Abstract:Our society increasingly benefits from Artificial Intelligence (AI). Unfortunately, more and more evidence shows that AI is also used for offensive purposes. Prior works have revealed various examples of use cases in which the deployment of AI can lead to violation of security and privacy objectives. No extant work, however, has been able to draw a holistic picture of the offensive potential of AI. In this SoK paper we seek to lay the ground for a systematic analysis of the heterogeneous capabilities of offensive AI. In particular we (i) account for AI risks to both humans and systems while (ii) consolidating and distilling knowledge from academic literature, expert opinions, industrial venues, as well as laymen -- all of which being valuable sources of information on offensive AI. To enable alignment of such diverse sources of knowledge, we devise a common set of criteria reflecting essential technological factors related to offensive AI. With the help of such criteria, we systematically analyze: 95 research papers; 38 InfoSec briefings (from, e.g., BlackHat); the responses of a user study (N=549) entailing individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise; and the opinion of 12 experts. Our contributions not only reveal concerning ways (some of which overlooked by prior work) in which AI can be offensively used today, but also represent a foothold to address this threat in the years to come.
Abstract:Deep Neural Networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, i.e., carefully crafted input samples that can cause models to make incorrect predictions with high confidence. To mitigate these vulnerabilities, adversarial training and detection-based defenses have been proposed to strengthen models in advance. However, most of these approaches focus on a single data modality, overlooking the relationships between visual patterns and textual descriptions of the input. In this paper, we propose a novel defense, Multi-Shield, designed to combine and complement these defenses with multi-modal information to further enhance their robustness. Multi-Shield leverages multi-modal large language models to detect adversarial examples and abstain from uncertain classifications when there is no alignment between textual and visual representations of the input. Extensive evaluations on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets, using robust and non-robust image classification models, demonstrate that Multi-Shield can be easily integrated to detect and reject adversarial examples, outperforming the original defenses.
Abstract:In learning problems, the noise inherent to the task at hand hinders the possibility to infer without a certain degree of uncertainty. Quantifying this uncertainty, regardless of its wide use, assumes high relevance for security-sensitive applications. Within these scenarios, it becomes fundamental to guarantee good (i.e., trustworthy) uncertainty measures, which downstream modules can securely employ to drive the final decision-making process. However, an attacker may be interested in forcing the system to produce either (i) highly uncertain outputs jeopardizing the system's availability or (ii) low uncertainty estimates, making the system accept uncertain samples that would instead require a careful inspection (e.g., human intervention). Therefore, it becomes fundamental to understand how to obtain robust uncertainty estimates against these kinds of attacks. In this work, we reveal both empirically and theoretically that defending against adversarial examples, i.e., carefully perturbed samples that cause misclassification, additionally guarantees a more secure, trustworthy uncertainty estimate under common attack scenarios without the need for an ad-hoc defense strategy. To support our claims, we evaluate multiple adversarial-robust models from the publicly available benchmark RobustBench on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets.
Abstract:Recent work has proposed neural network pruning techniques to reduce the size of a network while preserving robustness against adversarial examples, i.e., well-crafted inputs inducing a misclassification. These methods, which we refer to as adversarial pruning methods, involve complex and articulated designs, making it difficult to analyze the differences and establish a fair and accurate comparison. In this work, we overcome these issues by surveying current adversarial pruning methods and proposing a novel taxonomy to categorize them based on two main dimensions: the pipeline, defining when to prune; and the specifics, defining how to prune. We then highlight the limitations of current empirical analyses and propose a novel, fair evaluation benchmark to address them. We finally conduct an empirical re-evaluation of current adversarial pruning methods and discuss the results, highlighting the shared traits of top-performing adversarial pruning methods, as well as common issues. We welcome contributions in our publicly-available benchmark at https://github.com/pralab/AdversarialPruningBenchmark
Abstract:Data poisoning attacks on clustering algorithms have received limited attention, with existing methods struggling to scale efficiently as dataset sizes and feature counts increase. These attacks typically require re-clustering the entire dataset multiple times to generate predictions and assess the attacker's objectives, significantly hindering their scalability. This paper addresses these limitations by proposing Sonic, a novel genetic data poisoning attack that leverages incremental and scalable clustering algorithms, e.g., FISHDBC, as surrogates to accelerate poisoning attacks against graph-based and density-based clustering methods, such as HDBSCAN. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of Sonic in poisoning the target clustering algorithms. We then conduct a comprehensive analysis of the factors affecting the scalability and transferability of poisoning attacks against clustering algorithms, and we conclude by examining the robustness of hyperparameters in our attack strategy Sonic.
