Abstract:This work addresses the critical question of why and when diffusion models, despite being designed for generative tasks, can excel at learning high-quality representations in a self-supervised manner. To address this, we develop a mathematical framework based on a low-dimensional data model and posterior estimation, revealing a fundamental trade-off between generation and representation quality near the final stage of image generation. Our analysis explains the unimodal representation dynamics across noise scales, mainly driven by the interplay between data denoising and class specification. Building on these insights, we propose an ensemble method that aggregates features across noise levels, significantly improving both clean performance and robustness under label noise. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets validate our findings.
Abstract:Deep neural networks have attained remarkable success across diverse classification tasks. Recent empirical studies have shown that deep networks learn features that are linearly separable across classes. However, these findings often lack rigorous justifications, even under relatively simple settings. In this work, we address this gap by examining the linear separation capabilities of shallow nonlinear networks. Specifically, inspired by the low intrinsic dimensionality of image data, we model inputs as a union of low-dimensional subspaces (UoS) and demonstrate that a single nonlinear layer can transform such data into linearly separable sets. Theoretically, we show that this transformation occurs with high probability when using random weights and quadratic activations. Notably, we prove this can be achieved when the network width scales polynomially with the intrinsic dimension of the data rather than the ambient dimension. Experimental results corroborate these theoretical findings and demonstrate that similar linear separation properties hold in practical scenarios beyond our analytical scope. This work bridges the gap between empirical observations and theoretical understanding of the separation capacity of nonlinear networks, offering deeper insights into model interpretability and generalization.
Abstract:Generative models aim to produce synthetic data indistinguishable from real distributions, but iterative training on self-generated data can lead to \emph{model collapse (MC)}, where performance degrades over time. In this work, we provide the first theoretical analysis of MC in Rectified Flow by framing it within the context of Denoising Autoencoders (DAEs). We show that when DAE models are trained on recursively generated synthetic data with small noise variance, they suffer from MC with progressive diminishing generation quality. To address this MC issue, we propose methods that strategically incorporate real data into the training process, even when direct noise-image pairs are unavailable. Our proposed techniques, including Reverse Collapse-Avoiding (RCA) Reflow and Online Collapse-Avoiding Reflow (OCAR), effectively prevent MC while maintaining the efficiency benefits of Rectified Flow. Extensive experiments on standard image datasets demonstrate that our methods not only mitigate MC but also improve sampling efficiency, leading to higher-quality image generation with fewer sampling steps.
Abstract:Multimodal learning has recently gained significant popularity, demonstrating impressive performance across various zero-shot classification tasks and a range of perceptive and generative applications. Models such as Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) are designed to bridge different modalities, such as images and text, by learning a shared representation space through contrastive learning. Despite their success, the working mechanisms underlying multimodal learning are not yet well understood. Notably, these models often exhibit a modality gap, where different modalities occupy distinct regions within the shared representation space. In this work, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the emergence of modality gap by characterizing the gradient flow learning dynamics. Specifically, we identify the critical roles of mismatched data pairs and a learnable temperature parameter in causing and perpetuating the modality gap during training. Furthermore, our theoretical insights are validated through experiments on practical CLIP models. These findings provide principled guidance for mitigating the modality gap, including strategies such as appropriate temperature scheduling and modality swapping. Additionally, we demonstrate that closing the modality gap leads to improved performance on tasks such as image-text retrieval.
Abstract:In this work, we study the generalizability of diffusion models by looking into the hidden properties of the learned score functions, which are essentially a series of deep denoisers trained on various noise levels. We observe that as diffusion models transition from memorization to generalization, their corresponding nonlinear diffusion denoisers exhibit increasing linearity. This discovery leads us to investigate the linear counterparts of the nonlinear diffusion models, which are a series of linear models trained to match the function mappings of the nonlinear diffusion denoisers. Surprisingly, these linear denoisers are approximately the optimal denoisers for a multivariate Gaussian distribution characterized by the empirical mean and covariance of the training dataset. This finding implies that diffusion models have the inductive bias towards capturing and utilizing the Gaussian structure (covariance information) of the training dataset for data generation. We empirically demonstrate that this inductive bias is a unique property of diffusion models in the generalization regime, which becomes increasingly evident when the model's capacity is relatively small compared to the training dataset size. In the case that the model is highly overparameterized, this inductive bias emerges during the initial training phases before the model fully memorizes its training data. Our study provides crucial insights into understanding the notable strong generalization phenomenon recently observed in real-world diffusion models.
