Abstract:Standing-up control is crucial for humanoid robots, with the potential for integration into current locomotion and loco-manipulation systems, such as fall recovery. Existing approaches are either limited to simulations that overlook hardware constraints or rely on predefined ground-specific motion trajectories, failing to enable standing up across postures in real-world scenes. To bridge this gap, we present HoST (Humanoid Standing-up Control), a reinforcement learning framework that learns standing-up control from scratch, enabling robust sim-to-real transfer across diverse postures. HoST effectively learns posture-adaptive motions by leveraging a multi-critic architecture and curriculum-based training on diverse simulated terrains. To ensure successful real-world deployment, we constrain the motion with smoothness regularization and implicit motion speed bound to alleviate oscillatory and violent motions on physical hardware, respectively. After simulation-based training, the learned control policies are directly deployed on the Unitree G1 humanoid robot. Our experimental results demonstrate that the controllers achieve smooth, stable, and robust standing-up motions across a wide range of laboratory and outdoor environments. Videos are available at https://taohuang13.github.io/humanoid-standingup.github.io/.
Abstract:Hyperspectral salient object detection (HSOD) aims to extract targets or regions with significantly different spectra from hyperspectral images. While existing deep learning-based methods can achieve good detection results, they generally necessitate pixel-level annotations, which are notably challenging to acquire for hyperspectral images. To address this issue, we introduce point supervision into HSOD, and incorporate Spectral Saliency, derived from conventional HSOD methods, as a pivotal spectral representation within the framework. This integration leads to the development of a novel Spectrum-oriented Point-supervised Saliency Detector (SPSD). Specifically, we propose a novel pipeline, specifically designed for HSIs, to generate pseudo-labels, effectively mitigating the performance decline associated with point supervision strategy. Additionally, Spectral Saliency is employed to counteract information loss during model supervision and saliency refinement, thereby maintaining the structural integrity and edge accuracy of the detected objects. Furthermore, we introduce a Spectrum-transformed Spatial Gate to focus more precisely on salient regions while reducing feature redundancy. We have carried out comprehensive experiments on both HSOD-BIT and HS-SOD datasets to validate the efficacy of our proposed method, using mean absolute error (MAE), E-measure, F-measure, Area Under Curve, and Cross Correlation as evaluation metrics. For instance, on the HSOD-BIT dataset, our SPSD achieves a MAE of 0.031 and an F-measure of 0.878. Thorough ablation studies have substantiated the effectiveness of each individual module and provided insights into the model's working mechanism. Further evaluations on RGB-thermal salient object detection datasets highlight the versatility of our approach.
Abstract:Multi-Image Super-Resolution (MISR) is a crucial yet challenging research task in the remote sensing community. In this paper, we address the challenging task of Multi-Image Super-Resolution in Remote Sensing (MISR-RS), aiming to generate a High-Resolution (HR) image from multiple Low-Resolution (LR) images obtained by satellites. Recently, the weak temporal correlations among LR images have attracted increasing attention in the MISR-RS task. However, existing MISR methods treat the LR images as sequences with strong temporal correlations, overlooking spatial correlations and imposing temporal dependencies. To address this problem, we propose a novel end-to-end framework named Enhancing Spatial Correlations in MISR (ESC-MISR), which fully exploits the spatial-temporal relations of multiple images for HR image reconstruction. Specifically, we first introduce a novel fusion module named Multi-Image Spatial Transformer (MIST), which emphasizes parts with clearer global spatial features and enhances the spatial correlations between LR images. Besides, we perform a random shuffle strategy for the sequential inputs of LR images to attenuate temporal dependencies and capture weak temporal correlations in the training stage. Compared with the state-of-the-art methods, our ESC-MISR achieves 0.70dB and 0.76dB cPSNR improvements on the two bands of the PROBA-V dataset respectively, demonstrating the superiority of our method.
Abstract:Achieving robust 3D perception in the face of corrupted data presents an challenging hurdle within 3D vision research. Contemporary transformer-based point cloud recognition models, albeit advanced, tend to overfit to specific patterns, consequently undermining their robustness against corruption. In this work, we introduce the Target-Guided Adversarial Point Cloud Transformer, termed APCT, a novel architecture designed to augment global structure capture through an adversarial feature erasing mechanism predicated on patterns discerned at each step during training. Specifically, APCT integrates an Adversarial Significance Identifier and a Target-guided Promptor. The Adversarial Significance Identifier, is tasked with discerning token significance by integrating global contextual analysis, utilizing a structural salience index algorithm alongside an auxiliary supervisory mechanism. The Target-guided Promptor, is responsible for accentuating the propensity for token discard within the self-attention mechanism, utilizing the value derived above, consequently directing the model attention towards alternative segments in subsequent stages. By iteratively applying this strategy in multiple steps during training, the network progressively identifies and integrates an expanded array of object-associated patterns. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple corruption benchmarks.
Abstract:Extracting discriminative information from complex spectral details in hyperspectral image (HSI) for HSI classification is pivotal. While current prevailing methods rely on spectral magnitude features, they could cause confusion in certain classes, resulting in misclassification and decreased accuracy. We find that the derivative spectrum proves more adept at capturing concealed information, thereby offering a distinct advantage in separating these confusion classes. Leveraging the complementarity between spectral magnitude and derivative features, we propose a Content-driven Spectrum Complementary Network based on Magnitude-Derivative Dual Encoder, employing these two features as combined inputs. To fully utilize their complementary information, we raise a Content-adaptive Point-wise Fusion Module, enabling adaptive fusion of dual-encoder features in a point-wise selective manner, contingent upon feature representation. To preserve a rich source of complementary information while extracting more distinguishable features, we introduce a Hybrid Disparity-enhancing Loss that enhances the differential expression of the features from the two branches and increases the inter-class distance. As a result, our method achieves state-of-the-art results on the extensive WHU-OHS dataset and eight other benchmark datasets.
