Abstract:Grounded generation aims to equip language models (LMs) with the ability to produce more credible and accountable responses by accurately citing verifiable sources. However, existing methods, by either feeding LMs with raw or preprocessed materials, remain prone to errors. To address this, we introduce CaLM, a novel verification framework. CaLM leverages the insight that a robust grounded response should be consistent with information derived solely from its cited sources. Our framework empowers smaller LMs, which rely less on parametric memory and excel at processing relevant information given a query, to validate the output of larger LMs. Larger LM responses that closely align with the smaller LMs' output, which relies exclusively on cited documents, are verified. Responses showing discrepancies are iteratively refined through a feedback loop. Experiments on three open-domain question-answering datasets demonstrate significant performance gains of 1.5% to 7% absolute average without any required model fine-tuning.
Abstract:Event linking connects event mentions in text with relevant nodes in a knowledge base (KB). Prior research in event linking has mainly borrowed methods from entity linking, overlooking the distinct features of events. Compared to the extensively explored entity linking task, events have more complex structures and can be more effectively distinguished by examining their associated arguments. Moreover, the information-rich nature of events leads to the scarcity of event KBs. This emphasizes the need for event linking models to identify and classify event mentions not in the KB as ``out-of-KB,'' an area that has received limited attention. In this work, we tackle these challenges by introducing an argument-aware approach. First, we improve event linking models by augmenting input text with tagged event argument information, facilitating the recognition of key information about event mentions. Subsequently, to help the model handle ``out-of-KB'' scenarios, we synthesize out-of-KB training examples from in-KB instances through controlled manipulation of event arguments. Our experiment across two test datasets showed significant enhancements in both in-KB and out-of-KB scenarios, with a notable 22% improvement in out-of-KB evaluations.
Abstract:Event extraction has attracted much attention in recent years due to its potential for many applications. However, recent studies observe some evaluation challenges, suggesting that reported scores might not reflect the true performance. In this work, we first identify and discuss these evaluation challenges, including the unfair comparisons resulting from different assumptions about data or different data preprocessing steps, the incompleteness of the current evaluation framework leading to potential dataset bias or data split bias, and low reproducibility of prior studies. To address these challenges, we propose TextEE, a standardized, fair, and reproducible benchmark for event extraction. TextEE contains standardized data preprocessing scripts and splits for more than ten datasets across different domains. In addition, we aggregate and re-implement over ten event extraction approaches published in recent years and conduct a comprehensive reevaluation. Finally, we explore the capability of large language models in event extraction and discuss some future challenges. We expect TextEE will serve as a reliable benchmark for event extraction, facilitating future research in the field.
Abstract:Translating training data into target languages has proven beneficial for cross-lingual transfer. However, for structure extraction tasks, translating data requires a label projection step, which translates input text and obtains translated labels in the translated text jointly. Previous research in label projection mostly compromises translation quality by either facilitating easy identification of translated labels from translated text or using word-level alignment between translation pairs to assemble translated phrase-level labels from the aligned words. In this paper, we introduce CLAP, which first translates text to the target language and performs contextual translation on the labels using the translated text as the context, ensuring better accuracy for the translated labels. We leverage instruction-tuned language models with multilingual capabilities as our contextual translator, imposing the constraint of the presence of translated labels in the translated text via instructions. We compare CLAP with other label projection techniques for creating pseudo-training data in target languages on event argument extraction, a representative structure extraction task. Results show that CLAP improves by 2-2.5 F1-score over other methods on the Chinese and Arabic ACE05 datasets.
Abstract:Existing efforts on text synthesis for code-switching mostly require training on code-switched texts in the target language pairs, limiting the deployment of the models to cases lacking code-switched data. In this work, we study the problem of synthesizing code-switched texts for language pairs absent from the training data. We introduce GLOSS, a model built on top of a pre-trained multilingual machine translation model (PMMTM) with an additional code-switching module. This module, either an adapter or extra prefixes, learns code-switching patterns from code-switched data during training, while the primary component of GLOSS, i.e., the PMMTM, is frozen. The design of only adjusting the code-switching module prevents our model from overfitting to the constrained training data for code-switching. Hence, GLOSS exhibits the ability to generalize and synthesize code-switched texts across a broader spectrum of language pairs. Additionally, we develop a self-training algorithm on target language pairs further to enhance the reliability of GLOSS. Automatic evaluations on four language pairs show that GLOSS achieves at least 55% relative BLEU and METEOR scores improvements compared to strong baselines. Human evaluations on two language pairs further validate the success of GLOSS.
