Abstract:We consider the problem of differentially private (DP) convex empirical risk minimization (ERM). While the standard DP-SGD algorithm is theoretically well-established, practical implementations often rely on shuffled gradient methods that traverse the training data sequentially rather than sampling with replacement in each iteration. Despite their widespread use, the theoretical privacy-accuracy trade-offs of private shuffled gradient methods (\textit{DP-ShuffleG}) remain poorly understood, leading to a gap between theory and practice. In this work, we leverage privacy amplification by iteration (PABI) and a novel application of Stein's lemma to provide the first empirical excess risk bound of \textit{DP-ShuffleG}. Our result shows that data shuffling results in worse empirical excess risk for \textit{DP-ShuffleG} compared to DP-SGD. To address this limitation, we propose \textit{Interleaved-ShuffleG}, a hybrid approach that integrates public data samples in private optimization. By alternating optimization steps that use private and public samples, \textit{Interleaved-ShuffleG} effectively reduces empirical excess risk. Our analysis introduces a new optimization framework with surrogate objectives, adaptive noise injection, and a dissimilarity metric, which can be of independent interest. Our experiments on diverse datasets and tasks demonstrate the superiority of \textit{Interleaved-ShuffleG} over several baselines.
Abstract:Unlearning methods have the potential to improve the privacy and safety of large language models (LLMs) by removing sensitive or harmful information post hoc. The LLM unlearning research community has increasingly turned toward empirical benchmarks to assess the effectiveness of such methods. In this paper, we find that existing benchmarks provide an overly optimistic and potentially misleading view on the effectiveness of candidate unlearning methods. By introducing simple, benign modifications to a number of popular benchmarks, we expose instances where supposedly unlearned information remains accessible, or where the unlearning process has degraded the model's performance on retained information to a much greater extent than indicated by the original benchmark. We identify that existing benchmarks are particularly vulnerable to modifications that introduce even loose dependencies between the forget and retain information. Further, we show that ambiguity in unlearning targets in existing benchmarks can easily lead to the design of methods that overfit to the given test queries. Based on our findings, we urge the community to be cautious when interpreting benchmark results as reliable measures of progress, and we provide several recommendations to guide future LLM unlearning research.
Abstract:While large language models are rapidly moving towards consumer-facing applications, they are often still prone to factual errors and hallucinations. In order to reduce the potential harms that may come from these errors, it is important for users to know to what extent they can trust an LLM when it makes a factual claim. To this end, we study the problem of uncertainty quantification of factual correctness in long-form natural language generation. Given some output from a large language model, we study both uncertainty at the level of individual claims contained within the output (via calibration) and uncertainty across the entire output itself (via conformal prediction). Moreover, we invoke multicalibration and multivalid conformal prediction to ensure that such uncertainty guarantees are valid both marginally and across distinct groups of prompts. Using the task of biography generation, we demonstrate empirically that having access to and making use of additional group attributes for each prompt improves both overall and group-wise performance. As the problems of calibration, conformal prediction, and their multi-group counterparts have not been extensively explored previously in the context of long-form text generation, we consider these empirical results to form a benchmark for this setting.
Abstract:Machine unlearning is a promising approach to mitigate undesirable memorization of training data in ML models. However, in this work we show that existing approaches for unlearning in LLMs are surprisingly susceptible to a simple set of targeted relearning attacks. With access to only a small and potentially loosely related set of data, we find that we can 'jog' the memory of unlearned models to reverse the effects of unlearning. We formalize this unlearning-relearning pipeline, explore the attack across three popular unlearning benchmarks, and discuss future directions and guidelines that result from our study.
Abstract:We study a multi-agent imitation learning (MAIL) problem where we take the perspective of a learner attempting to coordinate a group of agents based on demonstrations of an expert doing so. Most prior work in MAIL essentially reduces the problem to matching the behavior of the expert within the support of the demonstrations. While doing so is sufficient to drive the value gap between the learner and the expert to zero under the assumption that agents are non-strategic, it does not guarantee robustness to deviations by strategic agents. Intuitively, this is because strategic deviations can depend on a counterfactual quantity: the coordinator's recommendations outside of the state distribution their recommendations induce. In response, we initiate the study of an alternative objective for MAIL in Markov Games we term the regret gap that explicitly accounts for potential deviations by agents in the group. We first perform an in-depth exploration of the relationship between the value and regret gaps. First, we show that while the value gap can be efficiently minimized via a direct extension of single-agent IL algorithms, even value equivalence can lead to an arbitrarily large regret gap. This implies that achieving regret equivalence is harder than achieving value equivalence in MAIL. We then provide a pair of efficient reductions to no-regret online convex optimization that are capable of minimizing the regret gap (a) under a coverage assumption on the expert (MALICE) or (b) with access to a queryable expert (BLADES).
