Abstract:Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have demonstrated superiority in graph-based learning tasks. However, training GCNs on full graphs is particularly challenging, due to the following two challenges: (1) the associated feature tensors can easily explode the memory and block the communication bandwidth of modern accelerators, and (2) the computation workflow in training GCNs alternates between sparse and dense matrix operations, complicating the efficient utilization of computational resources. Existing solutions for scalable distributed full-graph GCN training mostly adopt partition parallelism, which is unsatisfactory as they only partially address the first challenge while incurring scaled-out communication volume. To this end, we propose MixGCN aiming to simultaneously address both the aforementioned challenges towards GCN training. To tackle the first challenge, MixGCN integrates mixture of parallelism. Both theoretical and empirical analysis verify its constant communication volumes and enhanced balanced workload; For handling the second challenge, we consider mixture of accelerators (i.e., sparse and dense accelerators) with a dedicated accelerator for GCN training and a fine-grain pipeline. Extensive experiments show that MixGCN achieves boosted training efficiency and scalability.
Abstract:Diffusion Transformers (DiTs) have achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) image generation quality but suffer from high latency and memory inefficiency, making them difficult to deploy on resource-constrained devices. One key efficiency bottleneck is that existing DiTs apply equal computation across all regions of an image. However, not all image tokens are equally important, and certain localized areas require more computation, such as objects. To address this, we propose DiffRatio-MoD, a dynamic DiT inference framework with differentiable compression ratios, which automatically learns to dynamically route computation across layers and timesteps for each image token, resulting in Mixture-of-Depths (MoD) efficient DiT models. Specifically, DiffRatio-MoD integrates three features: (1) A token-level routing scheme where each DiT layer includes a router that is jointly fine-tuned with model weights to predict token importance scores. In this way, unimportant tokens bypass the entire layer's computation; (2) A layer-wise differentiable ratio mechanism where different DiT layers automatically learn varying compression ratios from a zero initialization, resulting in large compression ratios in redundant layers while others remain less compressed or even uncompressed; (3) A timestep-wise differentiable ratio mechanism where each denoising timestep learns its own compression ratio. The resulting pattern shows higher ratios for noisier timesteps and lower ratios as the image becomes clearer. Extensive experiments on both text-to-image and inpainting tasks show that DiffRatio-MoD effectively captures dynamism across token, layer, and timestep axes, achieving superior trade-offs between generation quality and efficiency compared to prior works.
Abstract:Motivated by the transformative capabilities of large language models (LLMs) across various natural language tasks, there has been a growing demand to deploy these models effectively across diverse real-world applications and platforms. However, the challenge of efficiently deploying LLMs has become increasingly pronounced due to the varying application-specific performance requirements and the rapid evolution of computational platforms, which feature diverse resource constraints and deployment flows. These varying requirements necessitate LLMs that can adapt their structures (depth and width) for optimal efficiency across different platforms and application specifications. To address this critical gap, we propose AmoebaLLM, a novel framework designed to enable the instant derivation of LLM subnets of arbitrary shapes, which achieve the accuracy-efficiency frontier and can be extracted immediately after a one-time fine-tuning. In this way, AmoebaLLM significantly facilitates rapid deployment tailored to various platforms and applications. Specifically, AmoebaLLM integrates three innovative components: (1) a knowledge-preserving subnet selection strategy that features a dynamic-programming approach for depth shrinking and an importance-driven method for width shrinking; (2) a shape-aware mixture of LoRAs to mitigate gradient conflicts among subnets during fine-tuning; and (3) an in-place distillation scheme with loss-magnitude balancing as the fine-tuning objective. Extensive experiments validate that AmoebaLLM not only sets new standards in LLM adaptability but also successfully delivers subnets that achieve state-of-the-art trade-offs between accuracy and efficiency.
Abstract:Efficient adaption of large language models (LLMs) on edge devices is essential for applications requiring continuous and privacy-preserving adaptation and inference. However, existing tuning techniques fall short because of the high computation and memory overheads. To this end, we introduce a computation- and memory-efficient LLM tuning framework, called Edge-LLM, to facilitate affordable and effective LLM adaptation on edge devices. Specifically, Edge-LLM features three core components: (1) a layer-wise unified compression (LUC) technique to reduce the computation overhead by generating layer-wise pruning sparsity and quantization bit-width policies, (2) an adaptive layer tuning and voting scheme to reduce the memory overhead by reducing the backpropagation depth, and (3) a complementary hardware scheduling strategy to handle the irregular computation patterns introduced by LUC and adaptive layer tuning, thereby achieving efficient computation and data movements. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Edge-LLM achieves a 2.92x speed up and a 4x memory overhead reduction as compared to vanilla tuning methods with comparable task accuracy. Our code is available at https://github.com/GATECH-EIC/Edge-LLM
Abstract:Attention is a fundamental component behind the remarkable achievements of large language models (LLMs). However, our current understanding of the attention mechanism, especially regarding how attention distributions are established, remains limited. Inspired by recent studies that explore the presence of attention sink in the initial token, which receives disproportionately large attention scores despite their lack of semantic importance, this work delves deeper into this phenomenon. We aim to provide a more profound understanding of the existence of attention sinks within LLMs and to uncover ways to enhance the achievable accuracy of LLMs by directly optimizing the attention distributions, without the need for weight finetuning. Specifically, this work begins with comprehensive visualizations of the attention distributions in LLMs during inference across various inputs and tasks. Based on these visualizations, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to discover that (1) attention sinks occur not only at the start of sequences but also within later tokens of the input, and (2) not all attention sinks have a positive impact on the achievable accuracy of LLMs. Building upon our findings, we propose a training-free Attention Calibration Technique (ACT) that automatically optimizes the attention distributions on the fly during inference in an input-adaptive manner. Extensive experiments validate that ACT consistently enhances the accuracy of various LLMs across different applications. Specifically, ACT achieves an average improvement of up to 7.30% in accuracy across different datasets when applied to Llama-30B. Our code is available at https://github.com/GATECH-EIC/ACT.