Abstract:Event argument extraction (EAE) identifies event arguments and their specific roles for a given event. Recent advancement in generation-based EAE models has shown great performance and generalizability over classification-based models. However, existing generation-based EAE models mostly focus on problem re-formulation and prompt design, without incorporating additional information that has been shown to be effective for classification-based models, such as the abstract meaning representation (AMR) of the input passages. Incorporating such information into generation-based models is challenging due to the heterogeneous nature of the natural language form prevalently used in generation-based models and the structured form of AMRs. In this work, we study strategies to incorporate AMR into generation-based EAE models. We propose AMPERE, which generates AMR-aware prefixes for every layer of the generation model. Thus, the prefix introduces AMR information to the generation-based EAE model and then improves the generation. We also introduce an adjusted copy mechanism to AMPERE to help overcome potential noises brought by the AMR graph. Comprehensive experiments and analyses on ACE2005 and ERE datasets show that AMPERE can get 4% - 10% absolute F1 score improvements with reduced training data and it is in general powerful across different training sizes.
Abstract:Paraphrase generation is a long-standing task in natural language processing (NLP). Supervised paraphrase generation models, which rely on human-annotated paraphrase pairs, are cost-inefficient and hard to scale up. On the other hand, automatically annotated paraphrase pairs (e.g., by machine back-translation), usually suffer from the lack of syntactic diversity -- the generated paraphrase sentences are very similar to the source sentences in terms of syntax. In this work, we present ParaAMR, a large-scale syntactically diverse paraphrase dataset created by abstract meaning representation back-translation. Our quantitative analysis, qualitative examples, and human evaluation demonstrate that the paraphrases of ParaAMR are syntactically more diverse compared to existing large-scale paraphrase datasets while preserving good semantic similarity. In addition, we show that ParaAMR can be used to improve on three NLP tasks: learning sentence embeddings, syntactically controlled paraphrase generation, and data augmentation for few-shot learning. Our results thus showcase the potential of ParaAMR for improving various NLP applications.
Abstract:Relation Extraction (RE) has been extended to cross-document scenarios because many relations are not simply described in a single document. This inevitably brings the challenge of efficient open-space evidence retrieval to support the inference of cross-document relations, along with the challenge of multi-hop reasoning on top of entities and evidence scattered in an open set of documents. To combat these challenges, we propose Mr.CoD, a multi-hop evidence retrieval method based on evidence path mining and ranking with adapted dense retrievers. We explore multiple variants of retrievers to show evidence retrieval is an essential part in cross-document RE. Experiments on CodRED show that evidence retrieval with Mr.Cod effectively acquires cross-document evidence that essentially supports open-setting cross-document RE. Additionally, we show that Mr.CoD facilitates evidence retrieval and boosts end-to-end RE performance with effective multi-hop reasoning in both closed and open settings of RE.
Abstract:Relational structure extraction covers a wide range of tasks and plays an important role in natural language processing. Recently, many approaches tend to design sophisticated graphical models to capture the complex relations between objects that are described in a sentence. In this work, we demonstrate that simple tagging models can surprisingly achieve competitive performances with a small trick -- priming. Tagging models with priming append information about the operated objects to the input sequence of pretrained language model. Making use of the contextualized nature of pretrained language model, the priming approach help the contextualized representation of the sentence better embed the information about the operated objects, hence, becomes more suitable for addressing relational structure extraction. We conduct extensive experiments on three different tasks that span ten datasets across five different languages, and show that our model is a general and effective model, despite its simplicity. We further carry out comprehensive analysis to understand our model and propose an efficient approximation to our method, which can perform almost the same performance but with faster inference speed.
Abstract:Numerous events occur worldwide and are documented in the news, social media, and various online platforms in raw text. Extracting useful and succinct information about these events is crucial to various downstream applications. Event Argument Extraction (EAE) deals with the task of extracting event-specific information from natural language text. In order to cater to new events and domains in a realistic low-data setting, there is a growing urgency for EAE models to be generalizable. Consequentially, there is a necessity for benchmarking setups to evaluate the generalizability of EAE models. But most existing benchmarking datasets like ACE and ERE have limited coverage in terms of events and cannot adequately evaluate the generalizability of EAE models. To alleviate this issue, we introduce a new dataset GENEVA covering a diverse range of 115 events and 187 argument roles. Using this dataset, we create four benchmarking test suites to assess the model's generalization capability from different perspectives. We benchmark various representative models on these test suites and compare their generalizability relatively. Finally, we propose a new model SCAD that outperforms the previous models and serves as a strong benchmark for these test suites.