Abstract:We investigate double descent and scaling laws in terms of weights rather than the number of parameters. Specifically, we analyze linear and random features models using the deterministic equivalence approach from random matrix theory. We precisely characterize how the weights norm concentrate around deterministic quantities and elucidate the relationship between the expected test error and the norm-based capacity (complexity). Our results rigorously answer whether double descent exists under norm-based capacity and reshape the corresponding scaling laws. Moreover, they prompt a rethinking of the data-parameter paradigm - from under-parameterized to over-parameterized regimes - by shifting the focus to norms (weights) rather than parameter count.
Abstract:We consider the problem of learning convolution operators associated to compact Abelian groups. We study a regularization-based approach and provide corresponding learning guarantees, discussing natural regularity condition on the convolution kernel. More precisely, we assume the convolution kernel is a function in a translation invariant Hilbert space and analyze a natural ridge regression (RR) estimator. Building on existing results for RR, we characterize the accuracy of the estimator in terms of finite sample bounds. Interestingly, regularity assumptions which are classical in the analysis of RR, have a novel and natural interpretation in terms of space/frequency localization. Theoretical results are illustrated by numerical simulations.
Abstract:Overparameterized models trained with (stochastic) gradient descent are ubiquitous in modern machine learning. These large models achieve unprecedented performance on test data, but their theoretical understanding is still limited. In this paper, we take a step towards filling this gap by adopting an optimization perspective. More precisely, we study the implicit regularization properties of the gradient flow "algorithm" for estimating the parameters of a deep diagonal neural network. Our main contribution is showing that this gradient flow induces a mirror flow dynamic on the model, meaning that it is biased towards a specific solution of the problem depending on the initialization of the network. Along the way, we prove several properties of the trajectory.
Abstract:Developing sophisticated control architectures has endowed robots, particularly humanoid robots, with numerous capabilities. However, tuning these architectures remains a challenging and time-consuming task that requires expert intervention. In this work, we propose a methodology to automatically tune the gains of all layers of a hierarchical control architecture for walking humanoids. We tested our methodology by employing different gradient-free optimization methods: Genetic Algorithm (GA), Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), Evolution Strategy (ES), and Differential Evolution (DE). We validated the parameter found both in simulation and on the real ergoCub humanoid robot. Our results show that GA achieves the fastest convergence (10 x 10^3 function evaluations vs 25 x 10^3 needed by the other algorithms) and 100% success rate in completing the task both in simulation and when transferred on the real robotic platform. These findings highlight the potential of our proposed method to automate the tuning process, reducing the need for manual intervention.
Abstract:Deep Neural Networks have significantly impacted many computer vision tasks. However, their effectiveness diminishes when test data distribution (target domain) deviates from the one of training data (source domain). In situations where target labels are unavailable and the access to the labeled source domain is restricted due to data privacy or memory constraints, Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (SF-UDA) has emerged as a valuable tool. Recognizing the key role of SF-UDA under these constraints, we introduce a novel approach marked by two key contributions: Few Trusted Samples Pseudo-labeling (FTSP) and Temperature Scaled Adaptive Loss (TSAL). FTSP employs a limited subset of trusted samples from the target data to construct a classifier to infer pseudo-labels for the entire domain, showing simplicity and improved accuracy. Simultaneously, TSAL, designed with a unique dual temperature scheduling, adeptly balance diversity, discriminability, and the incorporation of pseudo-labels in the unsupervised adaptation objective. Our methodology, that we name Trust And Balance (TAB) adaptation, is rigorously evaluated on standard datasets like Office31 and Office-Home, and on less common benchmarks such as ImageCLEF-DA and Adaptiope, employing both ResNet50 and ViT-Large architectures. Our results compare favorably with, and in most cases surpass, contemporary state-of-the-art techniques, underscoring the effectiveness of our methodology in the SF-UDA landscape.
