Abstract:Estimating the conditional average treatment effect (CATE) from observational data plays a crucial role in areas such as e-commerce, healthcare, and economics. Existing studies mainly rely on the strong ignorability assumption that there are no unmeasured confounders, whose presence cannot be tested from observational data and can invalidate any causal conclusion. In contrast, data collected from randomized controlled trials (RCT) do not suffer from confounding, but are usually limited by a small sample size. In this paper, we propose a two-stage pretraining-finetuning (TSPF) framework using both large-scale observational data and small-scale RCT data to estimate the CATE in the presence of unmeasured confounding. In the first stage, a foundational representation of covariates is trained to estimate counterfactual outcomes through large-scale observational data. In the second stage, we propose to train an augmented representation of the covariates, which is concatenated to the foundational representation obtained in the first stage to adjust for the unmeasured confounding. To avoid overfitting caused by the small-scale RCT data in the second stage, we further propose a partial parameter initialization approach, rather than training a separate network. The superiority of our approach is validated on two public datasets with extensive experiments. The code is available at https://github.com/zhouchuanCN/KDD25-TSPF.
Abstract:Ratings of a user to most items in recommender systems are usually missing not at random (MNAR), largely because users are free to choose which items to rate. To achieve unbiased learning of the prediction model under MNAR data, three typical solutions have been proposed, including error-imputation-based (EIB), inverse-propensity-scoring (IPS), and doubly robust (DR) methods. However, these methods ignore an alternative form of bias caused by the inconsistency between the observed ratings and the users' true preferences, also known as noisy feedback or outcome measurement errors (OME), e.g., due to public opinion or low-quality data collection process. In this work, we study intersectional threats to the unbiased learning of the prediction model from data MNAR and OME in the collected data. First, we design OME-EIB, OME-IPS, and OME-DR estimators, which largely extend the existing estimators to combat OME in real-world recommendation scenarios. Next, we theoretically prove the unbiasedness and generalization bound of the proposed estimators. We further propose an alternate denoising training approach to achieve unbiased learning of the prediction model under MNAR data with OME. Extensive experiments are conducted on three real-world datasets and one semi-synthetic dataset to show the effectiveness of our proposed approaches. The code is available at https://github.com/haoxuanli-pku/KDD24-OME-DR.
Abstract:Debiased collaborative filtering aims to learn an unbiased prediction model by removing different biases in observational datasets. To solve this problem, one of the simple and effective methods is based on the propensity score, which adjusts the observational sample distribution to the target one by reweighting observed instances. Ideally, propensity scores should be learned with causal balancing constraints. However, existing methods usually ignore such constraints or implement them with unreasonable approximations, which may affect the accuracy of the learned propensity scores. To bridge this gap, in this paper, we first analyze the gaps between the causal balancing requirements and existing methods such as learning the propensity with cross-entropy loss or manually selecting functions to balance. Inspired by these gaps, we propose to approximate the balancing functions in reproducing kernel Hilbert space and demonstrate that, based on the universal property and representer theorem of kernel functions, the causal balancing constraints can be better satisfied. Meanwhile, we propose an algorithm that adaptively balances the kernel function and theoretically analyze the generalization error bound of our methods. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods, and to promote this research direction, we have released our project at https://github.com/haoxuanli-pku/ICLR24-Kernel-Balancing.
