standing problem of endowing agents with skills that generalize across a variety of problems. To this end, sharing representations plays a fundamental role in capturing both unique and common characteristics of the tasks. Tasks may exhibit similarities in terms of skills, objects, or physical properties while leveraging their representations eases the achievement of a universal policy. Nevertheless, the pursuit of learning a shared set of diverse representations is still an open challenge. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for representation learning in MTRL that encapsulates common structures among the tasks using orthogonal representations to promote diversity. Our method, named Mixture Of Orthogonal Experts (MOORE), leverages a Gram-Schmidt process to shape a shared subspace of representations generated by a mixture of experts. When task-specific information is provided, MOORE generates relevant representations from this shared subspace. We assess the effectiveness of our approach on two MTRL benchmarks, namely MiniGrid and MetaWorld, showing that MOORE surpasses related baselines and establishes a new state-of-the-art result on MetaWorld.