Abstract:Machine learning malware detectors are vulnerable to adversarial EXEmples, i.e. carefully-crafted Windows programs tailored to evade detection. Unlike other adversarial problems, attacks in this context must be functionality-preserving, a constraint which is challenging to address. As a consequence heuristic algorithms are typically used, that inject new content, either randomly-picked or harvested from legitimate programs. In this paper, we show how learning malware detectors can be cast within a zeroth-order optimization framework which allows to incorporate functionality-preserving manipulations. This permits the deployment of sound and efficient gradient-free optimization algorithms, which come with theoretical guarantees and allow for minimal hyper-parameters tuning. As a by-product, we propose and study ZEXE, a novel zero-order attack against Windows malware detection. Compared to state-of-the-art techniques, ZEXE provides drastic improvement in the evasion rate, while reducing to less than one third the size of the injected content.
Abstract:We consider the problem of olfactory searches in a turbulent environment. We focus on agents that respond solely to odor stimuli, with no access to spatial perception nor prior information about the odor location. We ask whether navigation strategies to a target can be learned robustly within a sequential decision making framework. We develop a reinforcement learning algorithm using a small set of interpretable olfactory states and train it with realistic turbulent odor cues. By introducing a temporal memory, we demonstrate that two salient features of odor traces, discretized in few olfactory states, are sufficient to learn navigation in a realistic odor plume. Performance is dictated by the sparse nature of turbulent plumes. An optimal memory exists which ignores blanks within the plume and activates a recovery strategy outside the plume. We obtain the best performance by letting agents learn their recovery strategy and show that it is mostly casting cross wind, similar to behavior observed in flying insects. The optimal strategy is robust to substantial changes in the odor plumes, suggesting minor parameter tuning may be sufficient to adapt to different environments.
Abstract:Studying the function spaces defined by neural networks helps to understand the corresponding learning models and their inductive bias. While in some limits neural networks correspond to function spaces that are reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, these regimes do not capture the properties of the networks used in practice. In contrast, in this paper we show that deep neural networks define suitable reproducing kernel Banach spaces. These spaces are equipped with norms that enforce a form of sparsity, enabling them to adapt to potential latent structures within the input data and their representations. In particular, leveraging the theory of reproducing kernel Banach spaces, combined with variational results, we derive representer theorems that justify the finite architectures commonly employed in applications. Our study extends analogous results for shallow networks and can be seen as a step towards considering more practically plausible neural architectures.
Abstract:In this paper, we study how the Koopman operator framework can be combined with kernel methods to effectively control nonlinear dynamical systems. While kernel methods have typically large computational requirements, we show how random subspaces (Nystr\"om approximation) can be used to achieve huge computational savings while preserving accuracy. Our main technical contribution is deriving theoretical guarantees on the effect of the Nystr\"om approximation. More precisely, we study the linear quadratic regulator problem, showing that both the approximated Riccati operator and the regulator objective, for the associated solution of the optimal control problem, converge at the rate $m^{-1/2}$, where $m$ is the random subspace size. Theoretical findings are complemented by numerical experiments corroborating our results.
Abstract:This study provides a comprehensive benchmark framework for Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (SF-UDA) in image classification, aiming to achieve a rigorous empirical understanding of the complex relationships between multiple key design factors in SF-UDA methods. The study empirically examines a diverse set of SF-UDA techniques, assessing their consistency across datasets, sensitivity to specific hyperparameters, and applicability across different families of backbone architectures. Moreover, it exhaustively evaluates pre-training datasets and strategies, particularly focusing on both supervised and self-supervised methods, as well as the impact of fine-tuning on the source domain. Our analysis also highlights gaps in existing benchmark practices, guiding SF-UDA research towards more effective and general approaches. It emphasizes the importance of backbone architecture and pre-training dataset selection on SF-UDA performance, serving as an essential reference and providing key insights. Lastly, we release the source code of our experimental framework. This facilitates the construction, training, and testing of SF-UDA methods, enabling systematic large-scale experimental analysis and supporting further research efforts in this field.