Fellow, IEEE
Abstract:While Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems enhance Large Language Models (LLMs) by incorporating external knowledge, they still face persistent challenges in retrieval inefficiency and the inability of LLMs to filter out irrelevant information. We present ParetoRAG, an unsupervised framework that optimizes RAG systems through sentence-level refinement guided by the Pareto principle. By decomposing paragraphs into sentences and dynamically re-weighting core content while preserving contextual coherence, ParetoRAG achieves dual improvements in both retrieval precision and generation quality without requiring additional training or API resources. This framework has been empirically validated across various datasets, LLMs, and retrievers.
Abstract:A critical step in the digital surface models(DSM) generation is feature matching. Off-track (or multi-date) satellite stereo images, in particular, can challenge the performance of feature matching due to spectral distortions between images, long baseline, and wide intersection angles. Feature matching methods have evolved over the years from handcrafted methods (e.g., SIFT) to learning-based methods (e.g., SuperPoint and SuperGlue). In this paper, we compare the performance of different features, also known as feature extraction and matching methods, applied to satellite imagery. A wide range of stereo pairs(~500) covering two separate study sites are used. SIFT, as a widely used classic feature extraction and matching algorithm, is compared with seven deep-learning matching methods: SuperGlue, LightGlue, LoFTR, ASpanFormer, DKM, GIM-LightGlue, and GIM-DKM. Results demonstrate that traditional matching methods are still competitive in this age of deep learning, although for particular scenarios learning-based methods are very promising.
Abstract:Modeling outdoor scenes for the synthetic 3D environment requires the recovery of reflectance/albedo information from raw images, which is an ill-posed problem due to the complicated unmodeled physics in this process (e.g., indirect lighting, volume scattering, specular reflection). The problem remains unsolved in a practical context. The recovered albedo can facilitate model relighting and shading, which can further enhance the realism of rendered models and the applications of digital twins. Typically, photogrammetric 3D models simply take the source images as texture materials, which inherently embed unwanted lighting artifacts (at the time of capture) into the texture. Therefore, these polluted textures are suboptimal for a synthetic environment to enable realistic rendering. In addition, these embedded environmental lightings further bring challenges to photo-consistencies across different images that cause image-matching uncertainties. This paper presents a general image formation model for albedo recovery from typical aerial photogrammetric images under natural illuminations and derives the inverse model to resolve the albedo information through inverse rendering intrinsic image decomposition. Our approach builds on the fact that both the sun illumination and scene geometry are estimable in aerial photogrammetry, thus they can provide direct inputs for this ill-posed problem. This physics-based approach does not require additional input other than data acquired through the typical drone-based photogrammetric collection and was shown to favorably outperform existing approaches. We also demonstrate that the recovered albedo image can in turn improve typical image processing tasks in photogrammetry such as feature and dense matching, edge, and line extraction.
Abstract:X-ray images ease the diagnosis and treatment process due to their rapid imaging speed and high resolution. However, due to the projection process of X-ray imaging, much spatial information has been lost. To accurately provide efficient spinal morphological and structural information, reconstructing the 3-D structures of the spine from the 2-D X-ray images is essential. It is challenging for current reconstruction methods to preserve the edge information and local shapes of the asymmetrical vertebrae structures. In this study, we propose a new Edge-Aware Reconstruction network (EAR) to focus on the performance improvement of the edge information and vertebrae shapes. In our network, by using the auto-encoder architecture as the backbone, the edge attention module and frequency enhancement module are proposed to strengthen the perception of the edge reconstruction. Meanwhile, we also combine four loss terms, including reconstruction loss, edge loss, frequency loss and projection loss. The proposed method is evaluated using three publicly accessible datasets and compared with four state-of-the-art models. The proposed method is superior to other methods and achieves 25.32%, 15.32%, 86.44%, 80.13%, 23.7612 and 0.3014 with regard to MSE, MAE, Dice, SSIM, PSNR and frequency distance. Due to the end-to-end and accurate reconstruction process, EAR can provide sufficient 3-D spatial information and precise preoperative surgical planning guidance.
Abstract:X-ray images play a vital role in the intraoperative processes due to their high resolution and fast imaging speed and greatly promote the subsequent segmentation, registration and reconstruction. However, over-dosed X-rays superimpose potential risks to human health to some extent. Data-driven algorithms from volume scans to X-ray images are restricted by the scarcity of paired X-ray and volume data. Existing methods are mainly realized by modelling the whole X-ray imaging procedure. In this study, we propose a learning-based approach termed CT2X-GAN to synthesize the X-ray images in an end-to-end manner using the content and style disentanglement from three different image domains. Our method decouples the anatomical structure information from CT scans and style information from unpaired real X-ray images/ digital reconstructed radiography (DRR) images via a series of decoupling encoders. Additionally, we introduce a novel consistency regularization term to improve the stylistic resemblance between synthesized X-ray images and real X-ray images. Meanwhile, we also impose a supervised process by computing the similarity of computed real DRR and synthesized DRR images. We further develop a pose attention module to fully strengthen the comprehensive information in the decoupled content code from CT scans, facilitating high-quality multi-view image synthesis in the lower 2D space. Extensive experiments were conducted on the publicly available CTSpine1K dataset and achieved 97.8350, 0.0842 and 3.0938 in terms of FID, KID and defined user-scored X-ray similarity, respectively. In comparison with 3D-aware methods ($\pi$-GAN, EG3D), CT2X-GAN is superior in improving the synthesis quality and realistic to the real X-ray images.
