Abstract:The tendency of users to anthropomorphise large language models (LLMs) is of growing interest to AI developers, researchers, and policy-makers. Here, we present a novel method for empirically evaluating anthropomorphic LLM behaviours in realistic and varied settings. Going beyond single-turn static benchmarks, we contribute three methodological advances in state-of-the-art (SOTA) LLM evaluation. First, we develop a multi-turn evaluation of 14 anthropomorphic behaviours. Second, we present a scalable, automated approach by employing simulations of user interactions. Third, we conduct an interactive, large-scale human subject study (N=1101) to validate that the model behaviours we measure predict real users' anthropomorphic perceptions. We find that all SOTA LLMs evaluated exhibit similar behaviours, characterised by relationship-building (e.g., empathy and validation) and first-person pronoun use, and that the majority of behaviours only first occur after multiple turns. Our work lays an empirical foundation for investigating how design choices influence anthropomorphic model behaviours and for progressing the ethical debate on the desirability of these behaviours. It also showcases the necessity of multi-turn evaluations for complex social phenomena in human-AI interaction.
Abstract:Recent studies in interpretability have explored the inner workings of transformer models trained on tasks across various domains, often discovering that these networks naturally develop surprisingly structured representations. When such representations comprehensively reflect the task domain's structure, they are commonly referred to as ``World Models'' (WMs). In this work, we discover such WMs in transformers trained on maze tasks. In particular, by employing Sparse Autoencoders (SAEs) and analysing attention patterns, we examine the construction of WMs and demonstrate consistency between the circuit analysis and the SAE feature-based analysis. We intervene upon the isolated features to confirm their causal role and, in doing so, find asymmetries between certain types of interventions. Surprisingly, we find that models are able to reason with respect to a greater number of active features than they see during training, even if attempting to specify these in the input token sequence would lead the model to fail. Futhermore, we observe that varying positional encodings can alter how WMs are encoded in a model's residual stream. By analyzing the causal role of these WMs in a toy domain we hope to make progress toward an understanding of emergent structure in the representations acquired by Transformers, leading to the development of more interpretable and controllable AI systems.
Abstract:My paper "Talking About Large Language Models" has more than once been interpreted as advocating a reductionist stance towards large language models. But the paper was not intended that way, and I do not endorse such positions. This short note situates the paper in the context of a larger philosophical project that is concerned with the (mis)use of words rather than metaphysics, in the spirit of Wittgenstein's later writing.
Abstract:The ability of language models to learn a task from a few examples in context has generated substantial interest. Here, we provide a perspective that situates this type of supervised few-shot learning within a much broader spectrum of meta-learned in-context learning. Indeed, we suggest that any distribution of sequences in which context non-trivially decreases loss on subsequent predictions can be interpreted as eliciting a kind of in-context learning. We suggest that this perspective helps to unify the broad set of in-context abilities that language models exhibit $\unicode{x2014}$ such as adapting to tasks from instructions or role play, or extrapolating time series. This perspective also sheds light on potential roots of in-context learning in lower-level processing of linguistic dependencies (e.g. coreference or parallel structures). Finally, taking this perspective highlights the importance of generalization, which we suggest can be studied along several dimensions: not only the ability to learn something novel, but also flexibility in learning from different presentations, and in applying what is learned. We discuss broader connections to past literature in meta-learning and goal-conditioned agents, and other perspectives on learning and adaptation. We close by suggesting that research on in-context learning should consider this broader spectrum of in-context capabilities and types of generalization.
Abstract:Contemporary conversational AI systems based on large language models (LLMs) can engage users on a wide variety of topics, including philosophy, spirituality, and religion. Suitably prompted, LLMs can be coaxed into discussing such existentially significant matters as their own putative consciousness and the role of artificial intelligence in the fate of the Cosmos. Here we examine two lengthy conversations of this type. We trace likely sources, both ancient and modern, for the extensive repertoire of images, myths, metaphors, and conceptual esoterica that the language model draws on during these conversations, and foreground the contemporary communities and cultural movements that deploy related motifs, especially in their online activity. Finally, we consider the larger societal impacts of such engagements with LLMs.
Abstract:Does the process of training a neural network to solve a task tend to use all of the available weights even when the task could be solved with fewer weights? To address this question we study the effects of pruning fully connected, convolutional and residual models while varying their widths. We find that the proportion of weights that can be pruned without degrading performance is largely invariant to model size. Increasing the width of a model has little effect on the density of the pruned model relative to the increase in absolute size of the pruned network. In particular, we find substantial prunability across a large range of model sizes, where our biggest model is 50 times as wide as our smallest model. We explore three hypotheses that could explain these findings.
Abstract:Recent generative AI systems have demonstrated more advanced persuasive capabilities and are increasingly permeating areas of life where they can influence decision-making. Generative AI presents a new risk profile of persuasion due the opportunity for reciprocal exchange and prolonged interactions. This has led to growing concerns about harms from AI persuasion and how they can be mitigated, highlighting the need for a systematic study of AI persuasion. The current definitions of AI persuasion are unclear and related harms are insufficiently studied. Existing harm mitigation approaches prioritise harms from the outcome of persuasion over harms from the process of persuasion. In this paper, we lay the groundwork for the systematic study of AI persuasion. We first put forward definitions of persuasive generative AI. We distinguish between rationally persuasive generative AI, which relies on providing relevant facts, sound reasoning, or other forms of trustworthy evidence, and manipulative generative AI, which relies on taking advantage of cognitive biases and heuristics or misrepresenting information. We also put forward a map of harms from AI persuasion, including definitions and examples of economic, physical, environmental, psychological, sociocultural, political, privacy, and autonomy harm. We then introduce a map of mechanisms that contribute to harmful persuasion. Lastly, we provide an overview of approaches that can be used to mitigate against process harms of persuasion, including prompt engineering for manipulation classification and red teaming. Future work will operationalise these mitigations and study the interaction between different types of mechanisms of persuasion.
Abstract:The advent of conversational agents with increasingly human-like behaviour throws old philosophical questions into new light. Does it, or could it, ever make sense to speak of AI agents built out of generative language models in terms of consciousness, given that they are "mere" simulacra of human behaviour, and that what they do can be seen as "merely" role play? Drawing on the later writings of Wittgenstein, this paper attempts to tackle this question while avoiding the pitfalls of dualistic thinking.
Abstract:Recent work in activation steering has demonstrated the potential to better control the outputs of Large Language Models (LLMs), but it involves finding steering vectors. This is difficult because engineers do not typically know how features are represented in these models. We seek to address this issue by applying the idea of mean-centring to steering vectors. We find that taking the average of activations associated with a target dataset, and then subtracting the mean of all training activations, results in effective steering vectors. We test this method on a variety of models on natural language tasks by steering away from generating toxic text, and steering the completion of a story towards a target genre. We also apply mean-centring to extract function vectors, more effectively triggering the execution of a range of natural language tasks by a significant margin (compared to previous baselines). This suggests that mean-centring can be used to easily improve the effectiveness of activation steering in a wide range of contexts.
Abstract:This paper assesses the potential for large language models (LLMs) to serve as assistive tools in the creative writing process, by means of a single, in-depth case study. In the course of the study, we develop interactive and multi-voice prompting strategies that interleave background descriptions (scene setting, plot elements), instructions that guide composition, samples of text in the target style, and critical discussion of the given samples. We qualitatively evaluate the results from a literary critical perspective, as well as from the standpoint of computational creativity (a sub-field of artificial intelligence). Our findings lend support to the view that the sophistication of the results that can be achieved with an LLM mirrors the sophistication of the prompting.