Abstract:Small object detection aims to localize and classify small objects within images. With recent advances in large-scale vision-language pretraining, finetuning pretrained object detection models has emerged as a promising approach. However, finetuning large models is computationally and memory expensive. To address this issue, this paper introduces multi-point positional insertion (MPI) tuning, a parameter-efficient finetuning (PEFT) method for small object detection. Specifically, MPI incorporates multiple positional embeddings into a frozen pretrained model, enabling the efficient detection of small objects by providing precise positional information to latent features. Through experiments, we demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method on the SODA-D dataset. MPI performed comparably to conventional PEFT methods, including CoOp and VPT, while significantly reducing the number of parameters that need to be tuned.
Abstract:Vision-language models (VLMs) have shown impressive abilities in text and image understanding. However, existing metrics for evaluating the text generated by VLMs focus exclusively on overall quality, leading to two limitations: 1) it is challenging to identify which aspects of the text need improvement from the overall score; 2) metrics may overlook specific evaluation criteria when predicting an overall score. To address these limitations, we propose HarmonicEval, a reference-free evaluation metric that aggregates criterion-wise scores to produce the overall score in a bottom-up manner. Furthermore, we construct the Multi-task Multi-criteria Human Evaluation (MMHE) dataset, which comprises 18,000 expert human judgments across four vision-language tasks. Our experiments demonstrate that HarmonicEval achieves higher correlations with human judgments than conventional metrics while providing numerical scores for each criterion.
Abstract:Recently, Text-to-speech (TTS) models based on large language models (LLMs) that translate natural language text into sequences of discrete audio tokens have gained great research attention, with advances in neural audio codec (NAC) models using residual vector quantization (RVQ). However, long-form speech synthesis remains a significant challenge due to the high frame rate, which increases the length of audio tokens and makes it difficult for autoregressive language models to generate audio tokens for even a minute of speech. To address this challenge, this paper introduces two novel post-training approaches: 1) Multi-Resolution Requantization (MReQ) and 2) HALL-E. MReQ is a framework to reduce the frame rate of pre-trained NAC models. Specifically, it incorporates multi-resolution residual vector quantization (MRVQ) module that hierarchically reorganizes discrete audio tokens through teacher-student distillation. HALL-E is an LLM-based TTS model designed to predict hierarchical tokens of MReQ. Specifically, it incorporates the technique of using MRVQ sub-modules and continues training from a pre-trained LLM-based TTS model. Furthermore, to promote TTS research, we create MinutesSpeech, a new benchmark dataset consisting of 40k hours of filtered speech data for training and evaluating speech synthesis ranging from 3s up to 180s. In experiments, we demonstrated the effectiveness of our approaches by applying our post-training framework to VALL-E. We achieved the frame rate down to as low as 8 Hz, enabling the stable minitue-long speech synthesis in a single inference step. Audio samples, dataset, codes and pre-trained models are available at https://yutonishimura-v2.github.io/HALL-E_DEMO/.
Abstract:In this work, we investigate the understudied effect of the training data used for image super-resolution (SR). Most commonly, novel SR methods are developed and benchmarked on common training datasets such as DIV2K and DF2K. However, we investigate and rethink the training data from the perspectives of diversity and quality, {thereby addressing the question of ``How important is SR training for SR models?''}. To this end, we propose an automated image evaluation pipeline. With this, we stratify existing high-resolution image datasets and larger-scale image datasets such as ImageNet and PASS to compare their performances. We find that datasets with (i) low compression artifacts, (ii) high within-image diversity as judged by the number of different objects, and (iii) a large number of images from ImageNet or PASS all positively affect SR performance. We hope that the proposed simple-yet-effective dataset curation pipeline will inform the construction of SR datasets in the future and yield overall better models.
Abstract:Pre-training and transfer learning are an important building block of current computer vision systems. While pre-training is usually performed on large real-world image datasets, in this paper we ask whether this is truly necessary. To this end, we search for a minimal, purely synthetic pre-training dataset that allows us to achieve performance similar to the 1 million images of ImageNet-1k. We construct such a dataset from a single fractal with perturbations. With this, we contribute three main findings. (i) We show that pre-training is effective even with minimal synthetic images, with performance on par with large-scale pre-training datasets like ImageNet-1k for full fine-tuning. (ii) We investigate the single parameter with which we construct artificial categories for our dataset. We find that while the shape differences can be indistinguishable to humans, they are crucial for obtaining strong performances. (iii) Finally, we investigate the minimal requirements for successful pre-training. Surprisingly, we find that a substantial reduction of synthetic images from 1k to 1 can even lead to an increase in pre-training performance, a motivation to further investigate ''scaling backwards''. Finally, we extend our method from synthetic images to real images to see if a single real image can show similar pre-training effect through shape augmentation. We find that the use of grayscale images and affine transformations allows even real images to ''scale backwards''.
