Abstract:Facial recognition technology has made significant advances, yet its effectiveness across diverse ethnic backgrounds, particularly in specific Indian demographics, is less explored. This paper presents a detailed evaluation of both traditional and deep learning-based facial recognition models using the established LFW dataset and our newly developed IITJ Faces of Academia Dataset (JFAD), which comprises images of students from IIT Jodhpur. This unique dataset is designed to reflect the ethnic diversity of India, providing a critical test bed for assessing model performance in a focused academic environment. We analyze models ranging from holistic approaches like Eigenfaces and SIFT to advanced hybrid models that integrate CNNs with Gabor filters, Laplacian transforms, and segmentation techniques. Our findings reveal significant insights into the models' ability to adapt to the ethnic variability within Indian demographics and suggest modifications to enhance accuracy and inclusivity in real-world applications. The JFAD not only serves as a valuable resource for further research but also highlights the need for developing facial recognition systems that perform equitably across diverse populations.
Abstract:Shared training approaches, such as multi-task learning (MTL) and gradient-based meta-learning, are widely used in various machine learning applications, but they often suffer from negative transfer, leading to performance degradation in specific tasks. While several optimisation techniques have been developed to mitigate this issue for pre-selected task cohorts, identifying optimal task combinations for joint learning - known as task grouping - remains underexplored and computationally challenging due to the exponential growth in task combinations and the need for extensive training and evaluation cycles. This paper introduces an efficient task grouping framework designed to reduce these overwhelming computational demands of the existing methods. The proposed framework infers pairwise task similarities through a sample-wise optimisation landscape analysis, eliminating the need for the shared model training required to infer task similarities in existing methods. With task similarities acquired, a graph-based clustering algorithm is employed to pinpoint near-optimal task groups, providing an approximate yet efficient and effective solution to the originally NP-hard problem. Empirical assessments conducted on 8 different datasets highlight the effectiveness of the proposed framework, revealing a five-fold speed enhancement compared to previous state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the framework consistently demonstrates comparable performance, confirming its remarkable efficiency and effectiveness in task grouping.
Abstract:Effective training of large Vision-Language Models (VLMs) on resource-constrained client devices in Federated Learning (FL) requires the usage of parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) strategies. To this end, we demonstrate the impact of two factors \textit{viz.}, client-specific layer importance score that selects the most important VLM layers for fine-tuning and inter-client layer diversity score that encourages diverse layer selection across clients for optimal VLM layer selection. We first theoretically motivate and leverage the principal eigenvalue magnitude of layerwise Neural Tangent Kernels and show its effectiveness as client-specific layer importance score. Next, we propose a novel layer updating strategy dubbed F$^3$OCUS that jointly optimizes the layer importance and diversity factors by employing a data-free, multi-objective, meta-heuristic optimization on the server. We explore 5 different meta-heuristic algorithms and compare their effectiveness for selecting model layers and adapter layers towards PEFT-FL. Furthermore, we release a new MedVQA-FL dataset involving overall 707,962 VQA triplets and 9 modality-specific clients and utilize it to train and evaluate our method. Overall, we conduct more than 10,000 client-level experiments on 6 Vision-Language FL task settings involving 58 medical image datasets and 4 different VLM architectures of varying sizes to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Abstract:External validation is often recommended to ensure the generalizability of ML models. However, it neither guarantees generalizability nor equates to a model's clinical usefulness (the ultimate goal of any clinical decision-support tool). External validation is misaligned with current healthcare ML needs. First, patient data changes across time, geography, and facilities. These changes create significant volatility in the performance of a single fixed model (especially for deep learning models, which dominate clinical ML). Second, newer ML techniques, current market forces, and updated regulatory frameworks are enabling frequent updating and monitoring of individual deployed model instances. We submit that external validation is insufficient to establish ML models' safety or utility. Proposals to fix the external validation paradigm do not go far enough. Continued reliance on it as the ultimate test is likely to lead us astray. We propose the MLOps-inspired paradigm of recurring local validation as an alternative that ensures the validity of models while protecting against performance-disruptive data variability. This paradigm relies on site-specific reliability tests before every deployment, followed by regular and recurrent checks throughout the life cycle of the deployed algorithm. Initial and recurrent reliability tests protect against performance-disruptive distribution shifts, and concept drifts that jeopardize patient safety.
Abstract:The lack of data democratization and information leakage from trained models hinder the development and acceptance of robust deep learning-based healthcare solutions. This paper argues that irreversible data encoding can provide an effective solution to achieve data democratization without violating the privacy constraints imposed on healthcare data and clinical models. An ideal encoding framework transforms the data into a new space where it is imperceptible to a manual or computational inspection. However, encoded data should preserve the semantics of the original data such that deep learning models can be trained effectively. This paper hypothesizes the characteristics of the desired encoding framework and then exploits random projections and random quantum encoding to realize this framework for dense and longitudinal or time-series data. Experimental evaluation highlights that models trained on encoded time-series data effectively uphold the information bottleneck principle and hence, exhibit lesser information leakage from trained models.