Abstract:Large-scale foundation models have demonstrated exceptional performance in language and vision tasks. However, the numerous dense matrix-vector operations involved in these large networks pose significant computational challenges during inference. To address these challenges, we introduce the Block-Level Adaptive STructured (BLAST) matrix, designed to learn and leverage efficient structures prevalent in the weight matrices of linear layers within deep learning models. Compared to existing structured matrices, the BLAST matrix offers substantial flexibility, as it can represent various types of structures that are either learned from data or computed from pre-existing weight matrices. We demonstrate the efficiency of using the BLAST matrix for compressing both language and vision tasks, showing that (i) for medium-sized models such as ViT and GPT-2, training with BLAST weights boosts performance while reducing complexity by 70\% and 40\%, respectively; and (ii) for large foundation models such as Llama-7B and DiT-XL, the BLAST matrix achieves a 2x compression while exhibiting the lowest performance degradation among all tested structured matrices. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/changwoolee/BLAST}.
Abstract:The widespread use of AI-generated content from diffusion models has raised significant concerns regarding misinformation and copyright infringement. Watermarking is a crucial technique for identifying these AI-generated images and preventing their misuse. In this paper, we introduce Shallow Diffuse, a new watermarking technique that embeds robust and invisible watermarks into diffusion model outputs. Unlike existing approaches that integrate watermarking throughout the entire diffusion sampling process, Shallow Diffuse decouples these steps by leveraging the presence of a low-dimensional subspace in the image generation process. This method ensures that a substantial portion of the watermark lies in the null space of this subspace, effectively separating it from the image generation process. Our theoretical and empirical analyses show that this decoupling strategy greatly enhances the consistency of data generation and the detectability of the watermark. Extensive experiments further validate that our Shallow Diffuse outperforms existing watermarking methods in terms of robustness and consistency. The codes will be released at https://github.com/liwd190019/Shallow-Diffuse.
Abstract:Diffusion models (DMs) are a class of generative models that allow sampling from a distribution learned over a training set. When applied to solving inverse imaging problems (IPs), the reverse sampling steps of DMs are typically modified to approximately sample from a measurement-conditioned distribution in the image space. However, these modifications may be unsuitable for certain settings (such as in the presence of measurement noise) and non-linear tasks, as they often struggle to correct errors from earlier sampling steps and generally require a large number of optimization and/or sampling steps. To address these challenges, we state three conditions for achieving measurement-consistent diffusion trajectories. Building on these conditions, we propose a new optimization-based sampling method that not only enforces the standard data manifold measurement consistency and forward diffusion consistency, as seen in previous studies, but also incorporates backward diffusion consistency that maintains a diffusion trajectory by optimizing over the input of the pre-trained model at every sampling step. By enforcing these conditions, either implicitly or explicitly, our sampler requires significantly fewer reverse steps. Therefore, we refer to our accelerated method as Step-wise Triple-Consistent Sampling (SITCOM). Compared to existing state-of-the-art baseline methods, under different levels of measurement noise, our extensive experiments across five linear and three non-linear image restoration tasks demonstrate that SITCOM achieves competitive or superior results in terms of standard image similarity metrics while requiring a significantly reduced run-time across all considered tasks.
Abstract:Deep learning (DL) methods have been extensively applied to various image recovery problems, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) reconstruction. Beyond supervised models, other approaches have been recently explored including two key recent schemes: Deep Image Prior (DIP) that is an unsupervised scan-adaptive method that leverages the network architecture as implicit regularization but can suffer from noise overfitting, and diffusion models (DMs), where the sampling procedure of a pre-trained generative model is modified to allow sampling from the measurement-conditioned distribution through approximations. In this paper, we propose combining DIP and DMs for MRI and CT reconstruction, motivated by (i) the impact of the DIP network input and (ii) the use of DMs as diffusion purifiers (DPs). Specifically, we propose an unrolled procedure that iteratively optimizes the DIP network with a DM-refined adaptive input using a loss with data consistency and autoencoding terms. We term the approach unrolled Diffusion-Guided DIP (uDiG-DIP). Our experimental results demonstrate that uDiG-DIP achieves superior reconstruction results compared to leading DM-based baselines and the original DIP for MRI and CT tasks.
Abstract:Recently, diffusion models have emerged as a powerful class of generative models. Despite their success, there is still limited understanding of their semantic spaces. This makes it challenging to achieve precise and disentangled image generation without additional training, especially in an unsupervised way. In this work, we improve the understanding of their semantic spaces from intriguing observations: among a certain range of noise levels, (1) the learned posterior mean predictor (PMP) in the diffusion model is locally linear, and (2) the singular vectors of its Jacobian lie in low-dimensional semantic subspaces. We provide a solid theoretical basis to justify the linearity and low-rankness in the PMP. These insights allow us to propose an unsupervised, single-step, training-free LOw-rank COntrollable image editing (LOCO Edit) method for precise local editing in diffusion models. LOCO Edit identified editing directions with nice properties: homogeneity, transferability, composability, and linearity. These properties of LOCO Edit benefit greatly from the low-dimensional semantic subspace. Our method can further be extended to unsupervised or text-supervised editing in various text-to-image diffusion models (T-LOCO Edit). Finally, extensive empirical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of LOCO Edit. The codes will be released at https://github.com/ChicyChen/LOCO-Edit.