Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown great promise in tasks like node and graph classification, but they often struggle to generalize, particularly to unseen or out-of-distribution (OOD) data. These challenges are exacerbated when training data is limited in size or diversity. To address these issues, we introduce a theoretical framework using Rademacher complexity to compute a regret bound on the generalization error and then characterize the effect of data augmentation. This framework informs the design of GMM-GDA, an efficient graph data augmentation (GDA) algorithm leveraging the capability of Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) to approximate any distribution. Our approach not only outperforms existing augmentation techniques in terms of generalization but also offers improved time complexity, making it highly suitable for real-world applications.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which are nowadays the benchmark approach in graph representation learning, have been shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks, raising concerns about their real-world applicability. While existing defense techniques primarily concentrate on the training phase of GNNs, involving adjustments to message passing architectures or pre-processing methods, there is a noticeable gap in methods focusing on increasing robustness during inference. In this context, this study introduces RobustCRF, a post-hoc approach aiming to enhance the robustness of GNNs at the inference stage. Our proposed method, founded on statistical relational learning using a Conditional Random Field, is model-agnostic and does not require prior knowledge about the underlying model architecture. We validate the efficacy of this approach across various models, leveraging benchmark node classification datasets.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown great promise in modeling relationships between nodes in a graph, but capturing higher-order relationships remains a challenge for large-scale networks. Previous studies have primarily attempted to utilize the information from higher-order neighbors in the graph, involving the incorporation of powers of the shift operator, such as the graph Laplacian or adjacency matrix. This approach comes with a trade-off in terms of increased computational and memory demands. Relying on graph spectral theory, we make a fundamental observation: the regular and the Hadamard power of the Laplacian matrix behave similarly in the spectrum. This observation has significant implications for capturing higher-order information in GNNs for various tasks such as node classification and semi-supervised learning. Consequently, we propose a novel graph convolutional operator based on the sparse Sobolev norm of graph signals. Our approach, known as Sparse Sobolev GNN (S2-GNN), employs Hadamard products between matrices to maintain the sparsity level in graph representations. S2-GNN utilizes a cascade of filters with increasing Hadamard powers to generate a diverse set of functions. We theoretically analyze the stability of S2-GNN to show the robustness of the model against possible graph perturbations. We also conduct a comprehensive evaluation of S2-GNN across various graph mining, semi-supervised node classification, and computer vision tasks. In particular use cases, our algorithm demonstrates competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art GNNs in terms of performance and running time.
Abstract:Graph Shift Operators (GSOs), such as the adjacency and graph Laplacian matrices, play a fundamental role in graph theory and graph representation learning. Traditional GSOs are typically constructed by normalizing the adjacency matrix by the degree matrix, a local centrality metric. In this work, we instead propose and study Centrality GSOs (CGSOs), which normalize adjacency matrices by global centrality metrics such as the PageRank, $k$-core or count of fixed length walks. We study spectral properties of the CGSOs, allowing us to get an understanding of their action on graph signals. We confirm this understanding by defining and running the spectral clustering algorithm based on different CGSOs on several synthetic and real-world datasets. We furthermore outline how our CGSO can act as the message passing operator in any Graph Neural Network and in particular demonstrate strong performance of a variant of the Graph Convolutional Network and Graph Attention Network using our CGSOs on several real-world benchmark datasets.
Abstract:Diffusion-based recommender systems have recently proven to outperform traditional generative recommendation approaches, such as variational autoencoders and generative adversarial networks. Nevertheless, the machine learning literature has raised several concerns regarding the possibility that diffusion models, while learning the distribution of data samples, may inadvertently carry information bias and lead to unfair outcomes. In light of this aspect, and considering the relevance that fairness has held in recommendations over the last few decades, we conduct one of the first fairness investigations in the literature on DiffRec, a pioneer approach in diffusion-based recommendation. First, we propose an experimental setting involving DiffRec (and its variant L-DiffRec) along with nine state-of-the-art recommendation models, two popular recommendation datasets from the fairness-aware literature, and six metrics accounting for accuracy and consumer/provider fairness. Then, we perform a twofold analysis, one assessing models' performance under accuracy and recommendation fairness separately, and the other identifying if and to what extent such metrics can strike a performance trade-off. Experimental results from both studies confirm the initial unfairness warnings but pave the way for how to address them in future research directions.
