Abstract:Neural radiance fields are an emerging 3D scene representation and recently even been extended to learn features for scene understanding by distilling open-vocabulary features from vision-language models. However, current method primarily focus on object-centric representations, supporting object segmentation or detection, while understanding semantic relationships between objects remains largely unexplored. To address this gap, we propose RelationField, the first method to extract inter-object relationships directly from neural radiance fields. RelationField represents relationships between objects as pairs of rays within a neural radiance field, effectively extending its formulation to include implicit relationship queries. To teach RelationField complex, open-vocabulary relationships, relationship knowledge is distilled from multi-modal LLMs. To evaluate RelationField, we solve open-vocabulary 3D scene graph generation tasks and relationship-guided instance segmentation, achieving state-of-the-art performance in both tasks. See the project website at https://relationfield.github.io.
Abstract:Open-vocabulary 3D segmentation enables the exploration of 3D spaces using free-form text descriptions. Existing methods for open-vocabulary 3D instance segmentation primarily focus on identifying object-level instances in a scene. However, they face challenges when it comes to understanding more fine-grained scene entities such as object parts, or regions described by generic attributes. In this work, we introduce Search3D, an approach that builds a hierarchical open-vocabulary 3D scene representation, enabling the search for entities at varying levels of granularity: fine-grained object parts, entire objects, or regions described by attributes like materials. Our method aims to expand the capabilities of open vocabulary instance-level 3D segmentation by shifting towards a more flexible open-vocabulary 3D search setting less anchored to explicit object-centric queries, compared to prior work. To ensure a systematic evaluation, we also contribute a scene-scale open-vocabulary 3D part segmentation benchmark based on MultiScan, along with a set of open-vocabulary fine-grained part annotations on ScanNet++. We verify the effectiveness of Search3D across several tasks, demonstrating that our approach outperforms baselines in scene-scale open-vocabulary 3D part segmentation, while maintaining strong performance in segmenting 3D objects and materials.
Abstract:This report provides an overview of the challenge hosted at the OpenSUN3D Workshop on Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Understanding held in conjunction with ICCV 2023. The goal of this workshop series is to provide a platform for exploration and discussion of open-vocabulary 3D scene understanding tasks, including but not limited to segmentation, detection and mapping. We provide an overview of the challenge hosted at the workshop, present the challenge dataset, the evaluation methodology, and brief descriptions of the winning methods. For additional details, please see https://opensun3d.github.io/index_iccv23.html.
Abstract:There have been numerous recently proposed methods for monocular depth prediction (MDP) coupled with the equally rapid evolution of benchmarking tools. However, we argue that MDP is currently witnessing benchmark over-fitting and relying on metrics that are only partially helpful to gauge the usefulness of the predictions for 3D applications. This limits the design and development of novel methods that are truly aware of - and improving towards estimating - the 3D structure of the scene rather than optimizing 2D-based distances. In this work, we aim to bring structural awareness to MDP, an inherently 3D task, by exhibiting the limits of evaluation metrics towards assessing the quality of the 3D geometry. We propose a set of metrics well suited to evaluate the 3D geometry of MDP approaches and a novel indoor benchmark, RIO-D3D, crucial for the proposed evaluation methodology. Our benchmark is based on a real-world dataset featuring high-quality rendered depth maps obtained from RGB-D reconstructions. We further demonstrate this to help benchmark the closely-tied task of 3D scene completion.
Abstract:Scene graphs are a compact and explicit representation successfully used in a variety of 2D scene understanding tasks. This work proposes a method to incrementally build up semantic scene graphs from a 3D environment given a sequence of RGB-D frames. To this end, we aggregate PointNet features from primitive scene components by means of a graph neural network. We also propose a novel attention mechanism well suited for partial and missing graph data present in such an incremental reconstruction scenario. Although our proposed method is designed to run on submaps of the scene, we show it also transfers to entire 3D scenes. Experiments show that our approach outperforms 3D scene graph prediction methods by a large margin and its accuracy is on par with other 3D semantic and panoptic segmentation methods while running at 35 Hz.
