Abstract:Self-correction is one of the most amazing emerging capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), enabling LLMs to self-modify an inappropriate output given a natural language feedback which describes the problems of that output. Moral self-correction is a post-hoc approach correcting unethical generations without requiring a gradient update, making it both computationally lightweight and capable of preserving the language modeling ability. Previous works have shown that LLMs can self-debias, and it has been reported that small models, i.e., those with less than 22B parameters, are not capable of moral self-correction. However, there is no direct proof as to why such smaller models fall short of moral self-correction, though previous research hypothesizes that larger models are skilled in following instructions and understanding abstract social norms. In this paper, we empirically validate this hypothesis in the context of social stereotyping, through meticulous prompting. Our experimental results indicate that (i) surprisingly, 3.8B LLMs with proper safety alignment fine-tuning can achieve very good moral self-correction performance, highlighting the significant effects of safety alignment; and (ii) small LLMs are indeed weaker than larger-scale models in terms of comprehending social norms and self-explanation through CoT, but all scales of LLMs show bad self-correction performance given unethical instructions.
Abstract:Large Language Models~(LLMs) have demonstrated capabilities across various applications but face challenges such as hallucination, limited reasoning abilities, and factual inconsistencies, especially when tackling complex, domain-specific tasks like question answering~(QA). While Knowledge Graphs~(KGs) have been shown to help mitigate these issues, research on the integration of LLMs with background KGs remains limited. In particular, user accessibility and the flexibility of the underlying KG have not been thoroughly explored. We introduce AGENTiGraph (Adaptive Generative ENgine for Task-based Interaction and Graphical Representation), a platform for knowledge management through natural language interaction. It integrates knowledge extraction, integration, and real-time visualization. AGENTiGraph employs a multi-agent architecture to dynamically interpret user intents, manage tasks, and integrate new knowledge, ensuring adaptability to evolving user requirements and data contexts. Our approach demonstrates superior performance in knowledge graph interactions, particularly for complex domain-specific tasks. Experimental results on a dataset of 3,500 test cases show AGENTiGraph significantly outperforms state-of-the-art zero-shot baselines, achieving 95.12\% accuracy in task classification and 90.45\% success rate in task execution. User studies corroborate its effectiveness in real-world scenarios. To showcase versatility, we extended AGENTiGraph to legislation and healthcare domains, constructing specialized KGs capable of answering complex queries in legal and medical contexts.
Abstract:Deep learning (DL) methods have been extensively applied to various image recovery problems, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) reconstruction. Beyond supervised models, other approaches have been recently explored including two key recent schemes: Deep Image Prior (DIP) that is an unsupervised scan-adaptive method that leverages the network architecture as implicit regularization but can suffer from noise overfitting, and diffusion models (DMs), where the sampling procedure of a pre-trained generative model is modified to allow sampling from the measurement-conditioned distribution through approximations. In this paper, we propose combining DIP and DMs for MRI and CT reconstruction, motivated by (i) the impact of the DIP network input and (ii) the use of DMs as diffusion purifiers (DPs). Specifically, we propose an unrolled procedure that iteratively optimizes the DIP network with a DM-refined adaptive input using a loss with data consistency and autoencoding terms. We term the approach unrolled Diffusion-Guided DIP (uDiG-DIP). Our experimental results demonstrate that uDiG-DIP achieves superior reconstruction results compared to leading DM-based baselines and the original DIP for MRI and CT tasks.
Abstract:Diffusion models (DMs) are a class of generative models that allow sampling from a distribution learned over a training set. When applied to solving inverse imaging problems (IPs), the reverse sampling steps of DMs are typically modified to approximately sample from a measurement-conditioned distribution in the image space. However, these modifications may be unsuitable for certain settings (such as in the presence of measurement noise) and non-linear tasks, as they often struggle to correct errors from earlier sampling steps and generally require a large number of optimization and/or sampling steps. To address these challenges, we state three conditions for achieving measurement-consistent diffusion trajectories. Building on these conditions, we propose a new optimization-based sampling method that not only enforces the standard data manifold measurement consistency and forward diffusion consistency, as seen in previous studies, but also incorporates backward diffusion consistency that maintains a diffusion trajectory by optimizing over the input of the pre-trained model at every sampling step. By enforcing these conditions, either implicitly or explicitly, our sampler requires significantly fewer reverse steps. Therefore, we refer to our accelerated method as Step-wise Triple-Consistent Sampling (SITCOM). Compared to existing state-of-the-art baseline methods, under different levels of measurement noise, our extensive experiments across five linear and three non-linear image restoration tasks demonstrate that SITCOM achieves competitive or superior results in terms of standard image similarity metrics while requiring a significantly reduced run-time across all considered tasks.
Abstract:Combinatorial Optimization (CO) plays a crucial role in addressing various significant problems, among them the challenging Maximum Independent Set (MIS) problem. In light of recent advancements in deep learning methods, efforts have been directed towards leveraging data-driven learning approaches, typically rooted in supervised learning and reinforcement learning, to tackle the NP-hard MIS problem. However, these approaches rely on labeled datasets, exhibit weak generalization, and often depend on problem-specific heuristics. Recently, ReLU-based dataless neural networks were introduced to address combinatorial optimization problems. This paper introduces a novel dataless quadratic neural network formulation, featuring a continuous quadratic relaxation for the MIS problem. Notably, our method eliminates the need for training data by treating the given MIS instance as a trainable entity. More specifically, the graph structure and constraints of the MIS instance are used to define the structure and parameters of the neural network such that training it on a fixed input provides a solution to the problem, thereby setting it apart from traditional supervised or reinforcement learning approaches. By employing a gradient-based optimization algorithm like ADAM and leveraging an efficient off-the-shelf GPU parallel implementation, our straightforward yet effective approach demonstrates competitive or superior performance compared to state-of-the-art learning-based methods. Another significant advantage of our approach is that, unlike exact and heuristic solvers, the running time of our method scales only with the number of nodes in the graph, not the number of edges.
