Abstract:Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across various domains, especially in text processing and generative tasks. Recent advancements in the reasoning capabilities of state-of-the-art LLMs, such as OpenAI-o1, have significantly broadened their applicability, particularly in complex problem-solving and logical inference. However, most existing LLMs struggle with notable limitations in handling graph combinatorial optimization (GCO) problems. To bridge this gap, we formally define the Optimal Thoughts Design (OTD) problem, including its state and action thought space. We then introduce a novel framework, GraphThought, designed to generate high-quality thought datasets for GCO problems. Leveraging these datasets, we fine-tune the Llama-3-8B-Instruct model to develop Llama-GT. Notably, despite its compact 8B-parameter architecture, Llama-GT matches the performance of state-of-the-art LLMs on the GraphArena benchmark. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms both proprietary and open-source models, even rivaling specialized models like o1-mini. This work sets a new state-of-the-art benchmark while challenging the prevailing notion that model scale is the primary driver of reasoning capability.
Abstract:The formidable capacity for zero- or few-shot decision-making in language agents encourages us to pose a compelling question: Can language agents be alternatives to PPO agents in traditional sequential decision-making tasks? To investigate this, we first take environments collected in OpenAI Gym as our testbeds and ground them to textual environments that construct the TextGym simulator. This allows for straightforward and efficient comparisons between PPO agents and language agents, given the widespread adoption of OpenAI Gym. To ensure a fair and effective benchmarking, we introduce $5$ levels of scenario for accurate domain-knowledge controlling and a unified RL-inspired framework for language agents. Additionally, we propose an innovative explore-exploit-guided language (EXE) agent to solve tasks within TextGym. Through numerical experiments and ablation studies, we extract valuable insights into the decision-making capabilities of language agents and make a preliminary evaluation of their potential to be alternatives to PPO in classical sequential decision-making problems. This paper sheds light on the performance of language agents and paves the way for future research in this exciting domain. Our code is publicly available at~\url{https://github.com/mail-ecnu/Text-Gym-Agents}.
Abstract:Over-generalization is a thorny issue in cognitive science, where people may become overly cautious due to past experiences. Agents in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) also have been found to suffer relative over-generalization (RO) as people do and stuck to sub-optimal cooperation. Recent methods have shown that assigning reasoning ability to agents can mitigate RO algorithmically and empirically, but there has been a lack of theoretical understanding of RO, let alone designing provably RO-free methods. This paper first proves that RO can be avoided when the MARL method satisfies a consistent reasoning requirement under certain conditions. Then we introduce a novel reasoning framework, called negotiated reasoning, that first builds the connection between reasoning and RO with theoretical justifications. After that, we propose an instantiated algorithm, Stein variational negotiated reasoning (SVNR), which uses Stein variational gradient descent to derive a negotiation policy that provably avoids RO in MARL under maximum entropy policy iteration. The method is further parameterized with neural networks for amortized learning, making computation efficient. Numerical experiments on many RO-challenged environments demonstrate the superiority and efficiency of SVNR compared to state-of-the-art methods in addressing RO.
Abstract:With the rapid development of cloud computing, virtual machine scheduling has become one of the most important but challenging issues for the cloud computing community, especially for practical heterogeneous request sequences. By analyzing the impact of request heterogeneity on some popular heuristic schedulers, it can be found that existing scheduling algorithms can not handle the request heterogeneity properly and efficiently. In this paper, a plug-and-play virtual machine scheduling intensifier, called Resource Assigner (ReAssigner), is proposed to enhance the scheduling efficiency of any given scheduler for heterogeneous requests. The key idea of ReAssigner is to pre-assign roles to physical resources and let resources of the same role form a virtual cluster to handle homogeneous requests. ReAssigner can cooperate with arbitrary schedulers by restricting their scheduling space to virtual clusters. With evaluations on the real dataset from Huawei Cloud, the proposed ReAssigner achieves significant scheduling performance improvement compared with some state-of-the-art scheduling methods.
Abstract:Oversubscription is a common practice for improving cloud resource utilization. It allows the cloud service provider to sell more resources than the physical limit, assuming not all users would fully utilize the resources simultaneously. However, how to design an oversubscription policy that improves utilization while satisfying the some safety constraints remains an open problem. Existing methods and industrial practices are over-conservative, ignoring the coordination of diverse resource usage patterns and probabilistic constraints. To address these two limitations, this paper formulates the oversubscription for cloud as a chance-constrained optimization problem and propose an effective Chance Constrained Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (C2MARL) method to solve this problem. Specifically, C2MARL reduces the number of constraints by considering their upper bounds and leverages a multi-agent reinforcement learning paradigm to learn a safe and optimal coordination policy. We evaluate our C2MARL on an internal cloud platform and public cloud datasets. Experiments show that our C2MARL outperforms existing methods in improving utilization ($20\%\sim 86\%$) under different levels of safety constraints.