Abstract:Gradient-based attacks are a primary tool to evaluate robustness of machine-learning models. However, many attacks tend to provide overly-optimistic evaluations as they use fixed loss functions, optimizers, step-size schedulers, and default hyperparameters. In this work, we tackle these limitations by proposing a parametric variation of the well-known fast minimum-norm attack algorithm, whose loss, optimizer, step-size scheduler, and hyperparameters can be dynamically adjusted. We re-evaluate 12 robust models, showing that our attack finds smaller adversarial perturbations without requiring any additional tuning. This also enables reporting adversarial robustness as a function of the perturbation budget, providing a more complete evaluation than that offered by fixed-budget attacks, while remaining efficient. We release our open-source code at https://github.com/pralab/HO-FMN.
Abstract:Motivated by the superior performance of deep learning in many applications including computer vision and natural language processing, several recent studies have focused on applying deep neural network for devising future generations of wireless networks. However, several recent works have pointed out that imperceptible and carefully designed adversarial examples (attacks) can significantly deteriorate the classification accuracy. In this paper, we investigate a defense mechanism based on both training-time and run-time defense techniques for protecting machine learning-based radio signal (modulation) classification against adversarial attacks. The training-time defense consists of adversarial training and label smoothing, while the run-time defense employs a support vector machine-based neural rejection (NR). Considering a white-box scenario and real datasets, we demonstrate that our proposed techniques outperform existing state-of-the-art technologies.
Abstract:Deep learning algorithms have been shown to be powerful in many communication network design problems, including that in automatic modulation classification. However, they are vulnerable to carefully crafted attacks called adversarial examples. Hence, the reliance of wireless networks on deep learning algorithms poses a serious threat to the security and operation of wireless networks. In this letter, we propose for the first time a countermeasure against adversarial examples in modulation classification. Our countermeasure is based on a neural rejection technique, augmented by label smoothing and Gaussian noise injection, that allows to detect and reject adversarial examples with high accuracy. Our results demonstrate that the proposed countermeasure can protect deep-learning based modulation classification systems against adversarial examples.
Abstract:Thanks to their extensive capacity, over-parameterized neural networks exhibit superior predictive capabilities and generalization. However, having a large parameter space is considered one of the main suspects of the neural networks' vulnerability to adversarial example -- input samples crafted ad-hoc to induce a desired misclassification. Relevant literature has claimed contradictory remarks in support of and against the robustness of over-parameterized networks. These contradictory findings might be due to the failure of the attack employed to evaluate the networks' robustness. Previous research has demonstrated that depending on the considered model, the algorithm employed to generate adversarial examples may not function properly, leading to overestimating the model's robustness. In this work, we empirically study the robustness of over-parameterized networks against adversarial examples. However, unlike the previous works, we also evaluate the considered attack's reliability to support the results' veracity. Our results show that over-parameterized networks are robust against adversarial attacks as opposed to their under-parameterized counterparts.
Abstract:Machine learning malware detectors are vulnerable to adversarial EXEmples, i.e. carefully-crafted Windows programs tailored to evade detection. Unlike other adversarial problems, attacks in this context must be functionality-preserving, a constraint which is challenging to address. As a consequence heuristic algorithms are typically used, that inject new content, either randomly-picked or harvested from legitimate programs. In this paper, we show how learning malware detectors can be cast within a zeroth-order optimization framework which allows to incorporate functionality-preserving manipulations. This permits the deployment of sound and efficient gradient-free optimization algorithms, which come with theoretical guarantees and allow for minimal hyper-parameters tuning. As a by-product, we propose and study ZEXE, a novel zero-order attack against Windows malware detection. Compared to state-of-the-art techniques, ZEXE provides drastic improvement in the evasion rate, while reducing to less than one third the size of the injected content.