Abstract:Recent advancements in scaling up models have significantly improved performance in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) tasks. However, training large ASR models from scratch remains costly. To address this issue, we introduce UME, a novel method that efficiently Upcycles pretrained dense ASR checkpoints into larger Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architectures. Initially, feed-forward networks are converted into MoE layers. By reusing the pretrained weights, we establish a robust foundation for the expanded model, significantly reducing optimization time. Then, layer freezing and expert balancing strategies are employed to continue training the model, further enhancing performance. Experiments on a mixture of 170k-hour Mandarin and English datasets show that UME: 1) surpasses the pretrained baseline by a margin of 11.9% relative error rate reduction while maintaining comparable latency; 2) reduces training time by up to 86.7% and achieves superior accuracy compared to training models of the same size from scratch.
Abstract:Multimodal emotion recognition (MER) aims to detect the emotional status of a given expression by combining the speech and text information. Intuitively, label information should be capable of helping the model locate the salient tokens/frames relevant to the specific emotion, which finally facilitates the MER task. Inspired by this, we propose a novel approach for MER by leveraging label information. Specifically, we first obtain the representative label embeddings for both text and speech modalities, then learn the label-enhanced text/speech representations for each utterance via label-token and label-frame interactions. Finally, we devise a novel label-guided attentive fusion module to fuse the label-aware text and speech representations for emotion classification. Extensive experiments were conducted on the public IEMOCAP dataset, and experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach outperforms existing baselines and achieves new state-of-the-art performance.
Abstract:High-quality data is essential for conversational recommendation systems and serves as the cornerstone of the network architecture development and training strategy design. Existing works contribute heavy human efforts to manually labeling or designing and extending recommender dialogue templates. However, they suffer from (i) the limited number of human annotators results in that datasets can hardly capture rich and large-scale cases in the real world, (ii) the limited experience and knowledge of annotators account for the uninformative corpus and inappropriate recommendations. In this paper, we propose a novel automatic dataset synthesis approach that can generate both large-scale and high-quality recommendation dialogues through a data2text generation process, where unstructured recommendation conversations are generated from structured graphs based on user-item information from the real world. In doing so, we comprehensively exploit: (i) rich personalized user profiles from traditional recommendation datasets, (ii) rich external knowledge from knowledge graphs, and (iii) the conversation ability contained in human-to-human conversational recommendation datasets. Extensive experiments validate the benefit brought by the automatically synthesized data under low-resource scenarios and demonstrate the promising potential to facilitate the development of a more effective conversational recommendation system.
Abstract:Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models have shown great promise over Supervised Learning (SL) ones in low-resource settings. However, the advantages of SSL are gradually weakened when the amount of labeled data increases in many industrial applications. To further improve the ASR performance when abundant labels are available, we first explore the potential of combining SL and SSL ASR models via analyzing their complementarity in recognition accuracy and optimization property. Then, we propose a novel Optimal Transport based Fusion (OTF) method for SL and SSL models without incurring extra computation cost in inference. Specifically, optimal transport is adopted to softly align the layer-wise weights to unify the two different networks into a single one. Experimental results on the public 1k-hour English LibriSpeech dataset and our in-house 2.6k-hour Chinese dataset show that OTF largely outperforms the individual models with lower error rates.
Abstract:Recently, the contrastive language-image pre-training, e.g., CLIP, has demonstrated promising results on various downstream tasks. The pre-trained model can capture enriched visual concepts for images by learning from a large scale of text-image data. However, transferring the learned visual knowledge to open-vocabulary semantic segmentation is still under-explored. In this paper, we propose a CLIP-based model named SegCLIP for the topic of open-vocabulary segmentation in an annotation-free manner. The SegCLIP achieves segmentation based on ViT and the main idea is to gather patches with learnable centers to semantic regions through training on text-image pairs. The gathering operation can dynamically capture the semantic groups, which can be used to generate the final segmentation results. We further propose a reconstruction loss on masked patches and a superpixel-based KL loss with pseudo-labels to enhance the visual representation. Experimental results show that our model achieves comparable or superior segmentation accuracy on the PASCAL VOC 2012 (+1.4% mIoU), PASCAL Context (+2.4% mIoU), and COCO (+5.6% mIoU) compared with baselines. We release the code at https://github.com/ArrowLuo/SegCLIP.
