Abstract:In this paper, we present a novel optimization algorithm designed specifically for estimating state-space models to deal with heavy-tailed measurement noise and constraints. Our algorithm addresses two significant limitations found in existing approaches: susceptibility to measurement noise outliers and difficulties in incorporating constraints into state estimation. By formulating constrained state estimation as an optimization problem and employing the Majorization-Minimization (MM) approach, our framework provides a unified solution that enhances the robustness of the Kalman filter. Experimental results demonstrate high accuracy and computational efficiency achieved by our proposed approach, establishing it as a promising solution for robust and constrained state estimation in real-world applications.
Abstract:Continual Novel Class Discovery (CNCD) aims to continually discover novel classes without labels while maintaining the recognition capability for previously learned classes. The main challenges faced by CNCD include the feature-discrepancy problem, the inter-session confusion problem, etc. In this paper, we propose a novel Feature Enhancement and Adaptation method for the CNCD to tackle the above challenges, which consists of a guide-to-novel framework, a centroid-to-samples similarity constraint (CSS), and a boundary-aware prototype constraint (BAP). More specifically, the guide-to-novel framework is established to continually discover novel classes under the guidance of prior distribution. Afterward, the CSS is designed to constrain the relationship between centroid-to-samples similarities of different classes, thereby enhancing the distinctiveness of features among novel classes. Finally, the BAP is proposed to keep novel class features aware of the positions of other class prototypes during incremental sessions, and better adapt novel class features to the shared feature space. Experimental results on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method, especially in more challenging protocols with more incremental sessions.
Abstract:We propose the integration of sentiment analysis and deep-reinforcement learning ensemble algorithms for stock trading, and design a strategy capable of dynamically altering its employed agent given concurrent market sentiment. In particular, we create a simple-yet-effective method for extracting news sentiment and combine this with general improvements upon existing works, resulting in automated trading agents that effectively consider both qualitative market factors and quantitative stock data. We show that our approach results in a strategy that is profitable, robust, and risk-minimal -- outperforming the traditional ensemble strategy as well as single agent algorithms and market metrics. Our findings determine that the conventional practice of switching ensemble agents every fixed-number of months is sub-optimal, and that a dynamic sentiment-based framework greatly unlocks additional performance within these agents. Furthermore, as we have designed our algorithm with simplicity and efficiency in mind, we hypothesize that the transition of our method from historical evaluation towards real-time trading with live data should be relatively simple.
Abstract:Quantization is an indispensable technique for serving Large Language Models (LLMs) and has recently found its way into LoRA fine-tuning. In this work we focus on the scenario where quantization and LoRA fine-tuning are applied together on a pre-trained model. In such cases it is common to observe a consistent gap in the performance on downstream tasks between full fine-tuning and quantization plus LoRA fine-tuning approach. In response, we propose LoftQ (LoRA-Fine-Tuning-aware Quantization), a novel quantization framework that simultaneously quantizes an LLM and finds a proper low-rank initialization for LoRA fine-tuning. Such an initialization alleviates the discrepancy between the quantized and full-precision model and significantly improves the generalization in downstream tasks. We evaluate our method on natural language understanding, question answering, summarization, and natural language generation tasks. Experiments show that our method is highly effective and outperforms existing quantization methods, especially in the challenging 2-bit and 2/4-bit mixed precision regimes. We will release our code.
Abstract:Transformer models have achieved remarkable results in various natural language tasks, but they are often prohibitively large, requiring massive memories and computational resources. To reduce the size and complexity of these models, we propose LoSparse (Low-Rank and Sparse approximation), a novel model compression technique that approximates a weight matrix by the sum of a low-rank matrix and a sparse matrix. Our method combines the advantages of both low-rank approximations and pruning, while avoiding their limitations. Low-rank approximation compresses the coherent and expressive parts in neurons, while pruning removes the incoherent and non-expressive parts in neurons. Pruning enhances the diversity of low-rank approximations, and low-rank approximation prevents pruning from losing too many expressive neurons. We evaluate our method on natural language understanding, question answering, and natural language generation tasks. We show that it significantly outperforms existing compression methods.