Abstract:Hyperspectral image classification, a task that assigns pre-defined classes to each pixel in a hyperspectral image of remote sensing scenes, often faces challenges due to the neglect of correlations between spectrally similar pixels. This oversight can lead to inaccurate edge definitions and difficulties in managing minor spectral variations in contiguous areas. To address these issues, we introduce the novel Dual-stage Spectral Supertoken Classifier (DSTC), inspired by superpixel concepts. DSTC employs spectrum-derivative-based pixel clustering to group pixels with similar spectral characteristics into spectral supertokens. By projecting the classification of these tokens onto the image space, we achieve pixel-level results that maintain regional classification consistency and precise boundary. Moreover, recognizing the diversity within tokens, we propose a class-proportion-based soft label. This label adaptively assigns weights to different categories based on their prevalence, effectively managing data distribution imbalances and enhancing classification performance. Comprehensive experiments on WHU-OHS, IP, KSC, and UP datasets corroborate the robust classification capabilities of DSTC and the effectiveness of its individual components. Code will be publicly available at https://github.com/laprf/DSTC.
Abstract:Creating scenes for captured motions that achieve realistic human-scene interaction is crucial for 3D animation in movies or video games. As character motion is often captured in a blue-screened studio without real furniture or objects in place, there may be a discrepancy between the planned motion and the captured one. This gives rise to the need for automatic scene layout generation to relieve the burdens of selecting and positioning furniture and objects. Previous approaches cannot avoid artifacts like penetration and floating due to the lack of physical constraints. Furthermore, some heavily rely on specific data to learn the contact affordances, restricting the generalization ability to different motions. In this work, we present a physics-based approach that simultaneously optimizes a scene layout generator and simulates a moving human in a physics simulator. To attain plausible and realistic interaction motions, our method explicitly introduces physical constraints. To automatically recover and generate the scene layout, we minimize the motion tracking errors to identify the objects that can afford interaction. We use reinforcement learning to perform a dual-optimization of both the character motion imitation controller and the scene layout generator. To facilitate the optimization, we reshape the tracking rewards and devise pose prior guidance obtained from our estimated pseudo-contact labels. We evaluate our method using motions from SAMP and PROX, and demonstrate physically plausible scene layout reconstruction compared with the previous kinematics-based method.
Abstract:Hyperspectral salient object detection (HSOD) has exhibited remarkable promise across various applications, particularly in intricate scenarios where conventional RGB-based approaches fall short. Despite the considerable progress in HSOD method advancements, two critical challenges require immediate attention. Firstly, existing hyperspectral data dimension reduction techniques incur a loss of spectral information, which adversely affects detection accuracy. Secondly, previous methods insufficiently harness the inherent distinctive attributes of hyperspectral images (HSIs) during the feature extraction process. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach termed the Distilled Mixed Spectral-Spatial Network (DMSSN), comprising a Distilled Spectral Encoding process and a Mixed Spectral-Spatial Transformer (MSST) feature extraction network. The encoding process utilizes knowledge distillation to construct a lightweight autoencoder for dimension reduction, striking a balance between robust encoding capabilities and low computational costs. The MSST extracts spectral-spatial features through multiple attention head groups, collaboratively enhancing its resistance to intricate scenarios. Moreover, we have created a large-scale HSOD dataset, HSOD-BIT, to tackle the issue of data scarcity in this field and meet the fundamental data requirements of deep network training. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed DMSSN achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets. We will soon make the code and dataset publicly available on https://github.com/anonymous0519/HSOD-BIT.
Abstract:In the realm of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tracking, Siamese-based approaches have gained traction due to their optimal balance between efficiency and precision. However, UAV scenarios often present challenges such as insufficient sampling resolution, fast motion and small objects with limited feature information. As a result, temporal context in UAV tracking tasks plays a pivotal role in target location, overshadowing the target's precise features. In this paper, we introduce MT-Track, a streamlined and efficient multi-step temporal modeling framework designed to harness the temporal context from historical frames for enhanced UAV tracking. This temporal integration occurs in two steps: correlation map generation and correlation map refinement. Specifically, we unveil a unique temporal correlation module that dynamically assesses the interplay between the template and search region features. This module leverages temporal information to refresh the template feature, yielding a more precise correlation map. Subsequently, we propose a mutual transformer module to refine the correlation maps of historical and current frames by modeling the temporal knowledge in the tracking sequence. This method significantly trims computational demands compared to the raw transformer. The compact yet potent nature of our tracking framework ensures commendable tracking outcomes, particularly in extended tracking scenarios.
Abstract:Vision-based estimation of the motion of a moving target is usually formulated as a bearing-only estimation problem where the visual measurement is modeled as a bearing vector. Although the bearing-only approach has been studied for decades, a fundamental limitation of this approach is that it requires extra lateral motion of the observer to enhance the target's observability. Unfortunately, the extra lateral motion conflicts with the desired motion of the observer in many tasks. It is well-known that, once a target has been detected in an image, a bounding box that surrounds the target can be obtained. Surprisingly, this common visual measurement especially its size information has not been well explored up to now. In this paper, we propose a new bearing-angle approach to estimate the motion of a target by modeling its image bounding box as bearing-angle measurements. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results show that this approach can significantly enhance the observability without relying on additional lateral motion of the observer. The benefit of the bearing-angle approach comes with no additional cost because a bounding box is a standard output of object detection algorithms. The approach simply exploits the information that has not been fully exploited in the past. No additional sensing devices or special detection algorithms are required.