Abstract:Estimates of causal parameters such as conditional average treatment effects and conditional quantile treatment effects play an important role in real-world decision making. Given this importance, one should ensure these estimators are calibrated. While there is a rich literature on calibrating estimators of non-causal parameters, very few methods have been derived for calibrating estimators of causal parameters, or more generally estimators of quantities involving nuisance parameters. In this work, we provide a general framework for calibrating predictors involving nuisance estimation. We consider a notion of calibration defined with respect to an arbitrary, nuisance-dependent loss $\ell$, under which we say an estimator $\theta$ is calibrated if its predictions cannot be changed on any level set to decrease loss. We prove generic upper bounds on the calibration error of any causal parameter estimate $\theta$ with respect to any loss $\ell$ using a concept called Neyman Orthogonality. Our bounds involve two decoupled terms - one measuring the error in estimating the unknown nuisance parameters, and the other representing the calibration error in a hypothetical world where the learned nuisance estimates were true. We use our bound to analyze the convergence of two sample splitting algorithms for causal calibration. One algorithm, which applies to universally orthogonalizable loss functions, transforms the data into generalized pseudo-outcomes and applies an off-the-shelf calibration procedure. The other algorithm, which applies to conditionally orthogonalizable loss functions, extends the classical uniform mass binning algorithm to include nuisance estimation. Our results are exceedingly general, showing that essentially any existing calibration algorithm can be used in causal settings, with additional loss only arising from errors in nuisance estimation.
Abstract:We establish a new model-agnostic optimization framework for out-of-distribution generalization via multicalibration, a criterion that ensures a predictor is calibrated across a family of overlapping groups. Multicalibration is shown to be associated with robustness of statistical inference under covariate shift. We further establish a link between multicalibration and robustness for prediction tasks both under and beyond covariate shift. We accomplish this by extending multicalibration to incorporate grouping functions that consider covariates and labels jointly. This leads to an equivalence of the extended multicalibration and invariance, an objective for robust learning in existence of concept shift. We show a linear structure of the grouping function class spanned by density ratios, resulting in a unifying framework for robust learning by designing specific grouping functions. We propose MC-Pseudolabel, a post-processing algorithm to achieve both extended multicalibration and out-of-distribution generalization. The algorithm, with lightweight hyperparameters and optimization through a series of supervised regression steps, achieves superior performance on real-world datasets with distribution shift.
Abstract:Machine unlearning is motivated by desire for data autonomy: a person can request to have their data's influence removed from deployed models, and those models should be updated as if they were retrained without the person's data. We show that, counter-intuitively, these updates expose individuals to high-accuracy reconstruction attacks which allow the attacker to recover their data in its entirety, even when the original models are so simple that privacy risk might not otherwise have been a concern. We show how to mount a near-perfect attack on the deleted data point from linear regression models. We then generalize our attack to other loss functions and architectures, and empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our attacks across a wide range of datasets (capturing both tabular and image data). Our work highlights that privacy risk is significant even for extremely simple model classes when individuals can request deletion of their data from the model.
Abstract:We consider the problem of model multiplicity in downstream decision-making, a setting where two predictive models of equivalent accuracy cannot agree on the best-response action for a downstream loss function. We show that even when the two predictive models approximately agree on their individual predictions almost everywhere, it is still possible for their induced best-response actions to differ on a substantial portion of the population. We address this issue by proposing a framework that calibrates the predictive models with regard to both the downstream decision-making problem and the individual probability prediction. Specifically, leveraging tools from multi-calibration, we provide an algorithm that, at each time-step, first reconciles the differences in individual probability prediction, then calibrates the updated models such that they are indistinguishable from the true probability distribution to the decision-maker. We extend our results to the setting where one does not have direct access to the true probability distribution and instead relies on a set of i.i.d data to be the empirical distribution. Finally, we provide a set of experiments to empirically evaluate our methods: compared to existing work, our proposed algorithm creates a pair of predictive models with both improved downstream decision-making losses and agrees on their best-response actions almost everywhere.
Abstract:Predictive models are often introduced to decision-making tasks under the rationale that they improve performance over an existing decision-making policy. However, it is challenging to compare predictive performance against an existing decision-making policy that is generally under-specified and dependent on unobservable factors. These sources of uncertainty are often addressed in practice by making strong assumptions about the data-generating mechanism. In this work, we propose a method to compare the predictive performance of decision policies under a variety of modern identification approaches from the causal inference and off-policy evaluation literatures (e.g., instrumental variable, marginal sensitivity model, proximal variable). Key to our method is the insight that there are regions of uncertainty that we can safely ignore in the policy comparison. We develop a practical approach for finite-sample estimation of regret intervals under no assumptions on the parametric form of the status quo policy. We verify our framework theoretically and via synthetic data experiments. We conclude with a real-world application using our framework to support a pre-deployment evaluation of a proposed modification to a healthcare enrollment policy.