Abstract:Long-term camera re-localization is an important task with numerous computer vision and robotics applications. Whilst various outdoor benchmarks exist that target lighting, weather and seasonal changes, far less attention has been paid to appearance changes that occur indoors. This has led to a mismatch between popular indoor benchmarks, which focus on static scenes, and indoor environments that are of interest for many real-world applications. In this paper, we adapt 3RScan - a recently introduced indoor RGB-D dataset designed for object instance re-localization - to create RIO10, a new long-term camera re-localization benchmark focused on indoor scenes. We propose new metrics for evaluating camera re-localization and explore how state-of-the-art camera re-localizers perform according to these metrics. We also examine in detail how different types of scene change affect the performance of different methods, based on novel ways of detecting such changes in a given RGB-D frame. Our results clearly show that long-term indoor re-localization is an unsolved problem. Our benchmark and tools are publicly available at waldjohannau.github.io/RIO10
Abstract:Scene understanding has been of high interest in computer vision. It encompasses not only identifying objects in a scene, but also their relationships within the given context. With this goal, a recent line of works tackles 3D semantic segmentation and scene layout prediction. In our work we focus on scene graphs, a data structure that organizes the entities of a scene in a graph, where objects are nodes and their relationships modeled as edges. We leverage inference on scene graphs as a way to carry out 3D scene understanding, mapping objects and their relationships. In particular, we propose a learned method that regresses a scene graph from the point cloud of a scene. Our novel architecture is based on PointNet and Graph Convolutional Networks (GCN). In addition, we introduce 3DSSG, a semi-automatically generated dataset, that contains semantically rich scene graphs of 3D scenes. We show the application of our method in a domain-agnostic retrieval task, where graphs serve as an intermediate representation for 3D-3D and 2D-3D matching.
Abstract:In this work, we introduce the task of 3D object instance re-localization (RIO): given one or multiple objects in an RGB-D scan, we want to estimate their corresponding 6DoF poses in another 3D scan of the same environment taken at a later point in time. We consider RIO a particularly important task in 3D vision since it enables a wide range of practical applications, including AI-assistants or robots that are asked to find a specific object in a 3D scene. To address this problem, we first introduce 3RScan, a novel dataset and benchmark, which features 1482 RGB-D scans of 478 environments across multiple time steps. Each scene includes several objects whose positions change over time, together with ground truth annotations of object instances and their respective 6DoF mappings among re-scans. Automatically finding 6DoF object poses leads to a particular challenging feature matching task due to varying partial observations and changes in the surrounding context. To this end, we introduce a new data-driven approach that efficiently finds matching features using a fully-convolutional 3D correspondence network operating on multiple spatial scales. Combined with a 6DoF pose optimization, our method outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on our newly-established benchmark, achieving an accuracy of 30.58%.
Abstract:This work proposes a general-purpose, fully-convolutional network architecture for efficiently processing large-scale 3D data. One striking characteristic of our approach is its ability to process unorganized 3D representations such as point clouds as input, then transforming them internally to ordered structures to be processed via 3D convolutions. In contrast to conventional approaches that maintain either unorganized or organized representations, from input to output, our approach has the advantage of operating on memory efficient input data representations while at the same time exploiting the natural structure of convolutional operations to avoid the redundant computing and storing of spatial information in the network. The network eliminates the need to pre- or post process the raw sensor data. This, together with the fully-convolutional nature of the network, makes it an end-to-end method able to process point clouds of huge spaces or even entire rooms with up to 200k points at once. Another advantage is that our network can produce either an ordered output or map predictions directly onto the input cloud, thus making it suitable as a general-purpose point cloud descriptor applicable to many 3D tasks. We demonstrate our network's ability to effectively learn both low-level features as well as complex compositional relationships by evaluating it on benchmark datasets for semantic voxel segmentation, semantic part segmentation and 3D scene captioning.