Abstract:Fairness has been taken as a critical metric on machine learning models. Many works studying how to obtain fairness for different tasks emerge. This paper considers obtaining fairness for link prediction tasks, which can be measured by dyadic fairness. We aim to propose a pre-processing methodology to obtain dyadic fairness through data repairing and optimal transport. To obtain dyadic fairness with satisfying flexibility and unambiguity requirements, we transform the dyadic repairing to the conditional distribution alignment problem based on optimal transport and obtain theoretical results on the connection between the proposed alignment and dyadic fairness. The optimal transport-based dyadic fairness algorithm is proposed for graph link prediction. Our proposed algorithm shows superior results on obtaining fairness compared with the other pre-processing methods on two benchmark graph datasets.
Abstract:A novel simulator called VMAgent is introduced to help RL researchers better explore new methods, especially for virtual machine scheduling. VMAgent is inspired by practical virtual machine (VM) scheduling tasks and provides an efficient simulation platform that can reflect the real situations of cloud computing. Three scenarios (fading, recovering, and expansion) are concluded from practical cloud computing and corresponds to many reinforcement learning challenges (high dimensional state and action spaces, high non-stationarity, and life-long demand). VMAgent provides flexible configurations for RL researchers to design their customized scheduling environments considering different problem features. From the VM scheduling perspective, VMAgent also helps to explore better learning-based scheduling solutions.
Abstract:Non-stationarity is one thorny issue in multi-agent reinforcement learning, which is caused by the policy changes of agents during the learning procedure. Current works to solve this problem have their own limitations in effectiveness and scalability, such as centralized critic and decentralized actor (CCDA), population-based self-play, modeling of others and etc. In this paper, we novelly introduce a $\delta$-stationarity measurement to explicitly model the stationarity of a policy sequence, which is theoretically proved to be proportional to the joint policy divergence. However, simple policy factorization like mean-field approximation will mislead to larger policy divergence, which can be considered as trust region decomposition dilemma. We model the joint policy as a general Markov random field and propose a trust region decomposition network based on message passing to estimate the joint policy divergence more accurately. The Multi-Agent Mirror descent policy algorithm with Trust region decomposition, called MAMT, is established with the purpose to satisfy $\delta$-stationarity. MAMT can adjust the trust region of the local policies adaptively in an end-to-end manner, thereby approximately constraining the divergence of joint policy to alleviate the non-stationary problem. Our method can bring noticeable and stable performance improvement compared with baselines in coordination tasks of different complexity.
Abstract:When solving a complex task, humans will spontaneously form teams and to complete different parts of the whole task, respectively. Meanwhile, the cooperation between teammates will improve efficiency. However, for current cooperative MARL methods, the cooperation team is constructed through either heuristics or end-to-end blackbox optimization. In order to improve the efficiency of cooperation and exploration, we propose a structured diversification emergence MARL framework named {\sc{Rochico}} based on reinforced organization control and hierarchical consensus learning. {\sc{Rochico}} first learns an adaptive grouping policy through the organization control module, which is established by independent multi-agent reinforcement learning. Further, the hierarchical consensus module based on the hierarchical intentions with consensus constraint is introduced after team formation. Simultaneously, utilizing the hierarchical consensus module and a self-supervised intrinsic reward enhanced decision module, the proposed cooperative MARL algorithm {\sc{Rochico}} can output the final diversified multi-agent cooperative policy. All three modules are organically combined to promote the structured diversification emergence. Comparative experiments on four large-scale cooperation tasks show that {\sc{Rochico}} is significantly better than the current SOTA algorithms in terms of exploration efficiency and cooperation strength.
Abstract:This work explores the large-scale multi-agent communication mechanism under a multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) setting. We summarize the general categories of topology for communication structures in MARL literature, which are often manually specified. Then we propose a novel framework termed as Learning Structured Communication (LSC) by using a more flexible and efficient communication topology. Our framework allows for adaptive agent grouping to form different hierarchical formations over episodes, which is generated by an auxiliary task combined with a hierarchical routing protocol. Given each formed topology, a hierarchical graph neural network is learned to enable effective message information generation and propagation among inter- and intra-group communications. In contrast to existing communication mechanisms, our method has an explicit while learnable design for hierarchical communication. Experiments on challenging tasks show the proposed LSC enjoys high communication efficiency, scalability, and global cooperation capability.