Abstract:Line segments are powerful features complementary to points. They offer structural cues, robust to drastic viewpoint and illumination changes, and can be present even in texture-less areas. However, describing and matching them is more challenging compared to points due to partial occlusions, lack of texture, or repetitiveness. This paper introduces a new matching paradigm, where points, lines, and their descriptors are unified into a single wireframe structure. We propose GlueStick, a deep matching Graph Neural Network (GNN) that takes two wireframes from different images and leverages the connectivity information between nodes to better glue them together. In addition to the increased efficiency brought by the joint matching, we also demonstrate a large boost of performance when leveraging the complementary nature of these two features in a single architecture. We show that our matching strategy outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches independently matching line segments and points for a wide variety of datasets and tasks. The code is available at https://github.com/cvg/GlueStick.
Abstract:In contrast to sparse keypoints, a handful of line segments can concisely encode the high-level scene layout, as they often delineate the main structural elements. In addition to offering strong geometric cues, they are also omnipresent in urban landscapes and indoor scenes. Despite their apparent advantages, current line-based reconstruction methods are far behind their point-based counterparts. In this paper we aim to close the gap by introducing LIMAP, a library for 3D line mapping that robustly and efficiently creates 3D line maps from multi-view imagery. This is achieved through revisiting the degeneracy problem of line triangulation, carefully crafted scoring and track building, and exploiting structural priors such as line coincidence, parallelism, and orthogonality. Our code integrates seamlessly with existing point-based Structure-from-Motion methods and can leverage their 3D points to further improve the line reconstruction. Furthermore, as a byproduct, the method is able to recover 3D association graphs between lines and points / vanishing points (VPs). In thorough experiments, we show that LIMAP significantly outperforms existing approaches for 3D line mapping. Our robust 3D line maps also open up new research directions. We show two example applications: visual localization and bundle adjustment, where integrating lines alongside points yields the best results. Code is available at https://github.com/cvg/limap.
Abstract:4D human sensing and modeling are fundamental tasks in vision and graphics with numerous applications. With the advances of new sensors and algorithms, there is an increasing demand for more versatile datasets. In this work, we contribute HuMMan, a large-scale multi-modal 4D human dataset with 1000 human subjects, 400k sequences and 60M frames. HuMMan has several appealing properties: 1) multi-modal data and annotations including color images, point clouds, keypoints, SMPL parameters, and textured meshes; 2) popular mobile device is included in the sensor suite; 3) a set of 500 actions, designed to cover fundamental movements; 4) multiple tasks such as action recognition, pose estimation, parametric human recovery, and textured mesh reconstruction are supported and evaluated. Extensive experiments on HuMMan voice the need for further study on challenges such as fine-grained action recognition, dynamic human mesh reconstruction, point cloud-based parametric human recovery, and cross-device domain gaps.
Abstract:In multi-agent reinforcement learning, the inherent non-stationarity of the environment caused by other agents' actions posed significant difficulties for an agent to learn a good policy independently. One way to deal with non-stationarity is agent modeling, by which the agent takes into consideration the influence of other agents' policies. Most existing work relies on predicting other agents' actions or goals, or discriminating between their policies. However, such modeling fails to capture the similarities and differences between policies simultaneously and thus cannot provide useful information when generalizing to unseen policies. To address this, we propose a general method to learn representations of other agents' policies via the joint-action distributions sampled in interactions. The similarities and differences between policies are naturally captured by the policy distance inferred from the joint-action distributions and deliberately reflected in the learned representations. Agents conditioned on the policy representations can well generalize to unseen agents. We empirically demonstrate that our method outperforms existing work in multi-agent tasks when facing unseen agents.
Abstract:Large, labeled datasets have driven deep learning methods to achieve expert-level performance on a variety of medical imaging tasks. We present CheXpert, a large dataset that contains 224,316 chest radiographs of 65,240 patients. We design a labeler to automatically detect the presence of 14 observations in radiology reports, capturing uncertainties inherent in radiograph interpretation. We investigate different approaches to using the uncertainty labels for training convolutional neural networks that output the probability of these observations given the available frontal and lateral radiographs. On a validation set of 200 chest radiographic studies which were manually annotated by 3 board-certified radiologists, we find that different uncertainty approaches are useful for different pathologies. We then evaluate our best model on a test set composed of 500 chest radiographic studies annotated by a consensus of 5 board-certified radiologists, and compare the performance of our model to that of 3 additional radiologists in the detection of 5 selected pathologies. On Cardiomegaly, Edema, and Pleural Effusion, the model ROC and PR curves lie above all 3 radiologist operating points. We release the dataset to the public as a standard benchmark to evaluate performance of chest radiograph interpretation models. The dataset is freely available at https://stanfordmlgroup.github.io/competitions/chexpert .