Abstract:Selection bias in recommender system arises from the recommendation process of system filtering and the interactive process of user selection. Many previous studies have focused on addressing selection bias to achieve unbiased learning of the prediction model, but ignore the fact that potential outcomes for a given user-item pair may vary with the treatments assigned to other user-item pairs, named neighborhood effect. To fill the gap, this paper formally formulates the neighborhood effect as an interference problem from the perspective of causal inference and introduces a treatment representation to capture the neighborhood effect. On this basis, we propose a novel ideal loss that can be used to deal with selection bias in the presence of neighborhood effect. We further develop two new estimators for estimating the proposed ideal loss. We theoretically establish the connection between the proposed and previous debiasing methods ignoring the neighborhood effect, showing that the proposed methods can achieve unbiased learning when both selection bias and neighborhood effect are present, while the existing methods are biased. Extensive semi-synthetic and real-world experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
Abstract:Multimedia recommendation involves personalized ranking tasks, where multimedia content is usually represented using a generic encoder. However, these generic representations introduce spurious correlations that fail to reveal users' true preferences. Existing works attempt to alleviate this problem by learning invariant representations, but overlook the balance between independent and identically distributed (IID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization. In this paper, we propose a framework called Pareto Invariant Representation Learning (PaInvRL) to mitigate the impact of spurious correlations from an IID-OOD multi-objective optimization perspective, by learning invariant representations (intrinsic factors that attract user attention) and variant representations (other factors) simultaneously. Specifically, PaInvRL includes three iteratively executed modules: (i) heterogeneous identification module, which identifies the heterogeneous environments to reflect distributional shifts for user-item interactions; (ii) invariant mask generation module, which learns invariant masks based on the Pareto-optimal solutions that minimize the adaptive weighted Invariant Risk Minimization (IRM) and Empirical Risk (ERM) losses; (iii) convert module, which generates both variant representations and item-invariant representations for training a multi-modal recommendation model that mitigates spurious correlations and balances the generalization performance within and cross the environmental distributions. We compare the proposed PaInvRL with state-of-the-art recommendation models on three public multimedia recommendation datasets (Movielens, Tiktok, and Kwai), and the experimental results validate the effectiveness of PaInvRL for both within- and cross-environmental learning.
Abstract:Adverse drug reaction (ADR) prediction plays a crucial role in both health care and drug discovery for reducing patient mortality and enhancing drug safety. Recently, many studies have been devoted to effectively predict the drug-ADRs incidence rates. However, these methods either did not effectively utilize non-clinical data, i.e., physical, chemical, and biological information about the drug, or did little to establish a link between content-based and pure collaborative filtering during the training phase. In this paper, we first formulate the prediction of multi-label ADRs as a drug-ADR collaborative filtering problem, and to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to provide extensive benchmark results of previous collaborative filtering methods on two large publicly available clinical datasets. Then, by exploiting the easy accessible drug characteristics from non-clinical data, we propose ADRNet, a generalized collaborative filtering framework combining clinical and non-clinical data for drug-ADR prediction. Specifically, ADRNet has a shallow collaborative filtering module and a deep drug representation module, which can exploit the high-dimensional drug descriptors to further guide the learning of low-dimensional ADR latent embeddings, which incorporates both the benefits of collaborative filtering and representation learning. Extensive experiments are conducted on two publicly available real-world drug-ADR clinical datasets and two non-clinical datasets to demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed ADRNet. The code is available at https://github.com/haoxuanli-pku/ADRnet.
Abstract:Recommender systems are seen as an effective tool to address information overload, but it is widely known that the presence of various biases makes direct training on large-scale observational data result in sub-optimal prediction performance. In contrast, unbiased ratings obtained from randomized controlled trials or A/B tests are considered to be the golden standard, but are costly and small in scale in reality. To exploit both types of data, recent works proposed to use unbiased ratings to correct the parameters of the propensity or imputation models trained on the biased dataset. However, the existing methods fail to obtain accurate predictions in the presence of unobserved confounding or model misspecification. In this paper, we propose a theoretically guaranteed model-agnostic balancing approach that can be applied to any existing debiasing method with the aim of combating unobserved confounding and model misspecification. The proposed approach makes full use of unbiased data by alternatively correcting model parameters learned with biased data, and adaptively learning balance coefficients of biased samples for further debiasing. Extensive real-world experiments are conducted along with the deployment of our proposal on four representative debiasing methods to demonstrate the effectiveness.
Abstract:In recommender systems, users always choose the favorite items to rate, which leads to data missing not at random and poses a great challenge for unbiased evaluation and learning of prediction models. Currently, the doubly robust (DR) method and its variants have been widely studied and demonstrate superior performance. However, in this paper, we show that DR methods are unstable and have unbounded bias, variance, and generalization bounds to extremely small propensities. Moreover, the fact that DR relies more on extrapolation will lead to suboptimal performance. To address the above limitations while retaining double robustness, we propose a stabilized doubly robust (SDR) estimator with a weaker reliance on extrapolation. Theoretical analysis shows that SDR has bounded bias, variance, and generalization error bound simultaneously under inaccurate imputed errors and arbitrarily small propensities. In addition, we propose a novel learning approach for SDR that updates the imputation, propensity, and prediction models cyclically, achieving more stable and accurate predictions. Extensive experiments show that our approaches significantly outperform the existing methods.