Abstract:Disentanglement of a speaker's timbre and style is very important for style transfer in multi-speaker multi-style text-to-speech (TTS) scenarios. With the disentanglement of timbres and styles, TTS systems could synthesize expressive speech for a given speaker with any style which has been seen in the training corpus. However, there are still some shortcomings with the current research on timbre and style disentanglement. The current method either requires single-speaker multi-style recordings, which are difficult and expensive to collect, or uses a complex network and complicated training method, which is difficult to reproduce and control the style transfer behavior. To improve the disentanglement effectiveness of timbres and styles, and to remove the reliance on single-speaker multi-style corpus, a simple but effective timbre and style disentanglement method is proposed in this paper. The FastSpeech2 network is employed as the backbone network, with explicit duration, pitch, and energy trajectory to represent the style. Each speaker's data is considered as a separate and isolated style, then a speaker embedding and a style embedding are added to the FastSpeech2 network to learn disentangled representations. Utterance level pitch and energy normalization are utilized to improve the decoupling effect. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model could synthesize speech with any style seen during training with high style similarity while maintaining very high speaker similarity.
Abstract:Humans often speak in a continuous manner which leads to coherent and consistent prosody properties across neighboring utterances. However, most state-of-the-art speech synthesis systems only consider the information within each sentence and ignore the contextual semantic and acoustic features. This makes it inadequate to generate high-quality paragraph-level speech which requires high expressiveness and naturalness. To synthesize natural and expressive speech for a paragraph, a context-aware speech synthesis system named MaskedSpeech is proposed in this paper, which considers both contextual semantic and acoustic features. Inspired by the masking strategy in the speech editing research, the acoustic features of the current sentence are masked out and concatenated with those of contextual speech, and further used as additional model input. The phoneme encoder takes the concatenated phoneme sequence from neighboring sentences as input and learns fine-grained semantic information from contextual text. Furthermore, cross-utterance coarse-grained semantic features are employed to improve the prosody generation. The model is trained to reconstruct the masked acoustic features with the augmentation of both the contextual semantic and acoustic features. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed MaskedSpeech outperformed the baseline system significantly in terms of naturalness and expressiveness.
Abstract:Dialogue state tracking (DST) aims to convert the dialogue history into dialogue states which consist of slot-value pairs. As condensed structural information memorizing all history information, the dialogue state in the last turn is typically adopted as the input for predicting the current state by DST models. However, these models tend to keep the predicted slot values unchanged, which is defined as state momentum in this paper. Specifically, the models struggle to update slot values that need to be changed and correct wrongly predicted slot values in the last turn. To this end, we propose MoNET to tackle state momentum via noise-enhanced training. First, the previous state of each turn in the training data is noised via replacing some of its slot values. Then, the noised previous state is used as the input to learn to predict the current state, improving the model's ability to update and correct slot values. Furthermore, a contrastive context matching framework is designed to narrow the representation distance between a state and its corresponding noised variant, which reduces the impact of noised state and makes the model better understand the dialogue history. Experimental results on MultiWOZ datasets show that MoNET outperforms previous DST methods. Ablations and analysis verify the effectiveness of MoNET in alleviating state momentum and improving anti-noise ability.
Abstract:Hybrid question answering (HQA) aims to answer questions over heterogeneous data, including tables and passages linked to table cells. The heterogeneous data can provide different granularity evidence to HQA models, e.t., column, row, cell, and link. Conventional HQA models usually retrieve coarse- or fine-grained evidence to reason the answer. Through comparison, we find that coarse-grained evidence is easier to retrieve but contributes less to the reasoner, while fine-grained evidence is the opposite. To preserve the advantage and eliminate the disadvantage of different granularity evidence, we propose MuGER$^2$, a Multi-Granularity Evidence Retrieval and Reasoning approach. In evidence retrieval, a unified retriever is designed to learn the multi-granularity evidence from the heterogeneous data. In answer reasoning, an evidence selector is proposed to navigate the fine-grained evidence for the answer reader based on the learned multi-granularity evidence. Experiment results on the HybridQA dataset show that MuGER$^2$ significantly boosts the HQA performance. Further ablation analysis verifies the effectiveness of both the retrieval and reasoning designs.
Abstract:Traditional end-to-end task-oriented dialog systems first convert dialog context into dialog state and action state, before generating the system response. In this paper, we first empirically investigate the relationship between dialog/action state and generated system response. The empirical exploration shows that the system response performance is significantly affected by the quality of dialog state and action state. Based on these findings, we argue that enhancing the relationship modeling between dialog context and dialog/action state is beneficial to improving the quality of the dialog state and action state, which further improves the generated response quality. Therefore, we propose Mars, an end-to-end task-oriented dialog system with semantic-aware contrastive learning strategies to model the relationship between dialog context and dialog/action state. Empirical results show our proposed Mars achieves state-of-the-art performance on the MultiWOZ 2.0, CamRest676, and CrossWOZ.