Abstract:Generally, items with missing modalities are dropped in multimodal recommendation. However, with this work, we question this procedure, highlighting that it would further damage the pipeline of any multimodal recommender system. First, we show that the lack of (some) modalities is, in fact, a widely-diffused phenomenon in multimodal recommendation. Second, we propose a pipeline that imputes missing multimodal features in recommendation by leveraging traditional imputation strategies in machine learning. Then, given the graph structure of the recommendation data, we also propose three more effective imputation solutions that leverage the item-item co-purchase graph and the multimodal similarities of co-interacted items. Our method can be plugged into any multimodal RSs in the literature working as an untrained pre-processing phase, showing (through extensive experiments) that any data pre-filtering is not only unnecessary but also harmful to the performance.
Abstract:Rapid advancements in machine learning (ML) are transforming materials science by significantly speeding up material property calculations. However, the proliferation of ML approaches has made it challenging for scientists to keep up with the most promising techniques. This paper presents an empirical study on Geometric Graph Neural Networks for 3D atomic systems, focusing on the impact of different (1) canonicalization methods, (2) graph creation strategies, and (3) auxiliary tasks, on performance, scalability and symmetry enforcement. Our findings and insights aim to guide researchers in selecting optimal modeling components for molecular modeling tasks.
Abstract:Discrete-state denoising diffusion models led to state-of-the-art performance in graph generation, especially in the molecular domain. Recently, they have been transposed to continuous time, allowing more flexibility in the reverse process and a better trade-off between sampling efficiency and quality. Here, to leverage the benefits of both approaches, we propose Cometh, a continuous-time discrete-state graph diffusion model, integrating graph data into a continuous-time diffusion model framework. Empirically, we show that integrating continuous time leads to significant improvements across various metrics over state-of-the-art discrete-state diffusion models on a large set of molecular and non-molecular benchmark datasets.
Abstract:Processing multidomain data defined on multiple graphs holds significant potential in various practical applications in computer science. However, current methods are mostly limited to discrete graph filtering operations. Tensorial partial differential equations on graphs (TPDEGs) provide a principled framework for modeling structured data across multiple interacting graphs, addressing the limitations of the existing discrete methodologies. In this paper, we introduce Continuous Product Graph Neural Networks (CITRUS) that emerge as a natural solution to the TPDEG. CITRUS leverages the separability of continuous heat kernels from Cartesian graph products to efficiently implement graph spectral decomposition. We conduct thorough theoretical analyses of the stability and over-smoothing properties of CITRUS in response to domain-specific graph perturbations and graph spectra effects on the performance. We evaluate CITRUS on well-known traffic and weather spatiotemporal forecasting datasets, demonstrating superior performance over existing approaches.
Abstract:Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have advanced spatiotemporal forecasting by leveraging relational inductive biases among sensors (or any other measuring scheme) represented as nodes in a graph. However, current methods often rely on Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), leading to increased runtimes and memory use. Moreover, these methods typically operate within 1-hop neighborhoods, exacerbating the reduction of the receptive field. Causal Graph Processes (CGPs) offer an alternative, using graph filters instead of MLP layers to reduce parameters and minimize memory consumption. This paper introduces the Causal Graph Process Neural Network (CGProNet), a non-linear model combining CGPs and GNNs for spatiotemporal forecasting. CGProNet employs higher-order graph filters, optimizing the model with fewer parameters, reducing memory usage, and improving runtime efficiency. We present a comprehensive theoretical and experimental stability analysis, highlighting key aspects of CGProNet. Experiments on synthetic and real data demonstrate CGProNet's superior efficiency, minimizing memory and time requirements while maintaining competitive forecasting performance.