Abstract:Safeguarding personal information is paramount for healthcare data sharing, a challenging issue without any silver bullet thus far. We study the prospect of a recent deep-learning advent, dataset condensation (DC), in sharing healthcare data for AI research, and the results are promising. The condensed data abstracts original records and irreversibly conceals individual-level knowledge to achieve a bona fide de-identification, which permits free sharing. Moreover, the original deep-learning utilities are well preserved in the condensed data with compressed volume and accelerated model convergences. In PhysioNet-2012, a condensed dataset of 20 samples can orient deep models attaining 80.3% test AUC of mortality prediction (versus 85.8% of 5120 original records), an inspiring discovery generalised to MIMIC-III and Coswara datasets. We also interpret the inhere privacy protections of DC through theoretical analysis and empirical evidence. Dataset condensation opens a new gate to sharing healthcare data for AI research with multiple desirable traits.
Abstract:Observational studies have recently received significant attention from the machine learning community due to the increasingly available non-experimental observational data and the limitations of the experimental studies, such as considerable cost, impracticality, small and less representative sample sizes, etc. In observational studies, de-confounding is a fundamental problem of individualised treatment effects (ITE) estimation. This paper proposes disentangled representations with adversarial training to selectively balance the confounders in the binary treatment setting for the ITE estimation. The adversarial training of treatment policy selectively encourages treatment-agnostic balanced representations for the confounders and helps to estimate the ITE in the observational studies via counterfactual inference. Empirical results on synthetic and real-world datasets, with varying degrees of confounding, prove that our proposed approach improves the state-of-the-art methods in achieving lower error in the ITE estimation.
Abstract:In electronic health records (EHRs), irregular time-series (ITS) occur naturally due to patient health dynamics, reflected by irregular hospital visits, diseases/conditions and the necessity to measure different vitals signs at each visit etc. ITS present challenges in training machine learning algorithms which mostly are built on assumption of coherent fixed dimensional feature space. In this paper, we propose a novel COntinuous patient state PERceiver model, called COPER, to cope with ITS in EHRs. COPER uses Perceiver model and the concept of neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to learn the continuous time dynamics of patient state, i.e., continuity of input space and continuity of output space. The neural ODEs help COPER to generate regular time-series to feed to Perceiver model which has the capability to handle multi-modality large-scale inputs. To evaluate the performance of the proposed model, we use in-hospital mortality prediction task on MIMIC-III dataset and carefully design experiments to study irregularity. The results are compared with the baselines which prove the efficacy of the proposed model.
Abstract:This paper proposes multiscale convolutional neural network (CNN)-based deep metric learning for bioacoustic classification, under low training data conditions. The proposed CNN is characterized by the utilization of four different filter sizes at each level to analyze input feature maps. This multiscale nature helps in describing different bioacoustic events effectively: smaller filters help in learning the finer details of bioacoustic events, whereas, larger filters help in analyzing a larger context leading to global details. A dynamic triplet loss is employed in the proposed CNN architecture to learn a transformation from the input space to the embedding space, where classification is performed. The triplet loss helps in learning this transformation by analyzing three examples, referred to as triplets, at a time where intra-class distance is minimized while maximizing the inter-class separation by a dynamically increasing margin. The number of possible triplets increases cubically with the dataset size, making triplet loss more suitable than the softmax cross-entropy loss in low training data conditions. Experiments on three different publicly available datasets show that the proposed framework performs better than existing bioacoustic classification frameworks. Experimental results also confirm the superiority of the triplet loss over the cross-entropy loss in low training data conditions
Abstract:This paper proposes a data-efficient, semi-supervised, two-pass framework for segmenting bird vocalizations. The framework utilizes a binary classification model to categorize frames of an input audio recording into the background or bird vocalization. The first pass of the framework automatically generates training labels from the input recording itself, while model training and classification is done during the second pass. The proposed framework utilizes a reference directional model for obtaining a feature representation called directional embeddings (DE). This reference directional model acts as an acoustic model for bird vocalizations and is obtained using the mixtures of Von-Mises Fisher distribution (moVMF). The proposed DE space only contains information about bird vocalizations, while no information about the background disturbances is reflected. The framework employs supervised information only for obtaining the reference directional model and avoids the background modeling. Hence, it can be regarded as semi-supervised in nature. The proposed framework is tested on approximately 79000 vocalizations of seven different bird species. The performance of the framework is also analyzed in the presence of noise at different SNRs. Experimental results convey that the proposed framework performs better than the existing bird vocalization segmentation methods.