MPI Intelligent Systems
Abstract:In classification tasks, softmax functions are ubiquitously used as output activations to produce predictive probabilities. Such outputs only capture aleatoric uncertainty. To capture epistemic uncertainty, approximate Gaussian inference methods have been proposed, which output Gaussian distributions over the logit space. Predictives are then obtained as the expectations of the Gaussian distributions pushed forward through the softmax. However, such softmax Gaussian integrals cannot be solved analytically, and Monte Carlo (MC) approximations can be costly and noisy. We propose a simple change in the learning objective which allows the exact computation of predictives and enjoys improved training dynamics, with no runtime or memory overhead. This framework is compatible with a family of output activation functions that includes the softmax, as well as element-wise normCDF and sigmoid. Moreover, it allows for approximating the Gaussian pushforwards with Dirichlet distributions by analytic moment matching. We evaluate our approach combined with several approximate Gaussian inference methods (Laplace, HET, SNGP) on large- and small-scale datasets (ImageNet, CIFAR-10), demonstrating improved uncertainty quantification capabilities compared to softmax MC sampling. Code is available at
Abstract:We consider the problem of learning convolution operators associated to compact Abelian groups. We study a regularization-based approach and provide corresponding learning guarantees, discussing natural regularity condition on the convolution kernel. More precisely, we assume the convolution kernel is a function in a translation invariant Hilbert space and analyze a natural ridge regression (RR) estimator. Building on existing results for RR, we characterize the accuracy of the estimator in terms of finite sample bounds. Interestingly, regularity assumptions which are classical in the analysis of RR, have a novel and natural interpretation in terms of space/frequency localization. Theoretical results are illustrated by numerical simulations.
Abstract:Local climate information is crucial for impact assessment and decision-making, yet coarse global climate simulations cannot capture small-scale phenomena. Current statistical downscaling methods infer these phenomena as temporally decoupled spatial patches. However, to preserve physical properties, estimating spatio-temporally coherent high-resolution weather dynamics for multiple variables across long time horizons is crucial. We present a novel generative approach that uses a score-based diffusion model trained on high-resolution reanalysis data to capture the statistical properties of local weather dynamics. After training, we condition on coarse climate model data to generate weather patterns consistent with the aggregate information. As this inference task is inherently uncertain, we leverage the probabilistic nature of diffusion models and sample multiple trajectories. We evaluate our approach with high-resolution reanalysis information before applying it to the climate model downscaling task. We then demonstrate that the model generates spatially and temporally coherent weather dynamics that align with global climate output.
Abstract:Model selection in Gaussian processes scales prohibitively with the size of the training dataset, both in time and memory. While many approximations exist, all incur inevitable approximation error. Recent work accounts for this error in the form of computational uncertainty, which enables -- at the cost of quadratic complexity -- an explicit tradeoff between computation and precision. Here we extend this development to model selection, which requires significant enhancements to the existing approach, including linear-time scaling in the size of the dataset. We propose a novel training loss for hyperparameter optimization and demonstrate empirically that the resulting method can outperform SGPR, CGGP and SVGP, state-of-the-art methods for GP model selection, on medium to large-scale datasets. Our experiments show that model selection for computation-aware GPs trained on 1.8 million data points can be done within a few hours on a single GPU. As a result of this work, Gaussian processes can be trained on large-scale datasets without significantly compromising their ability to quantify uncertainty -- a fundamental prerequisite for optimal decision-making.
Abstract:Quadratic approximations form a fundamental building block of machine learning methods. E.g., second-order optimizers try to find the Newton step into the minimum of a local quadratic proxy to the objective function; and the second-order approximation of a network's loss function can be used to quantify the uncertainty of its outputs via the Laplace approximation. When computations on the entire training set are intractable - typical for deep learning - the relevant quantities are computed on mini-batches. This, however, distorts and biases the shape of the associated stochastic quadratic approximations in an intricate way with detrimental effects on applications. In this paper, we (i) show that this bias introduces a systematic error, (ii) provide a theoretical explanation for it, (iii) explain its relevance for second-order optimization and uncertainty quantification via the Laplace approximation in deep learning, and (iv) develop and evaluate debiasing strategies.
