Abstract:Imitation learning from human demonstrations enables robots to perform complex manipulation tasks and has recently witnessed huge success. However, these techniques often struggle to adapt behavior to new preferences or changes in the environment. To address these limitations, we propose Fine-tuning Diffusion Policy with Human Preference (FDPP). FDPP learns a reward function through preference-based learning. This reward is then used to fine-tune the pre-trained policy with reinforcement learning (RL), resulting in alignment of pre-trained policy with new human preferences while still solving the original task. Our experiments across various robotic tasks and preferences demonstrate that FDPP effectively customizes policy behavior without compromising performance. Additionally, we show that incorporating Kullback-Leibler (KL) regularization during fine-tuning prevents over-fitting and helps maintain the competencies of the initial policy.
Abstract:Physical reasoning is an important skill needed for robotic agents when operating in the real world. However, solving such reasoning problems often involves hypothesizing and reflecting over complex multi-body interactions under the effect of a multitude of physical forces and thus learning all such interactions poses a significant hurdle for state-of-the-art machine learning frameworks, including large language models (LLMs). To study this problem, we propose a new physical reasoning task and a dataset, dubbed TraySim. Our task involves predicting the dynamics of several objects on a tray that is given an external impact -- the domino effect of the ensued object interactions and their dynamics thus offering a challenging yet controlled setup, with the goal of reasoning being to infer the stability of the objects after the impact. To solve this complex physical reasoning task, we present LLMPhy, a zero-shot black-box optimization framework that leverages the physics knowledge and program synthesis abilities of LLMs, and synergizes these abilities with the world models built into modern physics engines. Specifically, LLMPhy uses an LLM to generate code to iteratively estimate the physical hyperparameters of the system (friction, damping, layout, etc.) via an implicit analysis-by-synthesis approach using a (non-differentiable) simulator in the loop and uses the inferred parameters to imagine the dynamics of the scene towards solving the reasoning task. To show the effectiveness of LLMPhy, we present experiments on our TraySim dataset to predict the steady-state poses of the objects. Our results show that the combination of the LLM and the physics engine leads to state-of-the-art zero-shot physical reasoning performance, while demonstrating superior convergence against standard black-box optimization methods and better estimation of the physical parameters.
Abstract:Model-based planners and controllers are commonly used to solve complex manipulation problems as they can efficiently optimize diverse objectives and generalize to long horizon tasks. However, they are limited by the fidelity of their model which oftentimes leads to failures during deployment. To enable a robot to recover from such failures, we propose to use hierarchical reinforcement learning to learn a separate recovery policy. The recovery policy is triggered when a failure is detected based on sensory observations and seeks to take the robot to a state from which it can complete the task using the nominal model-based controllers. Our approach, called RecoveryChaining, uses a hybrid action space, where the model-based controllers are provided as additional \emph{nominal} options which allows the recovery policy to decide how to recover, when to switch to a nominal controller and which controller to switch to even with \emph{sparse rewards}. We evaluate our approach in three multi-step manipulation tasks with sparse rewards, where it learns significantly more robust recovery policies than those learned by baselines. Finally, we successfully transfer recovery policies learned in simulation to a physical robot to demonstrate the feasibility of sim-to-real transfer with our method.
Abstract:The growing interest in human-robot collaboration (HRC), where humans and robots cooperate towards shared goals, has seen significant advancements over the past decade. While previous research has addressed various challenges, several key issues remain unresolved. Many domains within HRC involve activities that do not necessarily require human presence throughout the entire task. Existing literature typically models HRC as a closed system, where all agents are present for the entire duration of the task. In contrast, an open model offers flexibility by allowing an agent to enter and exit the collaboration as needed, enabling them to concurrently manage other tasks. In this paper, we introduce a novel multiagent framework called oDec-MDP, designed specifically to model open HRC scenarios where agents can join or leave tasks flexibly during execution. We generalize a recent multiagent inverse reinforcement learning method - Dec-AIRL to learn from open systems modeled using the oDec-MDP. Our method is validated through experiments conducted in both a simplified toy firefighting domain and a realistic dyadic human-robot collaborative assembly. Results show that our framework and learning method improves upon its closed system counterpart.
Abstract:This report describes our proposed solution for the second AI Olympics competition held at IROS 2024. Our solution is based on a recent Model-Based Reinforcement Learning algorithm named MC-PILCO. Besides briefly reviewing the algorithm, we discuss the most critical aspects of the MC-PILCO implementation in the tasks at hand.
