Abstract:For web agents to be practically useful, they must adapt to the continuously evolving web environment characterized by frequent updates to user interfaces and content. However, most existing benchmarks only capture the static aspects of the web. To bridge this gap, we introduce WebCanvas, an innovative online evaluation framework for web agents that effectively addresses the dynamic nature of web interactions. WebCanvas contains three main components to facilitate realistic assessments: (1) A novel evaluation metric which reliably capture critical intermediate actions or states necessary for task completions while disregarding noise caused by insignificant events or changed web-elements. (2) A benchmark dataset called Mind2Web-Live, a refined version of original Mind2Web static dataset containing 542 tasks with 2439 intermediate evaluation states; (3) Lightweight and generalizable annotation tools and testing pipelines that enables the community to collect and maintain the high-quality, up-to-date dataset. Building on WebCanvas, we open-source an agent framework with extensible modules for reasoning, providing a foundation for the community to conduct online inference and evaluations. Our best-performing agent achieves a task success rate of 23.1% and a task completion rate of 48.8% on the Mind2Web-Live test set. Additionally, we analyze the performance discrepancies across various websites, domains, and experimental environments. We encourage the community to contribute further insights on online agent evaluation, thereby advancing this field of research.
Abstract:Recently, end-to-end transformer-based detectors (DETRs) have achieved remarkable performance. However, the issue of the high computational cost of DETRs has not been effectively addressed, limiting their practical application and preventing them from fully exploiting the benefits of no post-processing, such as non-maximum suppression (NMS). In this paper, we first analyze the influence of NMS in modern real-time object detectors on inference speed, and establish an end-to-end speed benchmark. To avoid the inference delay caused by NMS, we propose a Real-Time DEtection TRansformer (RT-DETR), the first real-time end-to-end object detector to our best knowledge. Specifically, we design an efficient hybrid encoder to efficiently process multi-scale features by decoupling the intra-scale interaction and cross-scale fusion, and propose IoU-aware query selection to improve the initialization of object queries. In addition, our proposed detector supports flexibly adjustment of the inference speed by using different decoder layers without the need for retraining, which facilitates the practical application of real-time object detectors. Our RT-DETR-L achieves 53.0% AP on COCO val2017 and 114 FPS on T4 GPU, while RT-DETR-X achieves 54.8% AP and 74 FPS, outperforming all YOLO detectors of the same scale in both speed and accuracy. Furthermore, our RT-DETR-R50 achieves 53.1% AP and 108 FPS, outperforming DINO-Deformable-DETR-R50 by 2.2% AP in accuracy and by about 21 times in FPS. Source code and pretrained models will be available at PaddleDetection.
Abstract:Given the current point-to-point navigation capabilities of autonomous vehicles, researchers are looking into complex service requests that require the vehicles to visit multiple points of interest. In this paper, we develop a layered planning framework, called GLAD, for complex service requests in autonomous urban driving. There are three layers for service-level, behavior-level, and motion-level planning. The layered framework is unique in its tight coupling, where the different layers communicate user preferences, safety estimates, and motion costs for system optimization. GLAD is visually grounded by perceptual learning from a dataset of 13.8k instances collected from driving behaviors. GLAD enables autonomous vehicles to efficiently and safely fulfill complex service requests. Experimental results from abstract and full simulation show that our system outperforms a few competitive baselines from the literature.
Abstract:In this report, we present PP-YOLOE, an industrial state-of-the-art object detector with high performance and friendly deployment. We optimize on the basis of the previous PP-YOLOv2, using anchor-free paradigm, more powerful backbone and neck equipped with CSPRepResStage, ET-head and dynamic label assignment algorithm TAL. We provide s/m/l/x models for different practice scenarios. As a result, PP-YOLOE-l achieves 51.4 mAP on COCO test-dev and 78.1 FPS on Tesla V100, yielding a remarkable improvement of (+1.9 AP, +13.35% speed up) and (+1.3 AP, +24.96% speed up), compared to the previous state-of-the-art industrial models PP-YOLOv2 and YOLOX respectively. Further, PP-YOLOE inference speed achieves 149.2 FPS with TensorRT and FP16-precision. We also conduct extensive experiments to verify the effectiveness of our designs. Source code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection.
Abstract:The better accuracy and efficiency trade-off has been a challenging problem in object detection. In this work, we are dedicated to studying key optimizations and neural network architecture choices for object detection to improve accuracy and efficiency. We investigate the applicability of the anchor-free strategy on lightweight object detection models. We enhance the backbone structure and design the lightweight structure of the neck, which improves the feature extraction ability of the network. We improve label assignment strategy and loss function to make training more stable and efficient. Through these optimizations, we create a new family of real-time object detectors, named PP-PicoDet, which achieves superior performance on object detection for mobile devices. Our models achieve better trade-offs between accuracy and latency compared to other popular models. PicoDet-S with only 0.99M parameters achieves 30.6% mAP, which is an absolute 4.8% improvement in mAP while reducing mobile CPU inference latency by 55% compared to YOLOX-Nano, and is an absolute 7.1% improvement in mAP compared to NanoDet. It reaches 123 FPS (150 FPS using Paddle Lite) on mobile ARM CPU when the input size is 320. PicoDet-L with only 3.3M parameters achieves 40.9% mAP, which is an absolute 3.7% improvement in mAP and 44% faster than YOLOv5s. As shown in Figure 1, our models far outperform the state-of-the-art results for lightweight object detection. Code and pre-trained models are available at https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleDetection.
