Abstract:For safety, autonomous systems must be able to consider sudden changes and enact contingency plans appropriately. State-of-the-art methods currently find trajectories that balance between nominal and contingency behavior, or plan for a singular contingency plan; however, this does not guarantee that the resulting plan is safe for all time. To address this research gap, this paper presents Contingency-MPPI, a data-driven optimization-based strategy that embeds contingency planning inside a nominal planner. By learning to approximate the optimal contingency-constrained control sequence with adaptive importance sampling, the proposed method's sampling efficiency is further improved with initializations from a lightweight path planner and trajectory optimizer. Finally, we present simulated and hardware experiments demonstrating our algorithm generating nominal and contingency plans in real time on a mobile robot.
Abstract:Recent advances in quadrupedal locomotion have focused on improving stability and performance across diverse environments. However, existing methods often lack adequate safety analysis and struggle to adapt to varying payloads and complex terrains, typically requiring extensive tuning. To overcome these challenges, we propose a Chance-Constrained Model Predictive Control (CCMPC) framework that explicitly models payload and terrain variability as distributions of parametric and additive disturbances within the single rigid body dynamics (SRBD) model. Our approach ensures safe and consistent performance under uncertain dynamics by expressing the model friction cone constraints, which define the feasible set of ground reaction forces, as chance constraints. Moreover, we solve the resulting stochastic control problem using a computationally efficient quadratic programming formulation. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations of quadrupedal locomotion across varying payloads and complex terrains demonstrate that CCMPC significantly outperforms two competitive benchmarks: Linear MPC (LMPC) and MPC with hand-tuned safety margins to maintain stability, reduce foot slippage, and track the center of mass. Hardware experiments on the Unitree Go1 robot show successful locomotion across various indoor and outdoor terrains with unknown loads exceeding 50% of the robot body weight, despite no additional parameter tuning. A video of the results and accompanying code can be found at:
Abstract:SLAM is an important capability for many autonomous systems, and modern LiDAR-based methods offer promising performance. However, for long duration missions, existing works that either operate directly the full pointclouds or on extracted features face key tradeoffs in accuracy and computational efficiency (e.g., memory consumption). To address these issues, this paper presents DFLIOM with several key innovations. Unlike previous methods that rely on handcrafted heuristics and hand-tuned parameters for feature extraction, we propose a learning-based approach that select points relevant to LiDAR SLAM pointcloud registration. Furthermore, we extend our prior work DLIOM with the learned feature extractor and observe our method enables similar or even better localization performance using only about 20\% of the points in the dense point clouds. We demonstrate that DFLIOM performs well on multiple public benchmarks, achieving a 2.4\% decrease in localization error and 57.5\% decrease in memory usage compared to state-of-the-art methods (DLIOM). Although extracting features with the proposed network requires extra time, it is offset by the faster processing time downstream, thus maintaining real-time performance using 20Hz LiDAR on our hardware setup. The effectiveness of our learning-based feature extraction module is further demonstrated through comparison with several handcrafted feature extractors.
Abstract:Continuously optimizing sensor placement is essential for precise target localization in various military and civilian applications. While information theory has shown promise in optimizing sensor placement, many studies oversimplify sensor measurement models or neglect dynamic constraints of mobile sensors. To address these challenges, we employ a range measurement model that incorporates radar parameters and radar-target distance, coupled with Model Predictive Path Integral (MPPI) control to manage complex environmental obstacles and dynamic constraints. We compare the proposed approach against stationary radars or simplified range measurement models based on the root mean squared error (RMSE) of the Cubature Kalman Filter (CKF) estimator for the targets' state. Additionally, we visualize the evolving geometry of radars and targets over time, highlighting areas of highest measurement information gain, demonstrating the strengths of the approach. The proposed strategy outperforms stationary radars and simplified range measurement models in target localization, achieving a 38-74% reduction in mean RMSE and a 33-79% reduction in the upper tail of the 90% Highest Density Interval (HDI) over 500 Monte Carl (MC) trials across all time steps. Code will be made publicly available upon acceptance.
Abstract:For many multiagent control problems, neural networks (NNs) have enabled promising new capabilities. However, many of these systems lack formal guarantees (e.g., collision avoidance, robustness), which prevents leveraging these advances in safety-critical settings. While there is recent work on formal verification of NN-controlled systems, most existing techniques cannot handle scenarios with more than one agent. To address this research gap, this paper presents a backward reachability-based approach for verifying the collision avoidance properties of Multi-Agent Neural Feedback Loops (MA-NFLs). Given the dynamics models and trained control policies of each agent, the proposed algorithm computes relative backprojection sets by solving a series of Mixed Integer Linear Programs (MILPs) offline for each pair of agents. Our pair-wise approach is parallelizable and thus scales well with increasing number of agents, and we account for state measurement uncertainties, making it well aligned with real-world scenarios. Using those results, the agents can quickly check for collision avoidance online by solving low-dimensional Linear Programs (LPs). We demonstrate the proposed algorithm can verify collision-free properties of a MA-NFL with agents trained to imitate a collision avoidance algorithm (Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles). We further demonstrate the computational scalability of the approach on systems with up to 10 agents.
Abstract:Survival Analysis (SA) is about modeling the time for an event of interest to occur, which has important applications in many fields, including medicine, defense, finance, and aerospace. Recent work has demonstrated the benefits of using Neural Networks (NNs) to capture complicated relationships in SA. However, the datasets used to train these models are often subject to uncertainty (e.g., noisy measurements, human error), which we show can substantially degrade the performance of existing techniques. To address this issue, this work leverages recent advances in NN verification to provide new algorithms for generating fully parametric survival models that are robust to such uncertainties. In particular, we introduce a robust loss function for training the models and use CROWN-IBP regularization to address the computational challenges with solving the resulting Min-Max problem. To evaluate the proposed approach, we apply relevant perturbations to publicly available datasets in the SurvSet repository and compare survival models against several baselines. We empirically show that Survival Analysis with Adversarial Regularization (SAWAR) method on average ranks best for dataset perturbations of varying magnitudes on metrics such as Negative Log Likelihood (NegLL), Integrated Brier Score (IBS), and Concordance Index (CI), concluding that adversarial regularization enhances performance in SA. Code:
Abstract:Traversing terrain with good traction is crucial for achieving fast off-road navigation. Instead of manually designing costs based on terrain features, existing methods learn terrain properties directly from data via self-supervision, but challenges remain to properly quantify and mitigate risks due to uncertainties in learned models. This work efficiently quantifies both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties by learning discrete traction distributions and probability densities of the traction predictor's latent features. Leveraging evidential deep learning, we parameterize Dirichlet distributions with the network outputs and propose a novel uncertainty-aware squared Earth Mover's distance loss with a closed-form expression that improves learning accuracy and navigation performance. The proposed risk-aware planner simulates state trajectories with the worst-case expected traction to handle aleatoric uncertainty, and penalizes trajectories moving through terrain with high epistemic uncertainty. Our approach is extensively validated in simulation and on wheeled and quadruped robots, showing improved navigation performance compared to methods that assume no slip, assume the expected traction, or optimize for the worst-case expected cost.
Abstract:A major challenge to deploying robots widely is navigation in human-populated environments, commonly referred to as social robot navigation. While the field of social navigation has advanced tremendously in recent years, the fair evaluation of algorithms that tackle social navigation remains hard because it involves not just robotic agents moving in static environments but also dynamic human agents and their perceptions of the appropriateness of robot behavior. In contrast, clear, repeatable, and accessible benchmarks have accelerated progress in fields like computer vision, natural language processing and traditional robot navigation by enabling researchers to fairly compare algorithms, revealing limitations of existing solutions and illuminating promising new directions. We believe the same approach can benefit social navigation. In this paper, we pave the road towards common, widely accessible, and repeatable benchmarking criteria to evaluate social robot navigation. Our contributions include (a) a definition of a socially navigating robot as one that respects the principles of safety, comfort, legibility, politeness, social competency, agent understanding, proactivity, and responsiveness to context, (b) guidelines for the use of metrics, development of scenarios, benchmarks, datasets, and simulators to evaluate social navigation, and (c) a design of a social navigation metrics framework to make it easier to compare results from different simulators, robots and datasets.
Abstract:Safety certification of data-driven control techniques remains a major open problem. This work investigates backward reachability as a framework for providing collision avoidance guarantees for systems controlled by neural network (NN) policies. Because NNs are typically not invertible, existing methods conservatively assume a domain over which to relax the NN, which causes loose over-approximations of the set of states that could lead the system into the obstacle (i.e., backprojection (BP) sets). To address this issue, we introduce DRIP, an algorithm with a refinement loop on the relaxation domain, which substantially tightens the BP set bounds. Furthermore, we introduce a formulation that enables directly obtaining closed-form representations of polytopes to bound the BP sets tighter than prior work, which required solving linear programs and using hyper-rectangles. Furthermore, this work extends the NN relaxation algorithm to handle polytope domains, which further tightens the bounds on BP sets. DRIP is demonstrated in numerical experiments on control systems, including a ground robot controlled by a learned NN obstacle avoidance policy.
Abstract:As neural networks become more integrated into the systems that we depend on for transportation, medicine, and security, it becomes increasingly important that we develop methods to analyze their behavior to ensure that they are safe to use within these contexts. The methods used in this paper seek to certify safety for closed-loop systems with neural network controllers, i.e., neural feedback loops, using backward reachability analysis. Namely, we calculate backprojection (BP) set over-approximations (BPOAs), i.e., sets of states that lead to a given target set that bounds dangerous regions of the state space. The system's safety can then be certified by checking its current state against the BPOAs. While over-approximating BPs is significantly faster than calculating exact BP sets, solving the relaxed problem leads to conservativeness. To combat conservativeness, partitioning strategies can be used to split the problem into a set of sub-problems, each less conservative than the unpartitioned problem. We introduce a hybrid partitioning method that uses both target set partitioning (TSP) and backreachable set partitioning (BRSP) to overcome a lower bound on estimation error that is present when using BRSP. Numerical results demonstrate a near order-of-magnitude reduction in estimation error compared to BRSP or TSP given the same computation time.