Abstract:Efficiently learning a sequence of related tasks, such as in continual learning, poses a significant challenge for neural nets due to the delicate trade-off between catastrophic forgetting and loss of plasticity. We address this challenge with a grounded framework for sequentially learning related tasks based on Bayesian inference. Specifically, we treat the model's parameters as a nonlinear Gaussian state-space model and perform efficient inference using Gaussian filtering and smoothing. This general formalism subsumes existing continual learning approaches, while also offering a clearer conceptual understanding of its components. Leveraging Laplace approximations during filtering, we construct Gaussian posterior measures on the weight space of a neural network for each task. We use it as an efficient regularizer by exploiting the structure of the generalized Gauss-Newton matrix (GGN) to construct diagonal plus low-rank approximations. The dynamics model allows targeted control of the learning process and the incorporation of domain-specific knowledge, such as modeling the type of shift between tasks. Additionally, using Bayesian approximate smoothing can enhance the performance of task-specific models without needing to re-access any data.
Abstract:Laplace approximations are popular techniques for endowing deep networks with epistemic uncertainty estimates as they can be applied without altering the predictions of the neural network, and they scale to large models and datasets. While the choice of prior strongly affects the resulting posterior distribution, computational tractability and lack of interpretability of weight space typically limit the Laplace approximation to isotropic Gaussian priors, which are known to cause pathological behavior as depth increases. As a remedy, we directly place a prior on function space. More precisely, since Lebesgue densities do not exist on infinite-dimensional function spaces, we have to recast training as finding the so-called weak mode of the posterior measure under a Gaussian process (GP) prior restricted to the space of functions representable by the neural network. Through the GP prior, one can express structured and interpretable inductive biases, such as regularity or periodicity, directly in function space, while still exploiting the implicit inductive biases that allow deep networks to generalize. After model linearization, the training objective induces a negative log-posterior density to which we apply a Laplace approximation, leveraging highly scalable methods from matrix-free linear algebra. Our method provides improved results where prior knowledge is abundant, e.g., in many scientific inference tasks. At the same time, it stays competitive for black-box regression and classification tasks where neural networks typically excel.
Abstract:Beam search is a standard tree search algorithm when it comes to finding sequences of maximum likelihood, for example, in the decoding processes of large language models. However, it is myopic since it does not take the whole path from the root to a leaf into account. Moreover, it is agnostic to prior knowledge available about the process: For example, it does not consider that the objective being maximized is a likelihood and thereby has specific properties, like being bound in the unit interval. Taking a probabilistic approach, we define a prior belief over the LLMs' transition probabilities and obtain a posterior belief over the most promising paths in each iteration. These beliefs are helpful to define a non-myopic Bayesian-optimization-like acquisition function that allows for a more data-efficient exploration scheme than standard beam search. We discuss how to select the prior and demonstrate in on- and off-model experiments with recent large language models, including Llama-2-7b, that our method achieves higher efficiency than beam search: Our method achieves the same or a higher likelihood while expanding fewer nodes than beam search.
Abstract:Modeling real-world problems with partial differential equations (PDEs) is a prominent topic in scientific machine learning. Classic solvers for this task continue to play a central role, e.g. to generate training data for deep learning analogues. Any such numerical solution is subject to multiple sources of uncertainty, both from limited computational resources and limited data (including unknown parameters). Gaussian process analogues to classic PDE simulation methods have recently emerged as a framework to construct fully probabilistic estimates of all these types of uncertainty. So far, much of this work focused on theoretical foundations, and as such is not particularly data efficient or scalable. Here we propose a framework combining a discretization scheme based on the popular Finite Volume Method with complementary numerical linear algebra techniques. Practical experiments, including a spatiotemporal tsunami simulation, demonstrate substantially improved scaling behavior of this approach over previous collocation-based techniques.
Abstract:Modeling dynamical systems, e.g. in climate and engineering sciences, often necessitates solving partial differential equations. Neural operators are deep neural networks designed to learn nontrivial solution operators of such differential equations from data. As for all statistical models, the predictions of these models are imperfect and exhibit errors. Such errors are particularly difficult to spot in the complex nonlinear behaviour of dynamical systems. We introduce a new framework for approximate Bayesian uncertainty quantification in neural operators using function-valued Gaussian processes. Our approach can be interpreted as a probabilistic analogue of the concept of currying from functional programming and provides a practical yet theoretically sound way to apply the linearized Laplace approximation to neural operators. In a case study on Fourier neural operators, we show that, even for a discretized input, our method yields a Gaussian closure--a structured Gaussian process posterior capturing the uncertainty in the output function of the neural operator, which can be evaluated at an arbitrary set of points. The method adds minimal prediction overhead, can be applied post-hoc without retraining the neural operator, and scales to large models and datasets. We showcase the efficacy of our approach through applications to different types of partial differential equations.