Abstract:While 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has demonstrated remarkable performance in novel view synthesis and real-time rendering, the high memory consumption due to the use of millions of Gaussians limits its practicality. To mitigate this issue, improvements have been made by pruning unnecessary Gaussians, either through a hand-crafted criterion or by using learned masks. However, these methods deterministically remove Gaussians based on a snapshot of the pruning moment, leading to sub-optimized reconstruction performance from a long-term perspective. To address this issue, we introduce MaskGaussian, which models Gaussians as probabilistic entities rather than permanently removing them, and utilize them according to their probability of existence. To achieve this, we propose a masked-rasterization technique that enables unused yet probabilistically existing Gaussians to receive gradients, allowing for dynamic assessment of their contribution to the evolving scene and adjustment of their probability of existence. Hence, the importance of Gaussians iteratively changes and the pruned Gaussians are selected diversely. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in achieving better rendering quality with fewer Gaussians than previous pruning methods, pruning over 60% of Gaussians on average with only a 0.02 PSNR decline. Our code can be found at: https://github.com/kaikai23/MaskGaussian
Abstract:Image captioning models often suffer from performance degradation when applied to novel datasets, as they are typically trained on domain-specific data. To enhance generalization in out-of-domain scenarios, retrieval-augmented approaches have garnered increasing attention. However, current methods face two key challenges: (1) image features used for retrieval are often optimized based on ground-truth (GT) captions, which represent the image from a specific perspective and are influenced by annotator biases, and (2) they underutilize the full potential of retrieved text, typically relying on raw captions or parsed objects, which fail to capture the full semantic richness of the data. In this paper, we propose Dive Into Retrieval (DIR), a method designed to enhance both the image-to-text retrieval process and the utilization of retrieved text to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the visual content. Our approach introduces two key innovations: (1) diffusion-guided retrieval enhancement, where a pretrained diffusion model guides image feature learning by reconstructing noisy images, allowing the model to capture more comprehensive and fine-grained visual information beyond standard annotated captions; and (2) a high-quality retrieval database, which provides comprehensive semantic information to enhance caption generation, especially in out-of-domain scenarios. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DIR not only maintains competitive in-domain performance but also significantly improves out-of-domain generalization, all without increasing inference costs.
Abstract:3D human avatars, through the use of canonical radiance fields and per-frame observed warping, enable high-fidelity rendering and animating. However, existing methods, which rely on either spatial SMPL(-X) poses or temporal embeddings, respectively suffer from coarse rendering quality or limited animation flexibility. To address these challenges, we propose GAST, a framework that unifies 3D human modeling with 3DGS by hierarchically integrating both spatial and temporal information. Specifically, we design a sequential conditioning framework for the non-rigid warping of the human body, under whose guidance more accurate 3D Gaussians can be obtained in the observation space. Moreover, the explicit properties of Gaussians allow us to embed richer sequential information, encompassing both the coarse sequence of human poses and finer per-vertex motion details. These sequence conditions are further sampled across different temporal scales, in a coarse-to-fine manner, ensuring unbiased inputs for non-rigid warping. Experimental results demonstrate that our method combined with hierarchical spatio-temporal modeling surpasses concurrent baselines, delivering both high-quality rendering and flexible animating capabilities.
Abstract:The development of 3D human avatars from multi-view videos represents a significant yet challenging task in the field. Recent advancements, including 3D Gaussian Splattings (3DGS), have markedly progressed this domain. Nonetheless, existing techniques necessitate the use of high-quality sharp images, which are often impractical to obtain in real-world settings due to variations in human motion speed and intensity. In this study, we attempt to explore deriving sharp intrinsic 3D human Gaussian avatars from blurry video footage in an end-to-end manner. Our approach encompasses a 3D-aware, physics-oriented model of blur formation attributable to human movement, coupled with a 3D human motion model to clarify ambiguities found in motion-induced blurry images. This methodology facilitates the concurrent learning of avatar model parameters and the refinement of sub-frame motion parameters from a coarse initialization. We have established benchmarks for this task through a synthetic dataset derived from existing multi-view captures, alongside a real-captured dataset acquired through a 360-degree synchronous hybrid-exposure camera system. Comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that our model surpasses existing baselines.
Abstract:Recent unsupervised methods for monocular 3D pose estimation have endeavored to reduce dependence on limited annotated 3D data, but most are solely formulated in 2D space, overlooking the inherent depth ambiguity issue. Due to the information loss in 3D-to-2D projection, multiple potential depths may exist, yet only some of them are plausible in human structure. To tackle depth ambiguity, we propose a novel unsupervised framework featuring a multi-hypothesis detector and multiple tailored pretext tasks. The detector extracts multiple hypotheses from a heatmap within a local window, effectively managing the multi-solution problem. Furthermore, the pretext tasks harness 3D human priors from the SMPL model to regularize the solution space of pose estimation, aligning it with the empirical distribution of 3D human structures. This regularization is partially achieved through a GCN-based discriminator within the discriminative learning, and is further complemented with synthetic images through rendering, ensuring plausible estimations. Consequently, our approach demonstrates state-of-the-art unsupervised 3D pose estimation performance on various human datasets. Further evaluations on data scale-up and one animal dataset highlight its generalization capabilities. Code will be available at https://github.com/Charrrrrlie/X-as-Supervision.