Abstract:In recent years, image recognition applications have developed rapidly. A large number of studies and techniques have emerged in different fields, such as face recognition, pedestrian and vehicle re-identification, landmark retrieval, and product recognition. In this paper, we propose a practical lightweight image recognition system, named PP-ShiTu, consisting of the following 3 modules, mainbody detection, feature extraction and vector search. We introduce popular strategies including metric learning, deep hash, knowledge distillation and model quantization to improve accuracy and inference speed. With strategies above, PP-ShiTu works well in different scenarios with a set of models trained on a mixed dataset. Experiments on different datasets and benchmarks show that the system is widely effective in different domains of image recognition. All the above mentioned models are open-sourced and the code is available in the GitHub repository PaddleClas on PaddlePaddle.
Abstract:We propose a lightweight CPU network based on the MKLDNN acceleration strategy, named PP-LCNet, which improves the performance of lightweight models on multiple tasks. This paper lists technologies which can improve network accuracy while the latency is almost constant. With these improvements, the accuracy of PP-LCNet can greatly surpass the previous network structure with the same inference time for classification. As shown in Figure 1, it outperforms the most state-of-the-art models. And for downstream tasks of computer vision, it also performs very well, such as object detection, semantic segmentation, etc. All our experiments are implemented based on PaddlePaddle. Code and pretrained models are available at PaddleClas.
Abstract:Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems have been widely used in various of application scenarios. Designing an OCR system is still a challenging task. In previous work, we proposed a practical ultra lightweight OCR system (PP-OCR) to balance the accuracy against the efficiency. In order to improve the accuracy of PP-OCR and keep high efficiency, in this paper, we propose a more robust OCR system, i.e. PP-OCRv2. We introduce bag of tricks to train a better text detector and a better text recognizer, which include Collaborative Mutual Learning (CML), CopyPaste, Lightweight CPUNetwork (LCNet), Unified-Deep Mutual Learning (U-DML) and Enhanced CTCLoss. Experiments on real data show that the precision of PP-OCRv2 is 7% higher than PP-OCR under the same inference cost. It is also comparable to the server models of the PP-OCR which uses ResNet series as backbones. All of the above mentioned models are open-sourced and the code is available in the GitHub repository PaddleOCR which is powered by PaddlePaddle.
Abstract:Recently, research efforts have been concentrated on revealing how pre-trained model makes a difference in neural network performance. Self-supervision and semi-supervised learning technologies have been extensively explored by the community and are proven to be of great potential in obtaining a powerful pre-trained model. However, these models require huge training costs (i.e., hundreds of millions of images or training iterations). In this paper, we propose to improve existing baseline networks via knowledge distillation from off-the-shelf pre-trained big powerful models. Different from existing knowledge distillation frameworks which require student model to be consistent with both soft-label generated by teacher model and hard-label annotated by humans, our solution performs distillation by only driving prediction of the student model consistent with that of the teacher model. Therefore, our distillation setting can get rid of manually labeled data and can be trained with extra unlabeled data to fully exploit capability of teacher model for better learning. We empirically find that such simple distillation settings perform extremely effective, for example, the top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1k validation set of MobileNetV3-large and ResNet50-D can be significantly improved from 75.2% to 79% and 79.1% to 83%, respectively. We have also thoroughly analyzed what are dominant factors that affect the distillation performance and how they make a difference. Extensive downstream computer vision tasks, including transfer learning, object detection and semantic segmentation, can significantly benefit from the distilled pretrained models. All our experiments are implemented based on PaddlePaddle, codes and a series of improved pretrained models with ssld suffix are available in PaddleClas.
Abstract:This paper addresses representational block named Hierarchical-Split Block, which can be taken as a plug-and-play block to upgrade existing convolutional neural networks, improves model performance significantly in a network. Hierarchical-Split Block contains many hierarchical split and concatenate connections within one single residual block. We find multi-scale features is of great importance for numerous vision tasks. Moreover, Hierarchical-Split block is very flexible and efficient, which provides a large space of potential network architectures for different applications. In this work, we present a common backbone based on Hierarchical-Split block for tasks: image classification, object detection, instance segmentation and semantic image segmentation/parsing. Our approach shows significant improvements over all these core tasks in comparison with the baseline. As shown in Figure1, for image classification, our 50-layers network(HS-ResNet50) achieves 81.28% top-1 accuracy with competitive latency on ImageNet-1k dataset. It also outperforms most state-of-the-art models. The source code and models will be available on: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleClas