Abstract:The LLM unlearning technique has recently been introduced to comply with data regulations and address the safety and ethical concerns of LLMs by removing the undesired data-model influence. However, state-of-the-art unlearning methods face a critical vulnerability: they are susceptible to ``relearning'' the removed information from a small number of forget data points, known as relearning attacks. In this paper, we systematically investigate how to make unlearned models robust against such attacks. For the first time, we establish a connection between robust unlearning and sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) through a unified robust optimization framework, in an analogy to adversarial training designed to defend against adversarial attacks. Our analysis for SAM reveals that smoothness optimization plays a pivotal role in mitigating relearning attacks. Thus, we further explore diverse smoothing strategies to enhance unlearning robustness. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets, including WMDP and MUSE, demonstrate that SAM and other smoothness optimization approaches consistently improve the resistance of LLM unlearning to relearning attacks. Notably, smoothness-enhanced unlearning also helps defend against (input-level) jailbreaking attacks, broadening our proposal's impact in robustifying LLM unlearning. Codes are available at https://github.com/OPTML-Group/Unlearn-Smooth.
Abstract:Contrastive decoding (CD) (Li et al., 2023) improves the next-token distribution of a large expert language model (LM) using a small amateur LM. Although CD is applied to various LMs and domains to enhance open-ended text generation, it is still unclear why CD often works well, when it could fail, and how we can make it better. To deepen our understanding of CD, we first theoretically prove that CD could be viewed as linearly extrapolating the next-token logits from a huge and hypothetical LM. We also highlight that the linear extrapolation could make CD unable to output the most obvious answers that have already been assigned high probabilities by the amateur LM. To overcome CD's limitation, we propose a new unsupervised decoding method called $\mathbf{A}$symptotic $\mathbf{P}$robability $\mathbf{D}$ecoding (APD). APD explicitly extrapolates the probability curves from the LMs of different sizes to infer the asymptotic probabilities from an infinitely large LM without inducing more inference costs than CD. In FactualityPrompts, an open-ended text generation benchmark, sampling using APD significantly boosts factuality in comparison to the CD sampling and its variants, and achieves state-of-the-art results for Pythia 6.9B and OPT 6.7B. Furthermore, in five commonsense QA datasets, APD is often significantly better than CD and achieves a similar effect of using a larger LLM. For example, the perplexity of APD on top of Pythia 6.9B is even lower than the perplexity of Pythia 12B in CommonsenseQA and LAMBADA.
Abstract:Machine unlearning has been used to remove unwanted knowledge acquired by large language models (LLMs). In this paper, we examine machine unlearning from an optimization perspective, framing it as a regularized multi-task optimization problem, where one task optimizes a forgetting objective and another optimizes the model performance. In particular, we introduce a normalized gradient difference (NGDiff) algorithm, enabling us to have better control over the trade-off between the objectives, while integrating a new, automatic learning rate scheduler. We provide a theoretical analysis and empirically demonstrate the superior performance of NGDiff among state-of-the-art unlearning methods on the TOFU and MUSE datasets while exhibiting stable training.
Abstract:We propose a constraint learning schema for fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) with attribute control. Given a training corpus and control criteria formulated as a sequence-level constraint on model outputs, our method fine-tunes the LLM on the training corpus while enhancing constraint satisfaction with minimal impact on its utility and generation quality. Specifically, our approach regularizes the LLM training by penalizing the KL divergence between the desired output distribution, which satisfies the constraints, and the LLM's posterior. This regularization term can be approximated by an auxiliary model trained to decompose the sequence-level constraints into token-level guidance, allowing the term to be measured by a closed-form formulation. To further improve efficiency, we design a parallel scheme for concurrently updating both the LLM and the auxiliary model. We evaluate the empirical performance of our approach by controlling the toxicity when training an LLM. We show that our approach leads to an LLM that produces fewer inappropriate responses while achieving competitive performance on benchmarks and a toxicity detection task.
Abstract:Knowledge graphs (KGs) complement Large Language Models (LLMs) by providing reliable, structured, domain-specific, and up-to-date external knowledge. However, KGs and LLMs are often developed separately and must be integrated after training. We introduce Tree-of-Traversals, a novel zero-shot reasoning algorithm that enables augmentation of black-box LLMs with one or more KGs. The algorithm equips a LLM with actions for interfacing a KG and enables the LLM to perform tree search over possible thoughts and actions to find high confidence reasoning paths. We evaluate on two popular benchmark datasets. Our results show that Tree-of-Traversals significantly improves performance on question answering and KG question answering tasks. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/amazon-science/tree-of-traversals}
Abstract:In this work, we introduce the Learnable Response Scoring Function (LARS) for Uncertainty Estimation (UE) in generative Large Language Models (LLMs). Current scoring functions for probability-based UE, such as length-normalized scoring and semantic contribution-based weighting, are designed to solve specific aspects of the problem but exhibit limitations, including the inability to handle biased probabilities and under-performance in low-resource languages like Turkish. To address these issues, we propose LARS, a scoring function that leverages supervised data to capture complex dependencies between tokens and probabilities, thereby producing more reliable and calibrated response scores in computing the uncertainty of generations. Our extensive experiments across multiple datasets show that LARS substantially outperforms existing scoring functions considering various probability-based UE methods.