Abstract:Visual question answering (VQA) is the task of providing accurate answers to natural language questions based on visual input. Programmatic VQA (PVQA) models have been gaining attention recently. These use large language models (LLMs) to formulate executable programs that address questions requiring complex visual reasoning. However, there are challenges in enabling LLMs to comprehend the usage of image processing modules and generate relevant code. To overcome these challenges, this paper introduces PyramidCoder, a novel prompting framework for PVQA models. PyramidCoder consists of three hierarchical levels, each serving a distinct purpose: query rephrasing, code generation, and answer aggregation. Notably, PyramidCoder utilizes a single frozen LLM and pre-defined prompts at each level, eliminating the need for additional training and ensuring flexibility across various LLM architectures. Compared to the state-of-the-art PVQA model, our approach improves accuracy by at least 0.5% on the GQA dataset, 1.4% on the VQAv2 dataset, and 2.9% on the NLVR2 dataset.
Abstract:Visual question answering aims to provide responses to natural language questions given visual input. Recently, visual programmatic models (VPMs), which generate executable programs to answer questions through large language models (LLMs), have attracted research interest. However, they often require long input prompts to provide the LLM with sufficient API usage details to generate relevant code. To address this limitation, we propose AdaCoder, an adaptive prompt compression framework for VPMs. AdaCoder operates in two phases: a compression phase and an inference phase. In the compression phase, given a preprompt that describes all API definitions in the Python language with example snippets of code, a set of compressed preprompts is generated, each depending on a specific question type. In the inference phase, given an input question, AdaCoder predicts the question type and chooses the appropriate corresponding compressed preprompt to generate code to answer the question. Notably, AdaCoder employs a single frozen LLM and pre-defined prompts, negating the necessity of additional training and maintaining adaptability across different powerful black-box LLMs such as GPT and Claude. In experiments, we apply AdaCoder to ViperGPT and demonstrate that it reduces token length by 71.1%, while maintaining or even improving the performance of visual question answering.
Abstract:Self-supervised learning has emerged as a key approach for learning generic representations from speech data. Despite promising results in downstream tasks such as speech recognition, speaker verification, and emotion recognition, a significant number of parameters is required, which makes fine-tuning for each task memory-inefficient. To address this limitation, we introduce ELP-adapter tuning, a novel method for parameter-efficient fine-tuning using three types of adapter, namely encoder adapters (E-adapters), layer adapters (L-adapters), and a prompt adapter (P-adapter). The E-adapters are integrated into transformer-based encoder layers and help to learn fine-grained speech representations that are effective for speech recognition. The L-adapters create paths from each encoder layer to the downstream head and help to extract non-linguistic features from lower encoder layers that are effective for speaker verification and emotion recognition. The P-adapter appends pseudo features to CNN features to further improve effectiveness and efficiency. With these adapters, models can be quickly adapted to various speech processing tasks. Our evaluation across four downstream tasks using five backbone models demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method. With the WavLM backbone, its performance was comparable to or better than that of full fine-tuning on all tasks while requiring 90% fewer learnable parameters.
Abstract:Vision-and-language navigation (VLN) aims to guide autonomous agents through real-world environments by integrating visual and linguistic cues. While substantial progress has been made in understanding these interactive modalities in ground-level navigation, aerial navigation remains largely underexplored. This is primarily due to the scarcity of resources suitable for real-world, city-scale aerial navigation studies. To bridge this gap, we introduce CityNav, a new dataset for language-goal aerial navigation using a 3D point cloud representation from real-world cities. CityNav includes 32,637 natural language descriptions paired with human demonstration trajectories, collected from participants via a new web-based 3D simulator developed for this research. Each description specifies a navigation goal, leveraging the names and locations of landmarks within real-world cities. We also provide baseline models of navigation agents that incorporate an internal 2D spatial map representing landmarks referenced in the descriptions. We benchmark the latest aerial navigation baselines and our proposed model on the CityNav dataset. The results using this dataset reveal the following key findings: (i) Our aerial agent models trained on human demonstration trajectories outperform those trained on shortest path trajectories, highlighting the importance of human-driven navigation strategies; (ii) The integration of a 2D spatial map significantly enhances navigation efficiency at city scale. Our dataset and code are available at https://water-cookie.github.io/city-nav-proj/
Abstract:City-scale 3D point cloud is a promising way to express detailed and complicated outdoor structures. It encompasses both the appearance and geometry features of segmented city components, including cars, streets, and buildings, that can be utilized for attractive applications such as user-interactive navigation of autonomous vehicles and drones. However, compared to the extensive text annotations available for images and indoor scenes, the scarcity of text annotations for outdoor scenes poses a significant challenge for achieving these applications. To tackle this problem, we introduce the CityRefer dataset for city-level visual grounding. The dataset consists of 35k natural language descriptions of 3D objects appearing in SensatUrban city scenes and 5k landmarks labels synchronizing with OpenStreetMap. To ensure the quality and accuracy of the dataset, all descriptions and labels in the CityRefer dataset are manually verified. We also have developed a baseline system that can learn encoded language descriptions, 3D object instances, and geographical information about the city's landmarks to perform visual grounding on the CityRefer dataset. To the best of our knowledge, the CityRefer dataset is the largest city-level visual grounding dataset for localizing specific 3D objects.