Abstract:Large Vision-Language Models typically require large text and image datasets for effective fine-tuning. However, collecting data from various sites, especially in healthcare, is challenging due to strict privacy regulations. An alternative is to fine-tune these models on end-user devices, such as in medical clinics, without sending data to a server. These local clients typically have limited computing power and small datasets, which are not enough for fully fine-tuning large VLMs on their own. A naive solution to these scenarios is to leverage parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) strategies and apply federated learning (FL) algorithms to combine the learned adapter weights, thereby respecting the resource limitations and data privacy. However, this approach does not fully leverage the knowledge from multiple adapters trained on diverse data distributions and for diverse tasks. The adapters are adversely impacted by data heterogeneity and task heterogeneity across clients resulting in suboptimal convergence. To this end, we propose a novel framework called FedPIA that improves upon the naive combinations of FL and PEFT by introducing Permutation and Integration of the local Adapters in the server and global Adapters in the clients exploiting Wasserstein barycenters for improved blending of client-specific and client-agnostic knowledge. This layerwise permutation helps to bridge the gap in the parameter space of local and global adapters before integration. We conduct over 2000 client-level experiments utilizing 48 medical image datasets across five different medical vision-language FL task settings encompassing visual question answering as well as image and report-based multi-label disease detection. Our experiments involving diverse client settings, ten different modalities, and two VLM backbones demonstrate that FedPIA consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art PEFT-FL baselines.
Abstract:Effective training of large Vision-Language Models (VLMs) on resource-constrained client devices in Federated Learning (FL) requires the usage of parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) strategies. To this end, we demonstrate the impact of two factors \textit{viz.}, client-specific layer importance score that selects the most important VLM layers for fine-tuning and inter-client layer diversity score that encourages diverse layer selection across clients for optimal VLM layer selection. We first theoretically motivate and leverage the principal eigenvalue magnitude of layerwise Neural Tangent Kernels and show its effectiveness as client-specific layer importance score. Next, we propose a novel layer updating strategy dubbed F$^3$OCUS that jointly optimizes the layer importance and diversity factors by employing a data-free, multi-objective, meta-heuristic optimization on the server. We explore 5 different meta-heuristic algorithms and compare their effectiveness for selecting model layers and adapter layers towards PEFT-FL. Furthermore, we release a new MedVQA-FL dataset involving overall 707,962 VQA triplets and 9 modality-specific clients and utilize it to train and evaluate our method. Overall, we conduct more than 10,000 client-level experiments on 6 Vision-Language FL task settings involving 58 medical image datasets and 4 different VLM architectures of varying sizes to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Abstract:Multimodal Federated Learning (MMFL) utilizes multiple modalities in each client to build a more powerful Federated Learning (FL) model than its unimodal counterpart. However, the impact of missing modality in different clients, also called modality incongruity, has been greatly overlooked. This paper, for the first time, analyses the impact of modality incongruity and reveals its connection with data heterogeneity across participating clients. We particularly inspect whether incongruent MMFL with unimodal and multimodal clients is more beneficial than unimodal FL. Furthermore, we examine three potential routes of addressing this issue. Firstly, we study the effectiveness of various self-attention mechanisms towards incongruity-agnostic information fusion in MMFL. Secondly, we introduce a modality imputation network (MIN) pre-trained in a multimodal client for modality translation in unimodal clients and investigate its potential towards mitigating the missing modality problem. Thirdly, we assess the capability of client-level and server-level regularization techniques towards mitigating modality incongruity effects. Experiments are conducted under several MMFL settings on two publicly available real-world datasets, MIMIC-CXR and Open-I, with Chest X-Ray and radiology reports.
Abstract:Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is essential to improve the reliability of machine learning models by detecting samples that do not belong to the training distribution. Detecting OOD samples effectively in certain tasks can pose a challenge because of the substantial heterogeneity within the in-distribution (ID), and the high structural similarity between ID and OOD classes. For instance, when detecting heart views in fetal ultrasound videos there is a high structural similarity between the heart and other anatomies such as the abdomen, and large in-distribution variance as a heart has 5 distinct views and structural variations within each view. To detect OOD samples in this context, the resulting model should generalise to the intra-anatomy variations while rejecting similar OOD samples. In this paper, we introduce dual-conditioned diffusion models (DCDM) where we condition the model on in-distribution class information and latent features of the input image for reconstruction-based OOD detection. This constrains the generative manifold of the model to generate images structurally and semantically similar to those within the in-distribution. The proposed model outperforms reference methods with a 12% improvement in accuracy, 22% higher precision, and an 8% better F1 score.
Abstract:The most challenging, yet practical, setting of semi-supervised federated learning (SSFL) is where a few clients have fully labeled data whereas the other clients have fully unlabeled data. This is particularly common in healthcare settings where collaborating partners (typically hospitals) may have images but not annotations. The bottleneck in this setting is the joint training of labeled and unlabeled clients as the objective function for each client varies based on the availability of labels. This paper investigates an alternative way for effective training with labeled and unlabeled clients in a federated setting. We propose a novel learning scheme specifically designed for SSFL which we call Isolated Federated Learning (IsoFed) that circumvents the problem by avoiding simple averaging of supervised and semi-supervised models together. In particular, our training approach consists of two parts - (a) isolated aggregation of labeled and unlabeled client models, and (b) local self-supervised pretraining of isolated global models in all clients. We evaluate our model performance on medical image datasets of four different modalities publicly available within the biomedical image classification benchmark MedMNIST. We further vary the proportion of labeled clients and the degree of heterogeneity to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method under varied experimental settings.