Abstract:Decoding methods for large language models (LLMs) usually struggle with the tradeoff between ensuring factuality and maintaining diversity. For example, a higher p threshold in the nucleus (top-p) sampling increases the diversity but decreases the factuality, and vice versa. In this paper, we propose REAL (Residual Entropy from Asymptotic Line) sampling, a decoding method that achieves improved factuality and diversity over nucleus sampling by predicting an adaptive threshold of $p$. Specifically, REAL sampling predicts the step-wise likelihood of an LLM to hallucinate, and lowers the p threshold when an LLM is likely to hallucinate. Otherwise, REAL sampling increases the p threshold to boost the diversity. To predict the step-wise hallucination likelihood without supervision, we construct a Token-level Hallucination Forecasting (THF) model to predict the asymptotic entropy (i.e., inherent uncertainty) of the next token by extrapolating the next-token entropies from a series of LLMs with different sizes. If a LLM's entropy is higher than the asymptotic entropy (i.e., the LLM is more uncertain than it should be), the THF model predicts a high hallucination hazard, which leads to a lower p threshold in REAL sampling. In the FactualityPrompts benchmark, we demonstrate that REAL sampling based on a 70M THF model can substantially improve the factuality and diversity of 7B LLMs simultaneously, judged by both retrieval-based metrics and human evaluation. After combined with contrastive decoding, REAL sampling outperforms 9 sampling methods, and generates texts that are more factual than the greedy sampling and more diverse than the nucleus sampling with $p=0.5$. Furthermore, the predicted asymptotic entropy is also a useful unsupervised signal for hallucination detection tasks.
Abstract:Federated Learning (FL) is a popular algorithm to train machine learning models on user data constrained to edge devices (for example, mobile phones) due to privacy concerns. Typically, FL is trained with the assumption that no part of the user data can be egressed from the edge. However, in many production settings, specific data-modalities/meta-data are limited to be on device while others are not. For example, in commercial SLU systems, it is typically desired to prevent transmission of biometric signals (such as audio recordings of the input prompt) to the cloud, but egress of locally (i.e. on the edge device) transcribed text to the cloud may be possible. In this work, we propose a new algorithm called Partial Federated Learning (PartialFL), where a machine learning model is trained using data where a subset of data modalities or their intermediate representations can be made available to the server. We further restrict our model training by preventing the egress of data labels to the cloud for better privacy, and instead use a contrastive learning based model objective. We evaluate our approach on two different multi-modal datasets and show promising results with our proposed approach.
Abstract:With the recent surge of language models in different applications, attention to safety and robustness of these models has gained significant importance. Here we introduce a joint framework in which we simultaneously probe and improve the robustness of a black-box target model via adversarial prompting and belief augmentation using iterative feedback loops. This framework utilizes an automated red teaming approach to probe the target model, along with a belief augmenter to generate instructions for the target model to improve its robustness to those adversarial probes. Importantly, the adversarial model and the belief generator leverage the feedback from past interactions to improve the effectiveness of the adversarial prompts and beliefs, respectively. In our experiments, we demonstrate that such a framework can reduce toxic content generation both in dynamic cases where an adversary directly interacts with a target model and static cases where we use a static benchmark dataset to evaluate our model.
Abstract:Over the past few years, Federated Learning (FL) has become an emerging machine learning technique to tackle data privacy challenges through collaborative training. In the Federated Learning algorithm, the clients submit a locally trained model, and the server aggregates these parameters until convergence. Despite significant efforts that have been made to FL in fields like computer vision, audio, and natural language processing, the FL applications utilizing multimodal data streams remain largely unexplored. It is known that multimodal learning has broad real-world applications in emotion recognition, healthcare, multimedia, and social media, while user privacy persists as a critical concern. Specifically, there are no existing FL benchmarks targeting multimodal applications or related tasks. In order to facilitate the research in multimodal FL, we introduce FedMultimodal, the first FL benchmark for multimodal learning covering five representative multimodal applications from ten commonly used datasets with a total of eight unique modalities. FedMultimodal offers a systematic FL pipeline, enabling end-to-end modeling framework ranging from data partition and feature extraction to FL benchmark algorithms and model evaluation. Unlike existing FL benchmarks, FedMultimodal provides a standardized approach to assess the robustness of FL against three common data corruptions in real-life multimodal applications: missing modalities, missing labels, and erroneous labels. We hope that FedMultimodal can accelerate numerous future research directions, including designing multimodal FL algorithms toward extreme data heterogeneity, robustness multimodal FL, and efficient multimodal FL. The datasets and benchmark results can be accessed at: https://github.com/usc-sail/fed-multimodal.