Abstract:We introduce Optimal Eye Surgeon (OES), a framework for pruning and training deep image generator networks. Typically, untrained deep convolutional networks, which include image sampling operations, serve as effective image priors (Ulyanov et al., 2018). However, they tend to overfit to noise in image restoration tasks due to being overparameterized. OES addresses this by adaptively pruning networks at random initialization to a level of underparameterization. This process effectively captures low-frequency image components even without training, by just masking. When trained to fit noisy images, these pruned subnetworks, which we term Sparse-DIP, resist overfitting to noise. This benefit arises from underparameterization and the regularization effect of masking, constraining them in the manifold of image priors. We demonstrate that subnetworks pruned through OES surpass other leading pruning methods, such as the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis, which is known to be suboptimal for image recovery tasks (Wu et al., 2023). Our extensive experiments demonstrate the transferability of OES-masks and the characteristics of sparse-subnetworks for image generation. Code is available at https://github.com/Avra98/Optimal-Eye-Surgeon.git.
Abstract:While task-agnostic debiasing provides notable generalizability and reduced reliance on downstream data, its impact on language modeling ability and the risk of relearning social biases from downstream task-specific data remain as the two most significant challenges when debiasing Pretrained Language Models (PLMs). The impact on language modeling ability can be alleviated given a high-quality and long-contextualized debiasing corpus, but there remains a deficiency in understanding the specifics of relearning biases. We empirically ascertain that the effectiveness of task-agnostic debiasing hinges on the quantitative bias level of both the task-specific data used for downstream applications and the debiased model. We empirically show that the lower bound of the bias level of the downstream fine-tuned model can be approximated by the bias level of the debiased model, in most practical cases. To gain more in-depth understanding about how the parameters of PLMs change during fine-tuning due to the forgetting issue of PLMs, we propose a novel framework which can Propagate Socially-fair Debiasing to Downstream Fine-tuning, ProSocialTuning. Our proposed framework can push the fine-tuned model to approach the bias lower bound during downstream fine-tuning, indicating that the ineffectiveness of debiasing can be alleviated by overcoming the forgetting issue through regularizing successfully debiased attention heads based on the PLMs' bias levels from stages of pretraining and debiasing.
Abstract:Large Language Models (LLMs) can improve their responses when instructed to do so, a capability known as self-correction. When these instructions lack specific details about the issues in the response, this is referred to as leveraging the intrinsic self-correction capability. The empirical success of self-correction can be found in various applications, e.g., text detoxification and social bias mitigation. However, leveraging this self-correction capability may not always be effective, as it has the potential to revise an initially correct response into an incorrect one. In this paper, we endeavor to understand how and why leveraging the self-correction capability is effective. We identify that appropriate instructions can guide LLMs to a convergence state, wherein additional self-correction steps do not yield further performance improvements. We empirically demonstrate that model uncertainty and activated latent concepts jointly characterize the effectiveness of self-correction. Furthermore, we provide a mathematical formulation indicating that the activated latent concept drives the convergence of the model uncertainty and self-correction performance. Our analysis can also be generalized to the self-correction behaviors observed in Vision-Language Models (VLMs). Moreover, we highlight that task-agnostic debiasing can benefit from our principle in terms of selecting effective fine-tuning samples. Such initial success demonstrates the potential extensibility for better instruction tuning and safety alignment.
Abstract:Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have achieved remarkable success in addressing many previously unsolvable tasks. However, the storage and computational requirements associated with DNNs pose a challenge for deploying these trained models on resource-limited devices. Therefore, a plethora of compression and pruning techniques have been proposed in recent years. Low-rank decomposition techniques are among the approaches most utilized to address this problem. Compared to post-training compression, compression-promoted training is still under-explored. In this paper, we present a theoretically-justified novel approach, termed Low-Rank Induced Training (LoRITa), that promotes low-rankness through the composition of linear layers and compresses by using singular value truncation. This is achieved without the need to change the structure at inference time or require constrained and/or additional optimization, other than the standard weight decay regularization. Moreover, LoRITa eliminates the need to (i) initialize with pre-trained models and (ii) specify rank selection prior to training. Our experimental results (i) demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using MNIST on Fully Connected Networks, CIFAR10 on Vision Transformers, and CIFAR10/100 on Convolutional Neural Networks, and (ii) illustrate that we achieve either competitive or SOTA results when compared to leading structured pruning methods in terms of FLOPs and parameters drop.
Abstract:The ability of deep image prior (DIP) to recover high-quality images from incomplete or corrupted measurements has made it popular in inverse problems in image restoration and medical imaging including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). However, conventional DIP suffers from severe overfitting and spectral bias effects. In this work, we first provide an analysis of how DIP recovers information from undersampled imaging measurements by analyzing the training dynamics of the underlying networks in the kernel regime for different architectures. This study sheds light on important underlying properties for DIP-based recovery. Current research suggests that incorporating a reference image as network input can enhance DIP's performance in image reconstruction compared to using random inputs. However, obtaining suitable reference images requires supervision, and raises practical difficulties. In an attempt to overcome this obstacle, we further introduce a self-driven reconstruction process that concurrently optimizes both the network weights and the input while eliminating the need for training data. Our method incorporates a novel denoiser regularization term which enables robust and stable joint estimation of both the network input and reconstructed image. We demonstrate that our self-guided method surpasses both the original DIP and modern supervised methods in terms of MR image reconstruction performance and outperforms previous DIP-based schemes for image inpainting.