Abstract:3D scene modeling techniques serve as the bedrocks in the geospatial engineering and computer science, which drives many applications ranging from automated driving, terrain mapping, navigation, virtual, augmented, mixed, and extended reality (for gaming and movie industry etc.). This dissertation presents a fraction of contributions that advances 3D scene modeling to its state of the art, in the aspects of both appearance and geometry modeling. In contrast to the prevailing deep learning methods, as a core contribution, this thesis aims to develop algorithms that follow first principles, where sophisticated physic-based models are introduced alongside with simpler learning and inference tasks. The outcomes of these algorithms yield processes that can consume much larger volume of data for highly accurate reconstructing 3D scenes at a scale without losing methodological generality, which are not possible by contemporary complex-model based deep learning methods. Specifically, the dissertation introduces three novel methodologies that address the challenges of inferring appearance and geometry through physics-based modeling. Overall, the research encapsulated in this dissertation marks a series of methodological triumphs in the processing of complex datasets. By navigating the confluence of deep learning, computational geometry, and photogrammetry, this work lays down a robust framework for future exploration and practical application in the rapidly evolving field of 3D scene reconstruction. The outcomes of these studies are evidenced through rigorous experiments and comparisons with existing state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating the efficacy and scalability of the proposed approaches.
Abstract:We study a class of private learning problems in which the data is a join of private and public features. This is often the case in private personalization tasks such as recommendation or ad prediction, in which features related to individuals are sensitive, while features related to items (the movies or songs to be recommended, or the ads to be shown to users) are publicly available and do not require protection. A natural question is whether private algorithms can achieve higher utility in the presence of public features. We give a positive answer for multi-encoder models where one of the encoders operates on public features. We develop new algorithms that take advantage of this separation by only protecting certain sufficient statistics (instead of adding noise to the gradient). This method has a guaranteed utility improvement for linear regression, and importantly, achieves the state of the art on two standard private recommendation benchmarks, demonstrating the importance of methods that adapt to the private-public feature separation.
Abstract:Despite the success of StyleGAN in image synthesis, the images it synthesizes are not always perfect and the well-known truncation trick has become a standard post-processing technique for StyleGAN to synthesize high-quality images. Although effective, it has long been noted that the truncation trick tends to reduce the diversity of synthesized images and unnecessarily sacrifices many distinct image features. To address this issue, in this paper, we first delve into the StyleGAN image synthesis mechanism and discover an important phenomenon, namely Feature Proliferation, which demonstrates how specific features reproduce with forward propagation. Then, we show how the occurrence of Feature Proliferation results in StyleGAN image artifacts. As an analogy, we refer to it as the" cancer" in StyleGAN from its proliferating and malignant nature. Finally, we propose a novel feature rescaling method that identifies and modulates risky features to mitigate feature proliferation. Thanks to our discovery of Feature Proliferation, the proposed feature rescaling method is less destructive and retains more useful image features than the truncation trick, as it is more fine-grained and works in a lower-level feature space rather than a high-level latent space. Experimental results justify the validity of our claims and the effectiveness of the proposed feature rescaling method. Our code is available at https://github. com/songc42/Feature-proliferation.
Abstract:Conflating/stitching 2.5D raster digital surface models (DSM) into a large one has been a running practice in geoscience applications, however, conflating full-3D mesh models, such as those from oblique photogrammetry, is extremely challenging. In this letter, we propose a novel approach to address this challenge by conflating multiple full-3D oblique photogrammetric models into a single, and seamless mesh for high-resolution site modeling. Given two or more individually collected and created photogrammetric meshes, we first propose to create a virtual camera field (with a panoramic field of view) to incubate virtual spaces represented by Truncated Signed Distance Field (TSDF), an implicit volumetric field friendly for linear 3D fusion; then we adaptively leverage the truncated bound of meshes in TSDF to conflate them into a single and accurate full 3D site model. With drone-based 3D meshes, we show that our approach significantly improves upon traditional methods for model conflations, to drive new potentials to create excessively large and accurate full 3D mesh models in support of geoscience and environmental applications.
Abstract:We study the problem of multi-task learning under user-level differential privacy, in which $n$ users contribute data to $m$ tasks, each involving a subset of users. One important aspect of the problem, that can significantly impact quality, is the distribution skew among tasks. Certain tasks may have much fewer data samples than others, making them more susceptible to the noise added for privacy. It is natural to ask whether algorithms can adapt to this skew to improve the overall utility. We give a systematic analysis of the problem, by studying how to optimally allocate a user's privacy budget among tasks. We propose a generic algorithm, based on an adaptive reweighting of the empirical loss, and show that when there is task distribution skew, this gives a quantifiable improvement of excess empirical risk. Experimental studies on recommendation problems that exhibit a long tail of small tasks, demonstrate that our methods significantly improve utility, achieving the state of the art on two standard benchmarks.