Abstract:Referenced-based scene stylization that edits the appearance based on a content-aligned reference image is an emerging research area. Starting with a pretrained neural radiance field (NeRF), existing methods typically learn a novel appearance that matches the given style. Despite their effectiveness, they inherently suffer from time-consuming volume rendering, and thus are impractical for many real-time applications. In this work, we propose ReGS, which adapts 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) for reference-based stylization to enable real-time stylized view synthesis. Editing the appearance of a pretrained 3DGS is challenging as it uses discrete Gaussians as 3D representation, which tightly bind appearance with geometry. Simply optimizing the appearance as prior methods do is often insufficient for modeling continuous textures in the given reference image. To address this challenge, we propose a novel texture-guided control mechanism that adaptively adjusts local responsible Gaussians to a new geometric arrangement, serving for desired texture details. The proposed process is guided by texture clues for effective appearance editing, and regularized by scene depth for preserving original geometric structure. With these novel designs, we show ReGs can produce state-of-the-art stylization results that respect the reference texture while embracing real-time rendering speed for free-view navigation.
Abstract:Photographs captured in unstructured tourist environments frequently exhibit variable appearances and transient occlusions, challenging accurate scene reconstruction and inducing artifacts in novel view synthesis. Although prior approaches have integrated the Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) with additional learnable modules to handle the dynamic appearances and eliminate transient objects, their extensive training demands and slow rendering speeds limit practical deployments. Recently, 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has emerged as a promising alternative to NeRF, offering superior training and inference efficiency along with better rendering quality. This paper presents Wild-GS, an innovative adaptation of 3DGS optimized for unconstrained photo collections while preserving its efficiency benefits. Wild-GS determines the appearance of each 3D Gaussian by their inherent material attributes, global illumination and camera properties per image, and point-level local variance of reflectance. Unlike previous methods that model reference features in image space, Wild-GS explicitly aligns the pixel appearance features to the corresponding local Gaussians by sampling the triplane extracted from the reference image. This novel design effectively transfers the high-frequency detailed appearance of the reference view to 3D space and significantly expedites the training process. Furthermore, 2D visibility maps and depth regularization are leveraged to mitigate the transient effects and constrain the geometry, respectively. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Wild-GS achieves state-of-the-art rendering performance and the highest efficiency in both training and inference among all the existing techniques.
Abstract:At the core of portrait photography is the search for ideal lighting and viewpoint. The process often requires advanced knowledge in photography and an elaborate studio setup. In this work, we propose Holo-Relighting, a volumetric relighting method that is capable of synthesizing novel viewpoints, and novel lighting from a single image. Holo-Relighting leverages the pretrained 3D GAN (EG3D) to reconstruct geometry and appearance from an input portrait as a set of 3D-aware features. We design a relighting module conditioned on a given lighting to process these features, and predict a relit 3D representation in the form of a tri-plane, which can render to an arbitrary viewpoint through volume rendering. Besides viewpoint and lighting control, Holo-Relighting also takes the head pose as a condition to enable head-pose-dependent lighting effects. With these novel designs, Holo-Relighting can generate complex non-Lambertian lighting effects (e.g., specular highlights and cast shadows) without using any explicit physical lighting priors. We train Holo-Relighting with data captured with a light stage, and propose two data-rendering techniques to improve the data quality for training the volumetric relighting system. Through quantitative and qualitative experiments, we demonstrate Holo-Relighting can achieve state-of-the-arts relighting quality with better photorealism, 3D consistency and controllability.
Abstract:Recent portrait relighting methods have achieved realistic results of portrait lighting effects given a desired lighting representation such as an environment map. However, these methods are not intuitive for user interaction and lack precise lighting control. We introduce LightPainter, a scribble-based relighting system that allows users to interactively manipulate portrait lighting effect with ease. This is achieved by two conditional neural networks, a delighting module that recovers geometry and albedo optionally conditioned on skin tone, and a scribble-based module for relighting. To train the relighting module, we propose a novel scribble simulation procedure to mimic real user scribbles, which allows our pipeline to be trained without any human annotations. We demonstrate high-quality and flexible portrait lighting editing capability with both quantitative and qualitative experiments. User study comparisons with commercial lighting editing tools also demonstrate consistent user preference for our method.
Abstract:In many practical applications of long-range imaging such as biometrics and surveillance, thermal imagining modalities are often used to capture images in low-light and nighttime conditions. However, such imaging systems often suffer from atmospheric turbulence, which introduces severe blur and deformation artifacts to the captured images. Such an issue is unavoidable in long-range imaging and significantly decreases the face verification accuracy. In this paper, we first investigate the problem with a turbulence simulation method on real-world thermal images. An end-to-end reconstruction method is then proposed which can directly transform thermal images into visible-spectrum images by utilizing natural image priors based on a pre-trained StyleGAN2 network. Compared with the existing two-steps methods of consecutive turbulence mitigation and thermal to visible image translation, our method is demonstrated to be effective in terms of both the visual quality of the reconstructed results and face verification accuracy. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that studies the problem of thermal to visible image translation under atmospheric turbulence.