Abstract:In this paper, we highlight a critical yet often overlooked factor in most 3D human tasks, namely modeling humans with complex garments. It is known that the parameterized formulation of SMPL is able to fit human skin; while complex garments, e.g., hand-held objects and loose-fitting garments, are difficult to get modeled within the unified framework, since their movements are usually decoupled with the human body. To enhance the capability of SMPL skeleton in response to this situation, we propose a modular growth strategy that enables the joint tree of the skeleton to expand adaptively. Specifically, our method, called ToMiE, consists of parent joints localization and external joints optimization. For parent joints localization, we employ a gradient-based approach guided by both LBS blending weights and motion kernels. Once the external joints are obtained, we proceed to optimize their transformations in SE(3) across different frames, enabling rendering and explicit animation. ToMiE manages to outperform other methods across various cases with garments, not only in rendering quality but also by offering free animation of grown joints, thereby enhancing the expressive ability of SMPL skeleton for a broader range of applications.
Abstract:We introduce KFD-NeRF, a novel dynamic neural radiance field integrated with an efficient and high-quality motion reconstruction framework based on Kalman filtering. Our key idea is to model the dynamic radiance field as a dynamic system whose temporally varying states are estimated based on two sources of knowledge: observations and predictions. We introduce a novel plug-in Kalman filter guided deformation field that enables accurate deformation estimation from scene observations and predictions. We use a shallow Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) for observations and model the motion as locally linear to calculate predictions with motion equations. To further enhance the performance of the observation MLP, we introduce regularization in the canonical space to facilitate the network's ability to learn warping for different frames. Additionally, we employ an efficient tri-plane representation for encoding the canonical space, which has been experimentally demonstrated to converge quickly with high quality. This enables us to use a shallower observation MLP, consisting of just two layers in our implementation. We conduct experiments on synthetic and real data and compare with past dynamic NeRF methods. Our KFD-NeRF demonstrates similar or even superior rendering performance within comparable computational time and achieves state-of-the-art view synthesis performance with thorough training.
Abstract:Human body restoration plays a vital role in various applications related to the human body. Despite recent advances in general image restoration using generative models, their performance in human body restoration remains mediocre, often resulting in foreground and background blending, over-smoothing surface textures, missing accessories, and distorted limbs. Addressing these challenges, we propose a novel approach by constructing a human body-aware diffusion model that leverages domain-specific knowledge to enhance performance. Specifically, we employ a pretrained body attention module to guide the diffusion model's focus on the foreground, addressing issues caused by blending between the subject and background. We also demonstrate the value of revisiting the language modality of the diffusion model in restoration tasks by seamlessly incorporating text prompt to improve the quality of surface texture and additional clothing and accessories details. Additionally, we introduce a diffusion sampler tailored for fine-grained human body parts, utilizing local semantic information to rectify limb distortions. Lastly, we collect a comprehensive dataset for benchmarking and advancing the field of human body restoration. Extensive experimental validation showcases the superiority of our approach, both quantitatively and qualitatively, over existing methods.
Abstract:Neural rendering techniques have significantly advanced 3D human body modeling. However, previous approaches often overlook dynamics induced by factors such as motion inertia, leading to challenges in scenarios like abrupt stops after rotation, where the pose remains static while the appearance changes. This limitation arises from reliance on a single pose as conditional input, resulting in ambiguity in mapping one pose to multiple appearances. In this study, we elucidate that variations in human appearance depend not only on the current frame's pose condition but also on past pose states. Therefore, we introduce Dyco, a novel method utilizing the delta pose sequence representation for non-rigid deformations and canonical space to effectively model temporal appearance variations. To prevent a decrease in the model's generalization ability to novel poses, we further propose low-dimensional global context to reduce unnecessary inter-body part dependencies and a quantization operation to mitigate overfitting of the delta pose sequence by the model. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we collected a novel dataset named I3D-Human, with a focus on capturing temporal changes in clothing appearance under approximate poses. Through extensive experiments on both I3D-Human and existing datasets, our approach demonstrates superior qualitative and quantitative performance. In addition, our inertia-aware 3D human method can unprecedentedly simulate appearance changes caused by inertia at different velocities.
Abstract:Existing video frame interpolation (VFI) methods blindly predict where each object is at a specific timestep t ("time indexing"), which struggles to predict precise object movements. Given two images of a baseball, there are infinitely many possible trajectories: accelerating or decelerating, straight or curved. This often results in blurry frames as the method averages out these possibilities. Instead of forcing the network to learn this complicated time-to-location mapping implicitly together with predicting the frames, we provide the network with an explicit hint on how far the object has traveled between start and end frames, a novel approach termed "distance indexing". This method offers a clearer learning goal for models, reducing the uncertainty tied to object speeds. We further observed that, even with this extra guidance, objects can still be blurry especially when they are equally far from both input frames (i.e., halfway in-between), due to the directional ambiguity in long-range motion. To solve this, we propose an iterative reference-based estimation strategy that breaks down a long-range prediction into several short-range steps. When integrating our plug-and-play strategies into state-of-the-art learning-based models, they exhibit markedly sharper outputs and superior perceptual quality in arbitrary time interpolations, using a uniform distance indexing map in the same format as time indexing. Additionally, distance indexing can be specified pixel-wise, which enables temporal manipulation of each object independently, offering a novel tool for video editing tasks like re-timing.