Abstract:This paper proposes a task planning framework for collaborative Human-Robot scenarios, specifically focused on assembling complex systems such as furniture. The human is characterized as an uncontrollable agent, implying for example that the agent is not bound by a pre-established sequence of actions and instead acts according to its own preferences. Meanwhile, the task planner computes reactively the optimal actions for the collaborative robot to efficiently complete the entire assembly task in the least time possible. We formalize the problem as a Discrete Event Markov Decision Problem (DE-MDP), a comprehensive framework that incorporates a variety of asynchronous behaviors, human change of mind and failure recovery as stochastic events. Although the problem could theoretically be addressed by constructing a graph of all possible actions, such an approach would be constrained by computational limitations. The proposed formulation offers an alternative solution utilizing Reinforcement Learning to derive an optimal policy for the robot. Experiments where conducted both in simulation and on a real system with human subjects assembling a chair in collaboration with a 7-DoF manipulator.
Abstract:Imagine a robot that can assemble a functional product from the individual parts presented in any configuration to the robot. Designing such a robotic system is a complex problem which presents several open challenges. To bypass these challenges, the current generation of assembly systems is built with a lot of system integration effort to provide the structure and precision necessary for assembly. These systems are mostly responsible for part singulation, part kitting, and part detection, which is accomplished by intelligent system design. In this paper, we present autonomous assembly of a gear box with minimum requirements on structure. The assembly parts are randomly placed in a two-dimensional work environment for the robot. The proposed system makes use of several different manipulation skills such as sliding for grasping, in-hand manipulation, and insertion to assemble the gear box. All these tasks are run in a closed-loop fashion using vision, tactile, and Force-Torque (F/T) sensors. We perform extensive hardware experiments to show the robustness of the proposed methods as well as the overall system. See supplementary video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cZ9M1DQ23OI.
Abstract:Automating the assembly of objects from their parts is a complex problem with innumerable applications in manufacturing, maintenance, and recycling. Unlike existing research, which is limited to target segmentation, pose regression, or using fixed target blueprints, our work presents a holistic multi-level framework for part assembly planning consisting of part assembly sequence inference, part motion planning, and robot contact optimization. We present the Part Assembly Sequence Transformer (PAST) -- a sequence-to-sequence neural network -- to infer assembly sequences recursively from a target blueprint. We then use a motion planner and optimization to generate part movements and contacts. To train PAST, we introduce D4PAS: a large-scale Dataset for Part Assembly Sequences (D4PAS) consisting of physically valid sequences for industrial objects. Experimental results show that our approach generalizes better than prior methods while needing significantly less computational time for inference.
Abstract:Designing robotic agents to perform open vocabulary tasks has been the long-standing goal in robotics and AI. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved impressive results in creating robotic agents for performing open vocabulary tasks. However, planning for these tasks in the presence of uncertainties is challenging as it requires \enquote{chain-of-thought} reasoning, aggregating information from the environment, updating state estimates, and generating actions based on the updated state estimates. In this paper, we present an interactive planning technique for partially observable tasks using LLMs. In the proposed method, an LLM is used to collect missing information from the environment using a robot and infer the state of the underlying problem from collected observations while guiding the robot to perform the required actions. We also use a fine-tuned Llama 2 model via self-instruct and compare its performance against a pre-trained LLM like GPT-4. Results are demonstrated on several tasks in simulation as well as real-world environments. A video describing our work along with some results could be found here.
Abstract:In this paper, we propose a black-box model based on Gaussian process regression for the identification of the inverse dynamics of robotic manipulators. The proposed model relies on a novel multidimensional kernel, called \textit{Lagrangian Inspired Polynomial} (\kernelInitials{}) kernel. The \kernelInitials{} kernel is based on two main ideas. First, instead of directly modeling the inverse dynamics components, we model as GPs the kinetic and potential energy of the system. The GP prior on the inverse dynamics components is derived from those on the energies by applying the properties of GPs under linear operators. Second, as regards the energy prior definition, we prove a polynomial structure of the kinetic and potential energy, and we derive a polynomial kernel that encodes this property. As a consequence, the proposed model allows also to estimate the kinetic and potential energy without requiring any label on these quantities. Results on simulation and on two real robotic manipulators, namely a 7 DOF Franka Emika Panda and a 6 DOF MELFA RV4FL, show that the proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art black-box estimators based both on Gaussian Processes and Neural Networks in terms of accuracy, generality and data efficiency. The experiments on the MELFA robot also demonstrate that our approach achieves performance comparable to fine-tuned model-based estimators, despite requiring less prior information.