Abstract:In Heterogeneous Face Recognition (HFR), the objective is to match faces across two different domains such as visible and thermal. Large domain discrepancy makes HFR a difficult problem. Recent methods attempting to fill the gap via synthesis have achieved promising results, but their performance is still limited by the scarcity of paired training data. In practice, large-scale heterogeneous face data are often inaccessible due to the high cost of acquisition and annotation process as well as privacy regulations. In this paper, we propose a new face hallucination paradigm for HFR, which not only enables data-efficient synthesis but also allows to scale up model training without breaking any privacy policy. Unlike existing methods that learn face synthesis entirely from scratch, our approach is particularly designed to take advantage of rich and diverse facial priors from visible domain for more faithful hallucination. On the other hand, large-scale training is enabled by introducing a new federated learning scheme to allow institution-wise collaborations while avoiding explicit data sharing. Extensive experiments demonstrate the advantages of our approach in tackling HFR under current data limitations. In a unified framework, our method yields the state-of-the-art hallucination results on multiple HFR datasets.
Abstract:Accelerating magnetic resonance image (MRI) reconstruction process is a challenging ill-posed inverse problem due to the excessive under-sampling operation in k-space. In this paper, we propose a recurrent transformer model, namely ReconFormer, for MRI reconstruction which can iteratively reconstruct high fertility magnetic resonance images from highly under-sampled k-space data. In particular, the proposed architecture is built upon Recurrent Pyramid Transformer Layers (RPTL), which jointly exploits intrinsic multi-scale information at every architecture unit as well as the dependencies of the deep feature correlation through recurrent states. Moreover, the proposed ReconFormer is lightweight since it employs the recurrent structure for its parameter efficiency. We validate the effectiveness of ReconFormer on multiple datasets with different magnetic resonance sequences and show that it achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-art methods with better parameter efficiency. Implementation code will be available in https://github.com/guopengf/ReconFormer.
Abstract:Inspired by the robustness and efficiency of sparse representation in sparse coding based image restoration models, we investigate the sparsity of neurons in deep networks. Our method structurally enforces sparsity constraints upon hidden neurons. The sparsity constraints are favorable for gradient-based learning algorithms and attachable to convolution layers in various networks. Sparsity in neurons enables computation saving by only operating on non-zero components without hurting accuracy. Meanwhile, our method can magnify representation dimensionality and model capacity with negligible additional computation cost. Experiments show that sparse representation is crucial in deep neural networks for multiple image restoration tasks, including image super-resolution, image denoising, and image compression artifacts removal. Code is available at https://github.com/ychfan/nsr
Abstract:Self-similarity refers to the image prior widely used in image restoration algorithms that small but similar patterns tend to occur at different locations and scales. However, recent advanced deep convolutional neural network based methods for image restoration do not take full advantage of self-similarities by relying on self-attention neural modules that only process information at the same scale. To solve this problem, we present a novel Pyramid Attention module for image restoration, which captures long-range feature correspondences from a multi-scale feature pyramid. Inspired by the fact that corruptions, such as noise or compression artifacts, drop drastically at coarser image scales, our attention module is designed to be able to borrow clean signals from their "clean" correspondences at the coarser levels. The proposed pyramid attention module is a generic building block that can be flexibly integrated into various neural architectures. Its effectiveness is validated through extensive experiments on multiple image restoration tasks: image denoising, demosaicing, compression artifact reduction, and super resolution. Without any bells and whistles, our PANet (pyramid attention module with simple network backbones) can produce state-of-the-art results with superior accuracy and visual quality. Our code will be available at https://github.com/SHI-Labs/Pyramid-Attention-Networks
Abstract:Deep convolution-based single image super-resolution (SISR) networks embrace the benefits of learning from large-scale external image resources for local recovery, yet most existing works have ignored the long-range feature-wise similarities in natural images. Some recent works have successfully leveraged this intrinsic feature correlation by exploring non-local attention modules. However, none of the current deep models have studied another inherent property of images: cross-scale feature correlation. In this paper, we propose the first Cross-Scale Non-Local (CS-NL) attention module with integration into a recurrent neural network. By combining the new CS-NL prior with local and in-scale non-local priors in a powerful recurrent fusion cell, we can find more cross-scale feature correlations within a single low-resolution (LR) image. The performance of SISR is significantly improved by exhaustively integrating all possible priors. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed CS-NL module by setting new state-of-the-arts on multiple SISR benchmarks.