Abstract:Deep state-space models (SSMs), like recent Mamba architectures, are emerging as a promising alternative to CNN and Transformer networks. Existing Mamba-based restoration methods process the visual data by leveraging a flatten-and-scan strategy that converts image patches into a 1D sequence before scanning. However, this scanning paradigm ignores local pixel dependencies and introduces spatial misalignment by positioning distant pixels incorrectly adjacent, which reduces local noise-awareness and degrades image sharpness in low-level vision tasks. To overcome these issues, we propose a novel slice-and-scan strategy that alternates scanning along intra- and inter-slices. We further design a new Vision State Space Module (VSSM) for image deblurring, and tackle the inefficiency challenges of the current Mamba-based vision module. Building upon this, we develop XYScanNet, an SSM architecture integrated with a lightweight feature fusion module for enhanced image deblurring. XYScanNet, maintains competitive distortion metrics and significantly improves perceptual performance. Experimental results show that XYScanNet enhances KID by $17\%$ compared to the nearest competitor. Our code will be released soon.
Abstract:Referenced-based scene stylization that edits the appearance based on a content-aligned reference image is an emerging research area. Starting with a pretrained neural radiance field (NeRF), existing methods typically learn a novel appearance that matches the given style. Despite their effectiveness, they inherently suffer from time-consuming volume rendering, and thus are impractical for many real-time applications. In this work, we propose ReGS, which adapts 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) for reference-based stylization to enable real-time stylized view synthesis. Editing the appearance of a pretrained 3DGS is challenging as it uses discrete Gaussians as 3D representation, which tightly bind appearance with geometry. Simply optimizing the appearance as prior methods do is often insufficient for modeling continuous textures in the given reference image. To address this challenge, we propose a novel texture-guided control mechanism that adaptively adjusts local responsible Gaussians to a new geometric arrangement, serving for desired texture details. The proposed process is guided by texture clues for effective appearance editing, and regularized by scene depth for preserving original geometric structure. With these novel designs, we show ReGs can produce state-of-the-art stylization results that respect the reference texture while embracing real-time rendering speed for free-view navigation.
Abstract:Photographs captured in unstructured tourist environments frequently exhibit variable appearances and transient occlusions, challenging accurate scene reconstruction and inducing artifacts in novel view synthesis. Although prior approaches have integrated the Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) with additional learnable modules to handle the dynamic appearances and eliminate transient objects, their extensive training demands and slow rendering speeds limit practical deployments. Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as a promising alternative to NeRF, offering superior training and inference efficiency along with better rendering quality. This paper presents Wild-GS, an innovative adaptation of 3DGS optimized for unconstrained photo collections while preserving its efficiency benefits. Wild-GS determines the appearance of each 3D Gaussian by their inherent material attributes, global illumination and camera properties per image, and point-level local variance of reflectance. Unlike previous methods that model reference features in image space, Wild-GS explicitly aligns the pixel appearance features to the corresponding local Gaussians by sampling the triplane extracted from the reference image. This novel design effectively transfers the high-frequency detailed appearance of the reference view to 3D space and significantly expedites the training process. Furthermore, 2D visibility maps and depth regularization are leveraged to mitigate the transient effects and constrain the geometry, respectively. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Wild-GS achieves state-of-the-art rendering performance and the highest efficiency in both training and inference among all the existing techniques.
Abstract:Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) accomplishes photo-realistic novel view synthesis by learning the implicit volumetric representation of a scene from multi-view images, which faithfully convey the colorimetric information. However, sensor noises will contaminate low-value pixel signals, and the lossy camera image signal processor will further remove near-zero intensities in extremely dark situations, deteriorating the synthesis performance. Existing approaches reconstruct low-light scenes from raw images but struggle to recover texture and boundary details in dark regions. Additionally, they are unsuitable for high-speed models relying on explicit representations. To address these issues, we present Thermal-NeRF, which takes thermal and visible raw images as inputs, considering the thermal camera is robust to the illumination variation and raw images preserve any possible clues in the dark, to accomplish visible and thermal view synthesis simultaneously. Also, the first multi-view thermal and visible dataset (MVTV) is established to support the research on multimodal NeRF. Thermal-NeRF achieves the best trade-off between detail preservation and noise smoothing and provides better synthesis performance than previous work. Finally, we demonstrate that both modalities are beneficial to each other in 3D reconstruction.
Abstract:Machine learning (ML) applications to time series energy utilization forecasting problems are a challenging assignment due to a variety of factors. Chief among these is the non-homogeneity of the energy utilization datasets and the geographical dispersion of energy consumers. Furthermore, these ML models require vast amounts of training data and communications overhead in order to develop an effective model. In this paper, we propose a communication-efficient time series forecasting model combining the most recent advancements in transformer architectures implemented across a geographically dispersed series of EV charging stations and an efficient variant of federated learning (FL) to enable distributed training. The time series prediction performance and communication overhead cost of our FL are compared against their counterpart models and shown to have parity in performance while consuming significantly lower data rates during training. Additionally, the comparison is made across EV charging as well as other time series datasets to demonstrate the flexibility of our proposed model in generalized time series prediction beyond energy demand. The source code for this work is available at https://github.com/XuJiacong/LoGTST_PSGF
Abstract:Accurately estimating the 3D pose and shape is an essential step towards understanding animal behavior, and can potentially benefit many downstream applications, such as wildlife conservation. However, research in this area is held back by the lack of a comprehensive and diverse dataset with high-quality 3D pose and shape annotations. In this paper, we propose Animal3D, the first comprehensive dataset for mammal animal 3D pose and shape estimation. Animal3D consists of 3379 images collected from 40 mammal species, high-quality annotations of 26 keypoints, and importantly the pose and shape parameters of the SMAL model. All annotations were labeled and checked manually in a multi-stage process to ensure highest quality results. Based on the Animal3D dataset, we benchmark representative shape and pose estimation models at: (1) supervised learning from only the Animal3D data, (2) synthetic to real transfer from synthetically generated images, and (3) fine-tuning human pose and shape estimation models. Our experimental results demonstrate that predicting the 3D shape and pose of animals across species remains a very challenging task, despite significant advances in human pose estimation. Our results further demonstrate that synthetic pre-training is a viable strategy to boost the model performance. Overall, Animal3D opens new directions for facilitating future research in animal 3D pose and shape estimation, and is publicly available.
Abstract:Two-branch network architecture has shown its efficiency and effectiveness for real-time semantic segmentation tasks. However, direct fusion of low-level details and high-level semantics will lead to a phenomenon that the detailed features are easily overwhelmed by surrounding contextual information, namely overshoot in this paper, which limits the improvement of the accuracy of existed two-branch models. In this paper, we bridge a connection between Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller and reveal that the two-branch network is nothing but a Proportional-Integral (PI) controller, which inherently suffers from the similar overshoot issue. To alleviate this issue, we propose a novel three-branch network architecture: PIDNet, which possesses three branches to parse the detailed, context and boundary information (derivative of semantics), respectively, and employs boundary attention to guide the fusion of detailed and context branches in final stage. The family of PIDNets achieve the best trade-off between inference speed and accuracy and their test accuracy surpasses all the existed models with similar inference speed on Cityscapes, CamVid and COCO-Stuff datasets. Especially, PIDNet-S achieves 78.6% mIOU with inference speed of 93.2 FPS on Cityscapes test set and 81.6% mIOU with speed of 153.7 FPS on CamVid test set.